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Everything posted by Elkirin

  1. Many things can be annoying in PvP, most of us will get cranky now and then. I would suggest that it is bad form to call people idiots or mentally inferior when posting from an anon forums avatar. My father would have called it ( better edit this out as I doubt you can take it) , he had a way with words. Good luck, I hope you enjoy your life.
  2. I think you may as well play the ranked warzones if you like being part of an 8 man group. I believe they are going to wipe all the pre season numbers so you could look at it as practice to see if you wish to play in the league when it arrives. I have no concern re unbalanced servers, I have more issues with the fact that the odd people left out of the 8 man teams are likely to get no pops, meh it may all resolve well, we can only hope.
  3. Thanks OP. I enjoyed your read, while I am enjoying swtor at the moment I know how you feel. I left DAOC because an expansion changed game direction. Daoc had a great feel to it, lvl specific warzones, great RvR and engaging yet challenging play, I loved it pre expansion. I shifted to Wow, there were no add ins, pathetically easy quest series, a really bad barrens area chat and mobs of glitches. I took a few weeks and was finished, max level, done all the raids and pretty much bored shipless.... Left WoW, and headed off, I wonder how the game developed after that, oh well never mind , at least I got to look at Horizons.......
  4. There are some good posts in this thread, some rubbish, self serving posts as well. IMHO, If you make playing either a Tank or a healer less fun than playing a DPS, you will create a terminal shortage that infects both PvE and PvP. Either remove the holy trinity completely, or return the fun to playing as a Tank or Healer. I have 8 chars, 3 in 50s pvp BM Gear or better and I personally only play my sorc when I want a challenge. For pure fun, I play one of my DPS. For now I am staying with SWTOR but it is Likely I will leave if any other game offers up a fun PvP healing system.
  5. I love the companions and the stories. We also have some of the best forum trolls MMORPG's have ever seen.
  6. While I would suggest we need cross server queues before considering solo join only queues, I appreciate why people would suggest solo ranked warzones. I would like to thank the many posters who have effectively said " queue Rated or go away".. I hope those same posters flood back in and apologise to the remaining subscribers if in fact a big chunk of players choose the second. Good luck, I am on a server that is not ever being offered transfers to the Fatman and would prefer suggestions that increase the pvp pool sizes , Please...
  7. Which Server do I need to transfer to?
  8. Elkirin

    Here's a thought.....

    ok, the op made a suggestion, a number of posters proved themseves incapable of handling that suggestion without being rude. IMHO, The primary problem with seperating the queue into, solo and premade is numbers. IMHO, Even with server consolidation we do not have the critical mass to have both queues pop at a decent rate. IMHO, Mindless roflstomping of solo joiners WILL kill the queue and this is what the OP was concerned about.
  9. I understand the OP has a desire to move straight to end game, each to their own, I have no issue with people wanting to play end game.. I currently have 4 lvl 50s and I would guess that I spend 80% of my time playing my lower lvl characters.
  10. I am noticing my purge seems not to do much but it is a fairly hectic time watching 8-16 health bars in PvP.
  11. They have some fundamentals to work on that can help a lot. Cross server PvP queues, Reducing loading times, Larger server capacities etc Basically I enjoy the game but they need to work within the patience levels of their player base.
  12. I play as a Sorc Healer ( Hybrid) and I DO NOT WANT Smuggler/Ops healers nerfed, I do NOT want anymore nerfs at all. What I do want is for people to stop using their anon status to run BS, destructive, or hateful campaigns against all other classes. Man/Woman up and get on with your life.
  13. assumptions from a position of being anon, how rare.... Good luck OP, try to enjoy the game
  14. As the game is killed off down to a few groups of 8 players, I am hoping that the posters who continually do all they can to chase everyone away, have done the right thing and subscribed for a few years....
  15. With every game I have played the story has been the same " if there are no healers or tanks being played the game is very quickly dead". If the healer/tanks can Neither dps or survive, they will reroll or move on to other games. They are always in demand in any game that includes group based PvE. Try to come up with suggestions that do not remove those people who enjoy these tank/healer roles from SWTOR. IMHO, I suggest multiple selectable roles similar to Rift would be a better solution, then we can all DPS equally in PvP without killing off the classes needed in PvE. The hardcore healers will still heal despite disadvantages they face but at least they will also have a valid DPS option to turn to if they need a break. Good luck.
  16. A lot of the posters seem to be vendetta posters. I am not sure what sorcs have done but they do draw a lot of hate. Thanks to those posters that keep it calm.
  17. I have 15 odd years of preferring heal based classes in PvP, I play a sorc healer,and from the number of guild poaching attempts it appears i do an ok job of it. While I still enjoy Sorc in PvP, I fully understand why many people might drop this class entirely from their stable of PvP characters. I will explain this very simply, IMHO, I have found Mara, vanguard, Pyro, Tankassin and Gunslinger to be far easier to play and often way more fun than playing as a sorc/mirror. Remove the fun factor from a class and you will see less of that class in the game. Good luck all
  18. Thank you for locating servers in Australia. ( Just thought it needed to be said now and then)
  19. Everyone is missing the point. Tonights hotfix might be to take away my new teleport skill I gained in Huttball. I am loving this new skill where random players warp about the map and rubber band back to you! Please please do not fix the games where we get a peaceful resolution due to being unable to target enemies! ps I am an aussie, i dislike downtimes in my prime playing hours but such is life, good luck with the fixes BW.
  20. A very large number of players agreed that trials of atlantic expansion was wrong. We went over to that brand new game that promised so much. it did not have panda's then. and yes I have my timelines right.
  21. I blame the parents, your parents , my parents and their parents. They never taught us properly.
  22. If you are getting frequent warzone pops, the main issues will lessen as you gain commendations. If there are no pops, it is a long process. Here are a few general tips you may or may not already be using, discard those that do not suit you. Choose carefully the pieces you buy first and the role you play in PvP, a full recruit geared player should NOT make themselves the only available target for the entire opposite team. Let the hero's get the other teams initial attention. The least geared person is a good candidate to call out inc's. BUT Solo guarding a node in recruit gear will eventually summon stealthers. Movement and positioning is vital, having keybinds or setups that allow you to continue moving while fighting will help a lot. If in trouble, take the enemy to your own Killers. Learn the terrain. Stay situationally aware, by paying attention to patterns, look around listen etc Laugh when you die knowing you were doing all you could. Good Luck
  23. I saw this a lot myself last night. a few people on the asia-pacific servers were speaking about heavy lag but my latency was fine just a few time warps here and there trying to force jump or push .
  24. In spite of 10-15 years of compiled statistics showing that a 60% lifetime PvP win ratio is very good, most players only remember the good matches. The ratings are personal for many but congrats on a high rating if that is what floats your boat.
  25. It is very amusing that many posters whine at the OP for whining. Carry on this is popcorn worthy stuff.
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