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Posts posted by Xcore

  1. This was the first time i ever even posted in this thread. I'm all for making this game better i guess you dont see im on your side of the fence in this issue. No need for the drama.


    Sincerest apologies in that case, I may have been overly defensive... its a bi-product of fighting for this over the course of 7 threads and 3 weeks... you wouldn't believe some of the opposition we've had in these threads... very much as if they want SW:TOR to fail.

  2. This thread should be closed because ability delay was fixed.


    Ima just have to go ahead and point out every single time that "no, it is not in fact fixed" and a statement saying that further fixes for it are coming up does not mean it "will be fixed".


    Why are people so hot on closing this thread? Has it harmed anything or actually improved something?


    I agree fully, if it has harmed the game in any way, we should close it...

  3. Alot of accusations in this reply. You need to chill for one. Secondly i dont hate swtor i enjoy the game very much, nice of you to insinuate that i "hate swtor". I dont know why you're so defensive. I said its time to delete this thread because i thought we had finished with the ability delay and we can move on to enjoying the game.


    You're way too defensive and need to back off for a while.


    I simply mimic'd how your post comes across as well as all the other ones who basically blindly gallop around praising Bioware instead of being more critical.

  4. It is most definitely an issue and the game still has a ways to go before it is a la WoW.


    But let me put down my negative hat for a second. Today's updates were a GIGANTIC step in the right direction. I just can't and won't get lazy on this topic.


    BioWare, good job. But you aren't out of the woods yet. I know you feel my pat on your back, but make sure you feel me breathing down your neck.


    And you shouldn't and "NO-ONE" should, we need to keep up on this, continue to drive Bioware to improve SW:TOR until it is at that point where we complain about trivial crap like class nerfs and balances... vanity pets and why no-one will take melee into raids because bla bla bla...


    Until then, we need to continue to be critical, analytic and display some stamina here... don't let this issue die, don't let the "High Resolution Textures Thread" die, don't let the "Optimization/Performance/Memory Leak Issue" die... don't let the "Combat Log" discussion die etc. etc.


    Our drive and our passion 100% translates into Bioware's drive and passion... you want to see a passionless game with ABSOLUTE NO DIRECTION? go to World of Warcraft...


    Perhaps in 7 years thats what SW:TOR will be like, but right now "we" can help make this a 10 million subs MMO... so lets show some dedication/passion/stamina...



    To all those who will simply say "its fine", "stop whining", "stop comparing to X" etc... in reality, it is them that keep Blizzard and WoW on top. Ignore them, its as if Blizzard paid people to keep SW:TOR down...


    Praise Bioware where needed (like today), continue to be critical (harshly so) of failures and flaws...

  5. i think its time this thread gets deleted and we wave goodbye to our old friend ability delay.


    But it isn't gone... our friend is still here... why do you hate SW:TOR so much? Why do you not want this game to be "better" and really be able to compete with WoW?


    Why do you keep "ninja supporting WoW and Blizzard" with this incessant need to extinguish any threads on the forums that do not speak favorably of Bioware and SW:TOR?

  6. I am confused now. Some people are saying the delay is fixed while other people say its still the same.:confused:




    Well the ability delay and generally a "feeling" of Responsiveness is always subject to intepretation as to "how bad it is"...


    What you need to really do is ask the best players, the Gladiators of WoW, the Top100 Raiders of WoW... the Professional Starcraft Players, the Professional Quake/Counter Strike Players etc.


    I believe they can best judge this.... for me, as a 2+ year Top100 Raider, this is now "playable" and as long as it continues to get improved I am "happy". I would say "for me" the difference from last night, to tonight is 60-75% improvement. I apologize if some don't share that (if you don't believe its that much better) but I honestly do see a very vast improvement.


    Having said this, I've only put in about 5-10 Warznones and not any at all PvE. I have already noticed some issues here and there still but seriously, vastly better than last night. To me, its like a different game, last night "not playable" to, tonight "playable".



    I hope I don't disappoint too many with my optimistic views but I am merely being honest.



    I still fully agree with StarGlide's theories as well as general sentiment in the Video...





    P.S.: Updating OP later tonight to include his Video as well as the "Updated Game as of 1.1.0b" and a couple of notable comments from StarGlide in Thread 6.

  7. I am with you Yillin. I will not stop until it is completely fixed. For me, it is only 30% more responsive.


    I did re-watch and see what you're talking about, but my point stands in that last night... getting to a "WoW Standard" of feeilng was almost un-imaginable, tonight I can definitely see it happening with a bit more work on this topic.


    I wonder if some part of it is the Client/Server Communication and if so, if it'll be changed etc. I'd love a Bioware response in regards to this technical aspect. It may not even be a problem, we're only speculating...

  8. Level 49 Marauder. Never did have the ability-delay issue. Must have started at level 50. I'm glad that Bioware fixed this issue for the few of you that were having the problem. Now you guys can enjoy SWTOR the way the rest of us have since launch.


    However, I have an odd feeling that xcore will not be so easy to give up his 15 minutes. Only time will tell. Funny how he was preaching everyday that the issue was inherent to the HERO engine and could never be fixed without rewritning the entire game. (LOL oops)


    Back to the Game!


    Yes, yes Klarick... same Klarick who said its "intended, l2p or go back to WoW"... etc



    I never "kept preaching" anything besides the fact that this is a gamebreaking issue and its affecting "everyone" even if some (like yourself) are not able to realize it.


    What I did is showcase the issues, discuss them... for lack of Bioware Responses, we had to do our best of figuring out the issues and the Engine is an obvious point of discussion... If you would've watched my video (which you wouldn't, because you... well yea) you'd notice that within the first 3 minutes I say the engine is not to blame...


    but ok Klarick, happy BioDroning! There are many fires of criticism for you to put out!

  9. Please check my video XCore. The ability between abilities is still there. I agree that there have been improvements, but there is still a delay between abilities. In other words, I don't think just the instants are off.



    I had a look at it but only quickly and did not notice much wrong with it, this may be because I missed it, I will analyze again in a bit, trying to get a few Warzones in.

  10. Again, I must point out that the difference is stunning... its a different game from last night. This is the first time I am enjoying myself in SW:TOR on a similar level to WoW.



    I cannot post this without pointing out that there still are issues, so far most notable in the "Sync" of Sound/Animation and Effect to the Keypress.


    For example when I press Grenade Throw like ability, it doesn't matter how long the Grenade "travels" to the target before doing the damage... what matters is that an "instant" ability goes off "instantly" -- It has to be thrown faster (leave the player's body) to give the feeling of instant. If my guy reaches for it, takes the pin out... then throws it... Even if the damage and effect-timing is the same, it gives the feeling of sluggishness.


    So again, problems with Animation/Sound and Effect to the Keypress, "instants" still don't feel "instant" enough.



    And of course, mounting... still displays the same flaw... only better masked.

  11. I will write more later tonight but first thoughts:


    IMMENSE difference.... truly stunning. This is now "Playable"... yes its not done or perfect yet... most noticeably Animation and Sound Sync is not there yet to keypress or input...



    I will write more after further testing but I am very happy with this first effort...



    *Note this opinion may change during the course of tonight but initially, it is like playing a different game... I actually believe that it can be perfected from here on... whereas what I played last night felt hopelessly unfixable...

  12. Most people posting here are very grateful for your efforts. Hell, I'm sure Bioware themselves are grateful.


    Without the many incarnations of this thread they probably wouldn't have realized the issue this quickly.


    Personally I feel the responsiveness of combat is now markedly better. This shows me, as a customer, that BW are working on their game even despite all the questionable business going on elsewhere (Founders title *cough*).


    I disagree with the red part, its evident by the amount of Bioware posts in this thread. Also Bioware isn't the type of company that handles my criticism well.


    I mean I've been rather offensive at times... I'm pretty sure they hate me lol (If they've even heard of my name personally) but thats ok as long as this gets fixed over the next months...

  13. You do a good thing by being (mostly) constructive and consolidating this issue and putting in time and effort to help BioWare fix things, and then you make posts like these insulting people and childish name calling.


    Would it not be best to stick to being constructive, and ignoring people you feel are trolling? No matter what you do or say, some people will not view it as much of an issue as you do, and acting in this manner only detracts from (and derails) this thread.


    Anyways, my 2creds. Carry on. :)


    I understand and fully agree with what you're saying but that simply isn't me.


    I'm not that nice guy who is all peachy, happy go lucky... not bothered by someone disagreeing etc. No, I'm not going to be nice to ignorant people who I believe do not have the intellectual fortitude to discuss an Issue on the level "I" require and are almost purposely ignorant.


    I am not here to "rally" anyone to "my" cause by being nice or seeming like a good guy. I am simply trying to raise awareness to what I believe to be a serious issue in a game (hobby) that I am very passionate about. I understand that I may come across as difficult and "bad", you rightfully point that out but at the same time, I am quite reasonable and able to admit my own flaws easily. I think if you listen to me in my video, you'd find I am not the average troll mentality. What I refuse to do is give In or "let go" of things/issues when I am firmly against them.



    I am too honest of a person to not appear like a ***chebag at times.

  14. @Xcore - Make or break SWTOR? Are you high on cocaine or something? Yes there are issue that are currently being fixed, but ability delay breaking SWTOR? lol no. You should have played WoW during launch....much worse.


    I did play WoW from its first months, it had no issues that we are discussing in this thread from launch until now still...


    Thank you for being just another noob who found this thread because an official Bioware post has been made regarding this issue... you have no idea what you're trying to discuss. I've only battled your kind for the past 7 threads on this in order to push this and not have It muddied up and forgotten... what's another few threads.




    Inb4: Your show if ignorance


    1) Stuck looting bug in WoW

    2) Server instability, crashes, lag in WoW

    3) graphical glitches in WoW



    Go watch PvP videos from 2004...

  15. It was already mostly fixed, and the rest are incoming, thanks for coming out though.


    What are you talking a about? This thread is the reason this is getting fixed at all... How was this already fixed? Today was the first day of "fixing", this thread has been around for over 3 weeks... raising awareness and attention to it...


    This thread gave this entire Issue a name... Ability Delay and Character Responsiveness would not even be terms used by Bioware right now...


    How can you say thousands of people voicing their thoughts, opinions, analysis, rage, advise has been a waste? How can you claim it was already fixed? Why would you say that its over now, just because Bioware made a statement? Why would you not continue to be critical and evaluate objectively?


    I don't understand you, how can you slap thousands of people in the face, people trying to make this game better for everyone... Objectively better... With clear minds and true knowledge and experience



    I wish i could show you where this game would be and this patch would be without this threadline and all the support it has had... Also I with we could look into the future 1-2 years, one future with this threadline and one without.




    People like this are so ******* frustrating....

  16. OP. Wasted alot of time there.


    They are aware of it. They are working on it. The first in a series of fixes has gone in. It is achieving results.


    Trust me, they have far superior techs and engineers then you working on this. ;p


    So you think this thread and everything over the past weeks has been a waste of time here as they've already been on it and are far more knowledgeable than us anyways?






    Dunno if this is any help because I'm just spamming heals and channeled abilities but here you go anyway.


    Post 1.1.0b patch.


    Interesting, it does look better but ill remain sceptical as its only two spells. Many times Aimed Shot --> Instant Ability worked well too but that's meaningless.


    We all just need to test it tonight and see where it stands, I am very curious how going Into cover --> cover pulse will look and basically how reliable the system will be In real situations.... Excited for tonight. Even if it isn't completely fixed, an improvememt is a good step as long as they keep going until it gets to the point of responsiveness of WoW...


    Once that has been achieved, evolve the game through content, UI customization, hi res texture introduction...and we'll all debate the inclusion of Addons and such happily.


    Once this responsiveness and feeling has been dealt with, its a rather easy road to Market Leadership and the end of WoW/Blizzard domination...










    Until Titan... then other MMOs die for another decade...

  18. Lol the ability delay is fixed.


    Not being able to zoom around with no mount like you can on wow is working as intended.


    Stop speaking for Bioware, you have no idea what is intended or not. Unless a Bioware source says something along those lines, I will consider dismounting me after the cast bar complete (and I even appear visually mounted) a flaw in gameplay.


    Furthermore, you are the exact same person that claimed there is no issue with delay, exact same person that claimed its all intended, l2p or go back to WoW. Funny how you people go through different phases of ret*****ion but always remain the same. I wish you realized how much you harm SW:TOR and Bioware with your blind following.


    It is people like you who are to blame for this mediocrity in the MMO Genre, it is people like you who keep Blizzard and WoW at the top.

  19. Whoa, XCore. Did you spot the 1.1.0b patch notes?


    Now I am really eager to test this. I really hope they do not think this is the end of the issue because I am getting reports it is better but no WoW-smooth yet. Which is okay if they are planning on future updates. But 1.1.0b expresses additional improvements.


    I don't know whether to do jumping jacks or cry, lmao.


    Jump because they're genuinely listening and trying, cry out of joy because you know have made a huge contribution to the success of the most ambitious MMO project in history and made a difference in the joy of millions of players (knowingly or not)



    I too am very eager to try this tonight... I don't expect complete fix so soon but my fear is Bioware believing it to be fixed when It Is not... That'll be our job to prevent.

  20. Thumbs up for THE problem of this game!


    Good Job Xcore!


    PS Where do I vote to Xcore becomes a senior analysts for Bioware? :p


    Well... though working in the game industry and especially on my passion (MMOs) would be a dream, I think Bioware does not look kindly upon me personally lol...


    As long as I can do w/e to make this game better its ok if I'm not liked too much, I'm looking forward to coming home and testing this patch!


    I am ok kind of sceptical and a little saddend that there are all these threads springing up praising this miracle patch and Bioware only for me to come home... enter Warzone... see the same issues, throw remote through fishtank, watch them die and mess on floor... regret, clean up, start on new video showcasing it again.

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