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Everything posted by Asacado

  1. I can has teh fatman? NEED HAS. Me Juyo, is k. Juyo sees more pvp queues after 5pm~12am and surpsingly a decent amount of queues around 10am during the week.
  2. Expertise compensates the loss of stats entirely. You also have to figure in the 20% bonus damage in battlemaster gear, an extra % in healing as well. While pve gear has more hp, you sacrifice the damage reduction and all that will power and hp is for naught. I have torn apart people in pve gear because of just that, they take a huge amount of damage on top of buffs, adrenals and stims. When you crit someone for 8k, there is a problem with their gear, not yours.
  3. To the OP. Firstly, this is SWTOR, not WoW. We cannot stress that enough and will continue to do so well into our death beds. Secondly, pvp is not centered around 1v1 in this game by any means. Healer's contribution is finite, not meant to be able to heal through an entire game without losing all force. In a WZ scenario, you support your team in the back, or dps with ranged attacks until a team wises up and goes after free-casters. It's how it works. You can be a huge asset, but you have to realize that every class has its limitations. Except mauraders, they slap people.
  4. I award you no points. And may Revan have mercy on your soul.
  5. Take a shot everytime this "player" post's "day 1".
  6. Some boo dee need to stop praising a company that cant release a game without taking it down 12 hours later ERROR 35 ERROR 35!
  7. This game has 8 stories to play through. You ain't dun nere nuff stuffs der. I am barely working on my third toon and I can say its like a whole new game apart from playing a maurader or an assassin. Y U complain so much Bik boi?
  8. The idea of mega servers sounds promising. But "Allies" refers to grouping dungeon finder, ranked warzones, and more convienience allowing you to play with your friends quicker. Yay for free teleports! They did talk about hood toggle before 1.2. It's something in the works, yay. Chat bubbles were mentioned, if I am not incorrect, at the guild summit. I certainly loved the first world event. We need more of them.
  9. You make a good point. While there are many things that need more than a bandaid effect, the community is there, waiting to be unleashed. I feel that transfers are a step in the right direction, granting Rated's when ready and 100% working will allow the pvp community to thrive and boast and what have you. I feel that people who want to express that they unsubbed want a bone. To be honest, we don't care. As a whole, the loyal subscribers play because they love the game, Star Wars and praising Lucas for his controversial series that has lasted over 30 years. In other words "Me likey Litesaba! Me Likey LITESABA!" For 1.3 I imagine people will find servers and build very intricate communities, although I really REALLY want to know the allowed transfers to and from and the restrictions. I personally play a pve/pvp assassin who I love and I mean LOVE playing. I feel so solid in pvp being able to stand my ground and love seeing numbers fly in Explosive Conflict with my raiding team. I predict that we will be able to transfer up to 8 characters to any given server for a limit of a months time. That is a guestimation of people who want to transfer a full legacy over to an empty slot base. Of course that is wishful thinking. I also understand and respect the complaints that Freedon Nadd, Jedi Covenant and Fatman will be overwhelmed if people decide to move there. I personally come from Juyo and would love to know if the forums have chosen new servers to inhabit.
  10. Sweet six pound eight ounce baby Luke, that was beautiful. You sir recieve 10 internets.
  11. The hype is up and I have never been more excited to actually see some of the info on the patch coming soon. I raced to sign up for the pts server transfer and await my chance at trying new things in the game. What do you hope for with this patch? I for one am very curious as to how server transfers will work and how we can tighten all the loose threads into a finer knit community. Note: Do not make this a QQ thread, a "I unsubbed because the Force touched me here", or anything negative.
  12. Ranked Warzones will be here, when they get here. To clarify, 1.3 is bringing a great deal of features needed to pump some more blood into this game. Server Transfers, Group Finder and many other perks will be added within the next month or so. We expect to see more information next week and we might be lucky to see 1.3 on the test server, starting in early june. I for one am biding my time as I will be waiting for a finished product and grab my popcorn as people whine about losing in said ranked war zones. Once again, there is a dedicated team. Patience is a virtue. If you can't wait, go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure, Wrath of the Lich Kitty. Or if you really need encouragement to continue playing without making pointless threads such as this, roll a new toon on a higher population server, as you might not get to when server transfers come around. I was on fatman and there were 100 people on TYTHON. If all else fails, gather the rest of the dragon balls and wish it were out already.
  13. Maybe Maurader's are getting the 3.0 treatment of Ret pallies?
  14. Haha, for once a post not complaining about this or that. I really do hope the features come in within the next month and a half. I honestly believe when this game has all the needed features, things will pick up for the better, although I can't wait to log on each day and play. If this isnt the game for you, no one is telling you to play. The community that will stick with it like SWG will still be here. We will all find a populated server, enjoy the aspects of the force and what have you. But really, no one gives a good lovely if you are unsubbed.
  15. Well you do have force shroud which can compensate a bit.
  16. Well some of us have rich husbands to mooch credits off of. So yes, augmenting is my plan. 1080 is actually really good numbers. Thanks Im, you are really a wonderful help. 1/10 of the way to 50. ;P
  17. Well we do have it easy enough guarding with just throwing up a shield on a maurader or any 'eye candy kill me" class. I am testing the spec as we speak and its sooo sexy. I am really pressed though for which crystal is considered best. Many are telling me 41 expertise is great but gear will reach that asap where as endurance is a blessing.
  18. First off, wow for almost making warlord, early grats. Secondly, I really appreciate the feedback. I also think using a focus is more beneficial as you get at the very least 100 force from a focus than you would a shield. Can anyone be courteous enough to post a torhead link for the 28/0/14 spec? I dont know whether to drop dark ward or not considering the focus ordeal. Wish me luck in hitting 50 later on today and see you guys in rated bg's
  19. I feel you on that. I thank you for all the help. You really do help shine this community.
  20. Thanks for the thread suggestion. I will look into that.
  21. Using stalker with the 27/0/14 seems to be highly favored. Do you have any opinion on Survivor?
  22. Thats actually quite helpful in regards to deathfield. I am also interested in what kind of gear I should focus on as a darkness assassin. Would you suggest stalker or survivor and what about the lightsaber crystal? I heard many suggesting expertise over endurance and crit.
  23. Greetings all my fellow double bladers, I come to you with a really simple question about survivor and stalker gear in the pvp setting. I am about to be a fresh 50 and have seen that many people talk about playing 31/0/10 spec in stalker gear to maximize damage and surivivability, versus 0/31/10 as full stalker gear for maximum dps at the cost of certain key abilities in the darkness tree, IE force yank. Has anyone tested the specs and gear extensively and felt comfortable with the expertise/endurance/willpower made available for recruit/battlemaster? Any helpful advise or thread directions would be greatly appreciated.
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