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Everything posted by J_Fred

  1. Very cool vid, grats on the clear!
  2. Name: Myrmedon Screenshot Link: http://i61.tinypic.com/2qk70ao.jpg Record Broken: Highest Overall DPS #4 Value: 793,075 Type of Match: Unranked 4v4 Date of SS taken: 2/18/14 Name: Ehhrage Screenshot Link: http://i61.tinypic.com/2qk70ao.jpg Record Broken: Highest Overall Protection #1 Value: 1,568,213 Type of Match: Unranked 4v4 Date of SS taken: 2/18/14 Name: Myrmedon Screenshot Link: http://i61.tinypic.com/2qk70ao.jpg Record Broken: Highest Overall Protection #4 Value: 541,361 Type of Match: Unranked 4v4 Date of SS taken: 2/18/14 Name: Myrmedon Screenshot Link: http://i61.tinypic.com/2qk70ao.jpg Record Broken: Most Medals #1 Value: 17 Type of Match: Unranked 4v4 Date of SS taken: 2/18/14 (This was cut off for some reason on the scoreboard but you can see the value on my character right under the Round Two tab.) Also WTB competent imperial DPS... EDIT: Name: Chicha Screenshot Link: http://i61.tinypic.com/2qk70ao.jpg Record Broken: Highest Healing Overall #1 Value: 1,803,327 Type of Match: Unranked 4v4 Date of SS taken: 2/18/14
  3. Name: Myrmedon Screenshot Link: http://i57.tinypic.com/2el5xe8.jpg Record Broken: Highest Overall Protection #4 Value: 562,360 Type of Match: Unranked 8v8 Date of SS taken: 2/15/14 Its a shame dying from the blast shows up on the scoreboard.
  4. Name: Myrmedon Screenshot Link: http://i62.tinypic.com/igeplf.jpg Record Broken: Highest Protection in Single Life #4 Value: 480,178 Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8 Date of SS taken: 2/14/14 Name: Myrmedon Screenshot Link: http://i62.tinypic.com/igeplf.jpg Record Broken: Highest Overall Protection #3 Value: 480,178 Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8 Date of SS taken: 2/14/14 Name: Myrmedon Screenshot Link: http://i61.tinypic.com/sw2qlk.jpg Record Broken: Highest Protection in Single Life #5 Value: 454,498 Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8 Date of SS taken: 2/14/14 Name: Myrmedon Screenshot Link: http://i58.tinypic.com/24nkv9e.jpg Record Broken: Most Medals in Warzone #3 Value: 21 Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8 Date of SS taken: 2/14/14 Name: Demavend Screenshot Link: http://i58.tinypic.com/24nkv9e.jpg Record Broken: Most Medals in Warzone #4 Value: 21 Type of Match (Ranked, Unranked, Challenge): Unranked 8v8 Date of SS taken: 2/14/14 In each of these screens you can see the starfighter camera regen and the stardrive mount on the lower right bars. Also is this thread still being updated? I was looking over the records and noticed some inconsistencies. Feken's guardian should hold the top spot in highest protection overall. Also in highest dps Burberry should bump orazio to 3 and take his spot as 2...
  5. Is there any information on when these will be available for direct purchase again? From what I am told the last time was around last Thanksgiving. I've been waiting since December to get my hands on a few of these but have yet to see them.
  6. But if you remove bolster it might offend our PVE Overlords
  7. J_Fred

    "PT" Pyro

    Pyro is just fine if you gear it right. Its not as bursty as before but it also is not as bad as when they first nerfed it (they buffed it a bit since the big nerf). Survivability is increased a bit as well. Not sure how it will work in arenas, AOE is king right now with all the smash/tactic hybrids running about.
  8. J_Fred

    Undying Changes

    Never heard of any good players from Tomb Of Freakin Noobs. Only thing I heard was how people on that server xploited their rating and then acted like they were just "showing a flaw" when they got caught doing it. I thought it was common knowledge by now that badstion and potpie are the two top pvp servers in the game. Perhaps someone forgot to send the memo to our european pals?
  9. Obviously everyone who is defending the GS (which is stupid easy to get kills on compared to the other two) plays it and wants to protect their beloved ship. I would not be surprised if some of these were the same players who defended the OPness of bombers during the closed beta. You can cite the small number of GS in warzones right now all you want. Just like smash bombers, its gonna take a while, but eventually most people will be rolling one. And when that day comes space pvp will have moved from a dog fight type combat to a futuristic "ship of the line" combat. Bioware should have just launched GSF with strike fighters and scouts.
  10. I dont think it will be on the PC but I am interested in Destiny by Bungie.
  11. J_Fred

    Music in warzone's

    In warzones the music plays at the first minute or two and goes quiet. You might here another 1.5 minute clip if you are steam rolling your opponents in certain games, or in civil war when one team reaches 100 points for the first time. For the most part its quiet and boring. I usually played warzones with itunes running in the background due to this. Back when i was testing with the regulator group for GSF I noticed that the space pvp was relatively quiet as well. I made a thread about putting music into it to make the experience similar to the movie space scenes. I doubt I was the first one to suggest it but I'm glad they finally added it. The move is kinda too late though.
  12. I raised this very concern when I was in the regulator test group. My suggestion to the devs was to add the 50%/100% root to the same 50%/100% talents for unremitting/unstoppable. However they ignored my suggestion there as I am sure they will here. Good luck to the rest of you veng/vigis still playing. After nearly two years of hoping out for the best with this game I am done.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56gHtTlLkqQ&feature=youtu.be This video here will show some hard proof on the failures of the solo ranked season one that was implemented this Tuesday. I am on Pot5, I have a 55 on both sides. On Tuesday I played 10 matches on both factions to get my rating established. I had no issue doing this on the republic side, but when I went to impside I had 9 straight games of trolls who either quit at the beginning, got themselves killed by the other team without actually fighting at the beginning, or just went afk. I literally had this happen in 9 consecutive games. My tenth game I actually had a team who tried and we ended up winning. My rating on my jug was 900 thanks to the trolls. Another issue that I have come across is premades inside solo queue. And I am on Pot5, so its not like its a pvp ghost town. The video shows a match I had tonight about an hour ago. In it, you can see where I am fighting a 3 man premade. So I decided to start up fraps to show it for the bioware devs to see that this is actually happening. It was just my luck that not only did we go up against a premade in this solo ranked match, but we had a quitter too. It was already enough that we were fighting 3 people from the same guild who could coordinate with each other better than a pug can, but now we are 3v4. And because of the actions of one person everyone on my team gets penalized in their rating. Honestly I don't see how they could not have thought this out before launch. There are always people who try to troll and grief in games, and they should have created protections against it. One solution I thought of was making it where people on your ignore list don't get in the same queue as you. But that won't really solve the whole problem. The problem is with how the rating is rewarded right now. I am talking specifically about solo ranked, group ranked is fine, you can choose who you fight with in that setting. In solo ranked its basically whichever team gets lucky with the composition. One of the matches I played on my vanguard yesterday had 3 vanguards and a healer vs 2 sentinels and 2 guardians. This is in ranked, where they are supposed to match your composition. It was a clear disadvantage for the other team and unless we sucked really really bad there was no way for the other team to have a chance at winning that. And for no fault of their own they lose and get penalized in rating. Tonight I was thinking of another solution to the way solo ranked players get their rating. Rating in solo should be earned with a combination of the player's actions, as well as whether or not the team wins or loses. For example, lets say each solo ranked player gets 5 rating for every medal they have, for a total of 3 max medals they get rating credit for. Then, when the match is over, losing team gets -15. Winning team keeps their 15. That way, if you lose in solo, you don't gain anything. If you win, then you gain. If you barely contribute, and only get 2 medals for example, a total of 10 rating, then if you lose you get -5 to your solo rating. 3 max is just an example, honestly I dont see why it can't be higher. Every dps should get a 3k medal, a 90k medal, a 6k medal at the very least. Tanks just have to throw a taunt and they have 3 medals already. For those of you who may suggest, I am not posting this because I am angry over my losses. I currently have 10 wins on my jug and 15 losses. 11 of those losses are due to trolls and premade issues, 3 are legitimate, and 1 was due to a CTD I received when I accepted a rank pop. I don't expect to be number one. There is a very competitive crowd of players on Pot5 and I actually enjoy competing with them. All I want is to be given a fair chance to achieve my rating, not have others' actions and decisions decide my rating for me. I'm not even going to get into the leaderboard issue with RP servers having top players on there... EDIT: Here is also another bug that I encountered with ranked on Tuesday, we had 6 rounds... http://i42.tinypic.com/5fhemd.jpg
  14. I agree. I'm on pot5 and my rating has already been annihilated by imperial trolls today. Out of the 10 matches I played I only won 1 (the only one where I didn't have trolls). The other 9 I had either someone who quit at the beginning, someone who went and sabotaged the team by getting himself killed and making it 3v4 at the beginning of every round, or someone who just sat there while 3 of us fought the other 4 and didn't help. I now have a 900 rating thanks to people trying to be jerks. No way I'm going to bother with solo ranked to get that up. Either I am extremely unlucky to get these guys in every match or there are a lot of jerks trying to screw up people's ratings right now. And its not like we can vote to kick people we know are repeat offenders...that won't help. Only solution I see is making it where we don't get put into queue with people who are on our ignore list. Eventually they just won't be getting a pop and the rest of us who are actually trying to win will be left to queue. And another issue is getting 3-4 man guild premades in solo ranked. That should not be happening and I have seen it far too much today.
  15. then if they put it in game don't buy one...
  16. The way the game is set up you can be successful with keybinding or clicking. Sounds to me like you got owned by a clicker and are making this thread to make yourself feel better.
  17. So we have to pvp for half a year before we get a possibility of getting any rewards? Seriously? There was nothing wrong with the old system where you buy your cosmetics based on your rating. This is just an attempt to keep people subbed until the season is over. What have you guys been doing for the past two years? This is nothing new! I loved to pvp in this game and I was looking forward to season 1 starting. I wish I would have read this before I xferred my vanguard to pot5 tonight in anticipation of season 1, what you guys have done here is a joke. I have no doubt now that PvE is the focus of this game, and will most likely shift my focus back onto pure pve since pvp is really getting nowhere. gg bioware...
  18. I dind't come crawling to BC my vanguard was originally from BC. I came back to the game a few weeks ago, a short time after I decided to level it to 55. I don't know who your calling bad, I know who you are in game I have seen you run around with your little pocket healer in warzones. You should be embarrassed that a fresh 55 assault spec vanguard out did you in damage and kills by a long shot. Just the other day when I was trying out 21/25/0 I fought you and your pocket healer again and still did more damage than you. Your the last person to be calling anyone bad. I will be transferring my vanguard now that it is moderately geared and I have the coins to do so (was waiting for the 50% off deal) to pot5 to participate in season 1 next tuesday. I will be joined by the rest of my guildies who have their alts stranded on BC. Anyone who is a competent, competitive pvper knows that pvp on BC is crap right now. The infanoobs (aka Infamous) are either xferring or leveling on Bastion right now, and they are without a doubt the only top pvp guild left standing on BC since ITK left. Bastion or Pot5 is where all the true pvpers should be, not running around on a RP server flanked by pocket healers and thinking they are good. I've already seen what Deyvon has done to you and your pocket healer when you guys trashed talked him. I'd think you would have learned your lesson by now. I don't get how your making fun of him for playing regs. Regs are the only pvp that pops on BC and even that takes a while!
  19. You might want to try 21/25 in dps gear and tactics/AP cell. I've been using that for the past few days on my vanguard and have been loving it. You get storm, the smoke grenade (accuracy debuff and aoe slow) root on harpoon, root on stealth scan (used that in arenas to uncover a smuggled group, was funny to see em standing there like they were caught doing somethin bad:p )xtra crit on stockstrike from the tank tree, free autocrit on HiB, 10 sec HDL and basically every other buff AP/tactics has to offer except for the top two tiers of the tree (30% crit dmg, the top tier ability, and some other buff cant remember atm). Overall the spec has a TON of utility and can pump out some pretty good sustained dps. You won't crit higher than about 4.5-5k running it tho due to the lack of the higher abilities. DPS wise tho I have been keeping up with smashers and pts, usually I am in the top 3 dps and at times number one. (This is on BC btw) Really good in huttball too if you run in ion cell. You can easily clear two firepits with the 10sec HDL.
  20. a good huttball. <3 huttball
  21. Here let me explain it for you then. in PVE (player verses environment ) you can RE (that stands for reverse engineer ) your armorings, mods, enhancements, barrels, hilts, implants, relics, earpieces, etc, get the schematic, and craft as many as you like as long as you have the mats. The reason you have a comm limit is because of this. In PVP (player verses player ) you cannot RE (remember this means reverse engineer ) your armorings, mods, enhancements, barrels, hilts, implants, relics, earpieces, etc and get the schematic. This means every PVPer (a person who PVPs ) has to gear each of their characters all by themselves, without the help of someone who can craft the items we need to make things easier. This is why you have a comm limit and we do not. Hope that helps. :):):):):):):)
  22. If you play your sentinel anything like this then no wonder you think it needs a buff.
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