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Everything posted by YlliyaXor

  1. BW policies of "herding players to the latest content" and "the game starts and endgame" don't help, i don't understand why doing heroics rewards better than doing a class quest or planetary quest, they want us to do the new and boring FPs, but nerfed the hell out of the old ones, you can't even grind the FA FPs because the loot table is borked and relics/mannaan thingies don't drop ..
  2. Worse than the Emperor? No way! Those DH SW comics are really good though.
  3. This isn't about human nature, BW are bad at handling these game systems, that's why they often break two things when they are trying to fix one broken thing, broken RE is as likely as getting a third option of force healer gear on a BH while doing heroics in Balmorra, like i just did.
  4. RNG, the only part of the game that NEVER has bugs.
  5. A possible alternative would be the possibility of claiming individual items, plus if they touched these elements they would have no excuse not to fix the preview window.
  6. If you are not interested in playing space merchant or space stockbroker your only option to make the type of credits BW thinks everyone has, is buying packs and hoping you get lucky, so i don't think we will get a raise, quite the contrary, we will get more 2 Mil or more unlocks. I'm still suspicious the speed unlocks actually lowered the speed for lower tiers, everyone and their womprat can knock me off my speeder now.
  7. RP players are fine with everyone having every companion, it would probably make more sense to have a limited number of companion and making us choose, or even better customizable companions, but your argument doesn't hold any water, the other Jaesas don't really exist when i RP, any part of the story that can be done by thousands of players can't be part of RP, in RP you can't be the outlander, because every single person in the game can have that title, if you choose to be it you need to have some story to justify others thinking they are the outlander. Mako should be available for every class and that's obvious to anyone who finished her story.
  8. IF Disney was to buy anything they would buy BW, not EA, there's nothing in the EA portfolio that is of any interest to Disney. What someone said about Disney keeping everything the same if they bought EA is pretty much what would happen, but If they bought BW things would be different, no more CEO with microtransaction fetishes.
  9. She joined Scorpio, the only reason she's not a companion or LI is because they don't want to pay the voice actress.
  10. KOTFE and KOTET didn't bomb, KOTFE coincided with the changes to the Hypercrates, and they lost a lot of revenue when they tried to increase the price of the hypercrates at the same time they nerfed the content, also they had the G/S/B packs that were also popular and they killed those, KOTET coincided with GC and the terrible way they handled that system, also with KOTET the game blocked non subs from a lot of content. SOR story is terrible, the whole Revan plot was ridiculous, plus space pirates and those useless bird people from Rishi, lackluster story alone wouldn't harm the game, the game lost momentum because of many bad decisions that alienated players. All they need to do to turn things around, is announce KOTFEET 2 with an equally ludicrous plot (surprise! the emperor had yet another secret empire with an even bigger and stronger fleet that will crush the Alliance/EE like a fly) . and announce the end of GC and chance cubes, the return of Ops passes and reverting the Hypercrates to the drop rates of the stronghold phase, while keeping all the good improvements.
  11. It's more likely that they leave SWTOR running after BW is dissolved, than they making a SP offline version, EA is obsessed with microtransactions right now, the only way they would turn an online game into an offline one is if they can make more money in microtransactions.
  12. Can we PLEASE have Vector and Ashara available for all chars in the Odessen console, and can we have a console somewhere else besides Odessen, playing the JK or JC story with Ashara/Nadia/Kira/Scourge would be new content for me, if i could play with a new species, like Nautolan or Devaronian even better.
  13. EA can't manage a game that needs constant investment, from EA POV everything is fine, if FIFA X stopped investment after launch with only minimal updates SWTOR should be the same, the top execs at EA are the kind of people that would run an hospital or nuclear power plant the same way they would run a bank or real estate agency, cut down costs by reducing staff and "inspire" greater productivity from a smaller team.
  14. That's not good news for the dev team, after all there's a "rumour" about then kicking the bucket... The deal between EA and Lucasfilm is for online multiplayer games only, Lucasfilm may be looking for a single player offline game, EA is supposed to want out of that market.
  15. You only get the free month if you sub within the next 15 days, meaning the returning or new player gets a free extra month plus the sub time he buys, and you get a few extra CC., plus either a second mount or one droid pet, if you refered many people in the past you just get the extra CC, not a bad deal.
  16. I hate facebook i couldn't watch the Timothy Zahn interview because facebook live is kinda crap, plus it keeps nagging you to log in or create an account, sorry but the less they use facebook the better, i really don't wan't to have multiple social media account to keep up with news of the game, that said if everything was available in every site and you got to choose the one you prefer i wouldn't complain.
  17. 2750 if you are extremely lucky, but let's be generous and say you do get 5500, with 10 different kinds you would need to have miracle level luck (or bad luck depending on the perspective) to get 1500 of the same gold gift, if you are a bit more realistic and factor in the purple and blue gifts that also drop from those crates, plus maintenance and delicacies, that are not gold but drop in the same "slot", you need more than luck to have multiple stacks of 1500 of a particular gold gift type.
  18. What's the solution? 2 million more hp so it's just as easy but it takes 10x more? Asking for harder story fights makes as much sense as asking for more dialog options in pvp.
  19. EA and Blizzard/Activision have different approaches to the way they handle their games, EA want maximum profit from minimum investment, while Blizz invest heavily and expect profit to compensate for the investment, so far Blizzard's strategy is the one proving to be the most successful.
  20. The most likely scenario is they plan to release twilek customizations as a separate pack sometime, probably between the last content update of this cycle and whatever comes next. Or, they could have that in the pipeline, but the logical time to add it would be when they fix the eyes.
  21. They added Nikto females last year, there was at least one in the revamped NS event. Sith Purebloods have basically one face for each body type. Cyborg and Twilek have variations of the same 3 face for each body type, so new species with limited customization options wouldn't really be anything new.
  22. I think the only realistic expectations are new customization options for the existing species, stuff like making all the cybernetics available for all cyborgs, or allowing cyborgs to have all the faces humans have, i would say non human cyborgs would be great but that's probably outside their current possibilities.
  23. All cxp packs were part of the loot table, including Ops boss cxp packs, now you only get one 1500(ish) cxp pack, chance cubes and other random CM stuff was also removed from the loot table. CZ, BH and SX can be done as soon as you reach a certain level, even earlier if you tag along with a friend, others require doing the expansion they're associated with, old BW trick of gating stuff behind things people would rather not do more than once, so it looks like people actually care for that content. Considering one would rather go to a vendor and buy the gear one wants rather than play the lottery, your philosophical issue is somewhat moot. The only good thing about UC is it only takes one legacy cargo spot, other than that the thing is useless to me, UC is for group activities peeps, not for people who only do solo content, i think they should've given us the option to still get cxp from gear like some people suggested.
  24. It actually got worse, they buffed the daily area weekly and nerfed everything else, including the drops inside the crates, we get less crates and with worse stuff inside them...yay? Doing every quest in a planet will not give you one cxp crate after lvl 4.
  25. I don't know if Quesh has those bigger security chests, but if it does those should be the best place to find that drop, otherwise you need to find out what was the original level of the planet and when you reach that level just farm champion mobs in heroic areas until it drops, the loot table doesn't care about the planet you are on, only what level you are so any heroic area in any planet will do as long as there are champion mobs.
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