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Everything posted by Exly

  1. Exly

    Premades in Regs

    Or maybe they could just make separate queues so that pramade groups would play against each other and solo players could enjoy the game too.
  2. I agree. It's just a shame that the changes being made are causing people to walk away from content that should have been designed to attract people to the game.
  3. I'm pretty sure that radio silence is their company policy, and having respect for players is not the job description at the studio. It's really just all about the Benjamins.
  4. Exly

    Premades in Regs

    I agree that you can't really avoid premades if you pvp as a solo player. In my experience though, you can avoid them if you stop. I stopped pvping about 8 months ago and haven't had to queue with premades ever since. I do miss pvp, but I'd rather not play it than join a mixed solo/premade queue. The devs have obviously decided that they would rather see people like me to stop pvping. I just wonder how many people have decided to stop playing the game altogether because of their decision to remain silent and stubbornly do nothing to address the issue.
  5. Yes, the population of the game is getting smaller, but people like me don't pvp because of the mixed queues. So, if getting more people to want to play the game is something that people want, then I believe that separate queues are necessary. Another way of putting it is having one queue sounded good on paper, but in practice it has driven people to stop playing, and that has led to lower a game population.
  6. I think that they need to start tackling the issue by providing separate queues for premade groups and solo players. Then they need to make small changes until they get the balance right. Maybe they start by thinking about how the second wind implant works in pvp, of make adjustments to damage or healing output or tank survivability. I'm not sure if any one thing will get lead to improvements, but through a careful and measured approach I think they could improve pvp so that people like me would return to playing matches and could help reinvigorate it. In regard to the afk problem, I have to admit I have been tempted to join matches and just afk as a protest to the premade problem, and a way to piss off people to get more people to become frustrated with the devs for their inaction and lack of communication on the current state of pvp. That said, I decided to just quit pvping instead. I guess just couldn't justify being that guy in the match. What it really comes down to for me is afking is wrong just like having premades playing in the same queue as solo players is wrong, and I do not want to do either. Maybe they need to make a third queue for people who are just doing pvp for conquest points and are willing to afk to get them lol.
  7. I can't get past the server select screen when for Star Forge. 7:20 pm CDT.
  8. In that case they should have just left things the way that they were. Spending time, effort and money to do something that loses them customers can never be the best use of resources for any company that wants to make a profit. What I am asking for is that they engage in conversation with us before making changes, even if they really think the changes that they want to make would be good for the game. It is hard for any group of people to predict how people outside of their echo chamber will feel about By doing so, they may actually fuel excitement for the game if their idea is truly a good one, and will at the same time help them to rethink ideas that we as customers would either prefer that they did not waste time on given their limited resources, or might absolutely hate, and might cause people to quit the game if they proceed and make the changes anyway.
  9. I do appreciate the effort to communicate with us. It would be nice to see more of this. While this is obviously disappointing news for many who have posted in this thread, it seems honest, and that is a refreshing change. My advice going forward is that if you stop breaking things with "good" ideas that you have like you did with pvp and start talking to us more when you are in the planning phase for changes that you want to make so that you don't chase off more people. Remember, this is a game and will only be successful if you provide fun and entertaining content for your customers. Your job, in my opinion, is to make it as fun/entertaining as possible. So, when adding content or reworking old content please keep that in mind, and even when you think you have the best idea ever, please remember to pass the idea by us to see if we agree before spending a lot of time, effort and money, making changes that we might not appreciate.
  10. How is catching a void fish even an achievement? It seems more like a hoop that the devs are trying to get us to jump through. I don't play this game to jump through other people's hoops, so I am hoping that I don't get the achievement so that it doesn't seem like I tried to get it.
  11. It seems clear to me from all of the threads that try to address pvp that it is in need of attention from the devs. It's too bad that they remain silent on the subject and show no signs that they care enough to address the concerns of the people who play the game.
  12. I think it is considered a feature. It has been this way since they "upgraded" the ui.
  13. People who want to play usually want to get better. The problem right now is that not enough people who want to play. I am one of those people. There was a time that I enjoyed pvp, but it is not worth playing right now. There are things that the devs could do as stated in some of the above posts to make pvp better, but for whatever reason, they are not showing any signs that they even care enough to listen to our input let alone do anything to try to make pvp fun again. Instead, they say nothing and show no signs that they have any plans to address their games shortfalls. Blaming new players doesn't seem like the answer to me. We were all new players at some point and while I can't speak for anyone else, I know that did some pretty stupid stuff in the beginning, but over time I learned because wanted to learn and I got better. So maybe the problem isn't with the players as much as it is with the game. Just saying.
  14. I wouldn't call it a fix, but creating a separate queue for premade groups so that I could enjoy solo queueing is all that I want them to do. If they did that, I would start pvping again. I don't know how hard that would be for them to do it, but it seems to me that doing so should require relatively little time or effort on their part.
  15. Maybe it's time for them to use the "sorc's can heal to full" argument to justify their decision to make the nerf to dps again.
  16. I'm pretty sure that we are just numbers in a database to them, and I think that the only thing that really matters to them is our subscriber status.
  17. I agree with you 100%. I get why people would want to play with their friends and have the ability to be able to queue up as a team, but not at the expense of those who solo queue. That's why I favor a separate queue for premades.
  18. Exly

    Thank you Devs

    However, if the reason people no longer want to pvp is because there is no solo queue, then making a solo queue could be the answer to the problem. Right now the only way to ensure that you won't be placed in a match against a premade is to choose not to queue for pvp. That's the option that I chose. If I was the only one to choose to stop pvping then that would hardly matter but given the fact that there are now so few people queueing for matches, I suspect there are a lot of people that have made the same choice that I did.
  19. Exly

    Thank you Devs

    You're right but placing premades in the same queue as solo players is driving people away. So, maybe the right answer is to give those of us that want a solo queue that is free of premade groups what we are asking for. I know that if they did this, I would start pvping again.
  20. I agree with this. If they do ever change this, preferably by adding a separate queue for premade groups, I will start doing pvp again. I would rather see the game die than give in on this issue.
  21. What's amazing to me is that the /stuck command even needs to exist. Maybe instead of making the command work better, they should have made it so that it was never needed. I know it's too late for that, but still it would have made more sense to me.
  22. So, you're saying that there are people who do PvP for the weeklies, and you would prefer that they didn't care about them, and you think that people shouldn't worry about rewards. Do you think that way about other things too? For instance, do you think that people should work for the pure joy of doing their job, and not expect to be rewarded for their efforts? If so, then good for you, but I strongly disagree with you on this issue.
  23. I would start playing pvp again if they made separate queues for premades and solo players. Until then I just won't do it any more. I do agree with you that in the end they need to concentrate more on making the game more fun and less time making changes that drive people away from the game.
  24. I don't know and I don't want to give them any ideas so I wouldn't say even I thought I knew. The better question though might be what bugs will come out of the update.
  25. Wow, your response baffles me. When I saw the change I wondered why they didn't just undo the very unpopular change that they made to reduce the number of points that people could get from turning in reputation tokens. Like you, I have been legacy level 50 for several years, and I was not able to earn points from that objective, but I agree that returning the infinitely repeatable heroric objective that we enjoyed in the 6.x era was good and it was a right thing for them to do. I am not a newbie, and I don't cry about ez-ass conquest objectives. My feeling on the subject is that I play this game to have fun. If conquest points were a natural consequence of playing the parts of the game that I enjoy most, then I would be at my happiest. Instead, the devs select what I need to do to earn points, and that causes me to look at conquest as more of a chore than a part of the game that I enjoy. I don't enjoy grinding, I enjoy playing, and that is why I disagree with the idea that I need to put on my big boy pants and get to griding. Also, Iokath and Makeb suck in my opinion and I would rather scratch my eyes out than do them. Now, I would be ok if they buff section x too, but because it is another daily area that I don't do because I don't like doing it I am also fine with them keeping the points where they are.
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