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Everything posted by Grue_Hunter

  1. 1. A pvp vendor and kiosk for our strongholds: It struck me that those of us who try and supplement our meagre pvp income with crafting/gathering or running Dailies constantly have to waste time zipping back to Fleet to either convert our comms or cash in the completed Dailies/Weeklies. Granted the new comm cap helps but it would be a neat idea. 2. Male and Female Costume Mannequins: How about some male/female mannequins to show off our Cartel costume acquisitions? Sort of like the glass cases one sees in museums or Batman's cave...
  2. You can always count on the obsessive types who have a "bee in their bonnet" to try and hijack a thread for their own purposes. (Watch -- the mara people will be jumping in next.)
  3. Right on the money as usual Icy. (Your last comment reminds me of those who speak about alien and ghost sightings.) I can only add that the nature of the game also makes it difficult at times to discern whether a player has hacked or not. With the way that bolster works, fps is handled, the lack of a narrowing of the disparity between the player's builds in the wzs and the recent new skill sets relating to alacrity and player movement speed, I've seen some strange things that I put down to issues related to the game, as opposed to hacks. Yes, I have seen anomalies that I put down to hacks (having become familiar with how the game works), so I do believe that they exist. But when I also have opposing players accuse me of hacking when I know that I don't, I am not at all surprised that there is a contingent out there who take the "no there isn't and Learn-to-Play" route.
  4. All that will happen is that they will bring back some skills that were from before 3.0.
  5. It's not just offhands that are bugged and don't display in wzs, I've seen mainhand and relics not appear.
  6. If players are patient, you'll often see the same guilds jumping sides to their Pub toons. The PvP winds blow in every direction: if you are patient, wait a while and it will change.
  7. Now that you mention it, I have noticed that the dps scoundrels do seem to be much harder to take down than the healer scoundrels. Most curious. Maybe I need to switch specs
  8. As one who has specialized in mostly playing heals and tanks, I find it ironic that I agree with someone who is saying that there is a an issue with healing and tanking. Sorc/sage healing has become a joke (and I am saying this as one who has recently rolled a sorc healer). I get a bigger workout on my operative or merc healers -- sorc healing is just too easy and mindless. Pair me with a tank and it's pretty darned hard for me to die (even when I am not done upgrading my gear to pvp status). Even without a tank, I find that I am dying less and getting numbers that are regularly higher than my fully Dark-Reaver geared operative. (And, yes, I do have a fair bit of experience playing operative/scoundrel healers.) I should also note the following. I can get similar healing stats numbers on that operative healer but with a few more deaths. My merc healer doesn't come close to either the operative or the sorc (unless I am prepared to really tax my energy levels) but I can get a bit of side damage as a trade-off. In both of these latter cases, there are also energy issues that leave both the merc and operative vulnerable at times- this is not the case with the sorc healer. So, there is a lack of parity in the healing classes. As for the dps side of things, I find it is very hit and miss. Pre-3.0 was a bit more class-balanced; now the only dps that really seem to be viable are those that use some variation of auto-cast or (horrors!) those using specs which have a series of skills that could benefit from those forbidden things called macros (because of the way the timing works). It may be a bit late to rollback the changes from 3.0, but here is praying that some careful and sober 2nd thought takes place.
  9. In the meantime, Virulence snipers - the main DoTer for snipers - is not doing too well compared with the other sniper specs. It makes one think...
  10. I have noticed that there are a lot more of the "me too, I wanna be on the winning side" players on Harbinger, lately -- and it has led to some really jerky switches between which side had more wins (where in the past, it was smoother). I have a feeling that it will balance out with either the next batch of pvp gear or the end of 12xXP - whichever comes first. Hopefully.
  11. Obviously, you haven't pugged where the opposing team was farming kills at both exit points in Novarre.
  12. This begs a few comments in reply... Believe it or not, there's about 4-5 successful strategies that work in Hypergate. And yes, one involves ignoring the orbs and hitting the pylons hard (i.e. treating them like a MacGuffin -- I call it the Cutthroat Strategy because it is literally an all-or-nothing type approach to the warzone). The problem comes in when different players have different strategies in Hypergate or the gearing is just not suited for the strategy chosen. For example, to say nothing of the gear situation, if you have 3 players who are doing something orb-based, another 3 players are trying to do the Cutthroat (maybe because they saw it done successfully before), and the remaining 2 are either guarding the node or confused, then of course your team will take a shellacking. All I can suggest is that if you are going solo queued into a Hypergate, then try to get a quick read of what the team is going to do then play along. Also, re your tank comment, I should point out that a Sin/Shadow tank makes an pretty good guard (especially if geared properly and he knows how to delay a ninja until help comes). As for your comments relating to Civil War, again it depends on what the other team has elected to do (The start really is a biased version of the Three Prisoner Dilemma - especially since the side speeders were removed, which made things more predictable and. to be honest, somewhat more boring.) In the post-sidespeeder version of the game, I've seen a situation where half the team to the middle node while 1 grabs the "home node" (say snow for Impside) and the remainder heads to grass for a quick ambush actually work. So, saying half the team went to a node in Civil War doesn't necessarily mean doom - but it does hinge on an outguessing of the other side.
  13. This has been one of the problems with most of the arenas that have been introduced for the pvpers - which has enhanced the difficulties with survivabilty of snipers/slingers. It's just the nature of the things that have been rolled out over the past year and a bit. Hopefully, they will be returned soon.
  14. If most of this is true, then I feel that the devs have actually listened to a lot of the suggestions I made that I thought were do-able without disrupting things too much. So colour me impressed! I am particularly happy about the addressing of the economics of pvp vs the rest of the game (e.g., credits, comms, the grind, the purchase of ranked gear, etc.). One or two of these I am still wondering about - e.g., the ranked warzone situation -- because I am still leery of heading into them because of the silliness I have seen firsthand in them. (I wonder if a person queued solo ranked with 2018 expertise might still be able to pull something in this proposed setup - but hopefully this has been considered.) But even then, generally speaking, I think that there is enough to lift the spirits of most of the pvp players. Though I was hoping for something which would help players understand that mystery meat called "bolster", but other than that: good job, Alex! And, nice work on presenting your side of things as a dev.
  15. lol ...pass the popcorn. /popcorn
  16. Just so you know, you may be ignoring people -- but they can still end up in your pvp queues for wzs. (Ignoring does however seem to work more as you describe for pve.) Pvp-wise, it only stops you from seeing their comments.
  17. Don't you mean "PvP players of Harbinger"? Those affected play on both factions -- the PvP population on Harb is not as big as most ppl think. (Only about 7-8% of the population.)
  18. Time to start a PvP Guild called: "The Hamsters: MIA".
  19. Unfortunately, some of the nattering nabobs of negativity have migrated to Harbinger, telling us how great they are because they "came from Pot5, a PvP server". Would you be willing to take them back?
  20. I guess the closest thing is the Kolto Overload - if it could somehow be paired with some sort of effective knockback which rooted the attackers then that might help.
  21. Speaking as one who is playing both factions, it's not a faction-specific bug. (And I think that the original poster could be onto something.)
  22. In part I blame the PvP gear that we have -- what we as slingers/snipers have to choose from as gear doesn't seem to work with all the class specs. On paper, it should work; but in practice, it's quite another matter. At the same time, I have noticed that there is something definitely up with the inability of Legshot to stick lately. Last night, I legshotted a Shadow 4 times and he was able to break it each time. And it's a similar story with Sages and Scoundrels - it seems that the movement-impairment breaking powers have been moved so far in their favour that getting the opposing toon rooted is pretty tricky.
  23. Crafting PvP stuff has been out of the question for ages. The only schematic available is for Warzone adrenal - and that is not possible to craft anymore. Well, the main thing that is sustaining synth, armor and arms is barrels, augments and augment kits. As long as the Cartel system is going to be churning out cosmetic materials then that will have to sustain the crafters -- at least until the planned crafting overhaul comes in (or the game closes, whichever comes first).
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