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Everything posted by Lednew

  1. Yeah, I totally agree. While those cutscenes are basically just like any other cutscene (in that they use game graphics) they are longer than most, and actually include a opening text crawl, just like the introduction of every Star Wars movie.
  2. Apparently, BioWare and I define "Intro Movies" very differently. An "Intro Movie" is like Deceived, Hope, Return, etc. What we got was new animated logo splash screens. I mean, they are pretty cool, but...
  3. I know I am in the minority, but I happen to think he's completely hilarious. Some of the stuff he says just makes me chuckle. For my part, there are other companions higher up on the queue for airlock-flushing than he is (Theran Cedrax, Corso Riggs, M1-4X, and Broonmark just to name a few.)
  4. There's an old programmer's joke that goes; A bug with sufficient seniority is called a "feature".
  5. There are random snippets of conversations you come across in various Planet and Story arcs that you can just tell were written before patch 1.2 went live, but most of them aren't that bad. But there are a couple that stand out as needing to be re-written; There's one in the Smuggler Class Arc (or Corellia Planet Arc? I don't recall which) where you use the credentials of a Chiss officer to get into somewhere, and when you get caught, the guy that catches you remarks that you don't look like a Chiss. Kind of jarring when my Smuggler actually was Chiss. The Cathar were introduced as a playable race in patch 2.1, and a lot of the dialogue (esp. romance) between a Cathar Trooper and Aric Jorgan just doesn't make any sense anymore. The Togruta were introduced as a playable race in patch 3.2, and they probably have the least number of species-broken conversations, if there are any at all. But I don't have a Togruta Inquisitor so I don't know if there's anything messed up with Ashara Zavros in particular. The game actually does alter some conversations based on your character's race flag. A lot of conversations on the Imperial side are different if you are Human/Sith pureblood or anything else (alien), and in the Agent story on Hoth and the Copero flashpoint if you are Chiss or not-Chiss. So at least in theory, they could have fixed the worst of these by adding alternative conversations if they had cared to put in the effort.
  6. All the dialogue options are designed around the original class/race restrictions. When the game was first released, there was no way for a Twi'lek to be a Warrior. The full race unlocks came with patch 1.2, when Legacy was introduced. Once anyone could be anything, some of the NPC and companion conversations became... awkward. It's just something you have to learn to ignore.
  7. Vette Customization 8 (Balmorra vendor) is pretty darn close to her native appearance. Her lekku stripes are bolder, and she has a few more of them, but the face shape and base skin color are the same.
  8. I think with Corso, it's this weird notion of misplaced chivalry he has that rubs people wrong. For Koth Vortena, it's his incessant blood-soaked maniac apologism that makes me want to airlock him. "He was good for Zakuul." Really, Koth? I'm sure all the dead people on Ziost will rest easier knowing he was "good for Zakuul". I don't know why some people dislike Aric Jorgan, but everyone likes / dislikes someone. Personal preference, I guess. But see, I happen to like Skadge, so what the hell do I know?
  9. All joking aside, even when you are prepared for a atypical event, you can still get a domino effect that can very rapidly spiral out of any reasonable expectation of predictability. It's not like Texas has never had severe cold snaps before. In fact, they have them every odd decade or so. But take Hurricane Katrina. Louisiana gets hurricanes... often. Everyone who lives there knows it, and are (mostly) prepared for it. But when you get this perfect confluence of events that stack on top of one another in succession, and each one adds to the whole in an exponential way, you are suddenly reminded that nature is not to be taken lightly, and will straight up kick you in the rocks whenever it is of a mind to do so.
  10. Apocalyptic weather disasters, fires, floods, famine, pestilence, disease, death, etc. are NOT acceptable excuses for not getting a video game patch out on time! Priorities, people! C'mon!
  11. If they were to somehow incorporate a text-to-speech engine into the game that allowed NPCs to (attempt to) speak a character's name, you would see a sudden influx of characters whose names were specifically designed to make that engine say something the player found amusing. Given the broad range of what folks consider humorous, I'm not sure that's a can of worms we'd like to see opened. There's enough really terrible names in this game without that. In regard to the use of "famous" names (both character and legacy), I was informed by a CSR some years ago that there is actually a blacklist built into the back end that blocks certain names from being used, and it falls under one of three primary criteria; 1. Star Wars canonical names are blocked to mitigate immersion-breaking (Skywalker, Kenobi, etc.). 2. Obvious "blue language" words (you know). 3. Names from other franchises that may subject BioWare or EA to copyright lawsuits (James T. Kirk, Malcolm Reynolds, etc.). Something I wish they'd add to that blacklist, are the words "tank", "heal", or anything that is also a class or abbreviation for a class. Conversation overheard in a delivery room: Nurse: "That is a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations. What will you name him? Mother: We are naming him after his beloved uncle. Father: Yes, his name will be "Bobsjuggtank".
  12. Best. Post. Ever. Seriously, I am keeping a copy of this information for future reference.
  13. I am curious about this as well. Is there a revised date for the patch drop? Will they just push it ASAP, or hold it until the 23rd now?
  14. I am reminded of Vulcan culture from Star Trek. Regardless of their protestations to the contrary, Vulcans have all the same emotions that humans do, they just keep a very, extremely tight lid on them. Even if they admit this, they are still under the misconception that Vulcan emotions are somehow more powerful/uncontrollable/dangerous than their human counterparts, and use this belief as a justification for the total emotional suppression culture they have evolved. I think the Jedi are much the same in this regard. Their belief that their emotions/passions are somehow more intense and dangerous than the average being's, and must therefore be suppressed to a more extreme degree, is almost a conceit. They get this "my rage is bigger than your rage", kind of thing into their heads. One thing they do seem to share, Vulcans and Jedi that is, is that the wisest among them have come to the realization that emotions are not inherently bad, not even the supposedly 'negative' ones, but only if you allow them supersede reason and (dare I say it?) logic.
  15. A collectible set of moddable (shell) items in a crate labeled "Tanno Vik's Random Stuff", and containing the following; Tokare's Focus, Braden's Generator, Onasi's Shield, Sechel's Vibroknife, and Vao's Scattergun. Why? Because, why not?
  16. Make it subject to the UI Editor, so we can scale it up/down, move it around, or turn it off as desired according to individual preference.
  17. I suggested this like, 4 years ago. A bunch of people were all; "Yes, please" and "/signed" and so forth, so I'm suggesting it again because four years later it's still a really good idea. Okay, so you know that button in Collections where you "Transfer a copy of this item to your inventory"? In regard to armor sets, would it be possible to add such a button to each individual piece in the set? Alternatively, you could put all the armor sets into boxes (like the way they sometimes come out of Cartel Packs), and when we retrieve a set we get a box that contains all the pieces. We can then open the box, take the piece we want out of it, and then chuck the whole box in one go. For clarification: I am NOT asking for the ability to collect or copy pieces of a set where I have not collected/unlocked the whole set. I AM asking not to have to drag and drop 6+ items from my inventory to "destroy" when I only want one piece of the set I have collected for a particular character. It's tedious as heck, especially when you are putting together a mix-and-match gear set from one individual piece out of several sets (which I do, on almost every character and companion I have). This is one of my QoL 'pain points' (as I'm sure it is for many folks). Let's say you want the Canderous Ordo's Belt for one of your characters, but just the belt. You have the Canderous Ordo's Armor Set collected, and you've paid for the unlock. But now you have to get rid of all the unwanted pieces, and the only way to do that is to 'airlock' them from your inventory one piece at a time, with a confirmation dialog for each one. It would be nice if you could just copy the one piece you wanted instead of having to "click - drag - yes I'm sure", "click - drag - yes I'm sure", "click - drag - yes I'm sure", ad infinitum. My instincts tell me this wouldn't be that difficult to make happen.
  18. That is a very real possibility, since I tried it again yesterday on two different characters on Satele, and one worked fine and the other had the issue described. Like I said up above, this game has some fantastic and amazing bugs. Thanks. Well, I say "I think" because I don't **know**. I am only making educated guesses based on evidence I am able to gather from testing within the confined parameters of a player. It's hardly conclusive, but it's the best I can do. Thanks for recognizing that you came off a liitle bit snarky. I hope the level of snark in my response wasn't too over the top. Necro'ing threads vs making multiple duplicate threads for the exact same subject is a message board debate that has been going on for decades, and will probably never be resolved. Both sides have merit. As an aside, it's a two-year old thread for a two-year old bug. That sounds like a Bioware problem, not a "me problem". The fact that it's in the wrong sub-forum for a bug report IS an issue, but I wasn't going to create a new duplicate thread for something that already existed. I figured if it was that big of a deal, a moderator could move it. I've seen them do that before. I'm not hostile, nor "triggered" (I dislike that word). I just payback snark with snark. You're a good guy though. I think we could be friends. Unfortunately, I don't read Arbalesh, so I have no idea what you said there.
  19. Really, smart guy? Because I found this "ancient" thread while searching for a solution to this EXACT issue that I was having while slicing on Onderon yesterday, on the Satele Shan server. I did test it, Pythagoras. I opened 14 cases on Onderon, with no change to my credit balance (that's why I googled the issue and found this thread) I went to my Stronghold, opened one of the cases there, and lo and behold the credit balance increased by the number of credits indicated. I returned to Onderon, opened yet another case, and surprise, surprise! My inventory credit balance didn't budge. So here's a suggestion for you; Avoid making unfounded assumptions about whether I've done my homework. This is where the thread was, so this is where I replied. You have an issue with it, take it up with the OP.
  20. It's actually a character perk, not a legacy perk. Meaning that you would need to purchase it (all three tiers of it) on each character you wanted it on. So... hardly a substitute for what the OP is requesting. Plus (as someone else also mentioned); Cooldown = bad.
  21. I don't think the problem is with your credit cases... the problem is with Onderon itself. I noticed this when I tried to sell a couple 25K Credit Certificates to a vendor. I didn't get the money (or at least it didn't appear so), and later when I bought Onslaught Mission Skill from a Crew Skill Trainer there, my credit balance didn't go down either. So I went to my stronghold and opened my inventory, and the number of credits instantly changed... dramatically. I think (more experimentation may be required to confirm) your credit balance IS going up/down, but for some reason the credit balance shown in your inventory isn't being updated while you're on Onderon. This game has got some really fantastic bugs. Short version; The Grade 11 Credit Cases you pick up from Slicing nodes on Onderon, when opened somewhere other than Onderon, will immediately give you the credits indicated.
  22. We had a guild on The Harbinger and a guild on The Bastion with the same name. After the merge, They were called "Guild Name @ The Bastion" and "Guild Name @ Drooga's Pleasure Barge" (yeah, that was weird). After our GM booted everyone out of the Bastion guild and disbanded it, the "@ Drooga's Pleasure Barge" appendage magically vanished from the other one's name. *POOF* Gone. My guess would be that there was a "Raiders of Valhalla" on Bergeren Colony or The Bastion (or possibly both), and there may or may not be anyone in there who still plays the game. Until all but one of the guilds sharing a name are disbanded, they're all stuck with a server name appendage. Good luck.
  23. Lednew

    Sparkly eyes

    I thought Ragate was supposed to be blind... I saw that, and thought; "Oh, hey. She's blind now. That actually makes sense."
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