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Everything posted by Kufuffelupagus

  1. Good initiative. The only things I can think of to add at the moment: *Agreeing with Margoth that members of the group should recharge when needed, especially in lowbie groups. Low-level healers do not have the skills and abilities to keep everyone topped up without needing to recharge themselves like an endgame healer can. *Disagreeing that Sorcerer's should "bubble the whole group if a Sorcerer healer isn't present". DPS-specced Sorcerers/ Sages bubbles can be energy expensive depending on skill points spent and level. Perhaps bubble the tank at strategic times if possible. *In the Damage Dealers section (or possibly General), I'd like something along the lines of "Use knock backs carefully and only when needed" added. It can be extremely annoying when a healer/ DPS knocks back a whole group before the tank gets aggro... Or knocks an enemy away from the tank/ melee DPS, or out of an AoE attack. Keep up the good work.
  2. Brilliant! This and some other funny stories here should totally go in the "The weird people you meet in group finder" thread. To stay on topic: Wrongly specc'd: It annoys me but I will only initiate or vote to kick if the flashpoint is impossible to do with them. As in, either they re-pec and we still wipe, or they refuse to re-spec or change stance. Ninjas: it personally only matters to me in Endgame content when I need the gear- it's harder to come by than lowbie stuff (I have Cybertech and hoard Planetary Comms). If it happens then and they don't give a good reason why and don't make it right, I will leave or vote to kick. I won't give them another chance. Rude behaviour: My biggest peeve. If it's one member, I will vote to kick them. If it's two or the whole group I'll leave but not before I've put them on /ignore. Usually if the whole group's rude it's an indicator that you may be the problem, but I have had it happen to me once before in a lowbie flashpoint- the DPS would jump into the fray straight away without ever healing themselves or letting me get my Force back (I was healing). After I asked them to, they TOLD me it was my JOB to keep them healed. I tried pointing out that it's possible in end game, but not with a level 22 Seer. They laughed me off so I waited until they had pulled the first boss to /ignore and leave. The weakest link: I love to teach and help others so I won't initiate a vote. If they're a reasonable person and we really can't finish with them, they'll usually leave anyway. I'll always try to help first as long as they're willing to try.
  3. Bioware's official stance is that you will not be reimbursed if you voluntarily transfer before the server closes. I have read accounts of GMs in other guilds getting bank tabs back or reimbursed credits to buy what they had on their old server, but this has not happened to many others, including myself. (Great consistency... Not.) Their excuse is that the FAQ said they wouldn't be doing this, but it was only changed to say that a couple days before the transfers opened. I would have happily stayed on Dalborra until it closed, except that the number of people still there since transfers opened is so ridiculously low that unless your whole, decent-sized guild is online, there is no one to run anything with. So we moved too. I also have one character left on the APAC server. My advice to you is to leave it there with the GM position (assuming you're the GM); when the APAC servers close, your guild- including the name and the bank- will get moved over to the destination server. Which means that for anyone wanting to move their guild to any server other than that won't get their name and bank, I presume...
  4. Please excuse me for being too lazy to do my own math, but did you consider that Operations are much more time consuming than a single PvP match? Not sure how time spent vs. comms earnt works out in exact detail for each one, but I'd assume that since Ops are longer and give less comms, that is a good reason for the gear to be cheaper.
  5. My first 50 was my Scoundrel healer, I loved every minute of it. It was a very informative journey since it was my first MMO, but I joined a great guild partway through. I enjoyed the Smuggler story so much that my second 50 was a Gunslinger. I was the ONLY raiding guildie that had two 50s but only one buff... They paid me out a lot, but every time they said "Smuggler buff please" I smirked inside. For a long time I was the only raiding Smuggler in the guild for a long time and quite often multiple boss drops had Smuggler gear! Third 50 was a Sage healer, I had lots of other characters on the go but I enjoyed the Seer so much that I kept playing it. Fourth 50 was my first tank, a Guardian, which was scary for a long time but after surviving being thrown in the deep end multiple times (including solo tanking Nightmare KP) it's more fun than scary now. First 55 was the Scoundrel, Guardian second. Looks like my Gunslinger will be 55 next.
  6. 1) I would agree with what Gronkaarr said. 2) For my scoundrel I use three bars at the bottom- top is for heals, middle for DPS, bottom for things like interrupts, cc breaker, stealth etc. I keybound them to be 1 to = for top, then Shift+1 to Shift+= for middle, Control+1 to Control+= for bottom. An extra box to the right for vanity items, and a side bar for mounts, buffs, and other abilities. Here is a screenshot for you (ignore that it's a PvP board, it was an average game at who knows what level so I'm not trying to say anything about my PvPing ) My "cover bar" is exactly the same as my normal bar, I did that on purpose because I've found that as a healer, there's no reason for them to be different. Perhaps put the Cartel Market icon in the bottom left corner? Or on the left-hand side of the bar at the top, unless it interferes with chat. I don't think you can change anything to make in range and out of range players easier to differentiate; you'll notice out of range characters are faded in the Ops frame compared to ones in-range. Unfortunately there's no way to tell if those in range are Line of Sighting you. 3) I'm not familiar with "XPerl, Clique & Decursive" so I'm not sure how to replicate that. I've been meaning to set up bindings on my Logitech G300 mouse but haven't been bothered to yet, so I only have the keyboard bindings I've outlined in point 2 above. 4) As Gronkaarr has said, grinding comms is the way to go. I recommend doing flashpoints as well; if you've got all or mostly 61s/ 63s, you should be geared enough to run 55 Hard Modes.
  7. A few things to keep in mind when making that decision: *Those crystals seem to be uncommon drops in packs; *Those particular colours are not available anywhere else; *You'll probably end up keeping that crystal on that character for a long time, at least until it's levelled to 50 and you can use other +41 crystals; *Unless you have a legacy weapon, those crystals will be bound to that character forever once used. Keeping all that in mind, you should choose carefully. I would not use a +41 Endurance crystal over a +41 Power on any character unless it was a tank, because even though more health seems like a great idea, more Power (which increases your hits/ heals) is better. You'll just end up replacing that +41 Endurance with something else at level 50, when you could have sold it or used it on a tank character. So in your case, I would suggest that you use the Power crystal on your character, unless it's a tank. If you don't like the colour for your lightsabre/ blaster shots, maybe put it in your offhand and keep updated crystals of a colour you like in your main hand. Another suggestion is to sell the Endurance crystal to make more credits towards buying another Power crystal, or a Critical (the crit ones seem to be cheaper than the power) crystal. The Endurance ones don't sell for as much but they do sell.
  8. That's why I always call "2 inc" in case. In fact, when defending a side node or pylon I have "2 inc {node I'm defending}" pre-typed in Ops chat after I position myself, and I use my mouse to swivel the camera. That way my calls are pretty much instant. I always assume that's what someone is doing when they're on their lonesome at the enemy's one node. What I DON'T like is when three or more of our team is at the other node unless we are about to lose one of our two.
  9. Whether the gear is worthwhile to you depends on how many characters you have and how much trouble you want to go to to gear them. When you make or purchase mods that are Bind on Equip, they can be mailed by themselves between characters, no biggie. Mods that are already bound therefore cannot be mailed, right? Well, they can if you put them in the legacy gear, then mail that piece of gear between characters. My main is a Scoundrel and I would get so much extra gear from tokens dropping in Ops. With Legacy gear I was able to rip out the mods (which were bound to that character) and mail them to other characters and put them in their gear. (Your other character doesn't have to actually wear the orange legacy pieces.) You can potentially gear a fresh 50 completely in 61s (from the Classic Vendor) or higher with Legacy gear, bypassing the need to grind Flashpoints to be ready for Operations. Another use I've found is to send these armourings, mods and enhancements to my Cybertech and Artifice characters so they can Reverse-Engineer them, and craft them for my guildmates or to sell. So as I said, how useful they are varies from person to person, but for me and many others the legacy gear is extremely useful.
  10. On Dalborra we have /Endgame chat, which is a custom chat channel that was made and promoted by various people. It can be used for organising Ops, amongst other things. Someone on your server (if not you, maybe a prominent person or guild) could do the same and with some time and promotion (on the server forum, General chat on Fleet and Dailies planets), you should have a large number of people /cjoin it. On topic, I would agree that Level 55s should be able to queue for Level 50 Ops.
  11. I'll have a crack at helping you out. I haven't played WoW before though so if anyone else wants to comment they might be able to do it better. Since you're currently Level 51, you could start your progression now with Hard Mode Flashpoints, then Story or Hard Mode Operations- Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace, and Explosive Conflict. Whether you do Story or Hard Mode Ops depends on the group you're with and how confident you feel- there's no shame in wanting to run Story Mode to dip your toe in. (There's also achievements to unlock for a Story Mode run, I believe.) So Pre-55 Progression would look like: Hard Mode Flashpoints -> Story Mode Operations -> Hard Mode Operations -> Nightmare Mode Operations (Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace are definitely possible to do pre-55 at Nightmare level). Once you reach Level 55, the best place to start is Level 55 Flashpoints, especially if you need more gear. The two Level 55 Operations, Terror from Beyond and Scum and Villainy, are now open to you. Progression would look something like: Level 55 Flashpoints -> Terror from Beyond Story Mode -> Scum and Villainy Story Mode -> either of those Ops at Hard Mode. (I have only run Scum and Villainy once due to time restraints so if anyone disagrees on the difficulty I've insinuated, feel free to comment.) I hope that helps, and I'm sure others could also post more information.
  12. That is HILARIOUS. When pugging a group, I've often considered only communicating through emotes... Haven't yet though.
  13. "I would like to ask whether they can ban a player who robbed the whole guild bank but it is a problem that the owner had 99 cases of adjusted per week" I think I understand your questions, and as GM of a guild I'll try to answer them. Asking whether "they" can ban a player for robbing a guild bank seems to refer to whether Bioware can ban someone... From what I have read, the answer is no. BW puts the onus on the GM for making sure there are restrictions in place to prevent that from happening and to police it themselves. As someone who is worried about this happening, I put restrictions on certain vaults with valuable items such as which ranks can access them, how many withdrawals per week, etc. As a rule, recruits in my guild cannot even view the guild bank; this way people who I don't know very well have no chance of robbing the bank. So for the second part of your question, yes, I think it is a problem that the "owner" (Guildmaster?) let people of that rank be able to take out 99 items per week. Depending on the size and activity of a guild I'd say about 20- 50 withdrawals per week is enough. And as I said, Bioware puts the onus on the Guildmaster to take precautions.
  14. I play less than I used to now, but back when I played til 3/ 4am and got up at 7am for work, then turn the PC on when I get back home... I would dream about SW:TOR, and sometimes wake up suddenly in the middle of the night thinking I'd dozed off in front of my keyboard again.
  15. You're doing the right thing by asking in General. Without knowing exactly what you're typing, I'll give you an example of what's helpful: "*role* LFG {Name of mission in clicky text from right-clicking it in your quest log while having your cursor in the chat box}". If you put your role (DPS, Healer, Tank) in there, sometimes that's more incentive for people to join you. So for example: "Healer LFG {Trouble In Deed}". You don't wanna spam gen chat but, with people coming into the instance all the time, someone new might see it each time you put it in there. Or sometimes, those on the planet aren't interested in the Heroic, aren't up to it yet, or are the same role as you and feel that they can't come. Sometimes it's just really hard to get a group. Keep trying but remember there's Heroics on every planet, so if you out-level one, move on and hope you can get a group for the next one. Good luck.
  16. <Unreal Realities> is going to the Harbinger.
  17. I agree that insulting new players and elitist snobbery isn't welcome, and shouldn't be. However, I disagree with what you're saying to the game designers. There is plenty of end-game content that casual players who may or may not have optimised gear and a good rotation could get through- dailies in four areas, Story Mode flashpoints, even most Hard mode flashpoints and maybe Story Mode Operations (depending on the group). Think about how easy it is to just Google "SWTOR sentinel rotation", or "SWTOR level 50 sentinel gear" (for example). If players want to participate in harder content, the information is out there... I don't think it's over the top to expect people to know how to play and gear their character for harder content. There's even in-game tutorials and information about end-game stuff on this website. You'd think that if someone nicely suggested you should work on your gear and/ or rotation, a decent person would thank them and ask for more information or look it up themselves. I did, when I was new! Without knowing more about what's happened to you, OP, I'd say: keep at it, don't let nasty people ruin your fun. If you haven't found a friendly guild yet, try looking or putting a post in your Server's sub-forum.
  18. I love the idea Scorpio and will be there, and help out if I am able. Is there, or will there be a timetable or list of events that people can sign up to helping with? That might make things easier.
  19. I really like the idea of a custom chat channel for us Dalborrans, if the move to Harbinger goes ahead. One of the things I was disappointed about was losing the way everyone kind of knew everyone on the server; this way we can still see what everyone's up to. I haven't discussed the idea with my guildies, but I don't think Unreal Realities is interested in a merger and would rather stay as a small group of people. Whoever was offering their Vent server for everyone to use, good on ya, I think that's a great idea too.
  20. Binding them to Legacy would be preferable, I think. Although... Could be worked around by only buying the packs on one character.
  21. Everyone's got a different agenda. Some here only want the best loot from the bosses, others want experience playing their class and the XP from trash... I only do FPs for the commendations and the gear drops- if they're even my level. My most precious commodity is time, so I like to skip as much as possible. However, I'll never give people a hard time if they want to do all the trash and the bonus missions. (I'll just complain to myself about it.)
  22. Bad groups are why I don't enjoy tanking sometimes. ('Bad' being different to 'inexperienced'- if people are willing to learn I'm willing to walk them through it.) If I'm in a bad group on my healer (tank not holding aggro, DPS breaking CC, etc), I can try to CC stuff, do decent DPS, and heal them through the mistakes (unless it's really bad, like pulling more than one mob). If I'm in a bad group on my DPS, I can kill things a lot faster, usually before they kill everyone in the group. I can try pulling the aggro if the tank dies or something is going after the healer and the tank isn't dealing with it. But if I'm in a bad group on my tank, I can't heal and I can't kill enemies fast enough. And I'll either get blamed, or shot down when I say what went wrong, or worst of all, no one says a damn word and I'm forced to just... Get through it somehow. Or leave. I find tanking both an interesting and enjoyable role- what puts me off is some people in some groups. I've seen a lot of jerks giving others grief when it's uncalled for.
  23. Wow, this has managed to keep me amused for two hours. : I'm a female gamer who plays mostly female characters. Someone commented about getting treated "better" on their male characters; maybe they meant in a manner more to their liking but players are always nicer to my female toons than the males. I too prefer not to have them look like pole dancers, but I quite like the look for one of my toons so I've stuck with it. So far I've only had one creepy person. Them: "U R HOT" Me: I'm not real. -__- Them: "SERIOUSLY" Me: And you're amusing. Them: "I CAN BE MORE THAN AMUSING" Me: I hope so, because as soon as you stop being amusing I'm going to /ignore you! There was more, but I blocked it out of my mind. Didn't last long and was good for a laugh. Other than that, just a couple of comments on the outfit, and my group mates staring at my toon. (Don't they realise I have "Target of Target" enabled? Lol.) I feel bad for you though OP. As everyone's already said, just don't put up with anyone ruining your game time. You don't have to be rude about it; if nothing else works, just say "What you're doing is ruining my fun. I'm putting you on /ignore". It's not your responsibility to educate them. Life's too short. Also, I'm a teacher who has done dog obedience/ agility trialling, and the pedagogy behind teaching dogs and teaching students (ages 5- 17) are very, very similar.
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