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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. I was kind of surprised this wasn't an offhand weapon at the release of TOR. They had them in KOTOR 2 didn't they?


    Had them in both KOTOR games.


    The reason you don't see them is due tot he animations. Remember that lightsabers have specific contact points (that is not the full length of the blade in terms of the game's animations) and the blocks used ont he defensive block higher up the blade thana shoto would reach. Meaning new animations for a shoto would be needed for attacks and defending.

    A shoto also opens up different attack options (stabbing with a shoto would be infinitly more viable than with a saber for example) meaning new animations for various skills...and again, defense animations against these skills.


    Otherwise you end up with the absurd animations one gets with those axes (nothign about how the axes animate makes any sense).

  2. Let us not forget the single most rediculous LS/DS decision int his game, that after 2 years still makes me laugh with the aburdity. You go get medpacks...giving it back tot he soldiers who are dying to fight the terrorists is DS, yet handing them over to a thief is LS.

    So...lets reward the thief right? Because THAT makes sense right? Condemn soldiers that are there tof ight for the civilians to deathr ather than give them life saving medpacks is definately evil right?

    Don't even point out the corruption int he ranks, for every corrupt soldier there are far more non-corrupt...and EVERY refugeee int he history fo the world has thought badly about the soldiers that are there to fight for them, because int he hsort term the civilian's lives are thrown into turmoil till the soldiers win.

    So yeah...this decision is extremely foolish in the extreme.

  3. Do you honestly play all of them regularly?


    Regularly being the key here...if you don't actively bring a character out for game purposes...or have this one alt you RP with...maybe...once a month. It is time to just delete it. You don't lose achievements or unlocks when you delete a character, your collections even keeps what they had on them....assuming you properly unlocked the thing (ie; completed the armor set for example).

  4. There is one thing I will say this person may be onto somethign about...if I step outside of 3m from someone channeling master strike than that strike should miss, always.

    Currently, if someone starts a master strike and you strafe away? You will be at 8m distance and still taking the damage from it.


    Yes, it should be an ability that takes skill and set-up to use properly, 3m max range then auto miss on all hits. 3m is quite literally 3 steps basically via strafing btw. That is how fast you can get out of melee range from any melee ability, yet master strike magically hits you from 8m as long as it is started at proper melee range. This is something that needs fixed IMO.

  5. For myself the effect is equally important as the crystal color or the design of the hilt. Choosing my favorite hilt shouldn't exclude me from using my favorite effect.

    It's not just a feature to make our sabers feel more unique. It's a feature that can be monetized as a CM item and also added to crafting.


    Added to crafting? You are kidding right? They haven't done a single thing to help crafting out in forever and actually have done things to destroy crafting. Any modable armor under lvl 15 req made by crafters still lacks a dye slot, for example.

    Biochem used to make unique stims only they could use...now? You don't need them as the best is available for everyone...


    The only thing worthwhile in crafting anymore are the grenades for pvp....it is pretty sad.

  6. The reason cyborgs are a seperate race is that, at times, you will have a race specific thing to say and the cyborg variant is always different than the human one. Some companions will even remark that you are a cybrog and not a human (Blizz makes a comment if you have him with you on Voss during one of the gundark killing missions for example, something along the lines of "Boss, that thing is more machine than you are!"). This is the reason that cyborg is a race and not just a cosmetic option, it has to do with quest flags and companion flags which NO appearance item has an effect on...for example if you make your male trooper body type 1, a type 3 still calls you a "big guy" and actually means it.
  7. I have to agree with JPryde, if you want or expect the devs to bother with reading your post it must be in proper english and not text-speak. Type out fully every single word, do not use aggressive attacking language, and take time to make the post thought out and intelligent sounding. At the very least use punctuation and get rid of all shortcuts you use when typing on a cell phone. A keyboard is in front of you so you have no excuses.
  8. Let me ask you something, how many way can you concievably come up with to swing 2 swords in ways that would be UNIQUE?


    I say unique because other players in pvp need to be able to recognize a skill visually. Which is why every attack but the auto attack has a specific animation.


    It does not end there however, each animation has a defensive animation that co-ordinates with it. When a tank blocks a master strike for example and is not spamming skills themselves, the tank will use a specific block sequence so the fight looks like it is going back and forth.


    So now you have two things you are askign for. New unique animations for skills, with their corosponding blocks for defenders. Not to mentiont hat the attacks have to be truly unique so as not to be mistaken for auto attacks...and their are only so many ways one can swing a sword and have it be remotely believable (so far the attacks used by the Jedi have been real sword manuevers more or less, some extended a bit more than normal and some sped up for the sake of gameplay but...they are all real, no fake BS over the top fantasy manuevers, move force leap to a 5m jump and you have a "braver" manuever...for example).

  9. Personal execution?


    In aoe threat? Shadow. The fact a shadow can hit a 15m aoe centered on a target and not themselves gives them a huge advantage here.

    In single target threat? Guard (though in the last 30% the shadow wins out thanks to the execute) however a shadow should have no trouble still.


    Raw HP? Guard and not by much given that you can mod gear out how you want...wearing the same mods...guards have a few more natural endurance.


    Why do people take guards? For the defensives they have being more reliable and the higher physical damage reduction. Shadows have far better force/tech damage reduction and are the low tank on the pack in physical damage reduction. 2.5 is going to try and make them on par in physical damage reduction but it is going to kill their self heal with the technique which is truly sad as that is somethign that sets them apart in PvP as far as the tanks go.

  10. This sounds like one long whine because he can't kill a specific class.


    The fact he is a sentinel adds even more validity as most sentinels I see in wzs are smash monkeys, which that spec is a free kill to any competant sniper/slinger.


    Also...if you get to leap at a sniper/slinger even once during a confrontation that they begin the fight? You played a BAD sniper/slinger. As a good one would have never been taken out of cover by simply anticipating your force push/stasis and bunkering in in yoru inevitable opening period of using it. Yes...sentinels ARE that predictable.


    Snipers/slingers need those abilities to stay alive, operatives/scoundrels need those skills even moreso. Take the stun/flashbang away and an operative/scoundrel is nothing, catch them without either of those skills up and they die...fast.

  11. Speaking as someone who mains sorc and sniper for pvp. I started playing my merc...and YES merc's are the squishiest class in this game. If you ever see a merc in an arena...kill them first as they will crumple like a ball of paper compared to any other class. It is down right pathetic that a heavy armor class dies as fast and has so few defenses as the merc/commando.


    DPS sorc vs DPS merc...my sorc can go 3v1 and I have a pretty good expectation of holdign those 3 off for over a minute no problem, giving help plenty of time to get to me...and I will not die.

    A merc int hat situation? You are dead...don't even try to deny it...merc's simply don't have the defenses or options available to expect to survive for very long in such a situation.


    Yes, that is how you define survivability and defenses, how long can the class reasonably survive against 2 or 3 on 1 scenario's...no stealth doesn't count as you aren't going to prevent a cap while hiding stealthed so ignore anys tealth options a class may have.

  12. I personally think the new animation looks wimpy compared to the old tracer animation. The old one felt like it had impact, this one just doesn't do it for me.


    Tracer missele itself has lost it's true impact so...it should look less impressive anyway. It used to have the chance at huge spikes of damage, these day's it has been normalized to the point I can tell you how hard I will hit the enemy based on class and defenses I see on them.


    Personally...I vote tracer missle gets a targeting sight from the helmet and a missle launcher pops up over our shoulder to fire it...all other types of animation just seem lackluster to me.

  13. Why do you worry? It will finally shut the PvPers up. They finally get something the PvEers don't get.


    Imagine that as a PvEr...you had one raid...only one raid. You've been running that raid for the past 2 years with no change other than the gear that drops in it changes every 6 months.

    Week after week, you fight the same mob, the same boss, the same mechanics.

    Nothing changes about the fights or the bosses for 2 years, no upgrades, no additional raids, NOTHING.


    PvPers deal with this constantly. The fact is, they could honestly release 4 new 8v8 PvP maps every time they release a new dungeoun or new daily area...and it would take less time than what they did to make the daily area.


    Seriously, PvErs should NEVER complain about PvP only updates. At any time a PvEr has to wait even a fraction of the time a PvPer does for an update, the PvEr cries bloody murder on the forums for a week or two then start leaving the game.


    I play both, and it always amazes me just how self-righteous the PvErs have a tendency to be when it comes to updates. How 95% of all updates are so purely PvE centric, it is sheer amazement the PvPers don't complain more. The very fact they don't complain as much...sad to say, makes them more mature. That's right...any PvEr crying about one of the rare PvP updates is being less mature than that PvPer emote spamming that they are teabagging someone. Think on that a little bit.

  14. Yeah...sorry...I personally think any armor built specifically for trooper/bh NEEDS to look like you've been through a few fire fights.


    You wear armor that is all clean and spotless...may as well shine a spotlight on yourself so the company CO knows you are a new recruit just by glancing at you and to not trust you with anything remotely important to the mission.


    The fact your armor is shot up some means you've been in combat, know what you are doing, and survived to go do it again. You are a SOLDIER...not a pathetic guard that stands there all day. You go into places getting shot at, blown up, lit on fire, electricuted, and always survive to continue the fight. The armor should reflect that.


    I also miss the fact they took out th emore ripped up looking robes for similar reasons. Thankfully my Shadow still has his.

  15. Both, but once they forced arenas down our throat I've been less and less interested in PvP. Deathmatch gameplay ont he ground is BORING. It also favors certain class/specs way too much.


    That said, dogfighting has always been a passion of mine so lookign forward to the space PvP.

  16. Modern is exactly the problem. In recent years devs have blatantly thrown immersion out the window as much as they can, removed content from games, and gone with the quick theme park style. The players who are looking for cockpit view, full control, and joystick are old gamers. Players who understand the importance of immersion in games, who do not understand why you would remove content, and further more believe strongly in making a games world correctly. So accusing a bunch of posters of being modern well that is one hell of an assumption.


    On the point of pvp you have no clue what you are talking about. This view that is being asked for is about immersion not pvp. Its about the devs being able to say to the star wars fans out there we have a space aspect now, and it will make you feel like you are in the star wars universe. Comparing ground pvp to space pvp is just bad. In swg I ran cockpit view 24/7, to be honest allot of pilots did not, for two reasons. The first reason immersion, and secondly to get a feel for space. By feel I mean the sound of blaster fire hitting my armor, meaning my shields were down, the sound of a missile impacting my ship. Using the hud to pin point enemies around my craft, and to find out which one was shooting at me. Does that sound at all like ground pvp to you?


    Lastly no one here is a developer which means we will not know what the final products is going to be like, maybe they will add these two things, maybe they wont. Is it such a crime to state ones opinion? Thats right anyone who does not belong to the fan club off with their head, and anyone who does not shred swtor for the heck of it off with their head. Anyone that states an opinion well they are just complaining right? (( think sarcastic for the last part))


    For those crying out for immersion...I have several things to say.


    -You would not hear your weapons fire, nore hear the weapons fire of your allies...space does not have an atmosphere in which to create the sound. In order for your laser weapons to fire into space means the ports to actually fire would channel any noise out the barrel...not to mention there being no atmosphere surrounding the laser at all (fighters only put an atmosphere in the cockpit, of which the weapons are not a part of).


    -You would not hear the lasers impacting your ship, for the vibrations to be strong enough for you to honestly notice a sound would require the laser to hit a part of your ship in which atmosphere is directly on the other side of the armor...meaning it hit your pilot pod which in starwars means you just died.


    -firing a bomb or missile would slow you down for a few seconds as the thrusters launching the object away from you would actually push you in the oposite direction. welcome to physics in space!


    Cockpit locations for the tie...anything...is horribly placed and would guarentee your flanks are giant blindspots. Seriously, TIE fighters would get ripped apart from flanking manuevers or simple dogfighting 101, the inverted death spiral used in dogfighting everywhere and named in WW2...as you have to be able to look directly across the spiral to see your enemy, which the TIE fighter cannot thanks to those huge blockages. Most games place the cockpit view in a false location, showing you sitting more forward than you really do if you ever look at the official blueprints for the various versions of TIE fighters.


    So...when you speak of immersion...do realize you are talkign about not hearing any laser fire, any bomb fire, only able to hear you are hit thanks to somethign beeping at you when you get hit, the sounds of your controls and buttons clicking away...and the voices of your flight squadron. It is a very QUIET world you would immerse yourself with, and a great one if it would be done that way in all honesty. Also...remember that explosions in space...have flame for all of a second or two. So a great many of the explosions and wreckage we see int he current space missions are already wrong. Immersion...true immersion =/= the movie world...it is about making it more realistic to truly envelope and trick yourself.


    I'd love it if it was true form immersion myself...I would lose myself in it.

    I'll take the splashy over the top movie version we have now too as it is pure eye candy.

    Either way, I expect the dogfighting will be fun and fast paced.

  17. I left because of the CU and the NGE. Both completely ruined a one of a kind sandbox game, and turned into every other MMO out there. Take a look at the numbers before and after the CU and the NGE, and you will see exactly why SWG failed miserably.


    It is not a wonderful game if all of the tree/weapons/armors are worth using.

    As has been said...the game had no depth in combat...find your strongest skill...spam it. Go to an afk cantina to get the buffs that were bloody required to do anything worthwhile (horrible design). Limited gatherables with automatic collectables (didn't have to manually gather your own stuff, set out a bot to do it for you) gatherable materials had limited special nodes that once claimed were perminantly belonged to the claimer (you couldn't destroyt heir claim to take it for yoruself...forcing themt o guard it...nope, they claimed it and it was theirs for as long as they tended to it fromt ime to time). Crafting ruled the entire economy is actually a negative..due to the fact that once a crafter claims the best nodes...or the only nodes that can give a specific gatherable...now everyone has to go through them. That one person (or guild as the case was more often) now sets the price for everything that specific componant can create by fluctuating how oftent hey sell it to the rest of the server. Watched more than a few people get power mad over it.


    That is just what I can remember in under 5 min while watching cold case, seriously people need to take off those rose tinted glasses....SWG was a HORRIBLE game, it worked well for RPers but that was about it. From a game mechanics perspective...the game sucked. The combat was pathetic, the classes were about as horribly unbalanced as you can get, JTL was fun in that it allowed you to man guns while someone else piloted yet the actual flight ability was slow and clumsy by today's standards. As I said, it was great for RP given all you could do, the fact it was such a sandbox...but mostly the game was horrible if you weren't into the RP scene or grew tired of the crafters leveraging the fact they controlled the market to influence everything (remember more than one crafter that were the onlye ones able to craft various items becoming a prima dona stompign their foot demanding RP takes certain turns).

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