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Everything posted by Asacado

  1. That can easily be solved by discussing what servers people plan to transfer to repopulate. It's called communication. "I am on Juyo, I plan to transfer to X." "Oh Really? I might do that too." "Really? Me too."
  2. We all know that when server transfers are available, the communities that formerly existed for many smaller populated servers, will transfer to standard and heavy severs. The question I have is, what servers are people aiming to fill up if we cant hit the already big ones? My server is for the lack of a better word, active and it brings a great deal of consideration to move somewhere that will actually be filled relatively fast.
  3. I was awake for 36 hours when Cataclysm came out. Hit 85, turned and fell onto bed. Good times.
  4. Or we have our trusty WH assassins put a lightsaber where the sun don't shine.
  5. I wonder how Anakin would react to this, or will in fact. Ahsoka just up and disappearing won't really play off on his character.
  6. Not everyone wants complaining about server population. As subtle as that may have been, it was not helpful in the slightest. To the OP, Jedi Knights and Juggernaughts only true difference is the way they hold their lightsabers, visually as well as a few of their attacks IE force scream vs force slash. You unfortunately wont see a knight using force choke outside a heft cooldown and a heroic moment from legacy.
  7. I don't think they have that much story to go on for 8 total seasons. We've hit a great deal of pinnacle points in the actual clone wars and seeing as it lasted 3 years, 6 seasons at most with a great finale is about all we can squeeze out of that war. Cutting some loose threads like Ahsoka Tano would also need addressing.
  8. It's like a new community cant be made. Like ever. People don't speak to others when they transfer, nope. They won't form friendships with new people, AW WHO AM I KIDDING, you are full of it.
  9. Even chubby servers need love. It's amazing how Fatman gets more action than most men.
  10. I am sure the OP is making a post dedicated to you. /popcorn
  11. It would keep the stockholders from being scared ****less. Keeping stability and increasing server load for fewer servers is actually a brilliant idea. Any official dead servers can recieve a free transfer either via website as a placeholder if their server doesnt exist anymore. Saves a headache.
  12. I am already considering how amazing the expansions will be and the possibility of new force class combinations. Warriors with force lightning? Yes please. Assassins with aoe Force choke or Force Rage? Hellz ya.
  13. They inject normal servers with the Force.
  14. What about complaining about those who complain about those who complain?
  15. This x9000. The game is quite a lot of fun for me. Playing multiple characters with something to do every day is also great. The only downside is not having enough time in a single day to reach a level goal. Apart from the swarm of content locusts, I'd say this game replaces the hole that THAT OTHER GAME left. I am already foaming at the new features patch.
  16. What do you predict will come when the patch hits live/pts servers?
  17. Chances are, many servers will see a flux in population and we all know that means FATMANG. It would be amazing to know if the forum community has any target servers they want to transfer to to raise the populus to equate to fat man or freedon nadd.
  18. Incorrect. The ability to queue with the community for daily quests, leveling heroics and FP's is considered to be a blessing. As it stands, there is a difficulty to produce groups at a sufficient rate and still consider it viable. The ability to allow you to group with people on your own server creates friendships that would otherwise be impossible cross server. Your argument is moot at best. I'm not going to stress that this isnt a F2P, QQ thread, so please take your complaining elsewhere, please and thanks.
  19. My thoughts exactly. I mean big numbers=drool right. Not a strike of self concious.
  20. There are quite a lot of things Anakin keeps out of the Jedi Council's knowledge. However, he was to play the "father figure" role to ahsoka. Pretty much all of Dooku's history is laid out in the movies, the TV series and ROTS. Not much room for a stabby stabby and it not being significant. Hell, even palpatine would have mentioned it with his premade list of why Anakin should have killed dooku, his arm being one reason.
  21. We already know what is going to happen to Anakin. But what will become of his Padawan in season 5 of clone wars? More over, no word of her in any of the future star wars books, past or currently released within a reasonable time of her being old has been mentioned either. Any solid thoughts?
  22. I beat them 5v1. That's about fair odds I think.
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