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Everything posted by Chaqen

  1. People dislike darksins the most atm, but if played right they can be one of the best tanks due to force shroud being OPed.
  2. Hmm i am not 100% sure about this, but the taunt may of not have worked if the mobs were under the shield that reflect aoe attacks back to the user....We split them apart so i have never had to worry about trying to aoe taunt under the shield.
  3. I know Zorn will go taunt immune while Toth is in his berserk phase, and which is a period of time that is very hard for jugg/guard tanks to keep agro since they are not being hit by the boss. Please list any other occurrences that your tank might be having issues on since i am sure there are reasons why he is having issues, that are not bugs. On a side note a tanks opening rotation can decide how easy or hard it will be for them to keep agro during a fight as well, i am not exactly sure what the rotation is like for jugg/guard but for a shadow tank it is pretty much dropping all of your high threat abilities at the start and then an aoe taunt from a range of 2.8m or greater.
  4. Just adding my 2 cents, I have died a few times mainly to NiM foremen crusher 3rd frenzy (as a shadow tank dont have much for CD's for this one), because the healers did not heal me properly, the reason for this was the fact that i took very lil to no damage the 1st two frenzies and they ignored the fact that i said i would be taking more damage on the 3rd frenzy.... But overall healers will tend to slack at times if they dont see the direct need to heal majority of the time, which will cause you to die when you are in a position that requires a heavy amount of healing.
  5. Tab target works wonders. Biggest mistake i see tanks making on this fight though is that they continue to hit zorn a bit after having fearful, and will kill themselves. Zorn will place fearful right before toth jumps, so you have to make sure you stop attacking, and hit tab target to pick up toth right as he lands.
  6. Storm caller goes taunt immune while he is casting double destruction. Your tank is most likely using his aoe taunt while Storm caller is still taunt immune (he should see his single target taunt greyed out/unusable during that time). He should have more then enough time to taunt Storm caller before he does a frontal after double destruction, he just needs to pay attention to what is going on.
  7. How long an raid takes is very subjective, since some guilds are more efficient then others, as well as if the raid is on farm or not for an guild. With EC HM you see the majority of guilds clearing it in a single night, some half a night, then there are others who take 2 or 3 nights... who do you cater to when you say the raid should be cleared in a single night? When it comes to trash, i think less weaker/aoe spam trash is good, while making what trash encounters that are in an operation harder and more challenging would be more rewarding. If there is no risk of dying, it quickly becomes boring and trivial. I would like to see at least random crafting mats to drop off the trash (at a far greater rate then what they do in HM EC atm). I understand why they may not want to add crafting schematics, since they were so rare out of EV/KP that were non existent. How many bosses in a raid, to me is really dependent on the difficulty of the fights, and the loot that is being rewarded; usually though more is better then fewer, but if you start doing a large amount you need to give people the option to choose between bosses sometimes (aka. different wings).
  8. 24 man raids were eq2, which a lot of people would argue had more challenging raids then that of wow.
  9. He is bugged out by certain abilities which will make him reset, but that doesnt seem to be the issue for you. Like someone has mentioned it seems like your dps is rather slower now then what you're use to; he will jump to a pipe when he reaches 80,60,40,20 percent health. As for the bug where he resets while being on the pipes, i have seen Powertechs (both pyro and AP), as well as lethality speced snipers (havent ran it with an lethality speced operative) both bug him out. I have had success with the encounter after making the lethality snipers stop using their dots, and after making the PT's stop dpsing completely (success was after experiencing the bug 10+ times in a row); therefore i like to believe the bug is caused by the classes dots maybe. I am not to sure what is special about their dots compared to a madness speced sorc's dots(which has never bugged the encounter for me), but either way if anyone else has any useful information about this bug it would be great to figure it out. On a side note dont be a ignorant fool, like many people on my server, and say the bug is caused by to much dps being done on the boss, since that isnt the case, since i have never skipped a smash when he has bugged out.
  10. Hate to sound like a dick and all, but i figure with terror from beyond coming out soon, the importance of certain stats will drastically change from EC, much like they did from EV/KP to EC; shield and absorb was far more useful in the former, while defense became the big stat for the latter. Who knows though, hopefully we will see a balance in the stats, and hopefully i wont have to readjust my enhancements and augments to much.
  11. I put in red the average time it usually takes me to compete these raids in a competent pug, I would assume you and your guildies would be able to raid at least 2 to 4 hours a night, and could easily reduce your 5 day raid week into 2 or even 3. There is also the question of kp/ev NiM being worth running anymore, especially with TFB SM dropping campaign level loot, but that is a guilds personal preference to run those as a guild or not, but either way you should have more then enough time to fit tfb into your week even if it would take you 2 to 3 days to clear.
  12. On a side note i think the accuracy of a boss is different in SM then HM. Main fight where i seen a difference was when i tanked FB on SM, and where i didnt get hit until about 3/4 of the way into the fight, while in HM i get hit quite a bit more often.
  13. If the new set of gear is 63, i am sure you will see about as much improvement as you saw going from columi to rakata (~5% if you were luckey, most saw ~3%)
  14. Sage is healing the tank that is taking toth enrage huh? Sages/sorcs have a bit of a problem sometimes with burst healing multiple targets imo. Also to the guy who mentioned 2 salivations for Soa's transitions; have you ever done it with 2 sawbones/ops where each one takes half of the raid and keep them hotted? It is a crazy site to not see anyone drop below 80% and never having to wait to heal up.
  15. True it could of been done better, no one saying it shouldnt of been, but there is no reason to just throw it out so quick and hope people forget about it. Also the rewards may not directly benefit every class in the game, but i like to think that the majority of people that play this game have at least one alt that isnt a force user, and therefore would benefit from a BoL weapon where they can transfer 146 or 140 barrels to their alts.
  16. Some people busy for the week, some people are on vacation... some have 6 to 8 characters they want to get the titles on...There are many reasons why people would like the event to last more then a week. The question to ask is why remove the event after only a week?
  17. It is extremely easy to gear up with 61, especially if you have multiple toons that are raid ready and you're willing to spend the money to transfer the mods through BoL gear. I have 1 toon that is fully bis, a 2nd that missing a few mods (only come from camp legs), a 3rd and 4th that need hilts/barrels. Also one of the toons only been 50 for two weeks now.
  18. The other day with my 2nd grp that i do HM ec with, one of the healers forgot to repair after a wipe, and had all of his armour broke and still mange to heal the fight fine (yes he had his implants.ear.oh.mh.relics). I think it would just take some tweaking on position and probably we be done best with an OP healer where they could keep hots rolling on both tanks and be very mobile.
  19. The testing on PTS isnt true "testing". They are more or less testing the difficultly of the fights, and how people react to the mechanics. Did much change for 1.2 from the first release on the pts to what went live, not really... i believe some fights had their dps check lowered though, and they fixxed the wall of death bug right? True bug testing can only happen when you know all of the mechanics to a fight, and able to play with them, and tweak them. You wont get the chance to master anything on the PTS Imho... and that why true bug testing is left to in house testers who get the fights explained to them by the developers, but the in game testers we have in this game are crap or non existent.
  20. AP spec can still but up some numbers, but yes the spec is about 100-150 dps below pyro. I have a friend that plays AP cause he says pyro makes him want to fall asleep because of the over simplicity of it.
  21. Op has a more active rotation, which can make it more fun to play. I have a level 50 merc alt, and i dont enjoy playing him really at all... he does good dps, and geared... but it is boring as hell and makes me want to /wrists if i play it for more then 2 hours at a time.
  22. Phase 2 is actually a energy regen phase for healing, well if the ravage is being interrupted and people avoiding the burning guys. Phase one is more of a cure and spot healing phase, and phase three is aoe healing.
  23. Okay, so story mode TFB will drop campaign and NiM EC when we get it will drop the same as HM TFB? Majority of people are all 61 already, since BH comms raining from the sky makes gearing up extremley easy. Hopefully SM will be scaled for a group in more then rakata, or you probably will be able to ignore most mechanics and push through it like SM EC was with a grp fully rakata.
  24. Minefields hould be rather easy, especially if you dont agro the turrets when fighting vorgath. Tanks would depend on how good everyone else is playing... if everyone is on the ball healing is really low, if people messing things up it goes higher, but last night i died while running to a shield (wasnt playing well) at 20% and the other healer was able to mange rest of the fight even thought things were a bit chaotic and unexpected. You need a hybrid to heal in a shield though. Kephess would really depend on your group, and strat... and may need a lil help from the hybrid at certain times. Would deferentially need the bombers stun locked.
  25. Not completely true. NiM KP awards what 12 BH comms if you do all of the bosses? So some run it just for comms, while it is true that some that do run nim need the gear, but usually the majority of the raid wont.
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