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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. They pulled the plug on SWG 5 years ago. Can we move on yet? :)


    You must not have been around for that... Changing a game constantly does not generally help it...


    A 5 year old game is unlikely to bring in more players from the changes than it drives away from the anger towards those changes...


    CU was bad enough, NGE torpedoed that game completely... Oh sure, it was around 5 more years after that, but it never had another boxed expansion and was solidly in MX mode after that. They even had to offer refunds for people who bought Trials of Obi-Wan because of the changes to the game from NGE...


    It was empty and done after that and just put on life-support.


    SWTOR risks the same fate with these constant complete changes.

  2. Nah...apples and oranges still. NGE fundamentally every single aspect of the game...5.0 is the closest they've gotten, but it's still not there. 1.0 to 5.0, you might have an argument to make...but not 4.0 to 5.0.


    3.0 to 5.0, closer...


    SWTOR has never been the same since 4.0 dropped... I used to have a serious SWTOR habit, 4.0 broke me of that and 5.0 isn't going to do it any favors...


    2.x to 3.x were the good years... 1.x was a bit rough, but growing pains combined with a new game can explain some of that, which is why I didn't complain back then and stuck with it. 5 years in there is no excuse for this.

  3. He really is a good guy, he just gets thrown to the wolves.


    ~ Eudoxia


    Then he shouldn't lie directly to the player base, which he has done on more than one occasion...


    Even people who don't give a crap do the right thing from time to time, but that doesn't absolve them of their faults...

  4. Good for you, you live on a mystical moral high ground, but who are you to tell someone what to do with their livelihood? No one.


    Your reply comes from the young generation of "anything goes, there is no right or wrong"


    You're mistaken, but you won't learn that for awhile, if ever, assuming the evil people in the world give you that chance. There very much is right or wrong and if you don't fight against it, then civilization is lost.


    There is a reason we have anti-trust laws, without them evil business people do evil. There are good companies in the world, and yes, it is right to call out when people do wrong.

  5. Hiding BiS gear behind months of grind is not going to be healthy for PvP in the long term. Just look at the GSF population if you have doubts about it.


    So true... I did finally get 1 toon to max out the ships and get the achievements for it... Playing GSF on that toon vs a new one is just a shocking difference.


    I can see why people don't stick with it, GSF has a learning curve and a gearing grind that is straight up. You just have to get slaughtered over and over and over for a long time before you become competitive.


    Of course, I said all that a long time ago, and of course got laughed at by a whole bunch of people... who aren't playing the game anymore of course, because of a lack of players... Who's laughing now?

  6. I hope they bring back Battlemaster bags too...oh wait...:confused:


    You are funny! :)


    Do you notice that a large number of the old-timers who were here complaining about level sync, aren't complaining this time? Or posting at all?


    This will drive off even more people. The servers are the proof, empty as can be... I don't post often anymore or even read much, and frankly I play even less. There is nothing to do. I didn't even finish the last three chapters until they all came out and only a few days ago did the HK bonus level.

  7. EXACTLY! I don't care if some PvEer ends up with BiS PvP gear...if that's what he wants to try PvP, then GREAT!!! I don't care that some solo player will have the same gear as the best raid teams...none of the gear equality bothers me in the least, in fact, I'm thrilled about it...it's the RNG that has no place.


    ^ This



  8. Most responses to things like the cartel crates and alliance crates is that they hate the RNG, but they put up with it because it has what they want. And that's fine, because it's optional and cosmetic. Actual gear, yeah that's a problem.


    Further consider that with the pretty stuff from the CM, you have the option to buy and sell it on the GTN, you don't have that here. If all these drops were tradeable/GTNable, then this concern would probably go away.


    Since they won't be, Houston, we have a Problem...

  9. a super thankless job. Seriously. They work to bring us stuff they think will be cool and all the community does is whinge and moan and post about quitting.


    Then perhaps they should hire competent people who know how to do this and they won't get this response?


    Let me help you out... Major game changes shouldn't wait until 1 month prior to launch to be unveiled. They should not happen in a vacuum with no player feedback. They should openly communicate and show they are listening by taking at least some of the suggestions into account.


    That is the bare minimum of what a company should be doing and frankly there ARE companies that do this. EA is not one of them.

  10. You may have done all the stuff in the game, and if there's not enough new stuff to keep you personally interested in sticking around, then moving on is a perfectly legitimate decision. But not everyone has played out all the content this game has to offer yet.


    Yes, that is called MX Mode... where the existing stuff is tweaked and refreshed to appear "new enough" to allow a trickle of new players to come by and see it for low development costs... KotFE was clearly a budget deal, costing far less than 2.0 or 3.0 did to develop, so it exists to make the game not appear dead, even when it really is.


    But I wouldn't get all excited about the new state of the game... it isn't a glowing endorsement of it...

  11. Is it just me, or are people who play MMORPGs more conservative about changing the game?


    Change is fine, but you have to be careful with change...


    CU and NGE anyone? Don't wholesale change everything and don't make big changes with little notice or feedback from players.


    I like some of the changes over time, there indeed have been improvements over time with SWTOR... it launched without an interface editor for example...


    That being said, with each release, it seems like they want to reinvent the whole wheel and turn it all upside down...

  12. There is no ethic in business, that's just a myth companys tell common folks to give them a false sense of security. :rak_03:


    I run an ethical business and make a profit, so that is one data point that disproves your idea...


    Indeed, some businesses are unethical, but not all. It is possible to balance profit with ethics if you want to...

  13. Sorry, but that isn't showing me a post where he lied. Please link it so I can make my own assessment of it and not just rely on hear say. I'm sure when you come to opinions or decisions in your business, you use facts and not just what someone tells you.

    I'll happily concede he lied of his own accord and it wasn't because of backend pressure, if you can show me proof.


    That would require more time than I'm willing to put in. Believe me or don't, it doesn't matter to me and I'm not getting paid enough to dredge all that back up.


    Further consider that you're never going to get a post where a lie is obvious in one sentence without context, you'd have to understand what was happening when the CSM came out, the order of events, the order of Eric's posts, to see it. I was there and was very vocal about the whole thing, I remember it in plenty of detail that I called Eric out for lying at that time, not that it mattered.


    Finally, consider that calling someone a lair is a serious thing, I don't take it lightly. It is an attack on his character, not a reflection of a complaint over a policy or business decision. I stand by it, Eric directly lied to us, said things that were not true, promised to further address it, and never did.

  14. Yep, no one expect politicians to tell the truth.. sad but true


    I do... but I'm silly like that...


    If you tell me that we're going to raise my taxes, but in return provide X social service, I may well be ok with that. Lay out your case with facts and figures, with an honest discussion of the pros and cons. Then we can all discuss it like adults and vote on it.


    The debates would be interesting if that is what would actually happen, instead it is insults and talking points with lots of lies and half-truths tossed in. A real debate is "point-counterpoint" and the moderators keep score. :)


    I've managed many businesses and like yourself I now have one of my own. People who cause problems and disharmony because of confrontational attitudes, don't last long. I'm all for healthy discussions and I listen to peoples points of view, but at the end of the day it is my decision, not theirs. Once I've made that decision the discussion is over.


    I didn't become really successful in business until I learned to let some of that go... Or rather, to learn when to use the "I'm the boss, so I win" approach. Yes, there are times when that is needed, but I found I got far more buy-in from my employees when I learned to let them make decisions, even sometimes over my own objections, but in return they get to own the results.


    It is the difference between worker-bees and partners in the enterprise. If Eric is really in charge of community relations, then he should have some decision making power in how to do that. If he doesn't, then he is just a worker-bee. A company of just worker-bees without decision makers is a piss-poor company.


    The manager or owner of any business is the last line of decision making. It's their responsibility to make the hard decisions, wether they are right or wrong, they have to live with it and its usually why they get paid the big bucks.


    Eric should be that person, if he is in charge of community relations... If he isn't, then they need to get whoever is in charge out here...


    My career and my business has always relied on exceptional customer service standards. But every now and then you may have to disappoint your customers for what ever reason and it's great when staff bring things to your attention that you may not have known about and it's always good to give positive reinforcement when they do.


    Do you believe that EA/Bioware does a good job in informing customers of those hard choices and letting people down easily, or do they treat their customers like crap? :)


    Maybe dial back the Eric hate and try and consider how he must feel when you attack his integrity.


    Eric has directly lied multiple times and never addresses the issues again, even when promising to do so. Now he may not have been the source of those lies, but it was his choice to be the customer facing person delivering them.


    A person worthy of respect would have refused to do it.


    So Eric either is incompetent or dishonest... which is worse?

  15. Expect deafening silence.. so much so it will probably suck in all sound like a black hole sucks in light... "if" they get around to acknowledging the issue, it won't be till they have a solution or maybe after launch... even then they have to acknowledge that they even care enough about it to change it... or what's the point.


    Yep, reminds me of the Contraband Slot Machine mess...


    To this day, they have NEVER said another word about it or the lies that were told at the time... Since that day, I've never bought another CC and I never will again. Before that day, I often spent $50-$100 a month on CC.

  16. No, but maybe he doesn't always get all the relevant information or they change their mind on something internally. Show me one post that Eric has made that is a 100% outright lie and that isn't just a mistake on his behalf that he later corrected.


    The Contraband Slot Machine mess... there were several direct lies told back then and I called Eric on it at the time in the 500 page thread...

  17. Obviously you've never watched a PR person try and manage information from a politician. I wonder how many lies, side steps and misinformation is currently being told leading up to the US election.


    That is different... and the fault of the voters who want to be lied to... No politician who tells the truth is going to be elected to anything, and that is simply because the bulk of the population wants to hear lies.


    "more social services, lower taxes"


    Yea, those two aren't generally possible at the same time... But no one wants to hear that...


    But people are expected to accept this as normal, even though they are electing the most powerful leader in the world who has nuclear weapons at their disposal.


    You assume the President is the most powerful leader in the world. :) Obama hasn't been able to do a lot of what he wanted to do, because he isn't nearly as powerful as many people think. (such as closing Guantanamo Bay)


    You also assume the President can just go around nuking anyone he wants... I strongly believe that if Trump became President and tried that, the military would refuse, and rightly so. There are sane people in the military, believe it or not. :)


    Eric can only try and do his job based on what he is told and what he is allow to release.


    Or he could stand up to his bosses and act as a two way street of information, and he could actually post more and reply to more and make sure there was a free-flow of information on the forums.


    I would be embarrassed if this were my company at the horrible communication and community interaction that happens here. I'd want information to come out much sooner with a feedback period with the players. No, we wouldn't do EVERYTHING the players want, but the process of feedback would have avoided some of the bigger mistakes and it lets CUSTOMERS feel they are being heard.


    As it stands, the CUSTOMERS largely feel ignored...




    Note: In my many years of owning a company, the really good employees have stood up to me when it counted and said "we need to do X here to take care of our customer". I respect that and reward that, because as the boss, I don't always see a problem until it is too late and the front line staff catches it much sooner.

  18. "Don't shoot the messenger!"


    "Yeah, shooting's too good for him!"


    ^ That isn't funny and deserves a rebuttal, even if I suspect (hope) the comment was a joke.


    For whatever complaints I have about Eric or his bosses, violence is not acceptable and shouldn't even be joked about. Nothing he or anyone else at Bioware have done comes even 1% close to that.

  19. Have you ever had a job that pays the bills and puts food on the table? What a ridiculous statement. Grow up.


    Yes, and I've quit such jobs when the owner of the company behaved in a way that I thought was dishonorable...


    I have now owned my own business for a very long time and have employed many people. I reward and promote those who behave ethically and fire those who don't. It has served me well for a long time, I have a small group (about 12) of employees who look after me and my company and in return I look after them and share half the profits with them.


    It has worked well for more than a decade... I would never run my company the way EA is running this place, it is a shame that they so completely don't care about their customers...

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