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Everything posted by G-Girl

  1. As a healer, it's not possible for me to do my job properly when I am taking damage, and since I can't seem to get a group ever in SWTOR where the tank can reliably hold agro I have to ask, is this because: !) The game mechanics make it impossible for a tank to hold agro reliably. 2) None of the tanks I've played with know how to do their job properly. It just seems like a weird game mechanic, when a mob is ignoring the guy whaling on them with a lightsaber or two in favour of shooting at someone on the other side of the room who has never even looked at them funny.
  2. Already in the game. Okay, maybe not a single button to do all toggles for all companions, but it's only like three keys to press instead of one.
  3. So explain to me where this trail would lead again?
  4. So you want them to program in story options to take account of relationships between characters that you made up in your head and have no actual representation in the game? I can see where that might be tricky to include.
  5. This is the least like a rehash of WoW than any other MMO I've played. Multiple choice quests that affect future events, alignment that affects more than whether a certain group of NPC's will talk to you, and which comes about from choices you make, not from grinding faction for weeks, space combat... Come on, show me the space combat in WoW.
  6. Maybe it was different in the long ago days of two months ago, but when I started playing relatively recently one of the first things I asked around about was surnames. I picked out my choice of legacy name before I was level 15, and spent at least ten levels working towards it, with my fingers crossed that it hadn't already been taken (it hadn't. yay). How can you be so oblivious as to play thirty-odd levels in a game and not notice that some people have surnames that you don't, and not have the curiosity to find out how to get one?
  7. Go Aussies! If you join my server, give me a whisper and I'll get you a guild invite.
  8. Really? I just hit 36 and I'm barely over 200,000. But then it is my first character. And I did buy a pet.
  9. So what's a clicker, again?
  10. Be a Twi'lek. You never have to wear a hood. In fact you couldn't if you wanted to. Also, it hides your headband for some reason.
  11. Oh no, all those wasted minutes! I could be doing something useful with them! Or, you know, playing a game.
  12. Why would you pay cash to participate in races? I'm confused.
  13. I don't think that's going to work no matter how many people complain if it's something like 'Smith' or 'Cuddles'.
  14. I haven't had a problem with any companion breaking cc (except when I change their toggles and forget to set them back) and I use it all the time. I'm actually quite impressed with how my companion will carefully avoid a cc mob until I attack it. I wish most players had AI that good.
  15. Did you ever read the Everquest forums when it was top dog? They were just as bad as the ones here. And as for bugs, I remember one time when a patch caused areas of ground to disappear and people were plummeting to their deaths or getting trapped under the world all over the place. Why there was a second level under the world that you could never get to except by bug I never knew.
  16. It's species, not race.
  17. There are orange social armour items you can get with open slots. These are, as far as I know, all light armour, but since you can add mods to them, I was wondering if you could, for example, add heavy armour mods to them and use them instead of heavy armour items. In fact, if you find a low end orange item you like that is the correct armour type, is there anything to stop you modding it indefinitely and wearing it all the way up to 50?
  18. I'm looking forward to celebrating Life Day.
  19. Why not just have legacy make all alts level 50, give them an instant refresh teleport to wherever they want to go, an infinite credit balance, and save them the bother of actually playing the game at all? Seriously, no one is making you go after datacrons. The increases aren't that significant that you couldn't do without them. It's a minor bonus, not a mandatory requirement. If it bores you doing it over and over stop doing it.
  20. Species. Not race. Although according to a ghost I met it appears they can interbreed.
  21. If you don't feel like doing heroics or flashpoints, don't do them. No one's making you. Adding a LFG tool isn't going to make them any better. Oh wait, you meant you are too lazy to be be bothered to make an effort to get a group together and you won't do it unless it's handed to you on a plate.
  22. Actually Everquest was far worse for pandering to hardcore endgamers than WoW ever was. WoW added a whole load of new, fun low (>50) game content in the last expansion.
  23. Yeah, when I get my twi'lek to 50 I want to be able to unlock a different race too! Wait, no. I made a twi'lek because I like playing twi'leks.
  24. I have a first generation ipad and I'm so mad at Apple they made it better. They should totally give me an ipad 3 for free!!!!111one!
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