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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. Psychic Suffusion talent in the tier 1 Seer tree. Force Wave has a 50/100% chance to heal you and your allies for XXX. For DPS, it's not a heal, but, for healers, it is.


    Yeah, a crappy heal in PvE, but it is great for PvP when an ally is surrounded and needed a quick heal, KD the enemies away_heal them, immediately bubble then toss a better heal before helping to kill the others. It really is far better as a PvP emergency heal, seems such a pointless heal for PvE.

  2. You sure you thought it was 30m? You realize that 30m is the max range of all sage/sorc attacks, that would be absolutely insane. You could clear an entire battlefield with that range. You had to be thinking of a different number.




    Agreed, I can't stand when people use knockbacks against groups of adds, unless they're well aimed and actually condense the group instead of spreading it out. But that rarely happens, it's usually some healer (especially since knockbacks can be specc'd to heal) or derpy DPS who wanders over and ends up knocking the adds all away from the tank and/or DPS. As a tank that means I can't get aggro on them anymore from my AOEs, and end up losing a few to the healer/DPS. As a DPS that means that my big AOEs also can't hit, and we have to single target down what was perfectly a condensed group.


    Quoting you to simply point out one thing, Force Wave/Overload (the frontal cone knockbacks for sage/sorc) CAN be turned into a heal for themselves and 5 friendly targets inside the wave range. I use it in pvp as another heal all the time for allies.


    I guess they came to the conclusion that too many were playing sorcs and sages so they decided to destroy a lot of aspects of the class. Here are some examples of what's been going on since launch:


    *Nerf to our good procs

    *Nerf to 360 KB

    *Nerf to stun range, which makes no sense when our effective range, as a ranged AC, is atleast 30 meters

    *Nerf to WW by making it a channeled ability, even when speced in to.

    *Nerf to armor rating, on a light armor class. Makes no sense at all.


    So as a healer, madness or heavy madness hybrid you have a maximum of one stun, on atleast a 50 s CD, and a root. A lot of sorcs/sages have taken WW off their quickbars or replaced their keyboard location due to how rare it is that we get it off, you literally never get it off on an enemy that is focusing you unless you waste the stun first and ultimately fill their resolve bar. And this is all on a class with light armor, far from the best burst in the game and not the best sustained output.


    Predictions for upcoming class re-balancing:

    *1 minute CD on force speed

    *1 minute CD on bubble + losing the ability to bubble team mates

    *CD on force lightning, even when speced in to in the madness tree


    I wouldnt be surprised by any nerf they possibly could come up with at this point.


    Shared tree, in PvP I rarely don't break 400k damage done and regularly break 550k on the larger fighting areas while also pulling off 150-250k healing done. Sage/Sorc has the best sustained damage in the game.

  3. And your suggestion is what? (this is the suggestion subforum).


    There surely could be some way for solo players to get 30 and 31 equipment, but why bother? Solo players do not need raid equipment as they do not raid.


    You can get the equipment, if you are swimming in cash by just buying it from the market or asking someone to craft it for you. You can then reengineer the stuff and you could get full il31 (=72) gear without ever visiting any operation... but again, why bother?


    It makes dailies go faster, and does honeslty give you a boost over bolster, using full raid mods without the expertise gear gives you max expertise from bolster and higher stats than the pvp gear currently gives you.


    Hence, the reason. Anythign found in a raid needs a way for solo players to get, on their own, without requiring the GTN. Or, fix bolster and cause mobs to scale with gear on dailies so raiders don't get a boost in the grind department. After all, by your logic you only need those stats to raid thus you should not get a boost from them in any other aspect of the game right?

  4. No, that would be "female soldier from Coruscant" next to trooper.


    As for the idea, no thanks. We don't need to innundate people with potential companions and a lot (most?) of these make no sense even if they're alive given the story or in-game events. Not every NPC people like or get fixated on needs to be a companion.


    Well guess that's the hangup as there is another female trooper upon coruscant late int he story that could have potentially been that one. Also...Jaxo is not a trooper, she's intelligence.

  5. Many of those you list, were slated to originally BE companions before they stopped allowing us being able to kill companions off and decided it wasn't fair to allow people to gimp themselves gameplay-wise. Given that companions are so integral to the crafting process.


    You missed the most obvious character cut back from originally being a companion, Jaxo for the trooper.

  6. I'm going to say this now as it should be painfully obvious...


    These classes bring nothing that isn't already there. You can support by being the tank or healer in a run. In PvP both are needed. Want anti-stealth? Be a sniper/gunslinger and actually stay put for a few seconds or make regular use of the hunter droids/flares on your trooper/bh.


    There are new skills there, but they wouldn't necessarilly add hugely tot he game. Most of us sit high on accuracy without trying as our force/teck skills should literally never miss, and physical attacks don't need too much help accuracy wise after you take into account the skill trees designed to actually hurt the enemy all have accuracy skills. You do NOT want a class capable of regenerating the energy for everyone in the group, as once such a class is in the game it quickly becomes mandatory as they now have to balance for it being in existance.


    One can be a great support in the current classes. I'd rather we just get 4th skill trees for new ways to use old skills.

  7. Totally agree. Also it woudl be nice if juggernaut could use the same one handed weapon holding animation as jedi guardian.


    Funny, as someone that knows how to swordfight, the Jedi animations...most of their attacks would get someone killed with allt he flourishing nonsense. The Sith Warrior's melee attacks are very direct and pinpoint, exactly like real world sword attacks.


    Master Strike and Guardian strike are prime examples of sword manuevers that would get you ripped apart int he real world if you did them at the slow speeds int he game (and to be honest guardian strike will get you ripped apart at any speed witht hat pointless flourish before the attack).


    As for sage and sorc...sorry the sorc looks less powerfull than the sage. The sorc's lightning based attacks I can re-create with a tesla coil and cunductor plates, you don't need the force to play with lightning. Also...a localized earthquake takes far more power to conjure up than a simple ionized cloud for localized lightning (serious, it is just a static cloud, we KNOW how to make those nearly on command using technology today, simple technology at that). Telekenisis, be it pebbles or large rocks/droids...is more impressive of a display than some lightning a trooper can also use. The difference is flashi-ness, that's all. So do you prefer launching things that, if we used physics properly in this game would utterly crush people, or a little bit of lightning that wearing the right kind of armor (you can easily ground bodyarmor so electricity does nothing to you, teslacoil light shows make use of this theory constantly) would render the person completely powerless against you? Substance over flash.


    This comes from someone who primarily PvPs as a sorc due tot he fact pvping as a shadow tank can be far too anoying.

  8. Making a new post here because I have another idea.


    After your first character, on each faction, gets the ship you get a quest. The quest is to go to an abandoned droid factory. The factory is in an asteroid. You get there and have a nice animation of your ship flying into an old hanger on this asteroid. Once you land your in a big room with your ship and space for a few more ships... Looks like any other hanger but its got time weathered damage. Also a few rogue droids running around. You then clear the old factory. You basically, with the help of your companion, are doing a solo flashpoint. Maybe a few golds and silvers.


    Once its cleared you head to fleet and turn in the quest. The NPC tells you they arent going to do anything with the asteroid, you then get the option to "take" it for your home base. You then pay a few thousand credits to get some cleaning and repair droids sent there.


    When you return to the asteroid you see its now alot cleaner. You can then start putting in decor. Again stuff from crafting, quest rewards, loot drops, and cartel market. Its huge too. You got a hanger that is big enough for 4 ships. Also it has several rooms. Including about 20 sleeping quarters. And 4 bigger bedrooms. A huge meeting room. And additional about 10 more big rooms. You can make them what you want.


    As you unlock companions your companions will be seen wandering around the station. Maybe sleeping or just talking to one another. You can do your companion conversations there as well.


    If you have another character in your legacy on that faction they are also housed at this base. Their ship and companions will be there as well wandering around. Maybe even seeing the other legacy characters wandering around. Where double companions would happen "I got a juggie and a marauder" you would only see one of the companions. Also the companions would have a base "homebase outfit" each would wear so as not to overload database queries.


    So lets say you are Imperial and have 1 of each class. Also all companions have been found. You go to that asteroid and there are four ships sitting there. Also 20 companions wandering around the station plus your 3 other characters. You cant really interact with them that much. But then again maybe you can. On your agent you talk to your juggernaut about some legacy XP mission or your inquisitor can talk to your BH about gathering some material and get a small temp boost on a crew skill. Sky is the limit here.


    Oh and there is a smaller hanger as well off to the side. What is that for you ask? Well when you click to go to your asteroid a window pops up. "Travel to your home station" or "Travel to friend's station" This lets you visit other stations of other players.


    As for guilds they can do something similar as well. Only their mission to clear is much more difficult. Basically a true flashpoint sized mission with bosses and the like. And the guild asteroid is much much bigger. Possibly its a guild cruiser like people have been asking for instead. If your a member of a guild when you go to your station you can see the guild cruiser right there outside the force field.


    Maybe the "house" is a space station not as asteroid that has to be cleared. Or it could be a derelict cruiser. Heck on the CM they could sell different kinds of "stations" for you to purchase. But because of the size you could make it into anything you want it to be. A shrine to Marka Ragnos, a droid factory, a hospital, a full blown battle ready station, a tribute to Hello Kitty. Whatever you want.


    This, so much this.

    Havign this be what happens would also create a purpose for legacy int he game other than just server based account unlocks.

  9. Your outlook is very depressing good sir....you aren't being serious are you? That is a terrible way of fixing the issue.....


    Quoting from his point int he conversation as...yes this is what you should expect going forward.


    Optional companions will likely be handled as all optional content is in an MMO, inconsequential.

    You MIGHT see them in the background, but they aren't part of the class story and thus will recieve no face time for it. Only the companions forced upon you will ever be showcased in future class arcs as they will be guarenteed to be there in the player's roster.


    You also mentioned the Trooper storyline so I'll let you in on something that will show you just how far the game has veered from where it was in alpha stages (I was a tester from alpha stages through beta and right up till live). You remember Jaxo right? Guess what? She used to be a proper companion you had the option to recruit upon completion of the mission immediately after getting your ship (assuming you saved the senator as she was an LS character). Remember all those side missions with raxo? The optiional trooper quests, R&R and Catching Up, were companion missions for Jaxo.

    We used to be able to kill our companions off (I do not know a single person that wouldn't kill Quinn in the SW story, and that's all I'm saying on that one) and every class also would have more than 5 companions! The Consular was slated to have 12 recruitable people...mind you recruiting one character may make a future one unrecruitable, and your decisions could lead tot he death of a companion, or you yourself could cut them down...they backed off this level of consequences however due to people complaining they killed off their companions and couldn't craft now, or killing the only healer they would ever get....etc.


    That's the TOR I got to see in Alpha....so to see it now all castrated so players can't cut off their own noses and decisions lack serious consequences kinda...yeah the game is sad compared to where it began. So I simply assume the worste...and haven't been proven wrong yet as the game "updates".

  10. Play throught he agent storyline...hearing Kaliyo callign dibs on the head every 3rd fight is just as grating...you don't even have another companion to use till your are a breath away from completing act one.


    Which is strange due to all her other lines are amusing/fine...it is that particular one that is just...anoying as all get out.

  11. I wish they got rid of the fleets entirely and put everything on capital cities. :rolleyes:


    But one can only wish.


    This was how it was before launch. You used to have to be on your capital world to access pvp vendors. Every planet had access to the GTN such as Nar Shadda's current layout. The GTN was seperated 3 ways. One for rep only, one for imp only, and one on Nar Shadda that both factions could use but it took a higher cut of the sale. This was also back when you could not mount inside of spaceports (now think about just how large of a spaceport Coruscant has). The planetary comm vendors? Each planet had it's own comms, and you had to visit those planets in order to spend them, no central location for vendors.


    Now, to farther this annoyance, the various flashpoints did not have common docking, each one required you to fly to a specific planet in order to reach the location the flashpoint started from. This ment that looking for fp groups was a scattered crapshoot due to no global chat channel.


    Put roughly a 3rd of fleet's current number onto coruscant and dromund kaas, spread the other 2/3rds across the various planets thanks to the gtn being on whatever planet they had to be on for questing.

  12. 1) make it a non-force using class. There are billions of beast tamers int he SW lore, few Jedi/Sith bother with animals in this manner...the quote goes (that both Jedi say multiple times int he story) "The force is my ally" ...not 'the beast is my ally'.


    2) your 3rd build has been seen multiple times in fantasy style games...it is known as a necromancer building a flesh golem. Original EQ had you have a single golem you could graft things onto to make it stranger, and it has since been replicated several times...usually abandoned as it becomes a hassle and unbalanced. Either you force the class to get the best upgrades to be on par with everyone else (the pet is half the character after all) or you allow the class to get stronger than everyone else if you equip the pet with the best upgrades...it is nothing less than a balance nightmare unless you start the game with such a class and monitor it very closely.


    3) if the pet took your companion away, there is no reason for the class to ever get companions. if the pet class gets companions and pets...it is incredibly stronger and faster to level in pve as down time will be insanely easy...dps pet+dps player+heal companion=wrecking crew. In PvP it creates an unfair advantage currently as PvP is balanced without pets being a consideration...for example...if the pet dies can the tamer bring it back to life? If you say yes, what is the requirements for it? Out of combat is easy to get now (look at all the macro's for swaping talent configuration in pvp right now), 15 second channel? That would be appropriate, especially if it must be done where the pet was killed, anywhere else and it fails. If resurection is impossible you just gimped the class horribly.


    4) NEVER under any circumstances do you ever allow a pet class to be a healer. Every single game that has ever had this capability has found that such a class becomes overpowered far too fast, especially in a pvp situation as it allows the player to dps and heal at the same time. Healing is a choice, to heal you must stop actively attacking. If you balance it so the damage is less and the healing is less, you end up with a healer no one wants in a group, ever. If you only lower the pet's damage, you end up with a pet class that may as well not even have a pet.


    This game is simply not designed for pet classes thanks to the companion system we are all pet classes anyway.

  13. Hmmm well, I didn't really think anyone could interpret it differently that all characters in legacy using the same pool of credits :p


    Remember what they say when you assume?


    Legacy wallet could mean so many things.

    - unlock something on any character it auto unlocks for all of them

    - money is pooled to all characters

    - a new stash that is legacy wide instead of character specific

    - or you are just refering to the ftp players having to spend cartel coins to access the stashed money int heir legacy easier.


    That's just fromt he top of my head in this past minute.

  14. Let's be honest...proper teamwork rarely happens in PvP. If it did you wouldn't run into so many games where only a single person is willing to defend...or people cap somethign then run away from it. Seriously...basic rule from any older MMO...if you cap the node...YOU guard that node.


    How often do you see powertechs/vanguards or jugg/guards...actually guarding a healer? I was absolutely amazed to find how many people in the 55 bracket don't make use of their taunts in pvp! An AoE taunt can seriously make the healer's life easier.


    How about the interference runners? the 2 people that elect tot ake the horrible job of purposefully harassing larger numbers to slow down the enemy knowing they will spend half the wz respawning...these ones regularly get called "nubs" by those hwo don't realize they are the reason things are so easy due to keeping the other side defending their one node and unable to launch a proper attack on one of the other nodes.


    Then ofcourse comes the other thing that cracks me up...VIP votes for those not completeing any objectives. Objectives win warzones...that guy with 60 kills yet almost no objective points was a waste of space (even interference runners net some large objective points if they know what they are doing). Healers easily can sit high on objective points by tossing out dots when not actively heavy healing in triage mode to pick up the damage badges.


    Social points make no sense when you look at what the norm is for PvP, unless you plan on linking it directly to objective points and nothing else...something like every 2-3k objective points is 1 social point.

  15. Yes, now look at the animations when 2 Jedi attack each other in SWG...that's right the animations just go through one another. Look at TOR...A Jedi and Sith fighting are actually clashing lightsabers, parrying and dodging one another. The animations in TOR feel more fluid and real because the enemy, even another player, is reacting as a real person and blocking...not having animations firing off without reaction.
  16. I totally agree. The lack of male apprentices was surprising. I hardly count Xalek myself because Ashara seems more like an apprentice. Xalek's also the only apprentice that can't be romanced. Apparently Bioware has a bit of a Master/Apprentice kink when it comes to female apprentices. Maybe it's a naughty school girl, padawan thing. I dunno. I feel a little weird romancing an npc who calls my toon master all the time--which is true for a lot of the companion romances in this game. Hmmmm.


    I'd be happy with male apprentices that weren't romance options.


    Try being an agent romancing the female officer...instead of master you get called "sir" at all times it can be equally disturbing or out of character.

  17. I'm not being insensitive when I say this, I am being the blunt gamer that speaks the truth: play games that are written in the language you speak.


    English speakers that play asian games put up with language harassment on a scale far worse than I've seen in any other MMO. Ported games also regularly have language issues in translations as well as native speakers of the game's origin being across every server. Merges happen and it is a fact of life in all MMOs (WoW hides those well but has been merging servers even in the highest point of it's lifespan for example). If the default language has changed, it is either due to a mistake on the dev's part...or...your language simply doesn't have enough dedicated players to warrent a server for it.


    Also...there are MMOs out there specifically made and written for various languages, I have played spanish, german, korean, japanese, italian, and even a russian native MMO. If you find yourself in a game that predominantly speaks a given language, I highly suggest you communicate only in that language publically. I don't speak all those languages, yet I got along just fine in all of those MMO's by using translators and joining guilds where they were friendly and had people I could speak english to without the usual crap that gets thrown around.


    The world of MMOs has always functioned this way, people don't like seeing languages they cannot understand and thus attack the players in hopes they will leave. The real world has also always been this way, visit any country that doesn't speak your language and they treat you like you are an alien...or an easy mark to fleece all of your money.

  18. I wouldnt mind if bounties were on real players aswell. It should be a randomly picked player that is currently outside questing. The level of the player that gets a bounty on his head should be max 2 levels above the one that is trying to claim the reward. A tracker device should point out the general area where the target is.

    I think that the reward should increase with the level. I.E 10000 cr for a lvl 10-20 target, 20000 for a lvl 21-30 target etc.. That would spice things up! =)


    The largest problem of SWG bounty system was the fact you could "track" players automatically.

    No, you should be forced to track people the old fashioned way...word of mouth only. If you don't have friends in the area than you go in blind and hope for the best. Does this mean it could take you an entire day tot rack someone and still never find them? Yup, just as it SHOULD be if you are doing player bounties.

  19. Despite what movies and games would like you to think, using two weapons at once is a rarity as 90-95% of the world population is incapable of dual wielding and remaining accurate with melee weapons, nevermind guns.


    Thus I find so many dual wielders and every class eventually becoming one as incredibly foolish.

  20. Or...know what skills do what to your resources and stop watching your resources like a hawk. I never get below 50% ammo ever on my trooper due to proper management, a giant blocky bar works fine when you learn your class.


    However, aesthetically I agree that having blocks of ammo is odd and individual slots would be preferable on an art/aesthetic level. Gameplay level however it is pretty meaningless as you only need to really get cue's for what level of regeneration you are at.

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