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Everything posted by Dmasterr

  1. Since you reported my last post and got it deleted, ill rephrase it. Your suggestions are unreasonable, the dps specs of assassins do not need buffing, if you have problems with their performance, you are doing it wrong. Complying with any one of your suggestion will make said specs overpowered. Classes /specs are supposed to have some weaknesses , when a class has all strengths... that's the definition of overpowered.
  2. Good player. Tho, i would have loved an actual movie more, than just a montage.
  3. Guys, guys (op and others): you are way to rational and forgiving, have to much tolerance for others. "We" should act like they do : like spoiled brats who think that they are the only ppl playing the game that matter, and if it doesn't go their way they threaten to quit. Its the language Bioware understands . Bioware is not "scared" of rational people, because even if they quit, some will return even if unhappy. They are afraid of moody brats who quit the game because they died once in wz (lol team of operatives) I have yet to see people who ask for arena, demand the removal of WZ, PvE, World PvP.... simply because they do not enjoy those. On the other hand, people who do not want arena want the removal and or stopping the implementation of ANY content they do not enjoy or agree with. This game should offer something for Everybody , and ppl should stop imposing their will upon others. Do not want to participate in some of the game's content? fine. But don't prohibit said content to every one. Jeez, you guys sound like religion, "you are not ok with just believing in something unless every other person on the planet is subjected to your belief system and its generated "rules". Learn to be tolerant of others, and remove that stick from ure azz.
  4. If you are stacking crit>surge>power, you are no longer optimizing your gear. You are stacking a specific stat(s) regardless of their cost regarding the other stat(s)
  5. Even 300 surge, the last 50 are to expensive. I stop at 250 tops, 200 on my sage/sorc. http://www.jedilace.com/2012/02/01/when-is-too-much-surge-bad-for-digestion/
  6. Diminishing returns on surge wants a talk with you boys.
  7. I guess you are one of those "geniuses" who would use 500+ surge on their gear. Also, this small difference in enhancements only affects people gearing up, not people who are already maxed out.
  8. So, you want to zerg and tunnel vision ppl, but get upset because u lose the WZ while you do xxxxxxxxxxx damage? /lol
  9. Gear and l2p issue. Tanks are fine.
  10. All this whining about macros and addons, why? Game mechanics are still the same, you do not get super human powers, lol. All its changed is : the amount of information available to the player, and a better game-human interface. In WoW, on tournaments , we didn't have addons and guess what, the players involved didn't suddenly stop being good, they didn't instantly become scrubs, their performance was unchanged. I couldn't care less, about the implementation of macros and addons... because i can do "all that" in my head and don't need the help, tho making it less of a strain would help when gaming for long periods of time. Macros and addons are so much help for people who can't play, (scrubs) or are average... because their brain can't process high amounts of information at the speed and in the way a pro gamer does. So you see, my dear baddie... you argue not vs pro players, but vs your "own kind". The only beef i have with Bioware , is that they do not treat all their customers equally. They restrict macros to players with razer products.
  11. Dmasterr

    Tired of swtor?

    crap graphics are crap. Played beta, concept is good but its low production value and bloated and imbalanced abilities makes it meh, cba.
  12. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its gone. (another 400k subs)
  13. /LFM ranked WZ is hard yo. They don't have to be the same ppl every time you queue, your rank is individual. You just need to make your own random group if you wish. Srsly guys this horse is dead, let it be.
  14. Dmasterr

    OP Operatives

    In regards with the above poster, a class shouldn't be built around killing dumb players. That's not what balance is.
  15. I rolled characters just to see story and get the class buff. My main is concealment operative, and the sage i am making now. OH noes concealment operatives and dps sages op.... oh wait.
  16. Pls give players the chance to change chars to whatever is fotm. mmo says hi.
  17. My favorite is concealment operative, but since i had to reroll republic and scoundrel animations suck azz, i play my second favorite, dps sage. Vanguard, assassins are to easy, juggernaut is boring. Read sig for list of chars.
  18. Practice for what? normal wz? That's like asking a practice zone for the practice zone. LoL
  19. Rankings can not exist on a solo queue system. They would be incredible inaccurate for one, and no different from normal WZ, for second. If you are to lazy to do /LFM ranked wz and make a group and want solo q, do normal WZ
  20. Time spent doing something brings you closer to your potential, it will not, can not make you smarter.
  21. Again with this ridiculous straw man. Being good at something does NOT, require you to not have a life outside it.
  22. Dmasterr

    Remove Trauma

    This has been discussed before. Use the forum search function and spare us. Cba reposting everything, every time some nab thinks he reinvented the wheel.
  23. The damage boost provided by expertise is directly and exactly countered by the dmg reduction given by expertise. (you seem to have forgotten about the defensive side of expertise ) The healing part is a bonus. On topic. Adrenals and & relics change will make killing players take a couple of seconds longer, but the change is just a band aid, they don't fix the difference in power between classes.
  24. The pile can always get a little bigger.
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