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Everything posted by nrevox

  1. Quote: all your bases are belong to me LOL! nice
  2. nrevox

    A PvP a Day...

    Well kudos for hanging in there as the only healer. haha That is simply the risk you take as a healer though. I usually try my best to harass the healers. I have chased some REALLY good ones too (which is sometimes frustrating lol) But, even if I can't kill them, I try to at least keep them occupied instead of allowing them to sit there spamming heals on his/her group. I suggest you stay with the larger group. You have a greater chance of a teammate picking up on the guy harassing/targeting you. Some may disagree, but I have a tougher time getting to the healer if they have a designated protector. Just try asking a teammate see if they would just keep an eye out for you while you heal. Sometimes they are happy to do that. If I heal a wz, I usually stay/follow the player who is doing the most destruction to the other team and try to keep them in the game. Just my thoughts on it. cheers
  3. nrevox

    A PvP a Day...

    Yes, just have fun. Even in death/defeat. I used to record my matches and go back and watch them to see where I made mistakes. It was good to see the action after the stress and adrenaline was over. For some reason I would laugh a lot when seeing bodies flying and getting crushed on the vids too ... especially mine. haha cheers and good luck
  4. I would LOVE to see SWTOR give subs that have completed their legacy, the option to start characters at level 10. If we have already been through each story, why not have the option to skip the beginner planet? I can usually get a character to level 11 in less then 2 hours. But that is 2 hours i could be doing pvp. Just my personal wish. Thanks!!
  5. I think most people like gear. Unique gear. Good looking gear. I personally don't get excited over titles or pets, but that is fine for those who do. Gear makes everyone happy though.
  6. I have searched Youtube, Noxxic, etc. and found a few rotation guides. Although they did provide some key tips, I found myself thinking I am still missing something in the rotation or maybe my tactics of applying them. The game itself does not come with these kinds of guides which makes me If anyone knows of, or has a GREAT guide for this spec it would be greatly appreciated. I really want to learn this spec for end game HM and OP content with my friends. Thanks!
  7. This! all day! Don't get me wrong, it does sound like a good idea in theory, but it would be very personal indeed. I would not trust a rating given by another player in most cases. Think of PvP medals. How many times do you see people give medals to the guy who saved the game? It is usually given to the guy who had the most kills (which is not always the objective) or their buddy whom they queued with (who left the node unguarded). Not the guy who healed him relentlessly and pulled him over the goal line for the winning score in huttball, etc. You would most likely be dealing with people who are either too nice, or too harsh in rating people. Just my opinion though.
  8. I ordered a biscuit and apple pie this morning from Whataburger. They asked me if i wanted jelly, I said "sure". I get down the road, no jelly, no apple pie. I wanted to drive my car back there and smash through the front door with my car and yell at everyone in the building "WHeRE .. THe $%^& is MY M@$% F$%^#%^& APPLE PIE!!!!!!". Instead i am at my desk eating a dry biscuit and no apple pie reading the forums. So if i ever unsub ... not very likely .... but if i ever do!! ... it will be with a final thread saying: "WHeRE .. THe $%^& is MY Mu@$% Fu$%^#%^& APPLE PIE!!!!!!". peace
  9. The idea that "A PVP burst spec has no place in endgame operations." is simply not true. All classes/specs can be used in endgame content IF you know how to use them. There is no such thing as a "PVP only" spec. I suggest that you find some friends to roll HM's with, and keep running group finder hard modes. You will eventually meet people looking for good players and will invite you to run with them when they need you. If you do well, you might get regular invites to OPs. I see that happen all the time. Peace.
  10. I would hope that some Devs or Bioware employees would login and just see what is going on in chat "once in a while". It would only take less than a minute to see some of the worst things being said. It really doesn't take long at ALL for you to see some incredibly offensive things. They could send out a warning to the extreme offenders. I think most people would think twice about typing some of that stuff if they knew Devs or moderators "could" be on and "could" give out warnings and even temporary account suspensions for repeat offenders. You are always going to have cursing or trash talk, but I mean for the REALLY offensive stuff. Just a thought.
  11. After I learned how to create and edit my chat tabs, life in SWTOR became much more fun. I usually turn gen chat off on my main tab so that i dont have to read the garbage. I do have a separate tab for that so when i need to see if anyone is looking for a group or help on a similar quest im on ... I can. I am lucky enough to have made a few friends while on SWTOR that i speak with everyday by email and FB. The 4 of us run hard modes every night and all day and night on weekends and we PvP when we want. So I rarely have to look at gen chat. We recently joined a decent guild that sets up OPs on a regular basis, so I dont have to pug hardly at all. I am having so much fun lately just by simply not having to read gen chat and dealing with pugs. So i suggest ... make some friends! Try to find people who are always online. There are plenty of good peeps there, but you might not find them in gen chat! haha peace
  12. nrevox


    I would agree with the hood option, but I doubt they will change the weapon features like you are suggesting. I would bet they would have to change animations, powers, and skill trees to make that possible. Not sure they will do that. But i guess it doesn't hurt to ask .
  13. I totally agree with you. i want the warzone strategy matches, not open world pvp. I have also deleted toons and started over because the competition is more fun from 10 - 54. they seem to be more about skill than gear in those brackets. I dont want to get beat by bad with great gear. I used to wish i could stop my level and stay at 54 for as long as i want and just keep playing in that bracket. lol
  14. I am pretty excited about the new stuff. I can also understand why some people don't like losing a part of the game they really liked. I really hoped for a new wz map or 2 by now though. I think new maps would bring more excitement and players. The ranked queues would also benefit from the new crop of players that it would bring. New map ideas would be endless ... like a "search and rescue" type where 1 team guards an NPC and the 2nd team has to try to extract them to a safe zone. Just thinking out loud, but more maps would be HUGE for the pvp community. peace!
  15. I very much agree with this. I started playing TOR maybe 2 months after launch. My first character was a tank (after 5 years of tanking in COH and CoV i thought it would be fun!) . Ended up switching him to DPS because of how i got bashed my very first run in a group. Tried again later, and same thing. I don't know, but even when the run was smooth, it seemed all i got was grief. Havent touched it again since. I want to have fun, not argue with an idiot who says "dude you suck" after every fight. Just started a new tank last night. My Guild only has 3 or 4 really good tanks, but they are never on at the same time. A couple of them would like to play their other toons too, so i want to be able to help out whenever I can. I doubt i will be pugging though. I luckily now have a good group of friends that i can run with and finally learn without the hassle. That was just my 2 cents.
  16. nrevox


    I guess i misunderstood your post. Apologies.
  17. nrevox


    Man i couldn't agree with this thread more. Augments and slots are expensive, but WZ pay out less than PVE dailies. It forces PVP players away from doing WZ's to go make money elsewhere.
  18. I agree. This happens alot. It definitely happens enough to justify this thread. I chased a sage all over the map 2 nights ago and he had endless speed bursts, and his normal speed was never impaired by my slow abilities. He had endless break free ability and was immune to my stun. I know the difference between a great player and someone who has endless speed bursts and immunity. Anyone who says its not happening is probably the person doing it and trying to down play it. If you are hacking, its probably because you weren't good enough to win the right way.
  19. I read it. My statement isn't a generalization. If you read my post i said "My personal opinion" before i got called "closed minded". I also agreed with him after his response to mine. Keep reading. thanks.
  20. Trust me, I get what you are saying. I get frustrated with people as well who do ridiculous things. Unfortunately these kinds of games are full of them. I get frustrated when people quit at the first sign of difficulty. I will ignore the people who are not trying so that i don't get grouped with them again.
  21. Again, you have the right to leave. But you should lose valor. You dont deserve the valor you have now if you quit every time you are about to lose a match. People abuse the quit option because they dont like getting beat by other teams who are just simply getting the job done. They rolled just like you. They deserve a win if they work for it. You can blame "clueless" or "bad" players if you want. Close minded is someone who thinks they should keep VALOR for quitting because they don't want to get beat.
  22. My personal opinion is that the players who quit should be able to quit, BUT lose valor (and medals for that matter). Maybe they should lose the same amount of valor that they would have gained for finishing. Valor means something. If you are a quitter in the face of defeat you don't deserve a reward that is named after bravery. It is PVP. You hit the queue knowing there is a chance you will get beat. If you don't want to lose, then don't queue for PVP. Very simple.
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