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Everything posted by Lednew

  1. "Don't make me go against my teachings." "Don't make me go against my teachings." You're a Sith now, sweet cheeks. Denial won't change it.
  2. I keep them in my Legacy Cargo Hold, so I can pull them on whatever character I need them on...
  3. Well, yes but... That terminal bypasses the story of how you and your companion are reunited after five years. And this game is all about the story after all. "You are technically correct, and that's the best kind of correct." -- Bureaucrat 1.0
  4. That's a very good question. I wonder if you do that, does the alert mission disappear?
  5. The thread title is mostly facetious, just to get your attention. Please allow me to elaborate. Now this brings up an interesting question... Let's say for arguments sake, that the next two PvP companions (gated behind M1-4X and Major Pierce, as suggested by the Eric's post, above) are... Iresso for Republic and Temple for Empire, again hypothetically speaking. Now, the Warrior and Trooper would have access to these hypothetical missions to do a bunch of PvP to get Iresso and Temple, and can do it or not do it as they choose. But a Consular or Agent should, at least in theory, get those (hypothetical) companions for free, right? Fair IS fair, after all. But if they didn't get Forex or Pierce, they'd not have access to the mission. Well maybe they would, because we've already seen that just taking the mission and not necessarily completing it, is enough to open the gate. But what about the next companion? Or the one after that? Sooner or later, wouldn't you end up behind enough locked pre-requisite mission gates that you couldn't get your own companions back without having to PvP for other ones you don't want or need, somewhere along the progression? Is there some logical reason why Warriors and Troopers should be spared this, just because they were first in line? Bioware wouldn't do this to us.... would they? Disclaimer: My entire point pre-supposes that any future PvP-required companion missions were culled from the original 40. If on the other hand, they were entirely new companions (e.g. Choza Rabbat, Rokuss, etc.) , then the point would be moot because the companions and their missions could be ignored.
  6. Here's an interesting question... If he doesn't do the class missions on Nar Shaddaa (where you get M1-4X), will he still get M1-4X for free (that is, without having to do the PvP) when he gets to Odessen? Trooper: Welcome back to Havoc Squad, Forex. M1-4X: I'm sorry but, who the hell are you?
  7. Okay, let's say you're right. Let's take this to the logical conclusion. Let's say for arguments sake, that the next two PvP companions (gated behind M1-4X and Major Pierce) are... Rusk and Temple, again hypothetically. Now, your Warrior and Trooper have access to the mission to do a bunch of PvP to get Rusk and Temple, and can do it or not do it as they choose. But a Knight or Agent should, at least in theory, get those (hypothetical) companions for free, right? But if they don't have Forex or Pierce, they'd not have access to the mission. Now, we've already seen that just taking the mission (without neccesarily completing it) is enough to open the gate. But what about the 3rd pair? Or the 4th? Sooner or later, you'd be behind enough locked gates that you couldn't get your own companions back. Now, I have a certain confidence that Bioware would not do something quite so asinine, but they've surprised me before.
  8. You are making assumptions without any facts. We don't know yet what the pre-requisites will be for the next batch companion missions. It's not like Bioware has never done something without thinking it all the way through. Musco's answer was very vague on the topic. Having said that however, everyone in this thread is technically guilty of that. I should point out that my post did specify a scenario of; "IF" they do this, and "IF" they do it stupidly, then it will be unfair. We're still working with a lot of "IF" here.
  9. The point no one seems to be hitting on, is this: Certain classes do not need to do any PvP whatsoever to acquire these companions. So IF they gate future companions behind the acquisition of M1-4X and Major Pierce, Warriors and Troopers will have access to those hypothetical future companion missions without having had to do any PvP to get them, since they basically get Forex or Pierce for free. So the problem isn't that you have to PvP to get these guys, the real disparity is that some classes have to, and others don't. Now if you want to complain about an unfairness in the design, there it is. Disclaimer: I don't count Qyzen or Lokin in this, because having to grind 20 elite Wampas or give away eight and a half stacks of (easily farmable on Yavin) mats is not the same thing as having to endure 20 PvP matches. Almost as tiresome, yes. But not comparable overall.
  10. Well, no. Taris at that level is Republic only, as is the heroic you are referring to. But I wholeheartedly agree that something needs to be done. My suggestion would be to take that side hallway and the room where the console is and make it phased, just like the other heroic that's down there.
  11. Level 60 token. Chaloss is probably going to turn out to be right about this. Having said that, it would be cool if part of her re-recruitment mission included the opportunity to turn her back to the light side? Really a bigger and more difficult question involves Khem-Val, but that's a discussion for a thread that doesn't have Jaesa's name in the title.
  12. I don't know that that's true, and considering your thread had dropped all the way to page 18, posting in it now would be akin to a necro. Anyways, I second the OP's suggestion... oh, and also yours.
  13. It really surprises me that it is the PvE players that are up in arms about this more than the PvP players seem to be. Considering how this bit is supposedly "ruining" honest-to-goodness, pure PvP Warzones by filling the teams with a bunch of scrubs with zero expertise, you'd think the PvP-ers would be in here with the pitchforks and torches. But all I see are mainly PvE-ers claiming to be sympathetic to the negative effect this is having on PvP. Now, I'm not saying it isn't having a negative effect, it's obvious that it would. I'm just curious why there aren't more than a handful of PvP-ers in the forum demanding Bioware get these idiot PvE-ers the hell out of their matches. That's all I wanted to say. I'll get out of your thread now.
  14. Actually, you can already do that. Except they are XML files. There a website out there where you can look at screenshots and download them, don't recall it but you can Google it. You just have to know the right folder on your local filesystem to put them in. EDIT: I also support the changing of colors of the UI elements.
  15. Well, you're precluding the possibility that they have cheated on you. Remember, most everyone thinks you're dead. Jaesa: We thought you were dead. I hooked up with Darth Secondbanana, and we have two kids now. You: This is my new hot blonde girlfriend, Lana Beniko. Jaesa: Why you two-timing basta-- Oh, wait.
  16. Pot5 and Bastion are both very low population by comparison. So is Jung-Ma. Personally, I think a lot of it is because Open World PvP is an colossally unbalanced cluster-[rhymes with 'truck']. It's an observable pattern. I for one, believe Level Sync will mitigate that, given time. I think the population will start going back up slowly now that OW-PvP is a little less jacked up.
  17. At first I thought maybe they had something to do with how... ...then Senya showed up with them too, and blew that theory out of the swamp.
  18. Makes sense, but then why don't any of the other helmet-less female Knights/Paladins/Exarchs have them?
  19. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you probably play on a PvE server?
  20. So... Those stones or gems or horns or whatever they are in Senya's and Vaylin's foreheads... Anyone care to speculate on what those are? Purely decorative, very invasive sort of piercing or something more... Force related? They seem to be the only two Zakuulians I've seen that have them.
  21. In theory, yes. But eventually you'd run out of missions, and you'd be trying to level just killing stuff two levels below you. I expect you die of boredom long before you reached level 50. I mean, you could go back and re-do the heroics after they reset, but still... Also, you'd never acquire your other four story companions.
  22. Which is why, for a Subscriber this perk is almost completely useless. Better to sell it on GTN or give it to a F2P friend.
  23. So your answer to someone you think is being a jackwagon, is to be an even bigger jackwagon? See, this nonsense is why people don't like to group up. Personally, I don't care if you spacebar or not. I will do so, because if the other three people in the group are keen to skip dialogue I've already seen, so much the better. On the other hand, if someone in the party wants to see it, that is their prerogative. But if someone is being a dillweed about it, I'm more likely to vote to kick that person, then the person who wants to see the dialogue play out.
  24. The 40,000 credit legacy character perk "Improved Speeder Piloting I" allows a subscriber to run 90% speeders at level 1 (normally 10), and a non-subscriber at level 10 (normally 20). The Cartel Market item basically unlocks the legacy perk above. The difference between buying it from the Cartel Market and buying from the Legacy UI is twofold: 1. The Cartel Market token can be traded or sold. 2. You have to have a Legacy to unlock anything in the Legacy UI.
  25. When you think about it, which faction is more likely to throw in with the opposing faction against a common foe, Republic or Imperial? Hell, the damn Sith can't even get along with each other most of the time, and they've always been on the same side. Frankly, it makes total sense to me that your alliance is 75% former Republic aligned.
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