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Everything posted by ThorgrimLutgen

  1. I still like this game in theory only. I enjoy levelling different toons to enjoy the differring story arcs etc, and I love the atmospheric graphics. The sound used to be great before 1.2, now it is an annoying shambles which makes me logoff every hour to reset it. At 50 however, I only want to PVP. I am not interested in the sanitised button pressing that is PVE Ops in this game. You can train a monkey to beat NPCs. Unfortunately, PVP is, on the whole a mess, with no indication from the developers that they intend to address the prevailing issues. I came from playing Lord of the Rings Online, 5 years of it, so am not a player that regularly jumps ship, and have no desire to go back to Lotro, I stopped playing for a very good reason, I was simply not having fun anymore, and even with a lifetime sub, I see no reason to waste my valuable leisure time doing anything that is not fun. So, SWTOR, for which I pay a monthly fee, can you keep me enjoying myself ? In essence, yes, but that is sadly only down to the fact that there is currently no credible alternative. Without cross server warzone queues, or server transfers, I give myself 2 more months at the most before the boredom factor outweighs the fun factor. Devs, put your fluffy legacy ideas on the backburner, people do not care, fix what is broken, and allow people to play this online game, with other people. Do I hate Bioware? No, they are simply a company who takes my £ for the service they provide, they are no different than my local ASDA, B+Q or Macdonalds, I couldn't care less about them or their feelings, it's only business afterall. When they can only sell me out of date apples and oranges I will stop buying from them.
  2. I am a healer, I don't want to be removed from warzones thankyou very much, so unless your £ is worth more than my £ I suggest you try a different approach to your pvp issues.
  3. So long as we get a global buff to run nightmare ops also, we want everyone to be able to do all content on an equal footing right, that's really what you are asking for isn't it? Gear progression, as much as I myself found the old pre 1.2 grind tedious, is what makes some people continue to subscribe, now, for PVP, you only have one grind, and that is for War Hero, BM set is a piece of cake, it is merely a time sink. albeit a quite short one if you put the warzones under your belt. What i am seeing here is people who spend 95% of their time in the PVE realm, throwing their rattles from the pram, because they want the same gear as someone who might play 95% of their time in PVP. Why pray tell, should you have the same rewards? You cannot expect to have the best PVP gear, if you only do it as a passing fancy. People who put the hours in have no issue with expertise, as they are fully aware as to how things work outside of "fluffy pillow land". I run a couple of HM FPs a week at most, do I deserve a full Rakata set as a reward?
  4. To you yes, not to everyone, remember we are all individuals who think we know best and have the most valid opinions, we do not.
  5. I am sorry, but that is such a sweeping statement, I find it hard to get my head around what your actual problem is. Firstly, where are your numbers to prove this statement? Personally, it is the whining and sulking that makes me want to play less, not the fact that sometimes I encounter better players than myself. We can't always be number one in a multiplayer game I am afraid. If that is your goal, I seriously suggest you try some solo games, where the player is always the hero. For the record, I queue solo or with a real life friend, so duo at most. That said, I tend to find I am "pugging" with a lot of the same people over and over, and fighting the same names over and over, so you should be learning each others playstyles and figuring out who your most dangerous enemies are, just from the fact that you continue to play the game. It's not rocket science, we all win and we all lose, sometimes you just have to suck it up when your *** is continually being ganked.
  6. I have honestly given up trying to explain things to people in sub50 pvp, it usually is pointless and I actually don't really care anymore, I just laugh and have fun anyway, often their exploits can be highly amusing if I am not hung up over having to win. I figure that by the time they hit 50, they will either of stopped pvping, or at least understand the basics of what to do, and don't need wetnursing along.
  7. This kind of thing has been going on since the internet was brought into the public domain. Wannabe, cyber hardmen have existed since we played online text based games, and their legacy lives on today.
  8. Whilst I do feel for the OPs plight, I play a Sage Seer, which for far more squishy than a medic, and at first thought the same as him/her. It was literally a steamroller effect, I appear, I die, I appear, I die, rinse and repeat. Then the penny dropped and I changed my approach away from pre 1.2 tactics and I do survive longer, or at least make it harder for the imps to target me. I can no longer run into the middle of the fight and drop my aoe heal surrounded by my enemies, if I do, i deserve a good *** kicking. Pre 1.2 I could do, as I had much greater survivability for some reason....game mechanics go over my head, I just say as I see from practical use. I am now, since the quick fix patch, enjoying WZs more than I was immediately post 1.2. It is by no means perfect, often the imps team focus me down, but in all honesty, why is that a bad thing? I have no doubt that the "i like it simple" dps brigade (said tongue in cheek, noting my shadow toon...we all like to chill once in a while eh?) will eventually get their own bioware shafting, but until they do, I will continue to have fun as best as I can......though I sure as hell wont be forced to do their mind numbingly dull PVE to pay for my PVP. No class should be able to defend against combined efforts of 2-3 enemies, to me, it is simply clever play on behalf of the opposition, and if they see me as the target of their death dealing, then I figure they want me dead for a reason. It's all a balancing act, I wont play in my leisure time if I don't enjoy what I am doing, at the moment, I still enjoy it, when I dont, I wont, a legacy of too many RL hobbies.
  9. Bioware, please allow us to choose which Warzones to queue for and which ones not to take part in. I do not enjoy Huttball at all, win or lose it is 15 mins of my life I will never get back. Do i leave and get moaned at for choosing not to do something I dislike in my leisure time, or do i run around bored ****less through the warzone? Personally I would rather be able to select which I queue for, even if that means I essentially wait longer as i am only choosing 75% of the games on offer.
  10. Agreed for PVE servers, if you rolled on a PVP server, you made your bed, lie in it.
  11. I am all for it, with a free Rakata piece thrown in with every BM piece so the PVPers can all do nightmare ops right now too.
  12. No it doesn't. He plays on a PVE server, if it was a PVP server I would agree. His choice of server dictates his desired playstyle and ruleset.
  13. I am looking forward to my credit bought full Rakata set so I can do nightmare operations with little experience in them. Or is that not the same thing? PVE'ers who want to try their hand at PVP, I truly do welcome you, we all want more people playing our side of the game. How do you feel about me being able to buy the same PVE gear you have worked for over 4 months though? Pretty sure I know the answer.
  14. I am sorry. I play a Seer on the republic side on a Imperial dominated server, and get 10+ medals most games, including losing ones, and make pretty much the same comms as the rest of the team as a result. If you are healing all the time, you cannot fail to get medals, in some ways it's too easy. I queue solo or with RL friends, but do end up playing with the same people a lot, due to the nature of our servers population. I participate in the objectives you say you cannot by simply being at the door in voidstar, healing the combatants there, same in Alderaan etc. You can cap objectives when you have your AOE heals running and your folks bubbled etc, it's not hard. There are times when I get ganked and steamrolled by 4 players all at once, and you know what, I laugh, it's amusing and funny, and shows to me that my enemy decided to slaughter me because I was annoying them.....incidentally, as your own team ought to be doing to the opposition's healers. You can also throw in the odd attack or interupt to annoy enemy cappers etc, hell, it's easy enough to get the kill medals too, just attack selectively and at the right time, not to the detriment of your outgoing heals. On the otherhand, I often heal for 300k+ and usually come in the bottom third of our list now, whereas pre 1.2, i was usually in the top third. Frankly though, I really don't give a monkeys where I am in that table, if I have done my job properly and am earning a fair 10 mins reward, for 10 minutes of my time. As a full time healer, who enjoys healing, but found the immediate mess of 1.2 a little too much, I have to say, yesterday's patch has rekindled my desire to play.
  15. I do believe that Bioware's continued silence throughout many threads is quite damning and a passive admission of their intent. I think I have a small amount of hope hidden at the back on my brain telling me otherwise, but i tend to think that it's simply misplaced.
  16. Someone from Bioware, at the very least out of respect for their paying customers, answer this question. If PVP is working as intended, or are their changes in the pipeline, to make PVP fun once more for the majority. We want to know so we can make an informed decision as to how we spend our leisure time and do we wish to continue funding a game we no longer enjoy. I have zero interest in the PVE endgame aspects of the game, I am playing for PVP fun and frolics, yes I like to roll lots of alts and enjoy their levelling on some of the planets, but in the main I am here to PVP, hence I would like to know if SWTOR will continue to provide for my style of gameplay or not. I will not be forced to do PVE, aka something I don't enjoy, in order to fund my PVP habit. This is not a threat to cancel my subscription by the way, merely a statement of intent. Anyone who pays to do something they do not enjoy is a fool and I for one, will not allow a software company to continue to make a fool out of me.
  17. 5 minutes is not a long time to queue, though I do agree with you, PVP has been decimated since 1.2, though that's only my opinion, not a fact for everyone out there. The main issue with the OPs post surely is the fact that Bioware continue to allow us to join games that are almost ended, and additionally, refuse to fix the issue surrounding numbers imbalance, WZs with 4 vs 8 must be shutdown quickly, for the sake of everyone's sanity.
  18. Since 1.2, I melt on my Sage like hot butter being attacked by a greedy knife wielding child, hungry for his morning toast. I am not going to whine about it, I simply play my Guardian more. Actually I might jump on the bandwagon and play the Shadow some more for a change, she is poorly geared, centurion only with a couple of champ pieces and I have no intention of ever buying recruit gear, until Bioware offer is a Columni set for credits too. These things will go in cycles throughout the lifespan of this game. It's only a problem if I want to get my Sage to Warhero right now, this very minute, which I don't, take it easy out there healers, have a break, play a simpler class and just do some killing for a change. Our toons will still be here when it's all gravy again.
  19. Whilst I appreciate your frustration, those three games, given the times you joined them probably took 15 mins of gametime? Perhaps you ought to play more PVP? I queue most of the night (4 hours usually) on three toons and perhaps manage a good 15 WZs.
  20. Why? I PVP as I enjoy it, I do not PVE with the exception of the very rare HM, as I find the gameplay tedious and simplistic beyond words, it is simply not fun. If it was all SWTOR had to offer, I would not be here. We play in our leisure time for fun right? The day Bioware force me to one style of gameplay to allow me to play as I wish, will be the day I remove my card details.
  21. Can a PVP player suddenly decide to try his hand at Operations and get full PVE Rakata gear in 4 days too please? How would the PVE only community feel if Bioware offered a full set, as good as Columni for credits so we could avoid the grind you have all been through? .......thought as much.
  22. Not everyone has BST on their mind, you are forgetting this is a multinational game.
  23. If this is actually true, and I have my doubts, it will empty the 1-49 WZs, there will be no reason to level alts through PVP as fun as WZs can be. People will not do them for long when they watch their main toons bank balance drop through the floor. Unless of course they have too much time on thier hands and can run a full PVE toon at the same time to subsidise. In some ways this kind of thing will stop some people rolling alts, and this will have an adverse effect on the levelling fun for everyone if you struggle to find people to do heroics with etc. Do we want to see servers full of L50's bunnyhopping around the fleet and the rest of the galaxy empty of alts?
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