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Everything posted by Mrtomie

  1. If you're running out of energy playing a SS GS, you're bad or have bad rotation. Only time you should run out of energy is when you're trying burst heavily without paying attention to your energy. My rotation for boss fights: -Vital Shot -Auto attack -Cover + Instant Charge Shot -Sabo Charge -Auto attack -Trick Shot -Aim Shot (talent point should have proc'ed), pop adrenal,relics, etc. Surrender if needed. -Speed Shoot -Trick Shot -Rapid Fire, Speed Shot -Speed Shoot -Get out of cover to start next rotation, auto attack while transitioning Energy should always inbetween 70-100% through the rotation. Second rotation: -Vital Shot if needed -Cover + Instant Charge Shot -Trick Shot -Aim Shot (talent point should be proc'ed each time you use Aim Shot or else you're losing time on DPS) -Speed Shot -Trick Shot -Move out of cover for next rotation, auto attack while transitioning Third rotation (same as first rotation minus the Rapid Fire ability): -Vital Shot -Auto attack -Cover + Instant Charge Shot -Sabo Charge -Trick Shot -Aim Shot (talent point should have proc'ed), pop adrenal,relics, etc. Surrender if needed. -Speed Shoot -Trick Shot -Out of cover and repeat rotation Most boss fights usually have you moving around but this is my rotation for the most part. Remember if you're running to get into position or to get away from the boss, always auto fire at the boss while running and do a Vital Shot. I don't bother with Flourish Shot mainly due to tanks having their own ability to lower bosse's defense. Waste time and energy. Note that all players have different rotations, always make sure you're above 60% if not that use a few seconds of auto attack to regain it back. I rarely use Cool Head unless I go out of my rotation and have to do extra burst or AoE on adds. For PvP, there's too many things to factor in such as CC and who you're going against. That's something that every individual will have to learn on their own. Hope this helps.
  2. I use my XS Flyer ability and watch my spaceship fly by for added coolness
  3. Basically the OP is pretty much saying "I won't PvP unless I know I'm going to win 100% of the time". **** son. Every que has the same chances of getting new 50s, BMs, Champions, etc.
  4. QFT! I play well on my 50 SS GS but anything I do, any other class can do and with more survivaliblity. Love how all the haters say we have range attacks, we have burst, we have so many CCs. blah blah blah - Dirty Kick, by the time we get any distance our opponents are already in our face. - Flash bang, sucks if you're DF or Sab. DOT DOT DOT - Oh hey we're range, yet other players have leap, pull, sprint, etc. and can get to us before we can get one spell off. - I'm in a good spot to cover and burst......nevermind, LoS LoS LoS LoS. - Need to use my pushback spell.........wait...wait...wait...need to get into cover first....I'm being CC'ed....wait....wait...dead
  5. WOW! lol To make it easier for people too dumb to know the difference between East/West, BW should color cordinate the nodes/doors. Red door and Blue door. Red, Blue, Purple node.
  6. Yeah, I'm not too fond of the cape and cowboy stuff. Everything about smugglers is wrong. Opening cinametics, ****** smuggler walking and shooting, kicking ***. In game, stuck in cover......lol. I do love my Gunslinger though.
  7. Worthless talent. It would be awesome if it went with the instant Charge Shot so you can run and instant Charge Shot but it doesn't.
  8. Full Champion set, highest I've hit was 4.8k using relics. 5k is rare for GS unless you lucky enough to go with a nake 50.
  9. Like the new changes. As far as Ilum...........well so much for it lol. Ilum should be where we go to PvP in vehicles, wouldn't that be awesome? 40 Rep tanks vs 40 Sith tanks
  10. That's how MMOs work. They don't put all their eggs in the basket at one time. They lure/keep subscribers by adding new content.
  11. Mrtomie

    Is SWTOR dying?

    My routine for PvP. Que, win 3 times then stop for the day. Repeat process until I'm done with my weekly, then done PvPing for the week. I'm already Champion geared, valor 50. No hurry to get to BM. Same goes for Ilumm, I'll do my 150 kills in one setting then stop until reset. No need for daily. It only seems dying because there's really no point in PvPing much after you've reach your goal whether that's Champion/BM gear, valor, or daily/weekly. Sometimes I'll que with guildies to help them do theirs. After my PvP is done, I jump on my alts or do HM with guildies.
  12. You should never be out of energy in any of the 3 specs, if you are, then you're rotation is wrong. Only time I run out of energy is when I'm in WZ trying to burst down someone, even then it's hard to lose all your energy. Keep your energy bar above 60-70%, auto fire a few times if you have too. Losing 2 seconds of DPS is better than losing 5-10 seconds of it when your energy is at 0.
  13. Rakata Mind Prison is a 3:1 ratio for Imps. Rep fleet averages 60-80 people, Sith's probably in the 200s. Typical day in Ilum for Rep side = 15-20 players vs 40-50 imps lol. We still give them a good fight especially if we roam as a group instead of camping at base. In WZ, I'd say its 50/50 on both sides. For me personally, I win more than I lose (70% win ratio). Dailys for WZ are usually done within hour or so.
  14. I rarely leave WZ ques, especially since I usually que with friends. Majority of us, if not all are Champion geared. We don't qq when we see undergear 50's in the WZ, just play it out. You win, you help a fellow Rep towards getting gear. You lose, you still get valor. Plus I find winning WZ with low geared teammates gives more satisfaction, because it's like an underdog story. These are the games where you usually have more memorable gameplays.
  15. I play a 50 Gunslinger SS spec. All Champion gear except, 1 PvE epic earpiece which I do not plan on replacing. I have no issues in WZ or in Ilum. No issues beating or going toe to toe with players equally geared. Same with BM geared opponents. I'm usually top 3, if not #1 in kills and dmg, all while doing WZ's objective unless I'm defending. In which, I can defend a node long enough by myself against 1-2 attackers until back up arrives. Been wanting to spec DF but I'm not a fan of DoTs. I've tried Sab and Sab/DF combo and did not like them. Good intial burst but I found myself waiting for the c/ds more than anything. No issues with LoS, that's a given when you rolled a range character. You do the same when go up against casters. Either chase them or change target. Everyone has LoS issues, healers, casters, and us. Adapt to it. I've gone 1v2 and come out victorious numerous times. Can't complain about my DPS PvP or PvE wise. As far as survivalibilty, I guess it's the same as any other class without heals. I live long if I'm not targeted or if I have a healer. I can live longer by using all my defensive c/ds if needed. Like any other player, if I'm focused on I'll die quickly. That goes to any player that's not a tank or being guarded, so I can't complain. The only complaint I have is the buggy Cover system that everyone has. What I want: -Better 31 point talent tree for SS. Finish c/d is kind of lame, good for PvE but kind of sucks for PvP. And the c/d on it makes it almost not worth it. -Replace the 3 point Alracity talent spec in the SS tree. I'm not sure about you guys, but I rarely spend any time casting spell except on Aim Shot when it procs to 1.5 seconds and XS for randomness. An extra .3 seconds save is not worth 3 talent points. I don't ever use Charge Shot unless it's instant. -I wouldn't mind a slow/maim as well. We're a range dps, hard to kite when there's a lot of classes that can get to us by using 1 cc or ability. -I suppose I'm biased and requesting these would be like having my cake and ice cream. I play well, I'm not going to say L2P because everyone plays at different levels. From my experience, I've had success and my Gunslinger will remain my main even though I'm leveling a Trooper Healer and Scoundrel Scrapper =D. Do we need a buff? I'd say not really. Do we need a nerf? Definitely not. Just fix our bugs.
  16. Love HuttBall, my issue would be the Resolve calculations. My CC's work half the time, while Imps CC me like crazy. Guess I'm bias lol.
  17. This is exactly what the voting is not about you idiot. It's meant for abusive spammers or afkers not voting of someone who's trying to get gear. If that's the case then everyone who turn 50 should automatically be geared with Centurion gear. At any time, any game, both sides have equal chances of getting an under geared teammate or an unskillful player. They should not be punished for trying to level up their valor or complete their dailys/weeklys. In WZ games, you will always have undergear players, players who are bad skillwise, players who go for kills/dmg over objectives and that's acceptable. Voting should only for those who are not willing to participate to give their team a chance to win by going afk or trolling.
  18. I own in PvP, 1v1 I win most of the time. 2v1, manage to kill one unless they're good and CC well. With a healer, unstoppable. I've done most FP in HM without any issues. Completed KP/EV in normal. Will be doing Nightmare soon. Can't complain except for the usual bug complaints. I have a cowboy hat.
  19. Man I miss those epic fights in TM and whatever the place is called where you go to MC. Those were the days.
  20. Voting would be abused to non-afkers such as ragers, spammers, baddies. Perhaps set a limit on how many you can leave per day, I'm sure BW would F it up somehow with the programming. After 5/5 leaves, any leaves after wards will result in losing X amount of Valor (maximum of 2 levels) or get a Valor debuff where they only gain 20% valor instead of 100% for 24 hours.
  21. My MVP votes in priority: Friends/Guild mate Healer Ball carrier/Defending door/node Kills/Dmg Deal with it If you're upset about the votings, no one says you have to vote either.
  22. Your gear should be fine. I'm in mostly Champion gear, same dmg in my Main, less crit% than you and I've rolled through HMs easily.
  23. Rakata Mind Prison here. Did Ilum yesterday, killed Imps at our base, South and Central. Spent 1-2 hours there in between doing WZs, managed to only get 17 registered kills......... WZ wins registered for my daily and weekly randomly. Fix Ilum correctly or back to pre-patch please, noobs at BW.
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