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Everything posted by Kufuffelupagus

  1. It might. I'm not averse to the idea. Only adds I can think of that this applies to and it really matters are the orbs in Brontes and the adds in NiM Styrak- maybe other modes but I haven't tried it. Could add a layer of difficulty to some fights if it was important to stun or slow adds.
  2. The rotation I use for it in NiM is the following: 1. Acquire 3 stacks of Resplendance before going into the challenge. Zoom in quite a bit so that when you enter the challenge, you can see the NPC easily to target it without your character being in the way. 2. Pop a Triage adrenal if you like. 3. If doing NiM, select yourself so that you can cleanse yourself as soon as you get the debuff. Enter the challenge and do the following rotation (for NiM, first thing I do is cleanse myself): Instant Salvation > Rejuvination > Healing Trance > Force Potency + Alacrity buff + Deliverance x2 > If at 3 stacks of Resplendance from previous Trance, use instant Salvation; if not, use Rejuvination > Healing Trance > (surely you have 3 stacks by now) instant Salvation 4. For however much longer the challenge lasts (should be over by the end of that rotation or soon after), do Rejuvinate > Healing Trance > Deliverance > repeat. Some tips: * Don't bubble the NPC, it does nothing. Waste of a GCD. * Make sure you have the NPC selected before going through the whole shebang (been there, done that) * If doing NiM, really important to make sure you cleanse yourself in a timely manner. That is, not too soon, but as soon as you get the debuff so you can start healing. I always have myself targeted before I go in because if you don't have a target, usually you automatically acquire the NPC as a target. * Remember that you can only use an adrenal for one challenge, due to the cooldown timer on it. If in SM or HM, there's no real consequence for failing a challenge that cannot be overcome- especially in SM. However, you can't fail more than one healing challenge in NiM, as this causes Raptus to reflect 100% of the damage given. * Breathe and stay calm. It can feel like a high pressure situation. Maybe practise the rotation outside of the op so you don't have to think about it as much when you're there.
  3. Depends. I don't mind having slight differences when dual-wielding; my sentinel uses a Derelict Purple in one saber and a Black Purple in the other. On the other hand, my Marauder and my Mercenary both have the same weapon with the same colour crystals in each hand. My favourite is my Gunslinger, who has the same model gun in MH and OH, but one is grey and one is red. He has a grey and red outfit, it matches perfectly. And I use Blue Black and Orange Yellow crystals in his guns, I just really like the combination.
  4. It's the level above the one for people who use clickbait titles.
  5. Some people are definitely *********** stupid, but those people don't generally get 6/7 NiM Scum and Villainy and then **** up on the bridge.
  6. I seem to remember people reporting that if they reset the phase or the mission for Scum and Villainy somewhere between Warlords and Styrak, the phase would bug out and you couldn't progress. Wording of the fix is "Fixed a texture issue on the way to Styrak that caused players to be unable to progress through the Operation.". That's my guess.
  7. In my opinion, I do not think BW are "prioritising" smaller stuff. I think when they have an update coming up, they finish their priority fixes, then look at the list of bug fixes and pick easy one that are quick to fix so they put out as many as possible. Hell, that's what I would do... Makes one look more productive when you do more things. The more fixes in each update, the better, right? The title of your thread is regarding priorities. Let me say that I think it would be nice to see some things in your list fixed- that is, the actual bugs (numbers 1, 2, 3, 7), there are much bigger priorities than making a Tactical Flashpoint more challenging (who goes into one of those expecting a challenge??) or making it drop the right loot (do people really need gear from those when you get gear handed to you left, right, and centre for completing story quests or through the bajillions of Basic Commendations handed out? I'm talking in comparison to whatever trash is dropping in Tactical Flashpoints). I couldn't give two flying orobirds about a lack of voice acting I have heard before, but I'm sure glad they finally fixed the missing achievements I earned last Nightlife event. (Sure, they're not that important either, but I feel it's a close comparison to what is being complained about.) People keep saying this, and others keep saying it's fine. I will say that if Operations were designed to be faceroll story content for people who can't do basic mechanics, they would be. Just because old tier ones are now doesn't mean they were intended to be. I don't care if they make it easier or not, it's already easy for me. Sure, sounds like a nice change. Having said that, everything Bioware does is geared towards making you play for longer and spend more money on subscriptions. Their answer is, make more alts to do Ziost and don't miss the content next time. There is no design flaw. That's not Bioware's fault, that's the fault of those not using it for "its intended purpose". Don't know how you expect them to fix that- why don't you look at the people who created that problem. I really don't give a damn about Monolith dropping a 204 MH. Sure I would still take one. My group does it about once a week (hardly farming). We would still do HM Revan for it being HM Revan. Ask a mountain climber why they climb mountains. Who knows, maybe they did it in response to the small number of people who had cleared HM Revan.
  8. Totally up to you. Even though other people created the guild and put their own credits into making a guild bank or whatever, I think part of the ownership is also logging on and maintaining it. It's essentially your guild now, especially if no one else has logged in for a very long time. Here are your options as I see it: * Leave the guild and move on (chat command is /gquit). * You could take over as Guild Master in proper and try to build your own guild with what they've left behind. * You could try to sell it (very difficult to do and you won't get much for it, even if several million has been invested with stronghold, guild ship, guild bank tabs). * You could kick everyone else out and keep your characters in to do... Whatever people with their own guilds do... * You could disband the guild- chat command is /gdisband. If I remember correctly, you have to empty the guild bank and be the guild master to do that. However, from what information you've given, I personally would not recommend that as you never know if someone else might log on. You could simply /gquit on all your toons instead if you want to leave the guild.
  9. Hot dang, I was about to tell you then I saw your username Great video.
  10. It is not against ToS to sell runs for credits. Read the title- they want to SELL runs to willing buyers, not charge any old person to join their run. There are many players who are willing to pay for the run (in which they get loot) and they have expressed gratitude to the people providing the service. Obviously not a scumbag thing to do.
  11. We have 2- 3 trials set up for this lockout, so if you are interested please make contact as described in the previous post. There's a good chance we will fill the spot this week unless other promising players show interest.
  12. We'd like to thank everyone that showed interest and turned up for a run, the spot is now filled. About us: We are a group that has been raiding together for nearly a year. We are 8/10 in current HM content, full clears of all other NiM content. Aus/ NZ/ US members who raid 7pm- 10pm GMT +10 on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays currently. Nearly all of the group members play multiple roles and classes at a current progression level, which is why we have some flexibility in who we are looking to recruit. We swear and we poke fun at each other in good humour, so if that makes you uncomfortable best move along. What we are looking for: 1 competent player of any Imperial class/ role who will show up to raids consistently and on time. We are looking for competency at a HM level- if you're not experienced already we can arrange for you to run with us on one of our nights to see how good a fit you are. Gear is not an issue if you can show raid awareness and skill at your class/ role, and you stick around so that the gear we invest in you makes it worth our while. How to "apply": Reply in thread with how we can contact you, send me a PM, or contact anyone from <BOG> in-game. If it's not one of our group, they will pass on the message or tell you who to whisper. Depending on number of responses we may need to take some people for a run through of the content. We will get back to you about when that will be. Thanks for your time.
  13. All raids are dependant on the group being good. Yes I see you wrote "guild-dependent", well, it doesn't matter if it's a guild group if the guild's group sucks does it? The majority of the group has to be competent. If the group cannot do the content it doesn't matter if you're a marauder/ sentinel, or a RDPS, or a tank or a healer, you won't get through it. And the best DPSers can concentrate on DPS AND survival, FWIW. Your complaint and the responses can be boiled down to "RDPS have it slightly easier than MDPS on some fights". Um, don't see any RDPS complaining about having to move into melee range to do their job in a raid (there's more than one ops boss with a reflective shield). When you make comments like "melee moves so much that it can't DPs even half the time" and "R can DPS at HK bomb phase, M can't." and "You get TPed exactly when the ghost thing start" among others, it makes me wonder why I'm even bothering to reply because you don't appear know much about successful DPS or how the fights work anyhow. You just wanna argue with everyone.
  14. Answering from my own personal experience... There are far less people raiding on pub side on Harb. I can sit on Republic Fleet most times of the day and see maybe 1 or 2 raids, if any, being advertised... Hop over to Imp side, there are more being advertised. I just spend most of my time on that faction now. I'd guess that if the population is higher on Imp side, the chances of you running with "douchebags" is higher. Or there aren't enough douchebags on Pub side to make a raid group.
  15. What time do you think people are using when they are playing? Hammer time? These people ARE gearing their alts in their own time, fool. If I'm going to put in time and effort and use up my toon's lockouts in an Ops run (not commenting on FPs), I am just as entitled as everyone else in the group to get something for my time. I will always follow set rules for runs when they are laid out at the beginning. When they are not outlined I ask. If I don't like them, I leave. And I agree with everyone saying that it's stupid to bring in undergeared alts that is going to make a run more difficult. Who here is going to refuse to take a tank on their ops run because they won't come unless they get to roll on things? Because I sure as hell won't take my well-geared tank on your silly little run if I can't the opportunity to get something I need, for any of my characters. Did you think of that, people who oppose alt rolls? Oh and by the way, my tank is only geared because I have 10 other alts to help gear it. Can only do these Ops once per week, and you're not guaranteed to win anything any time you go. Follow set rules, and accept that it is down to random numbers against whoever decides to roll within the rules. Accept that you may have to go on many runs to gear your character(s). And if you don't want to accept the way the game's Need/ Greed system works, by all means, go suggest something better in the Suggestion forum. But it's obvious what the majority of expectations here are. Does it matter if everyone has to Need on everything, if they are following set rules that everyone has agreed to such as "1 token piece per person", for example? Perhaps more people have finally figured out the way to increase their chances of winning something, which is to roll more often.
  16. Same here, have every map area on the achievement ticked off and the map is fully explored, no blank hexes anywhere at all on the world map, as when you fully explore any planet. Can't get the "Explorer of the Galaxy" achievement without a fix for this.
  17. I've never been in your situation. I joined a guild before I reached Level 50 and have run ops with them or other friends ever since, getting achievements since they were implemented. I haven't applied for any groups that are asking for achievements that I don't have. I'm sure I'm not the only one. To me, having it means that person has successfully completed the fight at least once. You don't know how well they did it, or what role, but you also don't know how much some stranger without the achievement really knows about the fight, or how well they really play their class, until you see it yourself. I have stuck through terrible runs with multiple roster changes and I have helped new people through before, I am not entirely averse to the idea. However, I do not have all day every day to play this game and I would like to enjoy some of my time and get something other than repair bills out of it... So I prefer joining runs that are full of people who have done it before. And when I am short on time I will advertise asking for achievements. The key to breaking through here, as Kalizo said, is knowing someone. You could run with someone you know who will take you, or have a mutual acquaintance vouch for you. I would personally be happy with either happening in my ops group.
  18. Nothing crazy, just an inch off the bottom, and put some of that nice-smelling product in when you're done.
  19. Haha, I was going to say this! As a female I don't care that most of the bosses are male. And I bet that even if the developers DID add more female bosses, you lot would still refer to them in male terms as you discuss the boss fight.
  20. Yes, the Flashpoints that have a Solo mode can be done by more than one person if you are grouped and you all have the SOLO mode mission in your mission log. You can do it with four people and your four GSI droids if you want to. I appreciate this because after my 3rd or so alt it gets tiresome, especially the Prelude flashpoints...
  21. Whole raid team got kicked out of server. Tried to get back into Harby and it won't let me but it lets me in other servers.
  22. So someone told you how to do it, and you're still saying it's a design issue... I don't think it is. It's just reliant on everyone in the flashpoint being competent and able to listen to instructions if they don't already know what to do. So... Next time the adds don't spawn in the fire phase, you know what to do. Hard Mode flashpoints should be somewhat hard. Some people find challenges to be FUN. If you do not, then don't do any challenging content- do something that you find FUN and don't ruin it for others.
  23. Flashpoints are being fixed, not nerfed: Operations are being nerfed in terms of damage dealt, but I personally don't care since they are SM and I would just like to be able to successfully pug a whole SM Op without it taking 3+ hours because no one knows how to do it and people screw it up and keep leaving. Right now I usually only join groups that are asking for achievements because I know they will get done quicker and I don't have the patience for people who don't have the patience to learn (yeah I know not everyone who hasn't done it before is incapable of learning it). They are already boring in guild runs, I don't care if they are more boring.
  24. It's dependant on the class and spec. I'm sure others could offer their thoughts on your Powertech; an assassin tank I know is mixing old and new. The only ones I have thought about are for Scoundrel/ Operative and Merc/ Mando heals- I'm going with old 2-piece, new 4-piece for Operative and all new 6-piece for Merc. If you don't find the answers your looking for here try the class forums.
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