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Everything posted by -Fritz-

  1. the reality is we have been trained to view things at lower refresh rates and screens with refresh rates that high will look unnaturally perfect to the average person and can cause them to think it looks funny, or to just not like it and not really know why.
  2. AMD is great, lol. ive been running an unlocked and overclocked AMD processor for 2 years without a single issue out of it. if something in the equation sucks, its most likely between the keyboard and chair.
  3. the switch anytime method is generally accepted since it allows more flexibility in raids and groups. someone had to leave your group and you need a replacement and all thats available is a second tank... if one can switch to dps on the fly its nice and convenient. making everyone sit there while guy goes to his trainer is wasting everyones time. to me its a no brainer
  4. ive heard that they spent 300 million, then that noone knows what they spent, and now you are saying they spent 200 million... im just going to go ahead and say you have no idea what you are talking about.
  5. people dont leave the game if its fun and exciting. the end.
  6. a lot of times its the little things that make the game feel alive. like the little insects moving on the ground, or the critters running around, or whatnot else. when the world is a still that never changes you dont feel like you are part of it. then again im not sure why im bothering. im fairly certain the majority of people who will bother to read this wont be able to put it together and will just be worried about "omg nerf class X" instead, lol.
  7. i would disagree. its like walking in sand and leaving no footprints behind on tattooine. sure the game still plays fine, but it looks like crap and you dont feel immersed at all. it makes the game feel like it was made by beginners honestly.
  8. personally i like the trooper story the best, but playing as a vanguard makes the game feel more like mass effect than star wars. the smuggler story is just as cliche as the rest of them, but you get to be the 'bad boy' so people like it better. personally i think the whole 'bad boy' thing was so last decade and its just old now. though i will admit my favorite 1 liner to hear in the game is the "Jackpot!!" during the smugglers space combat scenes. whoever did the voice acting got the inflection perfect and it sounds just like Han. its awesome.
  9. this almost made me fall out of my seat laughing at how ridiculously blind-sighted it is. ok if i play a Commando as a good guy and go to the quest area i get 3 quests, if i go back to the same area playing as a Vanguard bad guy i get the exact same 3 quests. the only difference was 1 or 2 lines of speech and then it went right back to the same scripted event. the whole LIGHT / DARK thing is about stupid in the game though without it causing faction switching. the reality is if a person was 10,000 light side they would get kicked out of the empire, and if a person was 10,000 dark side they would get kicked out of the republic. without some type of faction switching involved, its just a stupid mechanic that doesnt fit the game that looks like it was directly stolen from mass effect 2.
  10. i have one main glaring issue with my scoundrel. its a melee class that has no gap closer. so basically if you dont kill your target in your opening salvo, they can kite you around til the cows come home. --granted i do not have any level 50 experience, my highest characters are about 30, but still even my shadow had force speed, and could spec into a pull move, giving him 2 gap closers on relatively short timers. my vanguard gets a pull on any spec he has and can spec into charge or the combat sprint, and can spec into a permanent speed boost. my scoundrel has stealth, that becomes useless once you enter combat. so he has 1 opening salvo and then hes a free kill for anyone with the ability to kite. no thanks.
  11. this statement is not entirely true at all. the problem is not the mentality of people thinking the game starts at max level, thats actually correct for the most part. the reality is if an mmo game is good you will spend years at max level. compared to the hours you might spend on a single level, the years at end game is where its really at. however then comes the problem : "no lifers" those people who can sit at home and play the game 18 hours a day. yes these people will be at end game in a couple weeks and then be on the forums whining about there is nothing to do. the fault here is not in the games or the mentality. its simply that these people have no lives and its impossible for any single game to keep up with the amount of time they have available. no amount of "whining" is going to solve this issue. you either A : cater to their needs by making elite modes noone else has time for B : ignore them and watch them cry on the forums until they move to the next game ...and honestly most of these no lifers are going to leave as soon as another game comes out anyways, so going with option A is really a waste of your time....
  12. -Fritz-


    after another fail : http://i40.tinypic.com/157ozg7.jpg notice how my dark side points changed by 0.00005 ? lol.. i seriously hope this is not going to permanently damage my characters alignment.
  13. -Fritz-


    ok so im working on diplomacy and i get fails once in a while with thesse strange results. on the second to last fail it erroneously gave me dark side points instead of light. then on the fail after that it lowered the amount of dark side points i have to below 1... http://i41.tinypic.com/2znpk7s.jpg yeah...
  14. while your post is hard to understand... jaesa, ashara, nadia, kira ... all women force user companions. lord scourge is the only male force user companion. is what i think you were trying to get at. anyhow, personally i think you should be able to choose your companions like picking a team. this is not like mass effect where its ok if i dont like my companions, because once i beat the game i wont hear them anymore. this is a mmo. if i get a companion i dont like im going to be hearing him for years if the game is good. i stopped playing my shadow after i got Theran because i cant stand his personality and after listening to his space combat lines i just couldnt see this being part of my daily routine and making me happy about it. there is a serious disconnect in this game between whats acceptable in a single player short term game, and whats acceptable in a long term mmo game.
  15. I honestly think i get the most amusement out of trooper im playing lines. hes like optimus prime... he says the dumbest and most captain obvious things, but he says them with conviction and confidence like "he is the man". or the brilliant selections you get in conversations like "technology is good". i keep hearing the sling blade "mhmm" in the back of my mind...
  16. I also think that Empire just gets more and better support on the forums, while the republic tends to whine a lot. for instance people keep saying how powertechs are better than vanguards because of this and that and how they look more awesome and so on. i tried a bounty hunter out and i did not like it at all. completely ignoring the story and gear, the uppercut punch is so lame compared to the rifle-butt attack of the vanguard. shooting mini-missiles out of a magically appearing wrist band is so lame compared to tossing grenades. then you get a child for your love interest and you get to play on the side of slavers... yet when you come to the forums all you see is "empire is better" perception is so much more than reality on forums...
  17. i use it on my vanguard when targets are more than 10 feet away, my other attacks are on cooldown, and im sitting at full resources. it does more damage than hammer shot, why wouldnt you?
  18. i cant believe someone is complaining about kinetic ward. they put an ability on your class you have to use every 12 seconds that does no damage and consumes your resources, and if you dont spend an action every 12 seconds on this ability your defenses are gimped. this is one of the reasons i began to dislike my shadow as tank spec. that buff is just dumb, its wotlk version of holy shield... without the damage so its even more boring and sucky. also the self healing of a shadow is not that spectacular. the amount healed from your stance is laughable and the one from talents requires 3 stacks prior to its use.. its not exactly what i would call "on demand". i mean obviously people know more than me, but playing a vanguard is 100x more fun than playing a shadow.
  19. i just cant see how on earth someone could see this as required. the best you could say is "i lose a couple minutes now and then" as your gigantic penalty, and honestly i doubt its even a couple minutes. 10 seconds to port near ship, 20 seconds to run to ship... yeah.
  20. most wont actually spend the money. between rental stores, websites, and other means you can get by with spending very little money while playing new games one after another. thats the misconception a lot of people have... that its expensive to play games. even if you want to own the games you can get used games a lot of places for very low prices. anyhow, thats getting a bit off topic. the point i was making is that for 15$ a month people expect a lot. they expect perfectly running servers with no downtime, constant game fixes to everything, constant balance fixes to everything, managing your website to be up to date, and an endless supply of content you cannot get bored of. realistically if someone came to you with that list for 15$ a month how would you react? you need 100 subs a month just to pay 1 person bad money.
  21. This has more to do with the players than the games themselves. If a person plays 40+ hours a week yes they will inevitably get bored. Its not realistically possible to maintain the content required for this type of gamer at a 15$ a month price tag. These gamers can chew through brand new 50$ games in under a week. Realistically they would need to charge about 100$ a month to keep up with these gamers.
  22. i cant help but to remark and say that Human is an option, but apparently you dont like your real species, lol. I chose humans... Honestly unless another race offers a tangible combat benefit i see no reason to play them. Human pride!
  23. they said they were going to be adding things for people who chose neutral. personally i think at this point the whole light and dark side thing is just nonsense. an evil person wouldnt last in the republic, nor would a goody last surrounded by empire... its just dumb unless they include faction switching at some point down the road. just for example: at some point playing a dark side trooper you would get kicked out of the military and be forced to become a bounty hunter. at some point of playing a light side bounty hunter you would realize that killing people for money wasnt your thing and you were on the wrong team.... its just so dumb and doesnt work in the games current form.
  24. anyhow, i have 2 characters at 30 and another in his 20's... if someone put all their time into one character they should have a 50 by now. your hypothesis is just filled with fail.
  25. I like Elara, at least she comes off as a woman and not a child, like many of the females, ahem mako pedobears thats looking at you. anyhow, i just cant play as empire. the whole might makes right and slavery things are just too despicable for me. slavery is actually worse than human trafficking, and human trafficking is an assault on your sense of morality... yeah its just a video game, but i honestly dont even want to pretend to be that despicable of a person. ...and dont give me some line about your character is a goody, you are fighting along side pedobears, human traffickers, and slavers.... and you are ok with that. not for me.
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