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Everything posted by Lednew

  1. If you're going to create a way to "toggle off" Level Sync, you might as well just shut it off altogether and go back to the old model. Making low level content challenging is only half the reason why Level Sync was implemented. It doesn't even do that very well, frankly. At 65 with 208 gear you still roflstomp heroics on every pre-2.0 planet. But what Level Sync does do somewhat better, is level the playing field in Open-World PvP. Making it toggle-able would defeat that purpose entirely. Everyone who needs to be Level Synced would have it turned off, and there would be no point to it.
  2. What? Like Koth Vortena isn't enough of a Corso Riggs clone as it is?
  3. What? A bug? In SWTOR? Nah, say it ain't so. Anyways, I looked it up and I was wrong, on multiple points. it's not level driven. It's story driven. So you have to complete Chapter 3 of your pre-2.0 class story to unlock all the companion conversations/missions. Just so happens I'm one of those players that has to finish that before moving on to any expansion content, so it just never came up for me. Also, I haven't run any of my Bounty Hunters into KotFE yet, soooo... Good to know about the maybe fixed now but maybe also not fixed yet Skadge/Blizz bug.
  4. You know that completing all the conversations/missions is no longer dependent on affection (or influence, whatever) anymore, right? Once you're level 50, all the companion conversations/missions are supposed to be available.
  5. I was never tempted to use this feature. I am very interested in how they plan to bring each companion back story-wise. Mako: We thought you were dead. Torian and I are married now. You: <shoots Torian in the face> We good? Mako: Uhh, yep. All good. Glad to have you back, big guy.
  6. Right. And guess what else I won't be doing? Giving Eckard Lokin an insane amount of credits (or the hours spent farming them on a level-synched Yavin 4) worth of Biochem mats. Sorry kindly old monster, but you can DIAF along with Pierce and Qyzen.
  7. You are all missing the relative cleverness of the many acronymic possibilities. Like for example: A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.: A Collective Revolution Of Nimrods You Manage
  8. Level Sync was a smart move, the game is almost challenging again (note I said 'almost'). Making it optional would entirely defeat the purpose. Now if you want to recover some population on PvP servers, you'd go the next step and nullify the effects of Expertise in Open World PvP. Maybe make that challenging and fun again too.
  9. I used my one free level 60 token to make an Agent (I already have 3 IAs on two other servers), and when I found out half the titles and other class mission-related acheesements weren't there I went straight to Hutta to start the class missions. Upon arrival on Hutta, I discovered there is no way to start the class missions. I immediately deleted the character and re-rolled it as a level 1. I will not be using the Level 60 token again.
  10. This. Inactive is inactive, regardless of the character's level. Preference should be shown to people who are playing now over those who haven't logged into their account for more than a year. I also believe (correct me if I am mistaken) that Preferred level (see also: former subscriber) accounts were immune to the purge, regardless of how long the account had been inactive. There is no rational reason to do that.
  11. Temple is just practicing her spycraft...
  12. This one is all over the forum. Reason being; pretty much everyone wants it. I'm posting it here because it's the one place I haven't seen it (recently) and this is actually the proper sub-forum, since it would technically be a Cartel Market unlock. Add the Human Hairstyles 1 to the Cartel Market as "Near-Human Hairstyles 1", for Sith Pureblood, Chiss, and Mirialan races. (Miraluka and Cyborg too, subject to how badly the hair clips with the available head appliances). It would be simple to implement, too. There's already a bug in the appearance designer that allows you to preview these on the near-human character, even if it will not let you buy/apply them. I'd pony up another 240 for this, without hesitation.
  13. Shameless bump. Why? Because this needs to happen.
  14. That's what I thought too, but that bug in the appearance designer UI is still there after what? Almost two years? C'mon Bioware. Everyone wants this, and most would be willing to pay a little extra for it. Make it happen!
  15. Well, the armor, yes. I agree. But the mask is hip. I just suggested the whole set in case somebody wanted it. I can't imagine why you would, but on the other hand I see some people wearing stuff I wouldn't dress Skadge in. Takes all kinds, I suppose. How about just "Darth Baras' Mask"? I would be cool with just that.
  16. Darth Baras Armor Set. I really just want the headpiece...
  17. I agree with the OP, within the context of the game, and I support what (s)he's asking for. In fact, I'd take it a step further. I'd like to see Bioware hire a couple dozen people who's sole job would be to address the many hundreds of these kinds of reports and actually take some prompt action against those who blatantly violate the ToS. Having said that however, I would caution anyone employing the phrase "hate speech" or "hate crime", because the core concept elevates the value of one victim above another, and that is the most heinous sort of discrimination there is. It's also one goose-stepping, jack-booted thug away from saying goodbye to freedom of thought, never mind speech. Like it or not, the distinction between what is and is not "hate" speech is entirely in the ear of the beholder. In the beginning, you're all in favor of the iron hand of "polite society" clamping over the mouth of the person most everyone disagrees with, until the day sneaks up when someone decides that your impassioned beliefs should come under the umbrella of "hate" speech. But by then, the precedent will have been set, and the mob will have ruled.
  18. Togruta do not have "lekku", they have "montrals". Twi'leks have lekku. ...just saying. I do agree however, that the male montrals look awful, and it would be nice if there were shape options, and not just pattern and color.
  19. The costs of the progressively higher level Pre-order Crystals (Black/Yellow) are a little bit much. The +41 versions of these are a whopping 250,000 credits. I don't get why these are so pricey. 250K might not seem like a lot, but these crystals are supposed to be a reward only for those who pre-ordered the game way, waaaay back prior to launch. So make them a little more... rewardy? Honestly, given the current Cartel crystal market, these crystals should really be virtually free to those very few players who qualify to even talk to the vendor.
  20. I like the idea of weapon slots in the OD. Sometimes the design of a particular Lightsaber or Blaster is part of the overall "look" of the outfit. While your in there, add a toggle to "Hide Stowed Weapons" also. A Companion OD would be cool too, but considering all the bugs with Companion color matching and dyes, adding a Companion OD would probably just make it worse.
  21. The OP's suggestion proceeds from a false assumption, which is this; Limiting or restricting Solo Mode FPs will get more people into groups/Group Finder. No, it won't. Players who don't want to deal with groups still won't want to deal with groups. What will happen, is that they will simply not run that content at all, or they will wait until the level cap is raised and they are overleveled and overgeared and just solo it anyway. In either case, it will not have the effect you're looking for.
  22. It made more sense the old way. Flying from Balmorra to Corellia should not cost more in fuel than flying from Balmorra to Tython. They should have left it distance-based and just dropped the costs some. On the other hand, were you ever been so strapped for credits that you were too broke to make it to the planet you needed to get to? I rarely paid any attention to those "fuel costs", even before they changed it. But making it level-based is just weird. Planets right next to each other cost more to get to than planets on the other end of the galaxy? How? Cruise control? Wormholes? C'mon, Bioware...
  23. It has. There are other threads with users complaining about precisely that. More to the point, due to the fact that they can be previewed in the AMS means it's just a matter of unlocking it for the other four species (Chiss, Mirialan, Miraluka, and Cyborg) for the cost of a few hundred Cartel Coins, which I would gladly pay. Frankly it is becoming difficult to create unique looking characters with the small number of non-awful looking hairstyles available to these other species.
  24. It is completely ridiculous how long this bug has existed. All this Adaptive gear, all these dye modules, and still this immersion-breaking bug makes using any of it on a companion utterly pointless. We don't care how difficult it would be to fix, we don't care if you have to re-write half the game code to fix it. Just based on it's age alone, it should be given top priority. Just get it done.
  25. Now that they've added the Outfit Designer, this becomes even easier to implement. Gear stamped into an Outfit tab is automatically equipped on your Mannequin decoration, and you get one Mannequin decoration for each Outfit tab you have unlocked, numbered accordingly. Outfit 1 = Mannequin 1, and so on.
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