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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. I totally know what you mean! Comparable stupidity is also common in German (my mother-tongue). *sighs theatrical*


    Hah! I know the feeling. My great-grandfather had me learn old-gaellic and latin, as well as runes (norse, celt, american indian) and symbols (alchemy and mythology based)...mixing all of that up with english has shot my spelling and punctiation in english I freely admit.

  2. Well it seems like you had nothing better to do than ridicule the OP, so what does that say about you?


    OP, I'm totally on your side! Now if I could just teach General Chat the difference between there, their and they're, I could die happy :D


    Don't forget "your" and "you're", or "u" is not "you".

  3. 200 million dollar game and it plays like a cheap Korean MMO that 2 guys made in the basement with $5k.


    Please shut down the game so a better studio can pick up the IP .




    You've never playd a korean MMO have you? SWG was actually pretty close...grind grind grind grind grind with like 2 quests every 5 levels. Need to craft something? Go get 4k of this material, 2k of this other material, and 2 of a material that costs you a week's worth of non-stop farming for 4 hours a day from an npc vendor.

    THAT is a korean MMO.

  4. Bah! I just collected every piece of an armor set then CS told me I have to collect all the pieces WITH A SINGLE CHARACTER. ***?


    Where does it say this? I've googled and can't find anything. All I knew was I had to have all the pieces. I mean, it's a legacy feature, why in the heck would I think I had to have all the pieces bound to a single character?


    It has always been with a single character. Any time you unlock something on the CS you have to unlock it on your other characters...so whatever made you believe you could unlock something on seperate characters?

  5. any player with 36+ points in vigilance, scrapper, assault specialist, or balance is not a hybrid.

    in fact, anyone with 36+ points in any spec is not a hybrid. just because my class affords me some basic healing or a taunt as a baseline, does mean that i am a hybrid.


    Really? Not a hybrid because you are a DPS Jugg/Guard...actually, yes...you are.

    Want to not be a hybrid? Alright, lose every defensive skill you have but one (sent/mara only have 1, not the 3 of guards) lose force push (a KB that is used for utility by a tank as a means of getting a mob/enemy player off of a healer) oh and lose taunt and guard as well, as even not specced as a tank...taunt is a POWERFUL tool when used in the right hands in pvp. Soresu stance when switched to in the middle of combat is also a great way to increase survivability of yourself and another person.

    My buddy regularly swaps to soresu and drops guard on my sniper when I get targetted after sniping their healers or best ranged dpsers, together we handle whoever is targetting me then he swaps stances and goes back to dpsing...that "tax" you complain about is a huge boon when in the right hands.

    Those are just the things off the top of my head. If you are to tunnelled vision to make use of ALL of your skills, even those you don't specialize in...you aren't making the most of your class.


    Have access to heals? Toss a heal or two in between attacks on that person at half health. Able to use guard? Swap stances mid combat and make use of it on an as-needed basis. Have taunts? For the love of all that is holy, make USE of it on targets attacking others in PvP.


    Don't like PvP? Make use of those extra heals you aren't specced for in clinch situations. Tank just go down? Swap stances mid combat and ACT like a tank, just call it out for your healers so they know to start healing you and save the fight...seen competant DPS Guards pull this one off even in nightmare ops. Heck even just taunting a mob on your healer...even as a DPS you still survive longer than a healer with 'anything' beating on you.


    If you can't be bothered to use those situationol skills? Play a pure dps class and stop griping about a "tax" as PvPers love those "taxes" the PvErs cry about. They allow such delightful clutch wins and clutch saves a pure just isn't capable of.

  6. Knights lose all of their companions except T7 for their last mission. And T7 is pretty well useless against the Emperor.


    So yeah. Keep on going.


    I was able to beat the last fight sans-T7. Proper usage of CDs makes all the difference. And keeping your gear up to date helps immensely.


    He is far from useless in that fight if you are used to pet classes in other MMO's, micro management of him and your own CD's and you'll TRASH the emperor.

  7. Apparently you're not a tank. Look ate Elite com and Ultimate Com gear. NONE of it is usable! Not one piece. Not one mod or enhancement. As for lowering cds on taunts etc...I disagree. But yeah, you dps and healers are spoon fed your gear, while tank gear is actually lower drop rate (much lower) in FPs, and as for raiding, unless it's dropped (mk-2 or token) we can't use it.


    Pretty much this.

  8. I understand that group play is where the main challange is, where you do have to to have some cordinated tactics it (it is supposed to be a MMO afterall). To me though the solo leveling aspect although has a good story line to It, the process of it feels like a means to an end rather than a challange of your ability as you progress and learn the game.


    I am not asking to change the leveling dynamics to that of single player action game massivly but I would welcome a bit more intelligence from mobs insted of Hp being their main defence and more defensive moves to use on your part, basically so you have to react a bit more to what the mobs are doing like you have to in group content sometimes. This would make you learn better and improve you ready for later group play aswell. Don't get me wrong I am not really complaining that much as I enjoy the leveling story and the environment it is played in, but I think to Op does make vaild point. :cool:


    They had smarter mobs with less HP originally...people died...alot...they also used to have a different system int hat silvers hit harder but had the same hp as standard and golds had more hp but hit the same as standard. Believe it or not it actually created a tough environment where you got chewed up in regularly if you weren't on top of knowing which skills to interupt and who to stun who to cc and who to just let hit you. The scrapped the idea after the tester forums were flooded with "this game is too hard!" being repeated so many times.


    I miss it.


    Also, another poster up above said you need the best gear? REALLY?! Just for laughs I leveled a character in all greens and whites, never equiped or used anything that wasn't green or white. Regularly using gear 4-5 levels under me at that. The game actually was challenging at times but not terribly so. Just make use of ALL of your skills, and be smart in what companion you use (use companions for what they can DO, not who you want to travel with you). Also...the silvers in groups? Should be your LAST target, kill those standard/weaks off first. Likewise kill the silvers before the golds. So many people I see regularly jump right at the highest type of mob and wail on it then wonder hwy they die, because you let all those weaker mobs rip into them unimpeded.

  9. 1) death matches are BORING and is mostly all they added recently I care about


    2) anything you do on the pts is not kept not shared, most games compensate players time for ptsing (even WoW would trackt he amount of time a player spent on PTS and add it to their subscription for cryign out loud).


    3) the changes they are making are too minor. they aren't shattering a world, expanding the planets, or making huge changes tot he classes...thus nothign of interest to draw enough curiosity


    4) they have not fixed the launcher, there are a high number of people using a laptop to transfer the game to their desktop because of a failure with the launcher. Nevermind the fact you have to jump through a hoop to get to the pts.

  10. it's better than nothing, but it's usually end-heavier than you want it to be and expertise is a wasted stat that could be more crit/surge/shield/whatever. if you're a competent player, you can do flashpoints in pvp gear without a problem. There's a stigma associated with it across multiple MMOs though, that you by default stand in fire and can't understand pve mechanics until you prove otherwise.


    Those who stand in a fire and can't understand the mechanics fo a fight are not the PvPers, as a long time MMO player that in PvE circles completed a few world/server firsts and in PvP circles won tournaments and such...in a hard FP I will always take a PvPer over a PvEr. The PvPers know every skill they have and exactly what it does in every situation. No I am talking about hardcore players, not the casuals.


    I have job and college to worry about so I am no longer such a player, yet again...I'll take the PvPer over the PvEr most times just because if things get truly hard (and in this game that isn't likely) we know for a fact that the PvPer can handle themselves and won't panic as the PvPer is used to being outnumbered, used to getting hit, and used to using every skill they have to survive for as long as possible.


    I love how we have people on here complaining about HM groups not "geared enough". Seriously, a group in all 55 blues can handle a hardmode, it is not HARD, it just requires actual teamwork and survival skills. It only requires competant players. If you demand more than that of the equipment than yes, you are lacking skills or are looking for an easy-mode.


    Have we forgotten what hard is? The Alpha stages of this game the devs were out to kill us on purpose. Act 3 was a slog so that you had downtime after every single pack of mobs in the open world, nevermind the planned class fights in which were originally designed to force you to use every skill you had to have a chance at winning. No surprise they tuned things down in beta, and everyone that was apart of beta is well aware they made things even easier for live...going from live to f2p...surprise surprise things got easier yet. People need to stop using gear as a crutch and actually try these things "undergeared", the game is far more enjoyable in the endgame if all of you are undergeared and nothing is a tank&n&spank. It'll up your skills and awareness as well.

  11. I PvP as a MM sniper, I move a little and occasionally just stand up and recover in place to reget my shielding and free snipe shot.


    Pve sniper will be faster than engineering. snipe can kill trash in a single hit, silvers are typically 3-4 shots and golds are only 7. I don't even use a tank...I use vector when I push my missions the moment I get him as dual dps...we just trash everything.


    PvP...you pick a target and lock on, only swapping to save a turret/bomb. MM is the best anti-stealth/healer there is. sit at a turret and let your see invis stacks get to 30. As for healers...lock on like a dog with a bone and they go down hard as MM.

  12. I still find those a little bit ornate....they have various decorative patterns.


    Plus I'm not just talking about chest armor....belts, boots, gloves, and bracers are usually very ornate.


    If you are lookign for absolute, total, utterly drab and bland without a single peice of ornate gear. You will never find it, they will never make it. Look closely at the movies for what the jedi wore of the future, belt buckles were ornate and carved, their gloves had ornate edgings, their boots were high quality and not bland or drag, even their robes were of high quality with half the jedi haveing ornate patterns in how they wore them, with the occasional pattern on the robes.


    The absolute bare bones look just isn't there. Find a bland robe, a pair of pants, simple-ish boots, use covert wrist/gloves/belt. and that's about as good as you'll get.


    BTW...every single lightsaber hilt is VERY ornate...so dunno what to do there.

  13. Actually, alot of them aren't baring midrif or breasts, just the newer ones released tend to because that is what the people have been asking for. The older level locked/type locked armor is still very modest and normal and fitting for both sexes.


    Examples; nearly all trooper armor and most smugler armors, by proxy the bh/agent armors.

    Nearly all robes are modest. You seem to have cherry picked very specific sets.

  14. I agree social rank should be across all characters, however I disagree that valor should. Valor is your pvp experience wih that specific class.


    Just because you are an experienced sorc healer in pvp does not mean you will be a great merc dps, and as such your valor should reflect that.


    Valor is also only used for some really small things (pets/vehicle unlocks and class pvp armor which is valor rank 60...and easy number to hit).

  15. If you're getting **** on by sub-55's, I can give you a 100% GUARANTEE that relics are not the reason. For one, you can't even use PvE relics(from the LS/DS vendor, random drops, or the GTN) while in PvP. And since the effects wouldn't be bolstered anyhow, at MOST you'd get a measly .5% worth of any given stat from a clickable relic. The endurance boost is only noticeable for PvE content, and even then fairly negligible. Complaining about it is completely pointless.


    If you're having THAT much trouble getting your matrix shard, then ask a friend to help as there are multiple ways to reach various places such as the sandcrawler. And don't forget that you can't even make a cube for sub-50 with 3 of the same color shards to begin with, so find out where the others are and hunt them down instead


    Worst-case-scenario, you can always farm Black Talon/Esseles for alignment points so you can use the lowbie relics of your choice. Whining about not having the option isn't going to get you anywhere, especially when you consider the simplicity of the solutions I described above.




    tl;dr - PvE relics can't be used in PvP and you can farm lowbie Flashpoints for alignment points.


    Actually mate, you CAN use the PvE relics in PvP...I still do on my sub 55s. The stats still help and if you use the crappy green relics you get bolstered higher than normal because they aren't the blue ones from flashpoints! Causing those green relics to help you more (as it bolsters you past the blue quality) than if you had the blue relics (that won't be bolstered). Amazng what testing shows rather than theorycrafting huh?

  16. Ignore him, Shadows and Sins are fine.


    Very much so this.

    Stealth specs for both classes require positioning and hit and run tactics, in raids you are at the mercy of your procs...get great procs and you blow EVERYONE away, get crappy procs and people wonder why they ever brought you along.

    As for balance/madness...I honestly find this entire spec worthless for shadow/sin seeing as the sage/sorc can do so much more with it.

  17. Because many people need to shore up their sense of being justified in playing whatever MMO they are currently in the love half of a love/hate relationship with by enumerating all those mmos which fall mostly into the latter half of that relationship dynamic.


    Or, in layman's terms, people are galactically insecure about what they do with their spare time.


    Not speculating here. If you want proof, try standing completely immobile, doing nothing productive in the middle of a very busy place for ten minutes (in fact, don't even think about anything productive if you can manage it). Then tell me how that experience made you feel.


    Most people- even the least motivated individuals in society- will report feeling awkward. Often guilty. That's it in a nutshell. If you're wasting time, you must at least delude yourself into believing it is somehow justified.


    "Well yeah, sure I'm playing a silly game, but at least I'm not playing that silly game like those poor saps!"




    Anyone that knows how to meditate will be able to sit/stand there for an hour+ without feeling the slightest bit awkward. Of course, it is hard to feel awkward when you feel at peace with the universe. :D

  18. Why have a cool down? Many of the old school RPG's (single player) had this feature with no cool down. You could change stance, spec and gear at will at any time with no penalty.


    The PvP macro spec changing problem (which 2.4 is going to fix by not allowing your talent tree to be messed with while in a pvp match) and to stop the efficiency nazi's demanding dpser's change specs mid run just so the trash takes a few minutes less to get through.

  19. I've been healing 8-man operations lately and will estimate that I switch targets about once every 4 seconds (a lot more during combat, a lot less out of combat). This amounts to over 2500 unnecessary clicks in a 3-hour raid.


    I've been healing in MMOs for years and now that I'm getting a little older, my fingers actually hurt after one of these sessions. I have to click a mouse for my job and notice the next day if I do a lot of swtor healing the night before.


    I try not to worry or think about the effect all my MMO playing might have on the long-term health of my fingers, but cutting out 2500+ clicks a night can only help.


    8 man raid? f1 through f8 for characters, bind heals to the numpad buttons, you never have to click again.

    This is more a L2adjust problem.


    Macro's are for the lazy and the unskilled.


    Want to see what macro's and mods do to a game? Look at WoW. On a patch day the supposed "top ranked guilds" suspend all raiding untill the bossmods UI gets updated because not a single one of them knows how to anticipate the attacks properly. Pre-written macro's are everywhere and heaven forbid you don't use them or welcome to the cussing from the raid leader.


    That is what modding creates in a community, lazy players and lazier devs, as the devs just take their ideas from the modding community or refuse to actually do the coding themselves and just expect the modding community to do anything.

    The proliferation of macro's creates a REQUIREMENT for macro's as now to make something actually challenging they need to time a fight using perfect macro's and give the players only seconds of un-efficient behavior to win the fight or a guarenteed whip will happen. I've seent his happen in games with macro's time and time again at the highest levels of play.

  20. Being disabled, I can’t use a mouse. I really appreciate games that allow full keyboard control. But the turn speed isn't great. I’d like to have a turn speed adjuster. DDO has a slider in the options. In LotRO you can adjust it in the UserPreferences file. I know this is SWTOR, but I’m just giving examples. That’d be a great help to the disabled population. Thanks!


    They actually have one, it is camera turn speed, up the camera turns peed and your character turns faster.

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