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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. There have been over 40 threads begging for the option to change class. We are well over 500 pages in this thread alone and there has not been one yellow post, not one peep, not even a hint of a whisper that class (AC) changes are even still on the wall of crazy.


    Perhaps that speaks to the desire of a large number of players to have them?


    Are we here to play the game that Bioware wants to make, or is Bioware here to make the game we want to play?

  2. As for GSF, I've restricted myself into only playing it with one character. If my ships were usable legacy-wide, for sure I'd play it more often but I can't see myself participating with a base striker and a scout just because I decided to switch to an alt.


    ^ Yea...


    Frankly, GSF doesn't even feel like SWTOR, it feels like one of those cheap freebie games that you download and amuse yourself for a day or two, then grow bored of.


    It doesn't feel very Star Wars ish, it doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with the rest of the game, none of the gear, weapons, etc. transfer over, you can't even use your ships that you already have in the game, or any of the upgrades.


    Anything you gain in the GSF side might as well not exist when you get back to the main game.


    What was the point? It is a bad arcade shooter, it has nothing to do with the rest of the game, it would make zero difference which of my 16 alts I use to play GSF, and if I try to use more than one alt, they all will have different ships.


    The whole thing was really poorly thought out quite frankly.


    The fact that all future updates to it have been put on indefinite hold speaks volumes.

  3. I'm just dying for dual spec to come out so I can alternate between Arsenal for PvP and Bodyguard for PvE.


    And here we are, 2.5 years later, and no dual-spec anywhere to be seen.


    Boo! This one is obvious and if not in at launch, should have been in within 6 months.

  4. When you finally decide to try tacos, DO NOT go to taco bell. It will give you the wrong impression.


    Taco Bell does not, in my personal opinion, actually sell tacos... they sell a meat like product in a taco shell along with some other stuff, but I wouldn't call them tacos...


    I guess maybe they are, to some people, but it is just crap food IMHO... :)

  5. Resolution has no impact on the fps what so ever.


    Maybe a better way to put it is that if you're GPU limited resolution matters, but if something else is holding you back then it doesn't.


    If you're running on Intel Intergrated HD graphics from 3 generations ago and trying to run 2560x1600, then yes resolution is going to matter.


    If you're running a seperate video card from the past two/three years, probably not.


    That being said, performance nearly tripled when I replaced the AMD 7970 with the pair of 780 TI cards. I used to run the game on a single monitor on the 7970 because performance was very choppy trying to run on all three.


    The 780 TI cards had their own issues, the 295x2 is better for this type of setup. nVidia's Surround and AMD's Eyefinity each have their own quirks, some games work better on one, some on others.

  6. I'd be surprised if 3.0 released this year. Expect a 2015 launch.

    Which is unfortunate because ROTHC launched on time iirc.


    RotHC came out early 2013, so an early 2015 launch of 3.0 would be just about 2 years.


    Which is 1 year too long.


    I think EA/Bioware's mistake is in not understanding that there really are three tiers of players.


    1. Those who are F2P and will always be more or less F2P.


    2. Those who are sub, ok to spend a bit of money, but nothing major, I'd drop the price to $10 a month for them.


    3. The whales, those who buy 10 hypercrates on the GTN and have a hundred million credits. These people want more, and will pay for it.


    Frankly, why not let the players put their money where their mouth is, offer a Kickstarter to fund Chapter 5-6-7 of the class stories (Chap 4 was Makeb so we have to skip that number), raise $20 million and they'll do another 50 levels of class stories from 60 to 110. I'd chip in a hundred bucks for that, and I imagine many others would as well.

  7. Interesting that you think longer listing times would lead to higher prices, not lower.


    I think many, many more people would have items listed, thus lower prices. As it is, many people simply play once or twice a week and only spend so much time listing items on the GTN.


    I'm willing to bet there are many cargo holds full of stuff that people would sell if it wasn't such a PITA.

  8. Thanks...wonder how the sellers got them.


    Those packs get brought back from time to time, just a few weeks ago some of the shipment 2 packs came back, and shipment 1 packs were back a few months ago.


    About a month ago, give or take, when the packs came back for a few days (it is never for very long), the prices dipped on the GTN so I bought up a bunch of older packs and got those reps maxed since who knows when the chance would come again.


    The other thing is that items from those packs such as the statue are much cheaper when they come back. I actually have the hutt trainer from preordering RotHC, but it is ugly so when I had the chance, I picked up Malgus and Shan off the GTN for about 500K each, they look so much nicer :)


    Also, be sure to get Revan's statue if you don't have it, about a million tons of useful to have that around. Best purchase in the game, after rocketboots.

  9. no no and no.


    you have to wait more than 3600 years for that


    Why not? Who cares, we all know this is set WAY before the movies, but you know what? Look at the Imperial Capital Ships? Clearly they're just Star Destroyers in disguise, the battle droids are just Drodikas in disguise, etc...


    So much of what is in the CM is already fluff (Rancors, really?)


    So why not be done with it and just toss in what everyone really wants? I'd love a classic Stormtrooper outfit, I'd buy that in a heartbeat. How about Darth Vader's outfit? Yea, silly, but who cares, it is just a game, lets have some fun!

  10. Currently we're limited to a max of 100 items for sale on the GTN, per alt, with each item posted for no more than 2 days.


    I understand why, more items, slower GTN performance, and if you let people list for longer than 2 days, prices will come down a bit.


    But you know what? Not everyone can log in every two days on every single alt and relist tons of stuff for sale, I'd much rather have 7 day and even 30 day listing times, let me just list and it'll sell or it won't.


    As a side note: there are many obscure items in the game that can be crafted that might sell, but sell slowly. Some of the armor that Synth and Armormech can craft for example. There are people who might like those armors, but having to relist them every 2 days? Meh, no thanks.


    If I could craft those items and list them for 30 days, I'd do it in a heartbeat. As it stands, those orange armors are almost never listed on the GTN due to slower sales. I've done it and sold some of them, but it takes too many relists.


    As for the 100 item limit, this would be nice to have as an account or server wide limit. With 22 alts per server, how about a 2,200 item posting limit per server? As it stands, I craft with a few alts and then mail stuff to other alts to list on the GTN. What a huge waste of time.


    I can list 2,200 items right now (with 22 alts), I just have to do 100 per alt and mail stuff here and there. Why can't I just list 2,200 items with a single alt (assuming I have 22 of them) and then none on the others? Same server load, much easier quality of life.


    And yes, I'd be happy to pay for both of the above.

  11. 22 is not enough. Please add more.


    Here is why.


    Male DS each class = 8

    Male LS each class = 8

    Female DS.......etc


    I need 32 or more.


    I tend to agree with you, I can't imagine a good reason not to have it higher.


    That being said, my real grip is the limit of 100 items on the GTN and the limit of a 2 day posting time.


    Yes, more items and a longer posting period would lower prices, but I'll take that trade.

  12. I dont think this is asking a lot by any means but cartel packs that used to be out i think it wouldn't be a bad idea to either put them back in the cartel market or put some of the stuff you could get outta of them in there at least. you keep making on these new packs but half the time the stuff in them is just stuff that has changed a little in looks or color. I fell that the older packs had a lot cooler stuff in them especially the varity of armors and mounts it was stuff not really seen. now if i want a mount from a cartel pack it seems like my options r coming down to dewback or dewback, green,brown or purple lol. just a thought. not saying make new stuff cause hey less is more so why not just make available again saves time and gets ppl trying to get things they missed. ive been a subscriber since the beginning and didnt get everything out of the original packs i would have liked.


    This is done on purpose, it creates supply and demand and an economy on the GTN.


    They do bring back the old packs for limited periods of time, sometimes just a few days.


    The idea is to let everyone know, "hey, if you like something in the current packs, don't wait forever, they'll go away".


    Works well for Disney when they "vault" older animated movies...

  13. Sadly, we're probably looking at early 2015 now. I don't think we're getting an ops before then. likely will get a FP when Forged Allances part 2 is released.


    I tend to agree with you, it would be around mid December at this point for 3.0, and releasing a major patch a week before Christmas is probably not smart.


    For that matter, Forged Allances is taking too long, I've already lost interest, it has been more than a month since I've run those FP. They talk a big game about a "new story arc", but when you release bits of the story 6 months apart, who cares?


    Level 60 is overdue, should have hit with 2.7, but they weren't done milking 180/186 etc. gear :)


    What we really need is appearance tabs. I have 15 alts and haven't changed any of their clothes since any of them hit 55, it simply costs too much. Moving the mods is bad enough, but to install a full set of augment slots? No thanks...

  14. If anyone know themselves running SWTOR with 30+fps in combat scenarios like normals 8v8 Warzones and 16-man operation bossfights (at all time) please make your posts legit by actually proving you're not just typing something you think you have. Do this by using printscreen or videorecord it. I can see a lot of people in this thread talling me it's something wrong with my system, but why would it run games like Battlefield 4, Wildstar etc with much higher graphic settings and even when there is large fps drops it never goes below 30 fps. I actually run Swtor with everything set at Very Low or Off, and do not have higher FPS at all than playing it with Shadows on and everything else set to Ultra.


    I have no troubles running at 30+ FPS in any area of the game... that being said, I notice that most people do not post their resolution. It matters, the same hardware is going to perform very differently running at 1080p vs. 1600p.


    My rig (I don't overclock):


    Intel 4770k running at stock speed

    32GB DDR3-2400 memory (rated for this, so running at proper speed)

    Samsung 840 EVO SSD for boot drive and for running the game

    AMD Radeon HD 295x2

    3x Dell 30" monitors, total resolution running Eyefinity - 8124x1600 (bezel corrected, hence the larger size)


    game runs like a champ in all areas. I used to have it loaded into a RAM drive and that did improve loading by a bit, but used more RAM than i wanted it to (I have a number of background tasks running that use about 10GB of RAM on their own).


    Note: I started playing this game on an AMD Radeon HD 7970 (stock) and it was pretty piss poor at that resolution. Upgraded about 6 months ago to a pair of nVidia 780 TIs when they first came out and that helped a ton, however it also caused a bunch of stutter... Most of the time the game was fine, until it wasn't, then it was, then it wasn't. I replaced those two cards with the AMD 295x2 and everything cleaned right up.


    8x8 WZ, 16 person raids, all just fine... all details set to max, except for grass and trees, which I have turned down, and shadow maps, turned way down.

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