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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. Another greybeard harshing on Full Sail U? *high five's*


    *ugg* :)


    Let me just say that learning to develop computer programs is about more than learning to code... Computer Science is not about programming, it is about theory and thinking...


    Then there is the business side, which is about more than spreadsheets and MBAs as well, it is about understanding customers and people at a human level. People are emotional creatures, not metrics in a database. The lack of communication on the WZ comms is an example of a waste of goodwill for nothing. Had a month's notice been given, far less complaining would be happening. Some would, but there would be some defenders saying, "hey, we got a ton of notice!" and I would understand that.


    If we had 3 months notice that comms and crystals would convert to credits, then we could play and plan accordingly. The issue, too often, is NOT the changes being made, but the lack of notice of those changes.

  2. The longer the game exists the more reasons there will be to leave...its inevitable.


    If there was actual new content coming out with each x.0 release, I could look past it all...


    We haven't had an expansion since 3.0, everything since has been a single player game (or at least 95% of it has been).


    Make another expansion like 2.0 and I would have more reasons to stay.

  3. I do take a fair amount of time to point out that the "veteran user base" is not the be-all and end-all of the entire userbase. The forum population in no way reeflects the game population, and since Bioware takes the choice, every time when they have to, to make choices that benefits new players over veterans, I assume they are of the same opinion as well.


    Two thoughts:


    1. It costs less to keep a current customer than it does to get a new one.


    2. How well is that really working out for Bioware? I see largely empty servers, even Harby isn't that great these days.

  4. I have bouts of frustration sure but I am optimistic about 5.0


    Serious question... why? There isn't anything in 5.0 to be optimistic about, other than some more chapters of some poorly written single player instanced story...


    What, SF 2.0? I did all 6 of those SF Heroics the first week they came out and never looked back, they were fun once, but boring as snot, they should never have had a solo mode, makes them dull...

  5. So TL;DR:

    Coms are worthless. They will be credits. It does NOT matter if it's all on one toon, all over toons, or in a legacy bank. They're being taken out of game.

    So unless you & the OP can give me a good legitimate reason as to why this was a reason to quit, I'll say the same thing I have been saying about this matter. It's stupid, but it's also stupid to throw a fit over it.


    Credits to many are worthless, I have more than I can ever spend...


    I can't use the credits to buy CXP and I'm not grinding gear again on old content...


    If I can't get geared up in a week when 5.0 drops, I'm not going to at all....

  6. Cripes, you get more belligerent by the day. He wasn't defending anything, just making a point that you're gonna have to re-gear with the expansion anyway.


    I'm getting old, maybe I should start yelling "damm kids get off my lawn!" :)


    I'm just sad about what the game could have been, had the 2.0 to 3.0 era been continued, had faction stories been continued... but alas, that ship has sailed...

  7. Last of many straws? I'm looking forward to the new changes, but I'm not unaware of the legitimate complaints of people who aren't like me. TX_Angel is a little more strident and abrasive than some others, but there are good points offered.


    Are you calling me salty? :)


    Think of me as the online version of Mr. Wonderful, some people think I'm mean, I'm really not, I just tell it like it is...


    And yes, I DO think I could do a better job, but EA wouldn't pay me what I'd require... I'm honestly shocked at the piss-poor pay of lead developers in the game industry, no wonder we get so many bug filled games rushed out at the last minute, there is a serious lack of professionalism in the game business.

  8. EA, not Bioware, has the rights to Star Wars...so no matter what happens, it'll be an EA entity. Bioware is where the mistakes with this game were made and continue to be made. Do you really think EA gives a flip what WZ comms convert to? Do you think they care if CXP is Legacy based or not? You think EA demanded RNG gearing? EA doesn't give a flip, as long as Bioware brings in more than they demand, they can do whatever...but there's a very good reason EA didn't ask Bioware to develop the next online Star Wars game.


    ^ Side note... It is really Bioware Austin, a key point... The whole division was setup from scratch in Austin, TX to make SWTOR. Bioware Canada that made the games we know and love from the past 15 years is not really the same company, nor is it (or was it ever) the same people.


    "Bioware" also hasn't really existed as a company for some time now, it has been almost 10 years since EA bought them, everyone who made it great is largely gone now.

  9. It does seem like BW is "exploiting" the level cap raise - turning it into a reset and nothing else - while abandoning all of tbe elements that made leveling fun in the first games that gave us levels. They know they're "resetting" us and don't get why we don't like that since level raises in older games were generally celebrated events. It would take a very long post to explain why and what is missing here. Other games like Wow do have similar problems but they at least pay lip service to concepts that BW seems to be (deliberstely?) ignorant of.


    When WoW has an expansion, it comes with actual new content...


    If we had 4 new FP, 2 new OPs, 2 new WZ maps, and 2 new GSF maps launching with 5.0, you wouldn't hear a word of complaint from me about the gear.


    The real issue is that this is just trying to hide a complete lack of content behind a pointless gear grind of the same content that we've had for years and years...


    Anyone defending this is either uninformed or blind as a bat...

  10. Welcome to every expansion I guess?


    Lord... you're brainwashed, that is the only answer I can think of...


    First, 4.0 and 5.0 were NOT expansions, please don't insult MMOs everywhere by calling them that.


    Second, with "expansions", you usually get actual content, new FP, new OPS, new WZ, etc... This solo instanced crap is not MMO content and isn't remotely a MMO expansion.


    Finally, with level sync, the levels have been made pointless, it is just gear grind to hide the lack of content. 3.0 was an expansion worthy of a cap because the older content was not raised up to max level.

  11. Wow Eric...credits? Really? What a terribly worthless idea that was...you guys are doing a great job pissing off people though...keep it up!


    Hey TUXs, welcome back! :)


    Yea, it is completely absurd, but it is really part of their plan to hide the lack of content with a drawn out RNG gear grind. Nothing more or less.


    I'm not doing it again. I did it with 4.0, 5.0 is completely pointless, there is no reason to have a level cap increase as there is no new MMO content.

  12. Oh? what do you think they do every expansion to raiders? They reset progress every time, and every expansion (except 4.0) they reset all of the crystals. WZ comms have not been removed during other expansions from my understanding so every PvP player that had extra comms could start to get gear as soon as they logged in. (if not a full set already). So for once PvP players and PvE players are on a more even playing field.


    Well for 4.0 they totally screwed everyone, now they are doing it again... But perhaps you're new, or the concept is hard to understand or something...


    Prior to 4.0 and level sync, with a new expansion you could still do the former content because it wasn't raised in level. But you also have to keep in mind that we haven't gotten an expansion for 2 years now. 3.0 was the last expansion, please don't insult MMOs by calling 4.0 one, and 5.0 sure as heck isn't one. There was no reason for the jump to level 65, and 70 is even more pointless.


    I'll repeat, if they reset everyone to level 1, that would ALSO be a "level playing field". Honestly, I have no idea how in the world you think this is reasonable, perhaps you like being abused by companies you give your money to?

  13. honestly giving credits is fair. What they are really saying is, with the change to the new Galactic command BW is resetting everyone's gear so nobody will have a higher command from Warzone comms or Crystals being converted into Command XP. Everyone starts at the same level 1. This is very reasonable then for BW to give you credits, since the other option is they remove crystals/wz comms and give everyone nothing for them.


    Respectfully, you're out of your mind if you think that is reasonable...


    It is anything but... it deletes actual toon progress that time was spent for and return gives credits which have become nearly worthless... It also makes actually doing anything for the next month a complete waste of time...


    Bioware could also reset everyone's toon to level 1, and I'm sure someone would call that reasonable, but it wouldn't make it so and it would simply kill the game...

  14. If you're having to set the graphics to low on that particular Rig you've got issues mate. Sounds to me like something is going wonky in your system. You've either neglected basic computer maintenance, missed driver updates, or have an actual hardware issue. That setup should be able to run SWTOR at max no problemo.


    ^ This...


    First thing, given that it is an older computer, it may need a dust clean out with compressed air...


    Second, it may be due for a clean Windows install...


    Finally, it should run the game at least at high detail with AA and shadows off at a smooth 60 FPS, at least outside of warzones, those suck no matter what your computer is...

  15. I would gladly pit my reading skills against the source of this claim that you make about them saying they're gonna make a new ops. If anything they've gone out of their way not to use the word ops or operation.


    ^ Truth...


    There is nearly zero chance we'll ever see another operation, that content team is long gone and we have heard nothing of them hiring a new one, and we would since EA is a big huge company and they post job openings publicly...

  16. Its only a month until the xpac, while i think that the change should have been notified more in advance, all coms are being converted into most likely credits. Were you really going to gear up other toons this close to the xpac just to have the gear be worthless in the patch?


    You're just defending the indefensible...


    Why? Are you on the payroll? There is no excuse for this, the OP is correct...

  17. A 20% loss in population between May 2015 and January 2016 didn't speak loudly enough?


    Requests for some PvP love for over a year didn't speak loudly enough?


    They are using metrics derived during the 12XP event to justify no new group (8p) content. They have decided that it is more cost effective to lose end game raiders and end game PvPers because that means they do not have to invest in developing those things.


    IB4 someone chimes in with "they said they were working on a raid for 2017":

    They said the exact same thing at the end of 2015 about a potential raid in early 2016.

    They said with SOR that they would ***never*** go 14 months without a new raid again; we are approaching 23 months as of this moment.


    I simply no longer have any faith in their desire to keep their word.


    +1 signed... All the truth is here, anything else is delusional hope with no basis in reality...

  18. Depends my friend, if we voice our opinion enough, and with enough people voicing the same mindset, they will listen one way or another depending on the issue. I mean if we all complained about lack of cm comment, you know they will be working harder than ever... operations on the other hand...


    All jesting aside, I do feel like Eric is finally trying to communicate more, so hopefully we can operation or some form of pve group content at this point, and NOT star fortresses 2.0.


    No, the game has passed the point of no return, too much time has passed and the dedicated gamer base has moved on. They haven't worked on MMO stuff in two years, they aren't going back now.

  19. I know for me personally I am going dark side. I am always on my dark side characters.


    I keep my rp pretty simple if I am a Republic character I do light side choices if I am Imperial I make dark sided choices and my characters are going to stay on those sides when the UI pops and asks which side that particular character is fighting for but when it all comes down to it I know that I will be fighting for the dark side to win on my server, which side are you going to pick?


    I'm not, I don't care due to a lack of new things to do...

  20. I noticed a few people complaining in this thread about the conversion of commendation/crystals to credits. And some were suggesting they should be converted to cxp.


    Just an insight, whenever a new expansion on wow comes around, any previous honor, valor medallions etc were converted to gold which you received via in game mail. I remember it was asked by a lot of people why we got gold and why not just convert it to the new currency. The reply from Blizzard is that with new expansions they wanted people to start on an even footing, not to leap ahead due to stockpiling previous medallions.


    So my take is BW won't convert to cxp for a similar reason.


    When WoW does an expansion, they actually provide MMO content.


    If 5.0 had 2 ops, 4 FP, 2 WZ maps, and a real story on real planets, not this instanced crap, I would not complain.

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