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Everything posted by spookysage

  1. It seems a bit buggy - never works for my BH with Gault's sniper rifles, for example. Plus shiftclicking to equip things to my companion doesn't work if the item would become bound - if the binding popup warning appears, it's going to equip to me instead. All-white crystals are already in the game, but rare, and I'm pretty sure one will be available from the cartel shop in some capacity. Everything else seems like a good idea, except for the NPCs in Nar Shardaa - did my best not to hurt any, but sometimes one wanders a little too close to an explosive dart, you know?
  2. Wait a few days, then see if I can pick up a gizka off the GTN for my girlfriend. After that, we'll see.
  3. A lot of blackouts, you say? Might wanna get a doctor to look at that-- ah-ha, it's a vicious cycle!
  4. Had my Empire characters on The Defenestrator and my Republic on Canderous Ordo, though I didn't play for long. Came back to find everyone all grouped together ripe for the legacy, lucky me!
  5. Come on, people just wanna know how it's going, much like hey, where's the Cathar? Even MMO players don't always post insisting that the company drop everything until everyone else's class is nerfed
  6. It's not about "getting off", it's about acknowledgment. Imagine a world where, say, redheads were rarely depicted in popular culture. They exist, people just don't write about them. Maybe a fanservice character in the occasional obscure video game, or the comic relief in that one movie, or that guy who dies in that one book. And there's starting to be more, but whenever the possibility comes up people wring their hands about redheads wanting representation, and what if the children start dyeing their hair? Now, even if you were a brunette, wouldn't that strike you as pretty ridiculous?
  7. That'd be pretty cool, though as far as Tahiri goes I will probably never not be bitter about
  8. I've been lucky so far; only trouble I've had was that one day where DK just stopped working (no traveling, conversations, cooldowns, turn ins, loot)... and hours later on another character, Taris. The server restart was almost immediately after that, fortunately.
  9. Well that's just a case of classic questgiver laziness. Besides, she's the one who's mortified she tried to shoot him, right? Although if you look at it from a Jedi standpoint, I suppose embarrassment is yet another path to the dark side.
  10. On my planet we use the moon, but there's this extra one now throwing off all my calculations...
  11. Wait wait, no hugging no kissing because of "no age regulation"? First of all, no game can do that, not with present technology at least. Gotta leave that to the parents. C'mon, who wasn't lying about their age to sign up for some virtual pet site over a decade ago? And what of the pole dancers, the slave collars, the torture, the killing for money? Well, they're here because seedy dives and bad guys are part of the Star Wars universe. And so is romance, even if it's calling your loved one anything from a scruffy-looking nerf herder, to... soft unlike sand (shudder). And hey, some folks wanna romance some awesome companion with their same-gender character for whatever reason - that's all.
  12. Yes, just a way to review the conversations would be nice, especially once screenshots during cutscenes are fixed, hint hint.
  13. Well, if it's Japanese calligraphy style, you should also specify vertical or horizontal.
  14. I lucked out and ended up with all my characters on the same server - never mind that I only had three at the time, and that I've rerolled my poor consular so often the point is moot. So alternatively, I wonder how much coin you'd have to drop to move a whole legacy... Not that I'm unhappy where I am now, but it turns out some of my girlfriend's college pals play on an RP server.
  15. I'd love to have a veractyl... also, a pet nexu, those things look pretty awesome.
  16. Doesn't make the space cases tell the minigamers to shove off and wait. They can handle more than one game feature at a time, you know
  17. I figure a pretty effective way to deal with SGR on already existing characters is just to add the conversations at the end of the storyline - you still have the chance, it doesn't have to be crammed in their story somewhere, just hey, now that everything's settled.... Yeah, it sucks having to wait all that time compared to new characters who will have the option built in from the start, but it's kind of understandable (aside from not doing it to begin with, that is, but eh).
  18. Bless Chiss names, though I'll miss having their core names on their origin servers - they're a lot more convenient for other people. The merge was the only time this really bugged me, though - I got used to their names, so I wanted something close, you know? Usually I'm pretty good at making something up. Some of the methods I use, with examples I haven't personally used: steal a name from an obscure relative (Great-Aunt Generosa!) or someone you vaguely knew at work or in childhood (that girl in high school named Bozena). Someone you have a strong opinion about is probably a bad idea, particularly when you get to the flirt options.character names, possibly an alternate spelling, from something you've read or watched - no, Javert is probably taken, pick a side character like Jehan or something, come on.words in other languages you or someone you know might know, preferably ones that don't refer to genitaliatake a word or name you might like for the character and tweak some syllables or letters here or there, maybe smush a couple different words togetherI also heard of a guy who would hit a few random letters, then insert vowels to get something euphonious
  19. 1. Nautolan 2. Torgruta 3. Bothan Also tempted to vote for Chagrian and Gungan (someone's got to redeem the poor bastards - hey, quit touching your noses). Really, though, I'm just happy to have Chiss.
  20. My characters all ended up on Jedi Covenant, howdy! I'll poke through this thread and see if anyone else is, too.
  21. I suppose storyline is a convenient enough excuse for not making aged looking characters an option to begin with - though not for all classes. Maybe they could have tweaked the options by class, like how slave brands are only part of the scar options for, say, Sith Sith and not Jedii Twi'leks. They've certainly got old character faces in the game already. Could be a problem fitting them to new species - anyone seen a decrepit Cathar around? Unfortunately, a lot of MMOs drag their feet on implementing this sort of thing - took WoW what, two expansions?
  22. The Thrawn trilogy is what kicked off the whole EU thing, so it's a good starting point. I'm still kind of a layperson when it comes to this Star Wars stuff, but I don't think it hurts too much to skip around - I figure it's like comic books, where you figure out which characters you like and just focus on reading whatever they're in.
  23. Killing two birds with one stone would be a pretty unfortunate choice here, alright. The best option would be to open some companions up for your character's same-gender needs, some for the alien angle, with some overlap here and there. That way my female bounty hunter can sweep that incorrigible Gault Rennow off his feet, while my big ol' bear of a male inquisitor can win the heart of Khem Val (er, eventually).
  24. I think Korriban's my favorite, practically for looks alone - it has the most impressive scenery, despite the limited color palette. Lucky I like sandstone. Gigantic ancient monuments with planets and Star Destroyers hanging in the sky, yes please! Now this is podra-- er, Star Wars. I'm pretty fond of Hutta, never mind the scenery, since hunters and agents are right up my alley, just the kind of stories I enjoy. Plus my girlfriend's fondness for Chiss has rubbed off on me, so if I didn't like Hutta that would just suck for me until my main hits 50, wouldn't it. Tython is just ludicrously pretty and pastoral, flowers and sunshine and rainbows in waterfalls. One of my favorite looking cutscenes is just before you wrap up your class quests there, where your consular stands in that field and your companion walks up behind you. And for both planets, it's nice to be running around training to be a Jedi or Sith, even though I never particuarly harbored a soft spot for them before - but these are my Force users, you know, so I"ve grown attached. Ord Mantell is my least favorite so far, though I admit this is the one planet I haven't actually leveled something off of yet. It's nice enough, I guess, but ugh, just another war-torn planet with soldiers and skirmishes. There's enough of that it the game already without having to start there, too. At least the designated planets of scum and villainy have some changes in decor going on to keep things from getting too monotonous - bogs, neon lights, and sand dunes, you know? But like I said, I have a weakness for such goings-on... and the glorious sunset on Balmorra won me over to that outpost planet, at least. But I'll see how I feel once I get a trooper or smuggler to Coruscant; plus if my girlfriend ever gets me to play KOTOR (hey, I started liking this Star Wars thing a little late), the jukebox in Fort Garnik might win the place some points.
  25. Yeah, I enjoy keeping different personalities in mind for different charactesrs. The main problem I have is that I'm still playing all these characters, so an awful lot of them turn out to be inveterate smart alecks. And I do tend toward light side choices or at least outright neutrality, so I have a Sith warrior for the specific purpose of being eeeeevil. What's interesting is that my Jedi Knight actually has a pretty consistent personality, even though a little ways into leveling him I decided to always pick a choice with a question mark if available, unless that would refuse the quest. He does share a voice actor with Solid Snake, after all. Planet Prison...!?
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