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Everything posted by nrevox

  1. nrevox

    Broken classes

    I don't know .. Bo Jackson in Tecmo Bowl was pretty OP.
  2. PVP is the whole reason things keep getting nerfed, (remember when Powertech Pyro hybrid was boss? goodtimes) which causes problems for PVE and we have skill trees that are useless for endgame content. I LOVE pvp in this game, and I want new maps just as much as anyone ... but make no mistake ... PVE is and will always be the main focus of this game. I'm sure there are people who ONLY play GSF, but that is not the focus of the game either. Its the story content and pve. #fact
  3. "this is why we can't have nice things!!"
  4. I think this sounds great. i hope it works like a champ. *fingers crossed*
  5. 1. Cross server queues. YES 2. Bring back 8 man ranked. YES 3. Pay to respect. NO (I enjoy being able to switch between heals and dps and have spent plenty of real money) 4. Drop F2P restrictions. YES ( or at least modify to "No ranked coms". brutalizer would be unattainable) 5. Bring back entry level pvp gear. PLEASE YES. (They should provide the bare minimum bolster to compete)
  6. Does anyone know why they stopped providing "entry level" PVP gear? I mean the gear wasn't great by any means, but that seemed to be a good idea. If you hit 55, there should be a entry level set you can purchase with saved WZ coms that you acquire during lowbie and mid PVP, OR with credits (in case you didn't pvp during leveling but now want to try). It just makes sense rather than making people find mods, blue pieces, testing out numbers with bolster to figure out the best combo to enter 55 matches. I liked the idea of hitting 50 and getting free pvp gear to start out. Now its a cluster fluff*. * = this word was used in place of an expletive that would possibly be deemed offensive.
  7. battle worn gear would be a good option. It would probably be pretty epic with a wheelchair mount. Lol Can you imagine all your friends with these huge tanks, deslers, rancors, etc and you roll up with shredded gear, broken mask, and a wheelchair mount with battle smoke coming off the wheels. hahaha
  8. nrevox

    A PvP a Day...

    I approve of this thread. Fun and friendly.
  9. I hope its not just one ops or a fp. I hope its a full expac with new level cap, new gear tiers, at LEAST 2 new ops (3 would be awesome but i doubt it), and 2 new wz's. THAT would be worth the wait for me.
  10. 100% agree. The load out should also be available to change/save your quick bar set up too. I always have to move powers around in my bar when I respec from heals to dps and back. Its a pain.
  11. I don't know .... but the word "teaser" doesn't sound good to me. It will probably only create more questions for me I want to see the release notes, new gear, and if there are any brand new ops or wz's. I can hope right? haha
  12. That's a little bit different though. Lebron gets paid millions to do a job --->>"win titles". Of course he would yell at his teammates to "step up your game!!". He wouldn't yell at you on your own driveway. Lol (I hope not ha) Some people take this game extremely serious (which is totally fine), but .... it really ... is .... a ..... game. There are no rules or regulations that state you HAVE to meet a certain skill criteria to play. You can bust your butt trying to win or reach a certain goal, but its still a game at the end of the day. Its literally open to everyone who wants to participate or have fun, whether you have skill or not. You are right though, it does deter people from pvping (or even endgame pve).
  13. There were a "couple of guilds" that were notorious for doing it on Harbinger. I won't call them out here, but there is no debate on that. I saw it several times and left Harbinger for a while because of it. I have only seen a couple of incidents (on different servers) since then. Are there people who wrongfully cry "hack" when they get beat or because they don't understand mechanics? YES! absolutely, all the time. But it HAS happened and does. Thankfully its very rare now.
  14. nrevox

    Nerf Balance shadows?

    YOU ARE SO RIGHT. Force breach animation is boring compared to discharge on a sin.
  15. I can't say that I see it "all the time", because I don't. But, I do see it every once in a while. I saw it last night in huttball. An assassin targeted me out in the open as I was making my way back to mid from the spawn point and he was kiting me with unbelievable speed. I didn't think "hack" right off the bat, but it felt different immediately and I wasn't sure what he was doing at that speed. Later I saw him 1v1 with my friend and so I engaged him, put a dot on him so he couldn't vanish, and he ZIPPED away so fast and far that my mouth dropped. He literally covered a lot of ground in the blink of an eye. I have 4 assassins total on different servers and several sorcs and sages on different servers. None of them can cover that much ground, that fast. None of his team mates were around so he didn't get predation or any other buff. My force speed is apparently gimped compared to his. lol I don't understand the need to hack, because you really aren't proving anything to anyone. If anything you look bad, and other players will always see you as shady. Overall, I think the incidents have gone way down.
  16. Denial is what's wrong with the loud minority of the player base. I always level in pvp and blaze through story just to get it out of the way. On 6 servers and also 2 European. I could care less about kuat.
  17. Grouping with voice coordination gives you an advantage. That is undeniable. If the group is ungeared, then it might not be so bad. But if they are fully geared? Hello! That is the truck I am talking about. There are some very organized trucks. I see them all the time. To say they don't exist and that they don't camp at spawn sites is simply denial. Being GOOD? There are a lot of good players that have the same arguments. Just because you don't like the current set up doesn't mean you aren't any good. All im saying is "Don't complain about slow queues if you aren't willing to acknowledge WHY they are slow". You may not agree with addressing them, but the reasons are there.
  18. exactly. where is the incentive for a casual player to want to keep queuing or learn when they get steam rolled by a fully geared organized truck? Lol. Organized grouping is definitely needed for ranked. No doubt. But there should be a place that fresh 55's can work on their tactics, gear, and skills in wz's. Right now, REGs queue is not it. And its definitely not lowbie or mid pvp because you don't have your full skills through most of that until you pass 50 or so. You get yelled at your very first match for being undergeared by your own team, then hit by a mack truck by the enemy. Nobody can deny this doesn't happen every single day in reg pvp.
  19. Bioware made a huge mistake by getting rid of 8v8 ranked. If queue times are "too long" for ranked, then there is a reason. The majority of people don't want to be in ranked because they are outgeared, out organized, and probably out skilled. This could have been fixed by cross server matching, but that is a separate can of worms on its own. Lol I don't blame "premades" for lack of participation from casual players entirely .... but it doesn't make a casual player want to keep queuing if they keep running into a fully geared, well organized, premade and they can't even make it 10 feet past the spawn point because they are being camped. So things can stay the way they are now and queue times will stay low ... or we can find a healthy compromise that encourages casuals to want to learn and be part of the community. I would personally prefer the pool of players grow.
  20. Which is why you queue for ranked wz's only right? If people only want to play against good players or geared players, then they should only queue for ranked ONLY right? That doesn't happen. They always end up in normal queue to faceroll lesser geared, less skilled players because they enjoy having an advantage. Its just human nature, and anyone that denies that is simply not telling the truth. period. I have been on both sides of a premade. I see both sides of the argument, and I agree it is fun to play with friends as a unit. I also agree that it discourages new players from wanting to participate. So there IS a problem. I've seem people unsub and resub. I would like to see more players participate in pvp. The hard core pvp'ers get all twisted in the shorts when you try to even the field, and cry "learn to play!!!" and blah blah. That line of thinking is tired. Bioware probably wants more people to participate too, and that will probably not happen the way the gearing system and queuing system stands currently.
  21. I love healing. Its wonderful when I find a good op group, but is painful at other times. The few guilds that I was in have all disbanded, so I mainly bounce around on a few servers as solo healer, pugging for fun, or helping out as heals where I can. I can honestly say I have not had as many bad experiences as other people have. There are some!! but not enough to make me go postal on my keyboard. I know absolutely nothing about tanking, I have never had a chance to really learn it. I DO know that a tank has "cooldowns" and shields and stuff to mitigate incoming damage to some degree. And I know a few tanks out there that don't use them like they should LOL. But I can't really criticize because I have never been in that role. And we all know a dps or 2 out there that suffer from "marauder sickness", which is a globally recognized medical condition that compels you to force leap into a mob before the tank finishes typing "does anyone NOT know this figh ...OMG WTFQWE^Y%&UI". One day I will learn to tank though .... until then I will keep roaming the servers as a pug healer. haha Peace guys!
  22. Voidstar is my favorite. It really wouldn't make any sense to allow someone to keep channeling while getting hit. That means every team could send all 8 people to spam channel for a mere 8 seconds OR maybe 2 or 3 guys to heal you through 8 seconds. No one would ever be stopped on either side ... resulting in both teams always getting to the end. It would totally destroy Voidstar. A good team will stun, cc, distract, knock back, interrupt, and destroy the enemy while you channel for 8 seconds. Sorry I disagree with the argument.
  23. TRUE! However, a fresh 55 getting face rolled by a fully geared team should get "something" for his effort. Otherwise you would never get geared. I've been through that gauntlet several times and each time is even more brutal than the first. The only thing that encouraged me to push on, was knowing that I was going to get my coms and I would eventually get enough coms to get better gear, the competition would become more fun, etc .... eventually.
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