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Everything posted by G-Girl

  1. One piece was a class quest reward, another is on the bounty hunter legacy vendor, so no, until bounty hunter quests give out sorcerer armor, I don't think I was looking at light armor.
  2. So I'm looking at a few orange heavy armor chest pieces and they all (even legacy ones) seem to come with a 25 armor (without mods) stat. Which confuses me because the piece I picked up in BT has 160 armor (without mods). This seems to make it pointless for me to use anything but the BT piece until I presumably find a piece with a higher stat in a later FP or something. Am I missing something here that gives any point to bothering with a 25 armor piece over a 160 piece? Personally I wish that all orange gear was essentially statless (with some perhaps class specific), so you could wear whatever you liked. To make some better than others seems to defeat the point of having a variety of upgradeable armor at all.
  3. It wasn't broken before so it wasn't a bug, and therefore working as intended at the time it was created. It has now been improved in response to player requests, not 'fixed'.
  4. Not everyone reads the forums, or listens to guild chat, or other players. Or socializes with anyone else at all ever. And they don't like surprises. In fact they'd prefer to be playing an offline solo game, but then they'd have no one to complain to.
  5. And can I have chocolate flavor next time? No, strawberry. Wait, grape. Mmmm. Grape quickbar....
  6. Perhaps a consequence of allowing planet line quests to be dropped after so many people complained about being stuck with quests they had outleveled. It was working as intended before they changed it.
  7. A simple but effective idea. It would also be nice if missions told you what you would receive as a reward. Right now you never know if you're going to miss out on a good bit of kit because you opted to pass up one mission in favor of another.
  8. You can email credits cross-legacy.
  9. I enjoyed it. It lasted exactly the right amount of time for me. Springing it on us without warning was excellent. Suddenly NPCs were talking about a plague and travel restricted to Tattooine, and you'd be picking up bits and pieces of information from other people. So exciting! I also liked that there was progression. Can't remember an event in an MMO where it wasn't all there laid out on day one. Mechanics on that could be tweaked a little so those who came late weren't shut out from getting all the rewards. Only quibble I have is the randomness of the customisation kits. I don't mind that I got kits for classes I'm not currently playing, as I'll prolly get to them eventually, or for companions I might not favour. What I didn't like was getting multiples of the same kit and having to take that as a pure loss, as there was no way to return them or trade them. Of course I'd have liked them for my personal favourite companions, but I can see why they limited them.
  10. In my guild we were giving away odd DNA that were left over so people who were running a bit short could get their stuff.
  11. Same problem happens with Mako, but only when she has the zombie mod on.
  12. Because it's not like that happens when you have spent half an hour in fleet trying to get a group so you take whoever you can to make up the numbers. As a healer, I've found it a rare thing to get a group that even has a tank, let alone one that knows where to find his taunt button. WoW's LFG tool requires you to set your role as tank, DPS, or healer (though you can tick more than one role) so something on that line would result in better balanced teams than the current hit or mis method. It won't help get you players who know how to do their job, but that's always gonna be a problem with PUGs.
  13. Flashpoints first, other things after. And can we please have a shuttle pick us up from wherever we are and deposit us at the FP? WoW has had ways to summon members since before it had a LFG tool, so not having to spend ten minutes or more crossing a planet/lifting off planet/flying to fleet/landing at fleet would be a boon.
  14. Kira (which is ok), Mako (yay), Tharan (no idea who he is), and two Elaras (who?).
  15. My planet load times are so bad I usually have something to read handy to give me something to do while I'm waiting. I'll time some today and add actual times here. Only difference I've noticed since 1.2 is that sometimes the loading screen goes on so long it crashes the game, or I get so bored of waiting I shut it down and restart.
  16. My first character is a sorcerer and I played her to 50. I found chapter 1 very engaging. It does sag a bit in later levels but picks up interest again as the story starts approaching the climax. By contrast, I got a Sith warrior to 10 and I'm not engaged enough to continue. I'm some guy's enforcer. So what? At this point with the sorcerer there was rivalry and intrigue, and a boss I'd actually built up a relationship with. At this point with a smuggler you are on the trail of the guy who stole your ship. A bounty hunter is building up to a big contest, with rivalries on the side. Different classes have different pacing, I guess. Whether the others lose steam later on, I don't know, but for the first 30 levels or so (and at times later on), I was enjoying sorcerer so much that it annoyed me to have to take time off from the main story to go do side quests to keep my level up.
  17. I'd be happy if I could toggle off those annoying hetro guys that are hitting on me the whole time, when I just want to cuddle up to Kalyio or Mako. No seriously, I think it's fine for everyone to have the opportunity for any relationship. Except with Khem. He's a jerk.
  18. Yeah, I know this well. Doesn't hugely bother me because I am just so happy that my companion doesn't break cc's, which is better AI than most players have.
  19. Really? Complaining about something you got for free? Nice to know that you all are so happy with the game that the only thing you could find to whine about was the quality of a freebie. And seriously, people actually quit because a free gift wasn't as good as it could have been? That's hilarious.
  20. Is this just trolling? My main is a sorcerer healer and I manage just fine solo, and everyone loves me in groups.
  21. After finally hitting 50 with my Twi'lek sorcerer I was able to start creating Twi'leks everywhere, and one was a bounty hunter. When I first visited Nemro's palace I noticed another Twi'lek called Juda. She didin't have the mission triangle over her head, but when I clicked on her it went to a cut scene and we had a little chat. It was the closest I've got to flirting with another female so far in the game. I'm wondering if maybe they just gave the same options to everyone and didn't bother gender coding it, since most people won't even notice it. Either way, it was a nice thing to find so I thought I'd share. ETA: I've spoken to her several times now (when she did have the mission icon) and there is definite flirtage. And it's clearly intended because she's made several gender references. I'm assuming this is going nowhere (yet), but it's still cute.
  22. If I wanted to play a game where I ran six characters, I'd play a game where I ran six characters.
  23. Depends how random it is. Name generators are sometimes just lists of names that spit out one at random. Other times they might be two lists of syllables and it gives you one from column A and one from column B. They do not generally randomly generate every letter or most names would come out like "Flbblqnde".
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