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Everything posted by Grue_Hunter

  1. Nice idea - but it seems that to move forward in the story line you cannot do it solo mode without abandoning the storyline. In other words, you are forced to do the Tactical.
  2. She gave her life on that little wheel so a few players could enjoy their gaming. RIP little one.
  3. Something happened to <Dynamite>?
  4. You do that and all those silly guys from Pot5, Bastion and Jung Ma who recently transfered to Harb for PvP purposes will riot.
  5. Um, I'd love to agree with you, but I haven't seen very much of the new material. My Harbinger server is down. Again.
  6. Bring back Boo, the mighty space hamster. He can power Harbinger all by himself.
  7. The poor little Harbinger space hamster is tired.
  8. I have been booted so far after being only 1 minute on (three times - once yesterday and twice today) and after 12 minutes of play. I have been resident on Harb for over 2 years now and foolishly, I got renewed my sub for early access. Imagine my joy and pleasure when I find that my reward for being loyal and supportive of EAware's Old Republic MMO is this???
  9. Not so sure - holotraverse/trick-move is going to be v useful in HB. It's nearly like they are now juggernauts crossed with operatives.
  10. On the positive side (for you), I've seen the DoTs, when they do hit, continue after my operative toon has died and respawned in warzones.
  11. Starting to think that this bug and a similar bug in Voidstar are related (i.e., the bridges going invisible). Could this be due to the new medium resolution graphics fix that occurred?
  12. - In Voidstar, the Bridges have been not visible (it's quite an experience to walk across the invisible bridges or call that the bridge is down but it is not seen -- seems to be a problem to what is currently being seen in Eternity Vault). Similarly, also in Voidstar, Satele Shan and Darth Marr have been locatable at the first spawning areas. - The Assault Battery NPCs have been visible and present in Assault on Tython.
  13. Well said. And thank-you. You've brought forward a few of the things that has been souring me on pvp of late on Harbinger (and I should say that pvp was one of the few things in the game kept me coming back after I got bored with the PvE side of things. And yes, that included a lot of pugging in warzones. And, the quality of play by the pugs on Harb for the most part were quite good - until recently. Puggng WAS enjoyable. But currently, the pleasure I have derived from PvP has been dropping - as witnessed for example by increased number of premades who have been farming warzones, especially Queshball lately for some reason. For those who don't follow what I am saying, the premades have been not even attempting to tap nodes or score using the Huttball - just running up their damage, protection and healing scores. After seeing this trollish behaviour increase over the past four months, I am pretty close to just giving up on PvP - and to be honest, after 4.0, I will probably give up on what was once a fun way of spending my evenings. I'll probably just finish the new content and then shelve the game.
  14. 4.2k hps? Weird results for a wz - if you start crunching the numbers - regardless of which healing class we are talking about. Still, it's not hard to cook the books in Novarre -- the results smell a bit old Macdonald's farm, especially when one looks at the other stats. Nice work by that tank BTW.
  15. Just to add to the discussion....as a late comer to GSF, I've found that the strike fighters are "ok" but only that. The secondary weapon choices for the strike fighers are disappointing and not too useful unless you manage to actually sneak up on an opponent. Until they get a secondary weapon which is a bit more responsive, then I'll be leaving them as the ones I'll only play after I've exhausted the bonuses on the other ships.
  16. This has been an issue that has popped up since the last patch - that is, the game is hanging regularly when trying to shut down the game - regardless of the method used (i.e., from within the game, or via the character selection screen), You hit the Quit/Leave Game option and you are greeted with a full black screen - and the only way to end it seems to be using either Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then restarting/shutting-down the computer. Can this be fixed please?
  17. It's not even deathmatch - it's Pylons > Kills > Orbs. It's called a Convergence wz for a reason, but few people stop to actually think a pvp area through (in any MMO) before they actually play it.
  18. Sympathies. It's always nice when you can get the textbox up fast enough when you get hit by a stealthed group. Suddenly you have one guy node spamming and another two hammering away at you. (And then invariably you get the nitwit who tactlessly puts it in Ops chat after the node gets tapped: "Next time time call out before they get there."
  19. I like that! Except I usually finish with DEAD, then Where the heck were you guys?
  20. How about 7 Hypergrates in a row (happened here today)?
  21. That's what it sounds like to me too. The transition for operative healers from about 30-35 is uneven -- it's not your fault. (And the guys who are saying L2P have been playing the post60s to long to notice.) All I can say is tough it out. It does get better. When they brought in Disciplines, they made the leveling experience less than great for the healing classes - esp for operative healer (in the current set up). Just do a little bit of PvE to get the leveling done. Come back at about 37-38 and you'll find that it's much better.
  22. Actually cross-server is not the only solution. Dropping unranked, period, is a viable alternative - make it all ranked.
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