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Everything posted by Chaqen

  1. I have a rakata adrenal, and find that i very rarely will use it for a healing situation. I use it more so for extra damage to OS and CD during a burn phase then to supplement my healing. Therefore i dont use the rakata power relic that i have in my bag ever, and just use the healing proc, which puts up decent numbers and is rather useful at times to be honest, since as an OP healer i leave alot of people at 85-99% alot of the time, so if it procs on one of those targets it helps to top them off.
  2. I think if they put a time period of when the FTP period ends, like most trials have (10 to 30 days), it would solve a lot of the issues that people have with what is more or less a trial.
  3. To be honest at times it is very hard to interrupt it before you get a single stack, since you cant just interrupt when ever you see him casting, you have to take a split second to distinguished that it is incinerate. On a side note, a healer should be able to toss out a cure/purge/w.e rather quickly though if they are decent. Hell in most most cases a good healer with good dps (not taking much damage themselves), should be able to cure/heal through a fully missed incinerate.
  4. This is from an operative healer PoV, on live atm a shadow/darkness tank is the easiest of the three tanks to keep alive, and not by a little margin, but by a far margin (Burst/spike damage may be a little bit higher, but i still end up over healing recovering from a spike the majority of the time. While sustained damage and the level of attention i have to give to an shadow/darkness is far less then another tank, hence making my job far easier.) Do you see many guilds running with with just darkness/shadow tanks, and refusing the other two counter parts, even though one tank is far superior then the other currently? No you do not, and you shouldnt have to worry that you're going to loose your raid spot, when you're balanced with the other two tank specs.
  5. Infusion, isnt a spell that you NEED, and it is only useful in certain situations, and even then only a bit better to use then SP or a injection. Actually using it, when it is worth using is a bit rare, because you ignore it 99% of the time when it is useless. So the spell isnt USELESS, and can benefit you if you can figure out when and where to use it properly, but majority of the time it doesnt matter.
  6. I have done it on the imp side with as an op healer, and a darksin. On the imp side there are a few mobs in some of the packs that have bad stealth detection, and can be charged/CCed, making it where you only need to use your blackout ability 2 or 3 times (i think i only wait around 20 seconds max for it to come off of CD). On my Op i use Vector (melee dps) for the key card fight, and for the final boss. I use Kaylio (range tank) for the human, and droid phase of the final encounter. Vector does about 600-700 dps (rakata majority w/ tionnese mh), Kaylio sits at ~20k hp. On my Darksin i use Ashara (melee dps) for the key card fight, and for the final boss, and i use Telos (sp)(healer) for the humans and droid phase of the final encounter. The companions on my darksin, mainly have lvl 40-48 greens with one or 2 pieces of columi. I hope this helps, not to sure how much of a difference there is between the Imps, and Pubs version of this, but on most days i can get it done on either of the two toons i listed in about 15 minutes.
  7. When it comes to figuring out what stats to stack you have to take into account the type of enhancements that are out there; crit/surge, pwr/surge, crit/alacrity, pwr/alacrity (there are some with accuracy as well but you dont need those). So you will eventually end up stacking a bit of alacrity, or be stacking so much surge that it becomes extremely worthless to you. On a side note alacrity is great, but stacking alacrity rating is horrible, 4% from 2 talents is a god send. I suggest that you get about 35-38% critical chance (should be able to get about 21% before crit rating), you want about 75% crit multiplier, and then as much power as you can get get, and stack alacrity over more surge, you should be a bit shy of 200 alacrity rating when in BH/campaign gear.
  8. I think it is really dependent on your healing assignments. I run 8 man ops, and usually was the healer on Toth, and stormcaller for those fights. On toth i would use it every time it came off of CD when we ran with 2 melee dps. On stormcaller, i used it after DD would go off, to counter the dot damage from the debuff. If i was healing on zorn, or firebrand, no i wouldnt of used it as much. If i was in a 16 man raid and my main concern was healing the tank and not raid healing, then i wouldnt be using it much, but as people been saying if you are healing more then 2 targets on the run, or 3 stationary it is worth using...It takes a lil bit of knowing where people are standing, to make sure you get the best uses out of it, but once you sorta get that down it is amazing.
  9. The majority of the time when i am playing with guildies we don't CC the droid adds, we aoe everything down (makes the fight far quicker). The 3 normal adds that spawn when the left droid is killed, should die in aoe's... the 2 strongs that come after the right droid is killed, should be burned downed by the dps rather quickly. The tank should've explained the way he was handling that pull, but in the same fashion if you notice you're the only one hitting the boss, you should've of switch targets. Also on a side note, it seems that you may be a bit inexperience when it comes to HMs, and makes me wonder if on the trash pulls if you were burning down normal and strongs before elites as well.
  10. Looking at your parses keyboard, i think you could get a lot more dps if your prioritize shock/project more often. It is good to use anytime it is off CD, force lighting/combat technique is lousy dps/tps imo... and only good to use if and when your healers are having an issue or you finding yourself focus tapped.
  11. Think about the massive increase in demand there will be for augments...
  12. I have one character that has yet to receive one out of 150 to 200 slicing missions since 1.2... Then i have another character that has gotten 6 of them in the last week (~10-20 missions). Only difference between the two characters is that one with no luck has been capped on slicing for some time, while the other is still shy of 400 by about 30 points.
  13. I bought this game to play it as an MMO meaning that i spend the majority of my time with other players, experincing group and or raid content with others. I didn't buy this game to play it as KotoR 3-10. I have 3 level 50's, and 3 others in chapter 2 of their stories, but i find it harder and harder to log in and play solo... When it comes to single player games there are many that are far better then this; and with a good download speed are far cheaper then this game.
  14. The bonus bosses in all of the HMs, are far more difficult then the final bosses. I have never understood this mechanic since they drop **** for loot. On a side note, it would be nice to get a weekly to kill 3 to 5 random bonus bosses for a few black hole comms though.
  15. Tionese is so poorly itemized, lvl 49 purples and a combo of heroic daily (which can be soloed) rewards/ daily vendor bought stuff is better then Tionese already. The only thing you're missing is the set bonuses..which for some AC/specs are very good, and for others is crap.
  16. I enjoyed the story, but i feel like it could of been better... and i feel like there were certain things that were horribly done, and then others completely over looked after certain points, which i would've enjoyed seeing more expanded. But out of the SI, BH and the 1st half of the SW story, i do have to say i enjoyed the IA the most.
  17. From a healer point of view; PT's require more sustained heals on them, and seem to get a bit more spiky at times but mange trash pulls in HMs the best... and when it comes to single target havent noticed any problems besides maybe on pull. Jugg's require probably the lowest amount of sustained heals, but seem to get some bad spikes at times, more so then the other 2 tanks... so they require a bit more focus... they are kings though when it comes to healing through frenzy's/enrages but i think this is based around CDs...trash/aoe agro is lacking, and by lacking i mean non existent...single target also seems to be falling behind the other 2 as well, but not to a large degree. Sin's use to be spiky when it came to heals, but as long as they have their gear set right (good amount of adsorb and just not a ******** of def) they are the least spiky, and easiest to heal. Threat on trash is great when they can get the trash all together, but majority of the time there is usually a few stragglers that run free that a PT usually picks up (could be player skill), single target isnt a problem except on pull.
  18. If i was a raid leader i would probably take a equally geared/skills Jugg over a second Mara, depending on how many arsenal mercs and gunslingers i had. It would be great to see some math behind the benefit of blood lust compared to the benefit of 20% armor pen on a raid boss.
  19. I pull agro off of kaylio (combo of columi/rakata 20k hp) as a operative healer at times. It all comes down to me and if i pace my burst or not. Btw i pull off of PC's as well if i go full out burst at the start of a fight.
  20. If you're pro-actively healing instead of reactivity healing you shouldnt be finding yourself in big oh crap situations. In times when people are standing in red circles (EC) or taking 60-80% of their hp in a single hit (enrages)...a power relic isn't going to be enough to save the day. To the original poster 7808 with an rakata power adrenal, and the fact that it was on another op healer, who i believed was speced into the healing received increased while using shield probe talents.
  21. You could always go play a smuggler/operative. Their aoe heal is a instant, targeted cast, that heals about the same per tick, and heals at a faster pace. Only down side is that it heals only 4 targets max, but i doubt you are getting more then 4 targets in your aoe heal the majority of the time besides maybe soa in ev, where 2 ops can just hot heal everyone, as they run down.
  22. The majority of people disliked opened/public dungeons based on the fact that you had a great amount of competition on some of the names. SoE stop putting them in EQ2 in the last expansion i played even.
  23. In HMs i keep it on the tank, and then dps... 90% of the trash in HMs require very little healing if any (using flashbang and dpsing down normals in 2 GCDs makes a big difference), 50% of the bosses require very little healing if done properly. The only time healing gets hard in PvE from my perspective is when people play like *******es, or you are healing very undergeared tanks (ex. a tank in greens, against jarg and sorono on nnm, with the 2nd healer also being in greens). Healing is a bit over simplistic, but that can be said about tanking or dpsing in this game as well...
  24. If you do boots and gloves, you're only losing out on an augment slot if you have 60+ valor rank, and have taken the time to craft bm/war hero shells for a crit. In 1.3, which hopefully will be out soon... you wont have to worry about the lost of an augment slot at all.
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