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Everything posted by KilmarFyrewynd

  1. I think TC also complains when he buys something and the cashier rings it up and there's a hidden 50% sale on the item: Cashier: The item is 50% off today. TC: But it's listed at $99.99! Why don't you put the price tag at $49.99? Cashier: But sir, you are saving $50... TC: So you should put it as $49.99! Where's your manager? This is not acceptable! Cashier runs away crying to her manager. All in fun and jest. Please don't complain when something good actually happens.
  2. 49.99 Inf Shadow (literally need 1 kill for 50) and the only problem I've had was Stark. Granted, I'm not at Syo yet, but what I have been doing is swapping Shadow Technique for Combat Technique when I get to a hard hitting boss and make sure to pop my defensive skills and pop an endurance stim.
  3. What is this skill called Double Strike? Oh wait, I think that's a skill I removed from my bar at level 40...
  4. Wait until you get to later planets where the datacron actually DOES need you to finish quests in order for you to acquire them.
  5. BW will never implement a system where one group will have a clear advantage over another group (with the exception of making Empire classes better than Republic). With that said, they will never implement a VIP feature that will give a physical advantage over non-VIPs. The most they will do is give pets, new clothing styles, toys and other non-advantageous stuff. Getting more XP due to VIP will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be done. Now, as to adding new fun stuff to VIP, I agree!
  6. Thanks for responding. Do you or your wife have any crafting skills and sell stuff on the market? Anyone else have comments?
  7. I want to ask the opinion of people on the forums that craft items on on a normal basis. To start off, here are my stats: Level 45 Jedi Shadow Synthweaving - 280 Archaeology - 360 Underworld Training - 320 Now, I want to start leveling my Synthweaving higher to make better gear to sell on GTN for a profit, but what I noticed is that the higher level I became, the less likely I was to go to GTN to look for armor. I might go to GTN to look for mods, augments, earpieces and relics, but all of my current armor is quest rewards or FP drops. Also, considering level 50 items are better than anything I can craft, there is really no reason. What I am asking is, is it profitable to sell higher level (or any level) armor from Synthweaving via GTN, or should I just scrap the hundreds of thousands of credits I've already invested to level it up and just get 3 gathering skill (slicing, scavenging and keep archaeology) and sell raw materials instead?
  8. Apparently, they know of at least SOME of the imbalance and is working on it since they made some non-committal response. Whether they know of them ALL or even see this as a MAJOR issue is another question. The best we can do is keep talking about it until we receive confirmation or it is fixed.
  9. This does not fix the PvP issue. One of the major problems is that Project can be EASILY avoided by enemy since there is a delay between casting and actually hitting. Against a Sith Assassin, they can cloak as SOON as they see the huge chunk of rotating debris. So what we can cast 1 second quicker? The first one is still spinning in the air trying to find an enemy it can't see and the chunk of debris will KEEP spinning until it dissipates. Meanwhile, the Sith Assassin is gearing up for some major DPS and you're just running in circles trying to find them while waiting for the floating piece of rock to disappear.
  10. Stark took me 6 tries. First try, I killed both adds easily while Stark pounded me. The next 4 tries was me being stubborn trying to kill him normally. I was able to finally kill him by interrupting him as often as possible while he casts those damaging spells and to stun him as much as possible. I finally killed him with 9% health left and that was with an endurance stim from the vendor in the beginning of the map. At level 45 in Voss and I still have a hard time staying alive with Nadia as my companion even with 75% of her gear upgraded. I've resorted to using Tharan for healing duty and pull Nadia out when I am going to talk to someone in order to gain affection points with her.
  11. Forget immersion. There is a clear advantage for the Empire's mirror class and skill when their mirror skill is instant and ours is not. The skill is listed as instant, and it is not. Make it so the damage is instant first, fix the animation later.
  12. And with much eyestrain, even on a 27" monitor running at 1920x1080. I want to find the person who decided that most of our procs should be green and look similar and smack them with a wet noodle multiple times.
  13. If it's 1v1 or 1v2 on a mob that can be knocked down, I cloak, mez one, Spinning Kick, Tumult, CSx2 (they're usually dead, if not finish with Spinning Strike). Wait for my force to regen, Shadow Strike the 2nd, Low Slash, CSx2, Project, Force Breach. End of story. On 1v3, I mez the highest mob, and repeat the above rotation. 3rd mob will usually still be mezzed so I will wait for force to regen andl start with a Shadow Strike, CSx2, Force Breach, normal attack (waiting for force to regen), Low Strike, Tumult (if possible), finish with Spinning Strike.
  14. The Jedi Shadow Inf spec is really squishy (I know, cause I am one). They really need a healer companion. Tharan and C2-N2 are the only two viable choices without having to pop medkits like skittles. Either that or I'm playing it wrong.
  15. Just wanted to add my voice. I completely agree that Project needs a change. I can't count the number of times I had an enemy at 5-6% health where Project would have finished them off and instead prolong the fight or kill me outright due to the delay. Anyone who plays a Jedi Shadow who says there is no issues are either delusional or have no idea how the fighting mechanics work in the game. There is an obvious imbalance between the Empire and Republic. The Empire already outnumber the Republic by 3-1 in most servers. Giving them any kind of advantage would just foster the disparity.
  16. The electrostaff skill is given to us for one reason only. Remember waaaaaaaaay back before you were level 10? What weapon were you using from levels 1-9? Yeah. As for why they don't make it a viable weapon, I don't know.
  17. Ah, the Kinetics take all the fun away. I am an Inf spec. I might just respec to play around with Kinetic spec.
  18. Am I missing something? I am a level 42 Jedi Shadow and I have no such skill called Force Pull. I am looking at the skill and ability list and I can't find it. Where is this skill at?
  19. This is so true if they don't fix the Project delay. This earthbender spec would be a sitting duck in PvP. DS, DS, Project, enemy disappears, you stand there befuddled, you die.
  20. Not being picky, but out of 8 posts, only one spelled Tharan correctly. The guy has saved many of us countless times, so at least spell his name right . I use 5/33/3 Inf spec, currently 2/31/0 at my level. I've tried Zenith, but maybe he isn't decked out properly because I seem to be meditating a lot more than with Tharan and have a harder time on Elites and Champions. I might give him a try once I find a better weapon for him.
  21. Still bugged as of Jan 19th. Ran it last night and tried 7 times before giving up. BW, please fix this!
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