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Posts posted by Xcore

  1. Sadly I work all day and only had 2-3 hours so far with 1.1.1 so I really cannot say how greatly Improved it is or if at all. I did test last night and still most noticeable Issues for me are the inconsistencies in channeled abilities, easily replicated when used In a tight rotation.


    So yea, of course let's test over the next days and weekend and give some feedback here.



    I should note though that its very reassuring that Bioware seems to be taking this very serious and is really looking at solutions and improvements. I am "very, very, far" from a SW:TOR fanboi but i must say that I am pleased with 1.1.0b and seemingly 1.1.1 due to the dedication and attention they're giving gameplay.

  2. I hope that the 1.1.0b patch wasn't just to mask the issues but actually fix. I do believe that there is a significant improvement in the feeling of responsiveness but at the same time it feels a bit like the same issues persist but are just masked better and simply dont happen as often anymore.


    I hope 1.1.0b didn't just try to put lipstick on a pig essentially but rather fix the issues entirely.



    Because I believe it to now at least be playble and enjoyable, I will give Bioware some time and see how it is further addressed in 1.1.1. I only hope they got the feedback they needed to truly understand, even though I am highly skeptical of that.



    Looking forward to reviewing 1.1.1

  3. It happens with the protocol droid, too. If you have him on a crew skill making something, he'll be by the door, and by the workbench.


    Problem is shes not making anything, I just have two of her on my ship lol. In different outfits too..


    Also, the Ivory (random NPC) chilling in on my ship is so frustrating lol... I'm just running by him every time I'm on my ship thinking "*** are you doing here..."

  4. I concur, as a lv24 Sith.


    And why is "Incredibly" like that in the title? Trying to figure out if it's just for emphasis, or if I should be reading it with finger-quotes and pretending it's sarcasm.


    Emphasis... and it just somehow ruins immersion for me... can't help it, sorry I cannot blind myself to flaws in the game as easily as some. I'd rather have them fixed.

  5. Hello,


    I'm a lvl50 Smuggler, have nearly all the content on each planet including Corellia (including almost all Bonus Series). Here are a couple of things that are seriously bugging me...


    1) Why is Ivory on my ship???!!! F*********************


    2) Why is Risha both in her place (Engine Room) AND the Cargo Bay (Where she first appears)?





    Some attention to detail would go a long way...


    These two are just annoying the hell out of me...

  6. Hello,


    I'm a lvl50 Smuggler, have nearly all the content on each planet including Corellia (including almost all Bonus Series). Here are a couple of things that are seriously bugging me...


    1) Why is Ivory on my ship???!!! F*********************


    2) Why is Risha both in her place (engine room) AND the Cargo Bay (Where she first appers)?




    These two are just annoying the hell out of me...

  7. The end screen in warzones does not tell you the AC. Some are sorc others are assasins.


    That was not my statement or question... both those ACs are Inquisitors... everyone and their dog is an Inquisitor it appears, have not seen this crazy imbalance in population in any previous MMO.

  8. Channeled abilities are bothering me the most currently, anyone else noticing the irregularities on channeled abilities? The ticks taking starting sometimes right away (as supposed to be) but other times (usually within a rotation etc) halfway through the channel?


    Aside from the Sync of Animation/Sound and Effect etc., Channeled abilities are quite out of whack and unreliable atm.



    Do we need video footage on this? I want to wait until next patch hits addressing the overall "Responsiveness" discussed etc before taking any more footage. After 1.1.0b I think Bioware deserves a little bit of time and "belief" :p

  9. Thank you friend. I have participated in about 15 WZ's as a level 50 and am happy to announce that I have still not experienced the ability-delay issue. Now, to be fair, I will admit that I haven't participated in Ilum's PvP yet. So, it is possible that the issue is waiting for me on that planet. I will see soon, as I am heading there tonight.


    I will report my findings after some decent play-time on Ilum.


    Ok, grats again to hitting 50.


    I doubt you will notice any delay in abilities or general issues with responsiveness to input etc. if you have not noticed it already. There have been no reports that I can recall in the entire threadline that note a sudden appearance at a certain level or Illum specifically.


    Mostly it is noted to be most noticeable in Warzones and general PvP but this may be due to more frantic gameplay etc.


    Also patch 1.1.0b has really improved this entire issue greatly for me, this is a case where I should state "imo" as it is "to my sensitivity" been improved to a point where I hardly notice any of the issues I used to.


    Here are things I still notice:


    1) Mounting Issue

    2) Channeled Abilities -- Ticks are irregular, sometimes first ticks happen halfway through channel etc.

    3) Animation/Sound and Effect Sync are off on some abilities (easily notable on Cover Pulse for me)

    4) "Sometimes" in tight rotation I notice a slight delay or hesitance for an ability to trigger



    Here are some things I do not notice but others have noted:


    1) "Stutter" animation/ability, most notable it appears in Riposte/Retaliation etc.


    (I can't think of any other, someone please fill in if I missed)




    All in all, Bioware has satisfied me greatly with 1.1.0b but it still is far from perfect and I believe better players (than myself) as well as those with lower tolerance to imperfections still do notice some delay/issues... but I must be honest, I barely if at all do.


    I would urge those who quit or left because of this issue to try again since 1.1.0b and report back their findings in this thread...

  10. On my Trooper I never saw any of this 'delay' even before the patches. However, on my Jedi Knight I was getting certain abilities that couldnt fire even though they appeared to be 'ready' according to the hotbar. That has gone away as of this latest patch as far as I can tell.


    I think that you're referring to Riposte and Retaliation stutter (can happen on other abilities, just giving common example). This is a big part of the "responsiveness" and feeling of connection to avatar that this thread is all about but certain delays and other issues still persist and are a seperate issue.

  11. I play a Marauder. Almost level 50. Will most certaintly hit 50 today. I haven't noticed the issue, but it may start at level 50. When I hit 50 I will let you know if I see the problem at that level.


    Congratulations on hitting 50, there Is no reported difference in level range to make this more or less apparent. Also 1.1.0b has Introduced enough of a fix so that it is not nearly as noticeable



    On another note, could you please stop with the personal attacks? It got pretty nasty earlier to the point that moderator deleted nearly 3 pages worth of posts.


    Please do not continue to quote my every reply inserting "in my opinion" and "i think". Most adults understand that this is a given in a conversation, one does not have to constantly reiterate "I think" and "in my opinion" as it is obviously so without the emphasis. Emphasis Is placed when something is stated as a fact, not otherwise.


    In other words, when I say something it Is obviously In my opinion and It Is obvious that I believe so. However, when I state a fact, unless it is incredibly obvious I will emphasize it as a fact.

  12. The recent changes seem underwhelming at best. There's still quite a bit of delay, especially in comparison to say, World of Warcraft.


    It's really unfortunate because I don't anticipate it getting much better any time soon.


    I noticed a really decent improvement as Gunslinger... though the overall feeling is still not as tight as WoW or as tight as It should be...


    What class do you play and where/how do you notice it the most?



    Regardless, I really would urge you to stick it out with SW:TOR until Bioware rolls out 1.1.1 and see the improvememts after that. I think the potential is there to feel just as good as WoW and they are working on it...

  13. Although I am fully behind your thread, I don't necessarily agree with this point. The better team should still win out, even if the environment was less than perfect for both teams. The best players can adapt more readily than the more average players.


    I'm confident that the group of friends that I have played MMOs with for the last 8-10 years could overcome most hindrances to beat lesser players almost every time. I hate the ability delay, yet we still win far more PvP games than we lose.


    The better players should still win as they may be able to adapt but my claim is that the gap closes, where under perfect situations you will win 6-0, in a terrible environment you may only win 4-0 because you have hit the limitations of the system and cannot play any better while the "bad" players still play to their maximum potential.


    Then if you throw in general emotions and frustrations at the system and you may play a bit sloppier even still.


    The argument is not as Black and White as "bad environment means bad players are good now", it is far more complex, so is this entire discussion on the "feeling" of complete control and responsiveness.

  14. All things equal: Better team/player wins.


    I agree.






    Barcelona and Wigan are no longer playing soccer.


    I agree. It's weak but correct.


    If you cannot tell that bad playing conditions have greater impact on a team that generally plays with more precision then we are in deep disagreement.


    Barcelona and Wigan would still be playing football by every standard in the rulebook, it would simply be under horrid conditions and favor the more simplistic style of Wigan and hinder the far superior style of Barcelona.



    I realize that you are already predisposed to countering me and disagreeing with me as you don't particularily like me. You've even sent me PMs stating as much, still I would urge you to reconsider your stance there...



    Edit: I'm not sure if you agreed or disagreed with me in that last line... Sorry, can you clear that up for me? I don't trust my reading comprehension completely here... English is my 3rd languange and it may be my fail there... Thanks.

  15. I haven't played the Sentinel. Im sure I will at some point. Considering that most that are experiencing the problem are reporting large delays and having to hit abilities many times to get them to fire, I doubt "skill" has anything to do with detecting the problem. For those that are affected by the delay the issue seems to be very obvious.


    One has to realize that a 0.5 second delay is not the same to everyone, It is all a matter of tolerance. To some, 0.5 seconds delay on an ability is completely unplayable and jarringly distracting while playing. Then to others it is absolutely un-noticeable as their tolerance for this is much higher.


    I am sure there are people who would never notice a 5 second delay as they are too enamoured with the game.


    Looking at the whole picture of this subject logically, it is actually very feasible to believe that it is not am issue affecting some and not others but rather everyone and only due to personal tolerances only some notice while others do not.


    This is easily supported by Bioware very quick fixing and the general outcry of improvement by people who have never noticed any issue in the first place, which means that the issue was not just fixed for those who did report/notice It.


    The theory that personal tolerances play a key role cannot be disputed as the degree to which it is experienced varies even among those who do experience it.


    Unless Bioware flat out says that this issue of delay only affected a certain/specific group of people, it is logically far more supported that it was a general flaw with the game. Unless one build up a logically more sound theory...


    I make these claims:


    1) The Thread's claim was (is to a much lesser degree) affecting all who play the game as it is within the core of the game. It Is entirely possible that "some" are more affected by it due to certain hardware specifics. Nonetheless, to some degree it would be affecting everyone.


    2) It is not necessarily noticeable by everyone as personal playstyle but more Importantly tolerances play a large role. Some believe .5 seconds delay to be unplayable, others would never notice .5 second delays. Some people are more attuned to these gameplay flaws.


    Throughout this threadline It has been established that although even the most casual player may notice the flaws it is generally easier to notice for those players who play more competitively. This is simply due to .5 seconds in delay being more crucial at competitive levels.


    This Is supported by the amount of Top100 Raiders, Gladiator PvPers, Professional Gamers from CS:S, Quake, LoL and WC3 reporting these issues, not a single player of this caliber has spoken against these claims.



    Note: I make further claims such as this Issue being absolutely crucial to the success of the game but I actually explained the importance of these claims in the video and several times in the threadline. They are logically sound I believe unless someone would like to showcase otherwise.

  16. As far as this goes, I guess you could call me casual as I am a clicker, but I still see this issue even while clicking. So I don't see how anyone could think it doesn't exist.


    I'm not saying that a casual player or even a clicker would not be able to notice it, we've had plenty so far in the threadline. There are some "very" good posts by very casual players in the threadline (and OP) noting the issues.


    It is simply a lesser likelihood that the tolerances of casuals and clickers are so low as to notice these issues.


    Obviously, your tolerance to "unresponsive" or flawed gameplay is quite low (which is a very good thing because it demands better).


    We've even had a "hardcore" RPer note the issues because it disturbed them as it made him/her feel disconnected from his/her Avatar... its all a matter of "tolerance" and the fact that the more casual you get the greater your tolerance becomes to imperfections...




    Edit for Klarick: yes it is a fact that the more casual one gets the less critical ones eye is to imperfections... this is an elementary logical pathway...

  17. It's just looking at the poster's OPs. I don't want to make a huge deal of it, but it reminds me of well-placed PR/Marketing blurbs.


    Anyway, keep up the good work xCore--putting observable evidence out for community ingestion always helps drive the point home and build credibility. ;)


    I am already preparing for another video analysis "after" the next patch which they have mentioned will continue to improve this issue (I don't see a point in continuing videos etc until we see what the next patch has in store for this issue).


    I am re-charging my energy for the next video so to speak :)


    Thanks for the support.

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