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Everything posted by Pink_Saber

  1. Nobody *needs* to do any such thing. This isn't a debate class. Frankly, all most of us have for any of our positions is anecdotal evidence. Have you got hard facts to back up your unstated position? I'd guess not.
  2. That's how I feel about it, too. I actually don't see many people, if any, who don't want to see this game's LFG tools improved, bu there certainly are a lot of people who don't want a WoW-style LFD tool. I'd be one of those. Even though I haven't had any trouble finding groups at all, I'm sure some people have, and that the current tool is pretty unpopular. I think it could be made a lot better without crossing the line into the kind of thing that Blizzard implemented.
  3. SW:TOR World of Warcraft X-wing vs. TIE Fighter Borderlands Neverwinter Nights 2 Morrowind Metal Gear Solid 3 Zelda: Twilight Princess
  4. Darth and Obi Wan fought for a while before Obi Wan ran out of health, too. He didn't get one-shotted.
  5. This is just false. Plenty of laptops will play SWTOR with everything maxed out just fine. Here are a few examples: http://www.sagernotebook.com/index.php?page=category_browse&selected_cat=11
  6. This is just flat-out wrong on multiple levels. I'd lay them out, but I think it's already been done a couple hundred times in this thread.
  7. Did you even read the first post? "Lobby style" basically equals "no community." This isn't the type of game for things like that.
  8. Well, fine, then he should have said "Dezzi and I" rather than "we." I personally think he's full of it.
  9. Their opinion that *we* want those things he listed? Yes, totally invalid. I'm not sure why you feel that propping up the ego of some guy by making him think the entire community holds his views is something worth doing. I certainly don't.
  10. You did a pretty awful job of it, frankly. There's a huge difference in not being able to one-shot people with a light saber (something nobody in any of the movies ever did, by the way, so I'm not sure why you think you should be able to), and staging events for holidays that would never exist in a far-off galaxy. One is definitely far more immersion-breaking than the other.
  11. There's this thing called the dev tracker you may want to look into.
  12. Sentinels in PVE are fine; you're doing something very wrong. Especially if you needed Surge to be so out-of-whack that it actually made sense to stack it over every other stat. Bummer that you're quitting before you figure out what that is.
  13. As a list of reasons to not solo in an MMO, this has to be the worst I've ever seen. Why couldn't someone who solos do these things? Not that everyone wants to. Some people find chat to be mind-numbingly moronic most of the time, but you can use it without a group just fine. As far as real reasons to solo in an MMO go, there are a lot of things that come from having multiple people playing that have nothing to do with chat, or grouping, or any of the things that people who can't seem to look beyond their own playstyles cite as the "valid" reasons to play an MMO. The truth is that some people play differently. It's not wrong, and it's not even strange. That's just how people are. They're not all just like you. Some are more or less social than others. It just amazes me how often this type of question gets asked. Do you really need a bunch of people on a forum to explain to you that different people like different levels of social interaction? I'd think anyone who's met more than five or six people in his lifetime would know that.
  14. Oh, give me a break. "no means to access the it?" Not only does that sound funny, it's just not true. Sure, I'll give you that maybe, for some people, it can be difficult finding a group. It's not impossible, though... and if you're suggesting that the content they are adding, which I'm sure thousands and thousands of people are accessing, should be ripped out because *you* have some kind of grouping impairment...
  15. Prepare to be perturbed a lot over the coming year. Earth-religion-based holidays have no place in the Star Wars universe, and Bioware has said they won't be doing them.
  16. Be honest. Your marauder would kill for just about anything.
  17. What, you expected *the* answer to "where is everyone?" We're not telling.
  18. No it's not. It's a rant, followed by "That was probably two weeks ago and I’ve had no desire to log back in." Not "I quit!" Not "I'll never log in again!" Since the very first post you've been putting words into his mouth and misrepresenting what was actually said. Give it a break.
  19. So does smearing yourself in your own poop.
  20. Clearly? It's not even clear he's quit at all. And I think your caps lock key is stuck.
  21. /facepalm I don't usually do that, but considering that one of those droids has had her image plastered all over the Internet and Imperial space at this point, I think you earned it.
  22. Fun through vanilla? My God, it's beyond faceroll, all the way up through the Wrath dungeons. If by "fun" you mean "completely lacking any kind of challenge whatsoever," well, yeah, maybe.
  23. Good. The game should not encourage or enable you to single-handedly carry a group of people through content they can't handle. Stop doing it.
  24. You don't even need a leap attack in a lot of cases, if you pick your friends well.
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