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Everything posted by MollyDresden

  1. I have to keep switching on my grey lvl 70 character. I do one WZ and get like 850 LS/DS points. Is annoying. As for corruption, I don't know how you can possibly have any DS corruption if you're in grey/neutral zone, but just turn off DS corruption if you don't like it.
  2. I really don't care about not getting the bonus chapter. Sure, it'd be nice to have, but since you're always playing HK in it, there's really no difference between playing it myself and watching it on youtube. I do, however, want to get HK back as a companion. I didn't play the KotFE content until just before 5.0, so I wasn't even familiar with the character during the time required to be subbed to get him. What annoys me is that we're given him as a companion, he's integrated into the story, we get to know him, then he's taken from us, only for us to be told that we'll never ever get him back because we weren't subbed during the period of time necessary to re-acquire him. This isn't some bonus character. This is a character who's integral to the story, who we are led at first to believe will be a new companion for us. Then he's yanked away from us with no recourse. That really irritates me. I'd happily trade all access I have to Niko and Shae (who are totally superfluous, non-story characters) to get HK-55 back alive and well.
  3. Yeah, the fat guys are unappealing (although still clearly strong, not just fat tubs o' lard), while the 'fat' women are really just extra curvy, not obese. And I can't help thinking that obese people would not make particularly good bounty hunters/troopers/Jedi knights/etc. It's just not realistic to see a truly obese, out of shape person doing the things that our characters do. And to the guy who suggested being able to adjust breast size: Only if I can adjust the size of my male characters' "packages", so that when I dress them in nothing but a loincloth or metal bikini, I can make male players uncomfortable. Only fair. My body type suggestions: pear-shaped women (the most common female body type IRL) short, stocky, muscular guys tall, thin guys
  4. I agree that they need to change the amount of LS/DS points you get for actual choices in the game. Your alignment, until 5.0, was always primarily a reflection of the choices your character made in their story. Now that's not the case, and it harms the gameplay experience. In the mean time, if it's that important to you, I could suggest that you farm some other (non-story-related) content to gain LS/DS points, such as crew skills. It'll take forever, yes, but it's better than nothing. I'd actually really like the option to turn off the LS/DS toggle entirely so that the only way to gain LS/DS points is through choices, particularly on the characters who I want to keep grey/neutral. It's a pain having to switch the toggle back and forth when I'm doing heroics/PVP/etc.
  5. I agree that this needs to be fixed. A lot of us only play for the story, and romances are part of the story. If they let bugs happen with the story and our choices, and let those bugs go on unfixed, eventually it gives us story players no reason to continue playing. Kinda seems like something that should be a priority to them. On a related note, I've seen people complaining that their romanced class comps are bugged too. I logged in on a couple of older characters who I haven't played for a couple years at least, but who had gone through all the class story and companion missions. I noticed that the tooltip for courting gifts said that they'd give no influence to fully romanced companions (though the online influence tables I've seen said they should give at least some). Is this an indication that my characters' spouses are no longer their spouses as far as the game is concerned? Because that would be very not okay.
  6. Yep, as soon as they patched it so I could snowball my comp, I just stood there doing this. Faster and easier than running around looking for new people, I can do it anywhere, and I'm just minding my own business.
  7. Can't you just /ignore the person when you see someone doing this? And maybe if you get into a WZ with a person doing it, point it out so other people /ignore them? And maybe if you see someone doing this, just leave the WZ rather than waste your time on a rigged match (maybe after posting to your group why you're leaving so they know you're not just flaking)? I definitely think this should be fixed by the devs so people can't do it, but it seems like there are things you could do to minimize your own contact with such people.
  8. For me, most of my characters (Imp and Pub) have this view, and that mostly comes from the legacy system and the way that my characters have relatives on both sides (for the most part), which kind of makes them less antagonistic about the other faction. Almost all of my Pub characters are the children/grandchildren of my light-sided (or grey) Imp characters, so the whole Alliance idea works out super well, because they're almost all already of a "can't we just work together?" or "meh, our faction's not perfect either" mindset.
  9. I'd love to be able to replay the cutscenes in the way they originally played out. I've got characters I haven't played in years, and I want to view their story again. My only option is to create a new character who looks just like them and play it again, trying to remember what choices I made the first time. I'd much rather view it as a string of cutscenes (not having to do the actual missions again and not having to try to guess what choices I made the first time). I make new characters to see different options. If I were to replay chapters on the same characters, I'd want to at least have the game tell me which choices I made the first time so I could re-watch that character's story again. Different choices are for different characters.
  10. I didn't get access to the chapter or them, but I watched it on YouTube, and I agree. I ship them. Good-guy-murder-droid/evil-mastermind-Dory-droid 4EVA.
  11. While I have no problem with them offering this for people who want it (like you say, seems like it's something they could do with minimal effort), I have to wonder: why? KotFE's Lana design was vastly superior in pretty much every way. The first time I was playing through and I saw her new look, I was like, "Wow, she looks so much better!" It's the same basic design as before, but far more polished and nicer-looking. Wanting her old look back, to me, is kinda like complaining like the graphics in this game don't look enough like KotOR graphics.
  12. Absolutely not. Too many trolls/creeps would make disgusting/offensive titles and it would happen too much to keep under control even if BW tried. Also, people would use this feature to claim titles that exist in game without doing the achievements required to get them.
  13. Yeah, it's like we have more companions than ever, but less than ever to do with them. I think they should do the same thing with Khem that they should do with Jaesa, which is come up with some backstory that works both ways and brings them back to the same position regardless of where we left them. So, Khem would probably be in the state he was in when he was fighting with Zash for control of his body, and Jaesa would be 'grey' rather than light or dark. I mean, that's the easier suggestion. I do think it would be better to make unique storylines depending on what choices we made in the stories, and for non-class characters they could either give us a choice as you suggest or just default to one that everyone gets unless they're the right class and made a different choice.
  14. Pretty sure most light-sided characters wouldn't/shouldn't be down with raising the dead through dark magic and questionable technology. Now, straight-up making a clone of them could work (clones exist in SW, after all, though I don't know if they do in this part of the timeline), but leave the dead's soul/spirit alone. I actually hope they change it at some point in the future so that there's a third option where both live. I really do. Because I just can't see taking some of my characters through the story as long as I have to make that choice. My one BH is definitely not going to let Torian die because he's his people, but he also likes Vette and would be looking forward to introducing her to Mako, so that choice just doesn't work for me either way. So until I can do something that saves both, I'm just avoiding the entire KotFE/KotET storyline with some of my characters.
  15. It's not an 'issue' and it doesn't need to be 'fixed' because there's nothing wrong with how it is now. Different ships are like different companions: part of what makes the playing experience different depending on your class. There's really no reason at all to change from the default ship for each class. Unless they wanted to put the time into making more options and sell new ships in the Cartel Market, which is the only way they could possibly justify the time/effort to make new ships available.
  16. I actually love the Alliance and that that's where the story takes us. It suits most of my characters better than being stuck on Republic or Empire. Although it would be nice if there was some way that we had the option to choose whether to keep with the Alliance or return to our original faction. I'm afraid they're going to just end up dismantling the Alliance and returning to Republic vs. Empire, which I don't want because I find the Alliance much more interesting, but obviously the Alliance doesn't exist in the SW movies, so it's going to have to go at some point. And I do totally agree that there should be more differences in the story between classes than we've gotten with the latest stuff, as it really does hinder replayability.
  17. Always makes me wonder how the world is supposed to work regarding other classes. If you're playing a Jedi Knight, did all the other class stories happen to other people? Or did they not happen? If they all still happened to other people, then Khem would be free and Zash would either be inhabiting his body or... (you know, I forgot if she was simply suppressed or if she vanished). But if the only storyline that happens is the one you're playing, then the Inquisitor storyline wouldn't have happened, Zash would have met the same fate as most of the Sith, and Khem would most likely still be imprisoned on Korriban. Even after recruiting the 4 in-story comps and most of the Alliance Alert comps, I'm still not sure which way it's meant to go. The only clue I can think of is is that when you meet Tanno Vik he's got the Havoc Squad insignia, and he probably wouldn't have been in Havok Squad unless the Trooper storyline happened to someone even if you're not playing a Trooper when you meet him. I'm having a lot of trouble trying to wrap my head around how the whole KotFE/KotET storyline fits in with the legacy system, too. I ran my Inquisitor through it. Now I'm running my Consular through it, and I feel like at some point he's thinking, "You know, I seem to remember my grandmother talking about something just like this happening to her. What are the odds?" This storyline is one of those things that can't really happen to more than one person in the galaxy ever. The way I'm dealing with it is sort of reading each playthrough of the chapters as sort of "what if it happened to this character?" "Okay, now what if it happened to this character instead?" Like alternate history/alternate universes. Yes, I probably overthink this stuff.
  18. I did like Arcann in KotET. Redeemed bad guys are something I have a soft spot for. However,
  19. Speaking of emotes, I want to be able to dance with my companion. Like, actual couples dances like swing/tango/etc. Ones where they're touching each other and dancing as a couple. Just facing each other and kicking your feet a bit isn't the same.
  20. I enjoy the body type 3 females, especially in troopers/BHs. Honestly, I kinda like a body type 2 guy (like most of the male LIs are) who's into a body type 3 female better than one who's into a body type 1 female. It shows they're secure in their masculinity and not intimidated by a woman who may be as tall/strong as them. That's very sexy. And I don't want to do another quote, but someone above said basically that exchanging command tokens for rep items was stupid because we could grind rep with heroics. I think that when people suggest having rep available in exchange for command tokens (which I'm not 100% in favor of, just because, like I said earlier, I'd like to see these be unique items) they primarily mean rep that either can't be gotten anymore (like the ones you could only get by buying Cartel Packs that they're not selling anymore; I'd actually love a way to get my Binary Star and such reps up) or ones for event type stuff (like Gree) which a person doesn't end up doing or can't do easily for some reason. I don't think people who suggest trading them for rep tokens are saying that with Yavin or Voss in mind.
  21. Um, no, I didn't force choke her. It's probably not a good idea to practice doing violence against people who simply annoy you. Learn a little restraint, y'all.
  22. Haha, I got hit by one while on the world where the Gravestone crashed. I barely even knew other people were could be there with me. It was kinda funny. Very serious things happening, I'm catching up on the way the galaxy has deteriorated in my absence and everything I knew is gone, trapped on a swamp, and suddenly, "SNOWBALL, DUDE!" Where did that person even get a snowball in a swamp? Life Day is silly. As for the actual events myself, I'd agree that it could be a lot better. I threw snowballs on fleet for a few hours for come CXP, until I had enough parcels to get the wampa pet, but I didn't like anything else enough to put any more time in. Sure, I'd like the Christmas tauntaun and the wampa companion, but not enough to pay that much actual money for them. If they were available for parcels, I'd probably go ahead and grind for them, but especially at this time of year, I'm not interested enough in those items to pay $40 (or whatever it is) for the two things.
  23. I would say these should definitely NOT be traded for companion gifts or crafting mats, because there are already so very many other ways to get those things. If we're going to grind for Command tokens and don't need to use them for endgame gear, there should be really cool, unique items that can only be obtained this way to make it worth our time.
  24. Weird, I found her to be pretty easy, on my assassin tank. I just kept myself between her and the staircase so she couldn't knock me off. True, I did have that other spirit to help, so I haven't tried it yet without. I guess I was hoping/assuming that if you freed the spirit (took the light side choice) you'd get some other form of help in that fight. I'm taking a very light-side Jedi through the story now, and he's a healer not a tank, so I'll have to see how he does when I get there. Seems pretty crappy that we get punished for taking the light-side option.
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