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Everything posted by Dmasterr

  1. Son, in case you never read any of my posts or don't know me, I am pro. Oh, and i use a normal keyboard /mouse. I made this "thread" as a "reply" to multiple threads and in response to the all time high forum QQ. I have no problem with the game and couldn't care less about what "next patch" will bring. I will still own face on my Operative concealment, and DPS sage.(the only 2 classes/specs i enjoy playing)
  2. (originally meant as a reply, but decided to give it a thread of its own) If any of you have been on mmo forums, you would see why Rock >paper > scissors 1v1, FOTM, RNG, GEAR difference... class favoritism in certain aspects of pvp is needed from a BUSINESS point of view. Because without all that, 99% of the players (bad-average-above average)... would "never" have a snowball's chance in hell of winning against the other 1% (pro players ). And it 50/50~ balance would create a "static food" chain in pvp. So, from a business POV, having 99% of your customers unhappy is counter productive.... ... and thus rock>paper>scissors, patch shifting FOTM, RNG (crits, dmg range, procs etc.).... came to be. Because without the "luck" opportunity or developer favoritism players could never win vs opponents above their skill level. There is a side effect tho, which sadly is neglected, because they do not see its importance : The above benefit those Pro players as well, effectively giving them Godlike status in pvp. And while players can win sometimes "out of their league" under the influence of the above, most of the time players will "crush" the ones under them in the pvp food chain because of the same thing. It provides players with a false sense of "skill", and then they don't understand what is happening when they get crushed in pvp, ending up whining on the forum. They like when they benefit from "the above" but hate that "others" do as well. Too bad that this concept only achieves its desired effect in 1v1 between different classes /specs. That's why rock >paper>scissors, RNG, FOTM...etc system is OUTDATED, The few occasions it allows players to "overstep" their skill level.... is not enough to compensate for the considerable larger number of times, they get steamrolled without having a chance to win. . And thus the MMO forums are born.---->This system has no place in modern games TLDR : PvP should be about : bring the player and not the class. Balancing 1v1 and small scale pvp will translate into balance in larger groups, but the opposite is never true.
  3. Rail shot requires your target to suffer from periodic damage or be stunned /incapacitated. It has no exclusive relation to flame burst, and the periodic damage can come from any source (such as other ppl, omg i know rite? its not 1v1:rolleyes:)... not necessarily the pwertech.
  4. Left /right ; Grass /snow. East /west . etc. Why does it matter? they are all valid directions. Stop forcing your preference upon others. When u make your 8man team, u can call it whatever u like.
  5. It's time for ppl to L2P, L2 GEAR... and 8man queues. I cba having to carry headless chickens (with or without 13k hp). TLDR(lol) : Stop whining because others refuse to carry your *** in WZ. (also #1 reason why solo q ranked idea was scraped)
  6. No. It will "force" pve people to 10-49 bracket, to have a starter gear for pve. But what would be a good change, is to make recruit gear mandatory to buy battlemaster. Same as it is with BM-> WH upgrade.
  7. Mno, lol .... as long as you don't need to move between cc and starting to cap, and are not a snail... you can cap every time.
  8. ...At the other node. (after asking for a replacement ofc)
  9. K, watched it.... i will sum up my feedback regarding both your and your enemies gameplay: Meh....
  10. If a hutball specced guardian gets the ball and is over the first fire pit, and has assistance You can NOT stop him. Better control mid and score fast on the rebound.
  11. I do know what those talents do... MY point is, every thing is a matter of preference, what fits better for your play style. Hell, as i said, if someone wants and CAN own face with 0/0/0 more power to him. Anyway i watched the video and this is the feedback : The game play is not bad, but there is still allot of room for improvement. All your enemies have incredibly bad gear for pvp and posses a below average skill set and understanding of pvp; and the best geared enemy i saw had average pvp gear. Are you on a PvE server? because the incredibly bad quality of opponents, do not force you to improve your game play, and if this is the "pinnacle" of your server... then it is quite average when compared to people on more competitive servers.
  12. I will post this before i even watch the vid. What difference does it make? i don't care if ppl play 0/0/0. As long as they ownfaces with it. Speccing your character is a matter of preference. All that matters is the end result.
  13. Really? "first person view".... and as a sniper!. Can you have less?! situational awareness...
  14. And yet cc->cap happens, (they are both 8 seconds). In wow, Blinding vanish happens , SWD: blind happens, sapping vanish happens... ETC ETC ETC. With a very high degree of consistency i might add (on top players). All anomalies, right?
  15. You left the second part out. Predicting the enemy together with reaction time, is faster than just reaction time. Go watch some pro Starcraft players.
  16. Capping objectives is 8 seconds. (nova coast excluded) Sleep dart =8 seconds Mind trap =8 seconds Blind =8 seconds Whirlwind =8 seconds All of the above can be used to cc-cap. De-stealthing does not trigger nor is affected by GCD. Interracting with objectives does not trigger nor is affected by GCD. I am not even going to bother with the rest of your post, where you pretty much advertise your poor understanding of pvp and game mechanics. I think, you embarrassed yourself enough with the section i quoted, pointing out your limited knowledge regarding game mechanics.
  17. Apparently u never watched pro rogues in WoW, if you think that. My reaction time is faster than 30ms, and i can predict my enemy with a very high degree of accuracy. (used to blind vanish, sap vanishes, etc ) GL becoming /outplaying a pro gamer if you don't practice enough.
  18. That was the point i was making, that op /sins are the only classes that can viable defend as 1 person.
  19. A couple of patches ago where you did not need to manually destealth to interact with objectives "everybody" could cc->cap. Now, OMG 1 extra button to push, it is impossible! If your reaction time is half your latency, you can use it every time with 100% success. P.S. LoL @ clickers.
  20. Mate, you only have 1 cc break. You will not, can not, prevent double cc cap play. Even if you have the cc break for the first one, the second u use it, u get hit by the other one and lose the node. The fact that there are so many people with a poor ability to play their class, does not diminishes the class strength.
  21. If you are guarding a node alone, an op or sin can always cap the node without even killing you.And your team has 15~ seconds to reinforce or lose the node. On the other hand, if marauder or PT comes, i can kite/los and cc play their *** "forever" giving plenty of time to my team to help. Also, operatives and sins are much more valuable for solo defense where they can cc play/kite etc to delay the enemy cap, and give time for reinforcements. Operatives /sin, on defense free up 1 team mate to go help the node under heavier assault. While a solo guarding marauder/pt will "always" lose the node. But if u are a zomg me smash lol zerg scoreboard Epeen, you can not properly appreciate the type of tactical advantage op/sins bring.
  22. Replied in yellow.Also i know a couple of players that are amazing at playing dps assassin.If you can not come even close to that, the problem is on your end. p.s. I wish ppl would stop comparing their class/spec with the most powerful ones in the game. Learn to ask for nerfs regarding said classes, instead of asking for endless cycles of buffs.
  23. I've never been hiding it, lots of ppl know my main is Android operative, and Liquid-zombie my recent rerolled sage. I even made a short operative video when i was bored, took about 2h.
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