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Everything posted by ZutaraAvatar

  1. Bathrooms and Kitchen stuff sounds interesting. I would like to see kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff, and other things for the strongholds. More things to make it seem like a realistic home in the Star Wars universe I guess. It would be kind of fun
  2. I like the idea of that. Maybe not the type of story arc but I would like it to be part of the game other than a planet to go to for dailies and such. I've always enjoyed Kashyyyk in all the different kinds of Star Wars games, I'd love to see it in this one too.
  3. I'd defiantly love some more flashpoints, regardless of where they are. I'd love some of those races you named too! As for planets, I love the idea of having all of them in the game, especially Naboo.
  4. I'm just hoping for an interesting planet. I don't care if it has dailies or whatever, I just want some new things to do.
  5. I'd like to see what a stronghold on Manaan would look like, or Makeb.
  6. I've heard people talk about an underwater stronghold. I think it would be really cool!
  7. I like those ideas. The new companion ideas sound really cool.
  8. Yea, I think at some point they need to add more hooks or maybe add more rooms. That's probably a long shot but who knows.
  9. Yes, I think racing and pazaak would be a great idea. I mean it would make buying the speeder piloting skills more worth it.
  10. I was thinking about this the other day. I'd love them to add more conversations and maybe more missions on to the companions. It just seems stupid to have them hang around the ship/stronghold not doing anything.
  11. I think that's a cool idea. And they said they'd make more strongholds eventually so why not?
  12. I'd love to see Naboo. It was one of my favorite planets on SWG and I know it probably won't be the same because of the BIG time distance but I'd still love to see the planet put in the game.
  13. I would really love to see a lot of this in the game, especially the planets, Naboo is my second favorite planet. Across faction chat too. I'd love to see the Pubs mix n mingle with the Imps on the planets. It's kind of stupid that we're all separated in some areas.
  14. Yes! Yes! Yes! I was just thinking yesterday we could use some new houses. And they said eventually in a livestream a few months ago that they'd make new strongholds eventually.
  15. I really would like interactive objects. It gets kind of boring admiring the way the stronghold looks, I want to work with stuff. Like light the lights, turn them off, lounge on the bed, work at the desk, gamble at the gambling table. I have endless suggestions for object interactions but I'll just stop there.
  16. I like those ideas. The thought of underwater one on Manaan is really interesting and I haven't heard anybody talk about Kashyyyk in SWTOR yet but I would love to see that planet. I loved playing on that planet when SWG was around. A treehouse would be interesting.
  17. I think it would be cool. I was just thinking about a stronghold on Rishi yesterday. It would be a great vacation house.
  18. I have to agree something needs to be done. I think this is the worst it's ever gotten. I logged in a week ago and I had like 5 letters all spamming gold. And when I logged in yesterday I was ignoring people like crazy. A couple whispered to me too. It's getting utterly out of hand and Bioware seriously needs to do something. I don't mind them right now but I know eventually I'm going to get irritated. The best we can do right now I guess is report and ignore, even if Bioware ignores the reports.
  19. Yea I think I'm having the same problem. I've be logging in and out. My game window becomes unresponsive. It's been a real pain in the arse. I was so excited to see the new planet.
  20. I was on Lowca, my character name was Zutara Avatar, still is on this game too, only it's Zutarak now.
  21. I have a question about where to earn Basic Comms. I'm kind of stressed, I just figured out there's a higher rating than the 162 mods I'm slowly building up in. I already get Basic Comms from Makeb dailies, GSI, and Section X, I'm wondering if there's any other places I could go to earn Basic Comms and maybe other ones too so I can start getting mods that have a rating higher than 162 (whats the next group of comms you need to get for armor higher than 162?). I've been doing flashpoints to get them too. I'm wondering if I'm able to do missions on Oricon with the armor I have (most of it is 162 at this point I think). It's just everytime I'm out doing something in a group people are ************ about my armor and they just have no idea, I'm on basically 24/7 these days doing these missions to get, at least decent armor. It's frustrating.
  22. I just finished my story a month ago, I'd say it's kind of predictable but it's really cool at the same time. There are twists in the details that I didn't think would happen.
  23. Hey guys, just a quick weird question, what sells better on the market? I craft things from the Artifice crew skill and I was wondering what from that skill sells better on the market, the market is where I make most of my credits since it's difficult for me to sometimes keep my credits even in the ten thousands. I'm working up to buy the VIP passes on the fleet or maybe something else since I've heard it's not that great.
  24. When they said that you'd be able to get furniture (or was it something else, I may have misunderstood) from rewards in battle and such would that include from flashpoints and heroics?
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