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Everything posted by MollyDresden

  1. I'm glad they have another holotrainer for those who haven't gotten one yet. I get the hutt one, so I'm good, though it would be nice if I can add the Senya one to collections so that I can easily grab it on brand-new characters.
  2. Ooh, gives me another reason to obnoxiously throw snowballs at people. Though sadly only on maxed-XP characters, of which I currently only have 2.
  3. Europeans always complain about down time that favors (or seems to favor) U.S. players. Always makes me wonder what they'd say to U.S. players making the same complaints if it was a European company doing things on European time. Probably something about how egotistical and self-centered Americans are, I'd imagine.
  4. On the character where I hadn't gotten the Ranos alert (but had unlocked her via the mail item), I did not get the alert. However, I clicked on 'travel to contact' just to see what would happen. It took me to the force enclave. I walked around and found her standing off to the side. No mission icon over her head, but I clicked on her. The convo started up, and I was able to do the full convo. So, no, I didn't get the alert, but I was still able to do the convo (I hadn't tried this prior to today's patch). So if you've already unlocked her via the mail item, look for her in the force enclave to do the convo.
  5. Thanks! I think it'd be fun to see what other people's characters would say to their missing comps. My character doesn't really think they would either, so it's mostly a tease. But it's been over 5 years, and she had a really bad history with men (one in particular) before meeting him, so that's a little of her actual insecurity/fear leaking out.
  6. To: Andronikos Revel From: Empress Laelani of the Eternal Alliance So, you may have heard; I’m an empress now. Look, Dron, I know I was in carbonite for five years, but I’ve been out for, like, a while now. Brought together an alliance of Republic and Imperial forces, gathered allies from around the galaxy, took over Zakuul. I haven’t exactly made myself hard to locate. And all I get is an I-don’t-know-how-many-years-old letter? Are we even still married? The answer is yes, Andronikos. Yes, we are. And if I find out you’ve shacked up with Ashara while I was out, I’m going to tell Ak’ghal to hunt you down and eat your spleen. (Ak’ghal is my new Dashade. He’s a lot like Khem, but redder.) Speaking of Ashara and Khem, I hope they’re well. Yes, that’s a hint that I expect you three to have taken care of each other in my absence. You’re my team. No matter how many new allies I make, that will always be true. I found Talos, by the way. He was poking around in some ruins. Fits right into the Alliance. He and Oggurobb have been sciencing together. (Oggurobb’s a Hutt, but don’t hold that against him. I don’t.) I stand by my original assessment: Talos is cute when he’s excited. Don’t get jealous, now; you know I’m only teasing. I can see you rolling your eyes at me from here. Okay, well if Talos doesn’t threaten you, there’s always Theron, or Jorgan—or Pierce. Mm, now there’s a big, strapping man who, from what I’ve heard, knows how to treat a lady Sith. So come find me, Andronikos, or I’ll replace you. I mean it. I’m an empress now, so I can. There was this one guy, Koth. Kind of reminded me of you. Even after he betrayed me, I couldn’t kill him. But he wasn’t you, Dron. I need you. Blast it. As soon as I finish this message, I’m sending out Vette, Gault, and Blizz and telling them not to come back unless you’re with them. Be safe, Dron. See you soon. - Laelani P.S. I had to kill Xalek. He was a psychopath, slaughtering innocents for that stupid superstition of his. I hope you weren’t attached to him. (Never liked that guy anyway.)
  7. The other problem with the current situation is that even if you do join a group to do the ops, everyone will get impatient and yell at you if you actually want to watch the cutscenes (especially since it's such old content). I was going to take my character through this arc, but first, by getting the mission from my ship terminal, I somehow missed the entire opening convo, so I had no intro and didn't really know what was going on, then I found out that the ending is behind an ops-wall, so I couldn't do it as a mostly solo player. So I gave up part-way through the planetary missions. Too bad, because I'd have liked to see the story too.
  8. Shigure (LS warrior) is a Sith Pureblood who had one of those "ALL MUST BOW BEFORE THE SITH" types of sith for a mother. And she's super racist against anyone not a sith pureblood (or, she grudgingly admits, human) and takes herself very, very seriously. So of course Shigure dislikes sith (meaning both the force-users and the purebloods) and, being one himself, does everything he can to make sith look ridiculous. He runs around wearing nothing but orange capri pants. He throws snowballs on Life Day. He rides the silliest-looking mount he can find. He throws up an Alliance flag in the middle of the Imperial Fleet. Just generally everything he can possibly think of to undermine the reputation and authority of the sith. And obviously he also married Vette. (He didn't do that just to enrage his mother; that was a bonus.)
  9. Okay, I just played the party scene. I actually kind of enjoyed it. I'm all for more ways to get through content that aren't just killing everything. Besides, Zelda is my favorite game franchise, so obviously I enjoy puzzles. I'd like to see them do more puzzles in missions, with two stipulations: 1) keep the 'hint' button so we don't just get frustrated and give up, and 2) whenever there's an opportunity to do a puzzle, allow us to choose whether to do the mission by doing a puzzle or by just killing stuff. That way, it keeps the 'I just want to kill stuff' players happy while offering more diverse content for the rest of us.
  10. Ah, I see I wasn't clear. I meant that I agreed that I don't understand why someone would play both, or at least that I don't play more than one at a time. Because even when I had a sub to both, I only played one. I used to have lots of male blood elves because they were all slightly different and mostly pretty. Now they're mostly all the same and have duck lips. And the female BEs have horse faces. :-( I think the only ones of my WoW characters I still like the looks of enough to play (if I weren't playing SWTOR) are my male worgens (but not in their human forms), and my female draenei and female night elves (and my male troll, who, though I tried to make him as un-ugly as possible, is always going to be ugly because he's a troll, and he's a druid so he's an animal most of the time anyway). What they did to all my other characters is enough to make me totally uninterested in playing them. I even deleted some of my lowbies because of this, since now I know I'll never be interested in leveling them. And when I was typing 'druid' I first typed 'droid' and now I want to play a droid druid.
  11. I agree that it doesn't make much sense. I'm not done with the story, but I expected that to come back, like the droid actually secretly did something other than purely what she told it to, to sabotage or something. But apparently not? If that never comes back, then yeah, makes no sense. I also think it makes no sense that freeing them to begin with was this huge big deal done by SCORPIO, a super unique special advanced droid, and just some random nobody droid can undo it in a moment? Lame.
  12. As far as I've heard, no one got their credits from the crystal conversion yet, so it likely had nothing to do with your character transfers.
  13. Okay, so I finally got through that part of the story, and based on the interaction between Koth and Lana, that could absolutely mean something as simple as the friendship they'd had is over. It doesn't even need to mean something romantic at all (at least not something mutual). They've been working together closely for years, and now, because of Koth's actions, Lana's basically severing any relationship (which could mean only friendship) that they had. So yeah, if you're romancing Lana and this bugs you, I'd suggest that you take a step back and realize that two people can have a close relationship and it doesn't have to be romantic and/or sexual. Why do so many people not understand that such relationships are possible?
  14. That's odd, I haven't been getting knocked off hardly at all. But I generally try to go around mobs so as not to pull them, and most of what I do pull are weak mobs. And this is at rank 3 piloting. So maybe that's why I haven't been having an issue with it.
  15. Ha, I wish there were more purebloods in the game, because I have one pureblood sith who's super duper racist and thinks anyone not pureblood sith is dirt. (Yes, I use racist instead of xenophobic because A- she's not afraid of them, which is what phobia means, she hates them and thinks they're scum, and B- race is the accurate word in this case, e.g. the human race.) She makes a slight exception for humans, simply because they're everywhere and it would be hard to get people to take her seriously if she didn't at least acknowledge that they're not quite as disgusting as other aliens.
  16. Speak for yourself there, buddy. I like Aric better than any of those others. Though I do think that if you still have Aric and Kaliyo at that point, you should have been given the option between the 4 of them. That way I could have sacrificed Kaliyo and saved Vette and Torian both. For the reasons others have stated, I think I'll likely save Vette most of the time. The exception would be on my female BH, and maybe others. In addition to the practical reasons others have given, there's the fact that most of my male characters would save Vette because of a certain chivalrous "save the women and children first" streak, or in the case of the sleezy dark side males, save Vette because they like having as many pretty women around them as possible and consider Torian a threat. So, good motives or bad, most of my males would save Vette just because she's a woman. My female characters would have more complex reasoning than that, but in the end they'll probably mostly save Vette as well. My current character, the first I'm taking through the story, will save Vette simply because she finds Vette amusing and thinks the Mandalorian honor stuff is a bunch of nonsense. And because of what others have pointed out, Torian's reaction to killing the Mandos on that planet. My character remembered that. Torian'schoices matter, too. ;-)
  17. I haven't gotten to that chapter yet, but so far there are a lot of gimmicky chapters (the walker and the mouse droid), and I haven't really cared for those parts, but at least they're relatively short. When I decided to give MMOing another go (around mid-October, I think it was), I first resubbed with WoW... then logged on, looked around and saw that they'd made it even less aesthetically pleasing than it had been and I genuinely didn't even have anything I wanted to do. The Halloween thing was going on, and I think I ran a couple of those little quests and was already bored. Then I decided to resub with SWTOR. So I had both subs active for a month and never even logged into WoW again after starting back with SWTOR. Even with the unpleasant changes in 5.0, SWTOR is still far, far more appealing to me than WoW. (For one thing, pretty much every male character toon is fugly on that game, even the blood elves now. It's like they literally don't know what combinations of features make a man good-looking. They're like, "Humans are basically neanderthals, right? Yeah, just make them neanderthals.")
  18. Playing as an assassin, I like to stealth past as many enemies as possible because fighting enemies (especially the low level ones) is one of the least fun parts of playing for me. In KotFE, I was forced to fight all the trash mobs the game felt like throwing at me. In KotET, I can once again stealth past them and get on with more interesting things. So that is one thing that I really appreciate.
  19. Just got to this part myself on my assassin and having the exact same problem. Nothing showing on the map, power relays showing as friendly so I can't attack.
  20. The main problem I have with the chapter format is that there's no natural pause/stopping point while you're doing the storyline, and if you either want to take a break/log off or have a computer problem that requires you to restart the game or your computer, you don't come back right in the same spot like when you're doing non-chapter stuff. You end up having to repeat content, including boss fights. It's been very irritating and makes me partially dread doing those parts. Yes, the story content is good, but it's so much harder to just pop on, play for ten or twenty minutes, and leave.
  21. I haven't tried doing Diplomacy in 5.0, but isn't it kind of irrelevant now that all missions give DS/LS points depending on which you've got clicked on your alignment chooser? Like, seriously, what's the point of keeping that profession?
  22. Yeah, I got into Red Reaper tactical on an all DPS team and we couldn't even get past the first two rooms. When tacticals first came out, it was great because as a DPS you didn't have to wait in queue forever to get a FP. Then I went away for a while and when I came back there were a bunch more tactical FPs but they were all crazy hard to beat unless you had a proper DPS/DPS/tank/healer group, which of course was unlikely given the way tacticals are set to form groups. It's really put me off doing tacticals at all.
  23. To relate it more directly to us paying subscribers, how about each month an unknown, random amount of money is debited from our cards up to the current $15/month subscription, but in reality probably something much lower. If they think RNG is so fun that we're eager to gamble our time and effort, seems only fair they do the same.
  24. Yep. I think the livestream comments confirmed that even the devs fully realize it's a form of gambling and think that gambling = fun and that's why RNG = fun.
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