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Everything posted by G-Girl

  1. I'm really surprised to see this criticism. My sith sorcerer has a wickedly evil sense of humour that I love indulging. I only wish I could pair her up with Kaliyo, who is equally snarky. Okay, I've mostly played imperial, but I have not found humour lacking.
  2. I agree that the social system needs a bit of an overhaul, mostly on the level of finding new ways to achieve it, but I don't think making it a legacy-related freebie is the answer. What we really need is more missions that are social-rich, like Black Talon/Esseles. Scatter a few more of this type through the levels and social won't be such a grind. Perhaps also non-mission based opportunities for acquiring social.
  3. Consider how fast you level at that point, why not go work on your class story, gain a couple of levels, and then sail through it? I've been farming Althis for that elusive hat to complete my outfit, and at 31 my agro range is so low I can avoid fighting everything except the bosses.
  4. Or you could, you know, pay the 30 days.
  5. That's a tough one. But then isn't it the same issue every time you add more content? Some MMO's simply add more stuff for end game players. WoW impressed me no end when they totally revamped the older content to the point where I was encouraged to start new characters just to experience all the new fun they'd added. I'm pretty new to TOR, but the impression I'm getting is that it has the fastest leveling of any MMO I've played. But it also has the most immersive, class specific content of any MMO I've played. Given those two elements, it's pretty much a no-brainer that if they add new content to the lower level game, it's just one more incentive to try out a new class. From what I understand of the upcoming legacy system, there's a heavy emphasis on enabling you to twink new alts out the wazoo, even if they are opposite faction. TOR is not a game for the dedicated single character player. But then I stopped playing WoW a week after I killed Deathwing, as I didn't feel like there was anything left to do. Lots of players repeat that week after week, gaining valor points to tweak their gear from killing the hardest boss in the game. I mean, if you can kill Deathwing, what better gear do you need? Admittedly I repeat space missions a lot, but that's because I enjoy them, not because of the rewards. Though I wouldn't say no to some cool costumes you could buy with space battle points. preferably involving black leather and studs. Did I mention my main is called Donna Matrix?
  6. I in no way meant to exclude anyone with an adventurous nature. I was just surprised I wasn't the only one looking for g/g relationships. Things have changed so much - back when I first started playing MMO's if you assumed every female character you met was actually a male player, you'd be right 96% of the time.
  7. Specifics pleeeeeeeeese! Don't make me go spamming fleet with "LFLGBT!"
  8. I have to say, after reading this and related threads, that I'm surprised and delighted to see so many lesbian gamers playing TOR. We should all get together and start a guild.
  9. The hood thing doesn't hugely bother me, though having a hood with the lekku coming around to the front would be awesome. But I am irritated how setting headgear to not visible makes my headband disappear. That really needs to be fixed so it defaults to the headband you picked at character creation.
  10. My noob credentials are showing. Good to hear things are better than I realised. Of the four classes I've played (one to 30 and the others to early teens) only one has had a female companion (the lovely Kaliyo - I swear I only play Agent to run around with her). Thank you! Hope I can contribute something useful.
  11. I sit corrected. Not tried smuggler yet and it's not obvious from the images available. It's a step in the right direction. And I do like that one of the robots is actually female. A shame none of the monsters are. You don't get female monsters much.
  12. It confuses me when I'm playing a Twi'lek and I talk to a Twi'lek NPC and I can't understand what they are saying. I guess they must be from a different part of wherever Twi'leks come from.
  13. To me, a big part of grinding is having to do the same thing over and over. So far in my experience of TOR, the most grindy aspect is doing things like repeating Black Talon a tedious number of times to raise my social level to unlock social items I want to get, because I rarely get the opportunity to group with someone long enough otherwise to gain more than negligable social gains. And then there's repeating flashpoints in order to get specific gear, like costume sets. There's no guarantee that even one item from a set you want will drop in any given run through, and even if it does, and its not one you already have, you are still competing with everyone else in the group for it. and if I want to experience any of the actual story content of the game, I'm going to have outleveled the thing after a couple of runs, leaving me with the prospect of waiting until I am high enough to solo it and then rerun it until I get the set or I drop dead from boredom. I really like some of the costume designs.
  14. I feel the same way. I clicked one flirt option with Andronikos just to see what happened, and it made me feel very uncomfortable. Not doing that again. But giving me an option I might enjoy isn't going to take away any options already available. I'd seriously love to pair up my evil, snarky sorcerer with someone like Kallyo. She's lovely. But while we are leveling the playing field a bit in the direction of romance options, how about giving us girls a slightly greater choice in our options? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't each class get exactly one female companion? That's not what I'd call a choice. Compare to two or three humanoid male companions, and one or two (male) alien/robot companions (not forgetting one of the robots is female). So to sum up: more girls I can cuddle please.
  15. You're talking about the taxis that can only take you places you've already been, and that's what bugs you?
  16. Yeah, but at least you don't get gold farmers spamming General with offers to rip you off the whole time.
  17. I agree it has its problems, but you're just trolling now. I mean if you think it's so poor why are you still here? Quit whining and go play something you actually enjoy.
  18. The more I play it, the more it feels like a solo game rather than an MMO. In fact it's so good as a solo game it feels weird when you occasionally stumble across someone else doing the same story as you.
  19. I'd love to do more group stuff, and I do when I can. The problem is there usually aren't enough other people around to even get groups. A couple of times this week I've ended up grouping with players five levels higher than me (meaning I'm fighting way above my level while getting little exp) purely to get to play through new content. There's not enough MM in the MMO.
  20. It's not just that it's way too linear and restrictive, it's that even if you try exploring, on some planets (I haven't tried them all yet so it may be different on some) even keeping to the main roads won't stop you getting attacked every five seconds. Not to mention that heading in the direction you want to go is likely to get you to a dead end that doesn't connect to the unexplored zone right next to it with no way out except through all those mobs you already killed once. Way to suck all the fun out of exploring.
  21. It's true. There's not much MM in the MMO on some servers. In the server I started on I could never get a group, and I hardly even saw anyone else in zone. I moved to a higher pop server and it's a lot better, but still near impossible to get a group together for a flashpoint, and even heroic 4's can take a long time to get a whole group together.
  22. I also have a ton of leftover side quests I didn't get around to doing. Which I'm cool with, as I expect to take an alt through the same area, and it would be nice to know there was some content still to do. But then it's all 'go kill stuff' which is much the same on any planet. And I'm always hoping that each new planet's layout will be less annoying than the last. Like where you want to get from A to B, but you can't work out where the various bits connect so you run around constantly getting shot at and then find yourself at a dead end because there is no way through to the unknown part of the map you are right next to. To compare to WoW: in WoW you might not have opened up the whole map, but the main road is clear, and you are pretty sure that if it keeps heading from A to B then you will eventually reach B, and if you stay on the road, the chances of getting attacked are small. Forget WoW, this was true of Everquest back before it. But that's not good enough for TOR where even travelling with a vehicle won't stop you getting attacked every five seconds on a road. But to be slightly more on topic: I do a few heroics when I can find other people, and I really wish I could do more flashpoints, but I'm not gonna hang around the fleet calling in General for an hour to get enough people. The only time I've actually had a group do a flashpoint was when we were doing heroics on a planet and decided to go do a FP for a change. Thing is I enjoy exploring. And TOR encourages exploring with its anti-realistic taxi service, but then it sucks all the fun out of it by making it a fight every step of the way.
  23. I'm thinking tanks. You know how it is; you come straight out of a cut scene into the middle of a firefight. You then die, rez, and come back and immediately win because it's not actually that hard a fight, it's just that being dropped straight into a melee means that you don't get to use your class skills, like sniping from a distance, or shooting from behind cover, or using DoTs and shields. So I'm thinking they must be designed for melee classes that specialize in that kind of attack. Think I might start a Sith warrior and see.
  24. The taxi is clearly on autopilot. You're not allowed to drive anything yourself until 25. Unless you count starships. So yes, the whole transport system is stupid. In fact WoW now gives you new destinations as you reach the level for the areas, which saves a lot of running.
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