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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. I don't think day/night cycles are useful unless it triggers specific spawns or activities or whatnot. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter. I didn't even notice it in this game until I saw a thread about it here on the forums! :t_eek:


    This...so many people don't even notice the lack of a day/night cycle unless they spend far too much time standing around not fighting (which is mostly limited to RPers).


    Now, as an RPer...I will say this, don't place a day/night cycle into the game unless night will be NIGHT. Want to know what I mean? When it is night, you can only see 20m infront of you, that is it. You cannot even see out to your max range. You have a giant wall of darkness and shadows simulating the proper night. Many people don't know what real night is, they live in town or in a city...you never experience true night. We are fighting out in areas with no lights...go out into the wilderness 50 miles fromt he nearest town and experience real night, you can't see very far (ok...I can...but I have albinism in my eyes so I'm by no means a good indicator of average night vision) and are very likely to justs tumble into enemy mobs. THAT is how a night cycle should be, otherwise there is no point in it.

  2. Uh...no...it doesn't need a change.


    You realize female=wo'man' right? Thus it already IS gender nuetral.


    You want to claim issues with gender role linked names/titles, you realize "master" is a male term right? The female term for the same rank is "mistress". Think about that every single time you see a female jedi....they have no problem having the title of a male, why should you?

    Want the reverse? Originally, acolyte was a female term (all sith warriors get this title) while apprentice is the male term (all inquisitors get this title).


    I'm not making this stuff up, look up the history of our language. You will find feminine terms tagged on men all over the place and we hardly care about it, it is not a big deal...so why are women all up in arms about naturally nuetral terms that are just placed upon professions that have historically been male?


    By the way...one of the most covetted titles of men with guns is "sniper"...and originally ment "female assassin". Think on that a bit.

  3. Also...DO NOT FORCE 4v4 ON PEOPLE!!!

    The random WZ que should have 3 options...4v4 or 8v8 or both.


    I for one cannot stand deathmatch play, it is BORING. Which is why open world PvP is and always has been dead int his game. You cannot fight for anything of value thus people get bored and leave. Pure deathmatch play has, again and again, killed the PvP in MMOs. Largely due to the balance problems (when you make deathmatch a viable PvP purpose all classes must do equal damage in equal ways) between classes in damage output and damage mitigation.


    Mark my words, this 4v4 deathmatch arena schtick will cause large changes in the classes and screw up PvE and 8v8 PvP play.

  4. They chose to not have day/night cycles for artistic reasons, look at some of the articles from before the game's launch and they talk about wanting the feel of every world and every location to be very specific.


    Republic play's through Taris and it is bright, you are there to rebuild a planet....you get there as an Imperial and it is dusk and dark as you are there to kill a planet. Imperials hit Balmorra first and the time of day appears to be just before sunset, the end of an era as the Imperials change leadership and take control of the planet and bring in a dark time...Republic reaches it later and it appears to be sunrise, brighter, the dawning of a new age as the Republic frees the planet from imperial control.


    This kind of artistic meaning is gone when you add in the day/night cycle.


    BTW....I would love the day/night cycle to show up...on SOME worlds. Nar Shadda should have only night (the neons would look rediculous in the day, it would also be nigh impossible due to the smog cover from lore). Dromand Kaas is suppose to be in perpetual thunderstorms and makes no sense for light to really make it through the cloud-cover. Tat's night cycle would also have to be very very short. Alderaan and Hoth would look amazing at night (many of us have seen Hoth with an all black sky due to a glitch that still exists there).

  5. Salt of the earth is actually a good thing if I know my idioms right, but yea I edited in a PS cos in the end you're right too, as I've amply proved myself... people snap and stuff isn't always dealt with and communicated optimally. :p


    All we can do is to strive to coexist as smoothly as possible and down some bosses for lewt heh.


    "Salt of the Earth" how we know and use it today is originally an Amish saying, and is indeed a very good thing. Back in old times salt was hard to get (hint: you NEED salt to stay alive, we get this in our daily food today but it wasn't always thus) and quite often a person would work just to get paid in salt.


    I'll also say I never whisper when giving advice unless it is advice for someone from general chat. You are in a group and others may have a different viable way of doing something I don't use. In the OP's case...asking the person to name healer classes is a great way to see if they are even aware of who can heal. I mean...the person was just randomly inviting people to the group then asking if they could heal...which in itself is VERY rude behavior, or this is how it read in anycase.


    As for being immediately put into a defensive stance...well...only those with thin skin, believe they can't posibly be wrong, or genuinely just don't want to admit to being new...choose respond this way. It is the natural response of someone who is painfully aware they are in the wrong and/or are loathe to admit to being a new player. Someone aware they are right and knowledgable respond nuetrally and the individuals that will only cause problems respond aggressively.

  6. Ticket open. Not sure what to expect as far as a fix goes but I am not happy with "Sorry won't let it happen again."


    All MMO's experience bugs, I started back in UO. You'll see bugs (quest screw up that are multi-stage) happen typically whenever they do maintenance. This is not limited to TOR as WoW gets nailed by this one pretty regularly as well. EQ regularly would screw over someone on a legendary build quest durign a maintenance period.


    So you got hit by it, it sucks but continue on. The HK quest, upon doing the begining part again, will re-aquire the peices still in your inventory. No harm, no foul. Or they SHOULD, at anyrate. Besides, if 4 of you are doign this at the same time the peices should be fast to collect if you work in grid patterns, just look up dulfy for the map areas to grid over.

  7. Reading throught his thread, it has been de-railed quite a bit by the fool assuming the OP was in blue's while running endgame content.


    It has been said once before int he threa but should be re-stated. Running a smash spec Jugg in endgame is rather pointless. This is an AoE spec and will always do sub-par DPS against a boss. The DoT's on the boss will keep ticking away any time you need to get away from the boss and the free executes will also help immensely.

  8. Mostly? Because those skills are lore specific, and some simply wouldn't be posible.

    Cathar roar (seriously, try and make the roar of a lion, you won't be able to) and cybernetic scan being the two most obvious choices.


    Others...really...I wish I could do (ratataki shadow boxing) on other characters but it gives each race something unique.

  9. Ah ok yeah that would make sense... forgot to check when Harbinger came back up though. Either way, they really should give us back the titles they removed in beta. Dont' take any away, but give them to us. Like recently we got Paladin of House Organa which was removed at launch. I remember specifically making sure I got it on my Jedi Knight and being very disappointed that I didn't. But, about a month ago... bam it was just there in my titles.


    FYI...You get that title even if you are pure darkside and he never once mentions that you are now a paladin of the house. Makes it kinda blah really...

  10. You would be surprised at the number of guilds out there that are based around huttball style names.

    I love the game style and seriously wish they would just put 6 random style team names and give us reputation to earn for each team you earn by playing as that team. Unique armor for each team, unique weapons, unique titles...would be grand.


    Of course I also believe they need to make PvP into server groups that include off-prime time servers so that the que's always have decent numbers.

  11. You ask anyone who is a Sin. They have been relegated to node guards in PvP and most groups remove them from PvE. Nothing to do with being a fail. Typical response from a person who simply hasnt a clue.


    Which those who remove them do so for fail reasoning. People base it off of parsing damage on a target dummy whose HP doesn't lower to the execute level. A good sin/shad player will wreck most anyone if they play their utility right.


    I love your last sentence, said by someone who TRULY has no clue how to use that class properly. As your last line actually proves how little you know, it is the line we point out in psychology as a "blind bluff". You know nothing about me and are blinded by your own ignorance. The knowledgable individual actually listens, theorizes, and tests... yet so many people though fail at this and only theorize. Dummy parsing is theorizing, do the parsing in an actual live fight some time on an ops boss. What's that? Too much trouble and would likely take all day? That's the point, hard concrete factual representation in the field is all that is worth doing, the theory crafting from dummy parsing is a waste of time.

  12. I will say this time and time again, parsing on a combat dummy is POINTLESS. Target dummies do not drop in health and thus the major point of PvE AND PvP damage is never seen on the parse all thanks to the fact the dummy never drops below 30% HP.


    In PvE, that "end phase" is the most important phase, and it is a phase only assassins/shadows and gunslingers/snipers truly shine in. It is also where shadows/assassins blow everyone else out of the water on damage done.


    Due to this, parsing is pointless on anything but an OPs boss. Meaning, unless you are looking at combat damage done through an entire boss fight from pull till death, you are only looking at the openning of the fight, not the full fight.


    So, in conclusion, ignore parsing and the theorizing behind it and actually look at practical application. Thus, in the field. Want a strong test? Use the same companion for all 4 classes (melee tank would be a good option) then pick fights with gold level or champ level lone mobs (it is not hard to find either). Time how long it takes to drop them. You will find the assassin/shadow and gunslinger/sniper drop enemies the fastest. Thus, by proxy, do the best in raw damage potential all thanks to the "execute" style skills of both classes which cause them to do far superior damage.

  13. It's clear the Cathar are popular, and as a previous poster said, the devs have stated that new species will appear sometime in the future. But if you are looking for a Wookiee, Trandoshan, Rodian or any other "beast species"... you're out of luck. We'll more likely get something like Zeltrons, Arkanians, Sephi or any other Human-like species.


    I wouldn't expect one until next year, though.


    Pretty much, this.


    Due to the romance arcs in game and such, beast species and species that aren't usually speaking basic are likely to never be seen for players.

  14. The trees wouldnt need to change. It would just be a case of looking at the % spread across their abilities. Sins were nerfed because of how they performed in PvE, now, they are useless at both PvE and PvP when it comes to DPS, removing hybrids and really only leaving one viable option to play.


    If you find them useless, it is because you fail at using all of your other skills that aren't pure damage.

    UTIITY is king in PvP.

  15. your customer service is crap and none helpful, your in-game ticket system is as much use as a chocolate fire guard, which does nothing but spew out the same automated crap at every posted ticket.


    your server maintenance is sloppy below average at the best of times.

    Your game engine is the WORST i've ever seen a beaten up dream cast runs games better than your engine.


    you're constantly ignoring feedback unless its regards to the cartel market, you constantly ignore the PVP forums.


    Of course they ignore the PvP forums, look at other games like secret world...check their PvP forums and notice how helpful people are, how rare vitriol or slamming is posted, how rare attacks are. Now look back at TOR's pvp forums...yeah...it is a cesspool. I'd ignore it too (and do).

  16. So should I not point out that Bounty Hunters get 1 more title than other classes?


    Also, when and where do Inquisitors get "Force Walker" as I'm 99% sure I've never seen that title on my assassin. And, inquisitors get "Apprentice" instead of "Acolyte" as that's what Zash calls them. Baras says Acolyte.


    Oh and I miss the General title I had in beta. So I'm not happy. The solution would be to give us all the titles we had in beta and let us choose which one we want.


    I forget when exactly, but pretty sure you get it on or at the conclusion of Voss.

  17. i just ran the #'s even the blue mod if you buy just mats is about 5300 a mod i am not defending pl that need to double there money to do anything im just pointing out mats are crazy high to

    but i dont really see a lack of gear options pre 55 its after 55 you can join a guild or start anther toon or pay 2mil a mod that's it those are your options


    There is your problem, you are looking at blue quality stuff based on sales prices. To make those blue mods you can go out and actually farm the materials, then your cost is zero and those same people sell the mods for 15k+. Sorry, your time is not wortht hat when you are there to level anyway.


    Also...if I am bringing you the mats, you are getting skill ups on my mats therefore you deserve no money in addition tot hose skill ups.


    Those crafters selling raid mods are also rediculously price gouging. Again...I bring the mats...you deserve at most a 10k tip as the cost is only the mats in the first place. A mil for the mods is also rediculous, you got the mats while doing what you would be doing anyway, raiding. At best a few hundred k is all it is worth.


    Crafters have killed themselves with the entitlement, they would make MORE money if they lowered their prices due to increased sales and actually stopped buying mats and went out and farmed them. Don't like farming mats? Then you don't like crafting.

  18. OP probably hasnt been here long. People used to participate in the PTS and give loads of feedback until it became clear the devs wern't really listening to the feedback since bugs pointed out appeared in the final release exactly as reported on the PTS.


    So is it really that unreasonable that many people dont want to bother wasting their time downloading gigabytes of data and playing the PTS and sending feedback only to feel ignored?


    Those of us fromt he ALPHA stages of the game are still seeing bugs we reported way back then.


    Of course the PvP PTS server bug reports never go anywhere either. Quite regularly any/all pvp bugs make it to live intact, including the original huttball bug where frog-dogs would get a full4 second head start on their door opening. Tooke a LONG time before they fixed that one.

  19. Thank you for the explanations.


    I stumbled, however, over this quote from the wowiki : Bold printing by me :




    Now, if "hybrid taxed" DPS classes are taxed "to maintain popularity of the pure DPS classes", what about healing classes ?


    I'm not sure if I can get my thoughts into words, but - shouldn't DPS classes be "hybrid taxed" as well, because they cannot heal to full ?


    I mean - the "hybrid tax" seems to be only applied to damage-making classes. Which means to me that the damage is the element why there is this "hybrid tax" there at all. The damage is the element around the "hybrid tax" evolves, so to say.


    But damage is not everything we have in the Holy Trinity, as it consists of


    - damaging

    - tanking

    - healing.


    So, shouldn't be there "hybroid taxing" for


    - tanking

    - healing" as well ?


    Shouldn't classes that can do


    - part tank, part heal

    - part tank, part damaging

    - part damage, part heal

    - part damage, part tank

    - part heal, part damage

    - part heal, part tank


    be "hybrid taxed", too ?


    Everyone speaks only about "hybrid tax" regarding classes that can partially produce damage. What about the rest ? Tanking ? Healing ?


    The general purpose for taxing pure DPS is due to the fact tanks and healers are so rare, usually due to people not wanting the responsibility. They want to see big numbers in PvE damage charts on raid bosses.


    Those who love to tank or love to heal will do so pretty much no matter if any tax exists while doing either activity.


    Typically, PvE community embraces pure classes/builds while the PvP community embraces hybrid classes/builds.

  20. You would have saved yourself a lot of typing if you had just said "I don't know what I'm talking about."


    Using your PUG PvP experience as a balancing benchmark is not a good idea. Marauder has several defensive skills, not just one. It also has more than just damage going for it once you count the group buffs. So the idea of my jug losing force push in some sort of SWTOR version of Sofie's Choice is concerning. FP isn't just a peel, try rolling a few other classes.


    It's also clear you've never completed any high-end PvE, or at least not as anything except a DPS, because as soon as your tank(s) or healer(s) are down, it's a wipe. No amount of off-healing or DPS taunts will save your terrible group from the enrage timer.


    It is actually not PuG PvP, considering whenver all of us are on we dominate anyone and everyone, sad be it that you don't know how to make full use of your skills.


    Yes, Sent/Mara have more than one relative defensive ability, however most are excessively situational and lacking in the general purpose defensives of the Guard/Jugg, but you wish to split hairs so by all means continue. Exactly, group buffs /golfclap, while usefull, they are buff that are usefull while solo or in a group and become natural part of the rotation while playing one.


    Really? Haven't completed high level content? Miss the NM OP comment? I was the main tank that went down when my healer got distracted by her husband asking her a question, as soon as I saw death was happenning I called out for a specific DPSer to change and taunt. Guess what? Boss died as I was scrapped off the floor. Yes, you can survive...for LONG? No of course not. But it works in a clinch when you go down and it can be rescued if you actually try and people co-ordinate for that last push. Hell no they won't survive for 10% but they will survive long enough (especially if the DPS guard/jugg has a shield gen equipped which in testing lowers DPS output by only 2-4% assuming you have augments and again this would be a designated individual). Those who cannot believe it can happen are those who really don't think outside the box or play with those able to adjust that fast. This game's nightmare mode is not that demanding, it really isn't when you compare it to Aion raids or DAoC raiding. You want to wave the flag some more, come back when you have to co-ordinate 6 tanks in rotation while accounting for randomized attack patterns in the boss with 2 random assault skills on the boss that will wipe out someone if the tanks don't keep a specific defensive skill ready to be used on the target of it, said skills being used so fast you need DPSers built from said tank classes to make additional use of the skill thanks to CD limitations. By comparison, these are easy raids.


    FP's primary purpose is a peel, the PRIMARY purpose of the skill, yes...it has wonderfull application in huttball in covorering LARGE amounts of ground when used properly, or even to get to a turret quickly by leap>fp>leap>guard leap. I'm sorry did I just blow your mind? I speak of primary uses. You don't waste FP as an interupt unless you are a nub. If you are workign in conjunction with a team, FP will be used most often as nothing but a peel to buy breathing room. Sadly Minack, it sounds more like you don't know what you are talking about or are assuming far too much. I was speaking in primary purposes and general purposes of skills. When speaking of a skill, primary purpose is the defining point of the skill, as stated, FP is ment as a peel in PvP and as a gather skill forcing PvE enemies into AoE location/KBKO location. Other uses are secondary uses. I'm going to assume you are self righteously up in arms because you use it as an opener on slingers/snipers right? Yup...congratulations, that is known as situational use...a use that is, as stated, situational and not a primary purpose. Besides, in true group play your own ranged will worry about that individual and let you focus on the targets you CAN leap to with impunity, that sage/sorc hiding in the back always being the perfect target if you arent on guard duty needing to keep close to your own healer.


    Of course, this is the main problem with speaking of PvP as everyone claims to be an expert and others simply don't know enough. The fact is I don't theorycraft without actually putting something into action. I try things out with my crew while fighting other organized groups. 4 on 4 and 8 on 8 deathmatch play on tatooine properly organized with everyone in TS (teams in there own rooms) to see how well certain things work and others which are oh so common in the PuGs that quite simply fail against an organized group. Take what is learned to the actual WZs and see how it plays out against both PuG crews and obviously organized pre-made crews. I am by no means an expert and regularly make my mistakes typically while laughing about how stupid the mistake was, however I also regularly see people claiming to be PvP gods who get rolled right over because they won't make use of their off-spec skills.

  21. Sure, if you want to wear a title that says you are a healer so I don't have to mark you for my team to kill you first, I'm all for it.


    Try PvP in secret world some time where you have to pick your role (which changes your PvP outfit) and everyone knows what outfit's mean what role you are playing. It isn't nearly as much of a boon as you think...as it also means your allies know exactly what you are at a glance and if you walk in as a healer...you get protection you could only dream of in other games.


    The open arena in Secret World...walking in there as a healer nets you 2-4 dps and 2-3 tanks are going to follow you around, wherever there are 3-4 healers you find a small army of everyone else protecting them.


    Mind you, your pvp rank will have some bearing on that as well....and your pvp rank is earned on a role basis. Meaning a rank 4 healer swapping to dps will be a rank 1 dps...each rank having their own outfit you auto-wear inside a pvp area.


    You'd be surprised how the MMO community shifts when roles become obvious...of course SW does have alot less "glory hounds" compared to TOR in the PvP community.

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