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Everything posted by Grue_Hunter

  1. Healing on a sage/sorc is as boring as snot right now.
  2. You are assuming that the tanks are actually taunting and playing correctly.
  3. We are already seeing wz teams consisting of all dps or all dps except for 1 heal. To me it's suggesting that people are starting to steer away from playing heals because it is now so difficult to earn the small pittance of medals possible in that role. Also, I should note for a pugging team, 1 heal by him- or her-self is nearly a handicap (if it's not a sorc).
  4. 6v6 or 4v4 could work - but the warzone areas would have to be reduced to make them work..
  5. Similar weird thing happened here on my sniper yesterday. Broke 7 medals with my first kill, coming in late to the wz - finished the wz with 15 medals, and yes, killed 16 and got the medal for 25.
  6. As a sidebar, the description for Saviour still says 360k heals - even though it's for 650k heals. Ironically, I broke 1.7m in heals in the last wz and didn't get the saviour medal. And, yes, I'm sure that I had the 650k before dying.
  7. Looks like we are both on the same page, Hottie (this is Gilda here). I was finding the Operative healing mechanics much more clunky post 3.3 - so I too took out my sorc for dps and heals. Both Sorc specs were completely over-the-top facerolls (3.7k hps with healing gear and I was easily hitting 1.5m in damage before I had even finished gearing on the dps side of things). Just to add to the discussion, Merc Healing now suffers a combination of heat issues and difficulties in self-healing. Bravo EAware.
  8. Stumbled on this by accident. Situation: have one member from each team tapping the same node on the Hypergate, just about a second or two apart. The player who started first will get the py for his team - but only temporarily. This is because the counter for the second player does not stop - even though the first player has beat the second player to the node. The result is that the second player, if uninterrupted, will get the node for his or her team - because the second player's counter kept on going, despite the fact that the first player already "got" the node. Ideally, the second player should have his counter restart after the first player claimed the node for his team. I have a sneaking suspicion that this will apply to other warzones too which have neutral nodes which could be claimed by either team.
  9. Mixed feelings here - first, let's remember that DPS-wise commandos and mercs are primarily a ranged DPS class - so they suffer issues similar to snipers. (I won't factor in sages/sorcs here because they have been given so many tools in their tool chest, not to mention mindless autocasting, that they have less to worry about.) You get close to them and they are vulnerable. (Hence the power of stuns and stealthed attacks, etc.) Second, speaking from a healing perspective, there is a mismatch in terms of their heals (melee) and their defences (ranged). I have particularly noticed this post 3.3. When the devs made a minor change to Kolto Shots, it threw the healing sequence out of whack, because you now have to move closer to your heals (which are usually in melee) and are higher heat producing, but you become very vulnerable because your self-healing and heat dropping skill (Kolto Shots) is not sufficient to do both anymore. (Kolto missile just doesn't have enough sustained healing output to compete with similar AoE heals like the sorcs or scoundrels.) Third, and finally, I think that the commando/merc community has been going about the defence complaints in the wrong way over the past few years. If you want a change to a class, then you have to do it in a way that somehow fits what the devs have in mind for the class. A lot of the suggestions I have seen were interesting - but they just didn't fit the philosophy behind the class.
  10. Speaking as a pvper who plays all the healing classes, and regularly played both Merc and Commando healers in pvp (a rarity in wzs and arenas), it WAS ok pre 3.3 - but you had to work harder to get comparable stats to the scoundrel (forget about sorc post 3.0). Now, the heat/energy management is screwed up and survivability is down the creek. For example, pre-3.3, I was hovering between 1.2m and 1.6m in heals with mid-range hps -- with my heals exceeding the damage inflicted on me. Plus I could hold my own in the arenas, despite the early ganks (because some players thought that mercs were easy meat). The survivability issue did not concern me because you could use Kolto shots to control the heat AND use to keep yourself standing long enough for the next big bursty heal. Post 3.3, the Kolto shots are not sufficient to keep me up, plus although there were bumps to the other heals, a bump to an interruptible rapid scan and the other heals has not led to increased output. In fact, I've seen my output drop. I am looking at in a good wz about 1m in heals -- far below what I saw before and easily beaten by my sorc healer which can crank out 1.5m easily. In fact, in pugged wzs, I have been seeing my heals drop to about 400k to 600k -- sometimes not even enough to exceed the damage that the opponent groups have been inflicting. In short, it is now a broken spec. Try something different if you are going to pvp - hopefully the story is different in pve.
  11. With the 3.3 update, my commando has found that his Advanced Medical Probe is coming in unlabelled - minus any information on how it works, its effectiveness and, in fact, lacking any information about the skill. It does not even have a name. All I know is that it is "rank 7". Not sure about its effectiveness vis-a-vis my Merc Healer atm.
  12. Good luck - you are probably competing with bots.
  13. PvE snipers are fine - in PvP, it's a mixed bag. That's largely because the gear provided for snipers tends to "favour" the MM spec (if it can be called that) but not really the other two specs. (The changes in 3.0 just don't mesh well with the gear that EA provided the players who want to use snipers, period. You really have to play mix and match with the mods and enhancements to get anything decent out of Sabotage and Virulence.)
  14. I should point out that it's not limited to the Shaggy hairstyle. Looks like a general mapping issue of fabric and hair to the model. I've seen bald head poke through the Saber Marshall robe as well.
  15. I've seen that but it has also been happening when the player is visibly moving around and active (in the warzone or on Fleet).
  16. Moved from General Customer Service forum ** Been finding this in some warzones - that players who have been in the game are "not found" - particularly some pvp players - and this is happening in and out of the warzones. That is, if you try whispering with them, searching for them on the "Who" list or adding them as friends (and yes, this is with the correct characters - often done from cut and paste and the player's toon is often standing right in front of me), then you get greeted with the red letters "Player not Found". Is this a glitch or something more serious?
  17. Doesn't matter - if you are wearing the standard armour, then it still looks fine.
  18. I think it's the tedium (and frustration that they are getting at for some of the 'crons). Anyone for the Strength datacron on pubside on Nar Shaddaa or how about a nice relaxing balloon ride on Tat?
  19. Must be a glutton for punishment
  20. Nice idea but to be honest, it would be hard to make it viable cost-wise.
  21. You mean like the keychain which first came out with the game?
  22. But the naming policy has not been enforced - yes, even with reporting since it was first recommended to me about a year and a half ago. Off the top of my head, I have seen guild and character names related to: 1. drugs - Mary Jane, Ganja, Spliff, Cannabis, Marihuana/Marijuana, Joint, Blunt 2. celebrities - youth pop culture icons, icons from the past, rock stars past and present (Elvis may have left the building but not the game; ditto Jenners, Tina and Ike, Bieber and Swift) 3. characters from the Star Wars Universe (including ingame NPCs, Rebels, The Clone Wars and Seasons 1-6!), Star Trek universe, DCU, Marvel U, Top Cow U, Squaresoft, popular TV shows, Disney, etc. (I'd name them but restrictions on posting are the only thing that seem to be enforced) 4. Leet or nonsense names 5. Lewd names that discriminate against women, LGBT groups and racial minorities Personally, I find it mildly amusing yet sad that the in-game censor can pick some of these up yet characters are allowed to walk around with names that are prohibited. (I'm surprised that a regular in-game audit of the names doesn't occur -- yes, to even catch those that are doing it with accented letters.) It's very well having a naming policy that is a carbon copy of what is seen on other MMOs, but if it is not enforced, then what is the point? And why not enforce it, given the legal liability entailed? Yes the naming system needs an overhaul. But how about enforcing the policy while they are at it?
  23. If you keep track of the dev discussions, then you would know that something is in the works for subscribers with 4.0.
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