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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. The one given out should remain exclusive. That said I don't see any issue at all with a clearly visibly different version being introduced at some point.


    Another one is available, the OP just doesn't like it and is more or less stomping their foot whenever anyone disagrees with them.

    Special items are just that, special. You are either there whent hey are given out or you lose out.


    If ANY item should have a chance at being made available again it is the party jawa seeing as there are achievements in pvp on every map for killing others while you have it out, or killing players that have one out.


    The tauntaun ram (which is adorable, and I get asked where I got mine constantly) however has no such achievments associated with it, it is just a special pet for people who had an active subscription when 1.2 went live. That is all.


    By the way, the most adorable mini pet is the gizka IMO...which are no longer available if memory serves as the packs that had them aren't available any longer. So I can't get it now, oh well. Such are things when exclusive items come and go.

  2. Really? Sorcs are complaigning about damage or survivability?


    My sorc regularly hits 400-600k damage in any warzone AND 150-300k healing done. It is not hard. DoT spec built properly can be a near unstopable plague an enemy team's healer has no chance at stopping all the while every crit of my DoT's is healing me constantly. Bubble melee allies jumping intot he thick of it and tossing out the occasional quick heal when an ally is getting pummeled.


    Sorc's are flexable and all specs CAN heal. Not prolonged constant healing but if you are DoT or lightning spec you can easily heal, use 2 damage skills thata re specced to regen energy, heal, use one dmg regen, heal, use 2 dmg regen, heal....cycle back and forth and you won't run out of energy all while helping your allies.


    If you are lightning spec complaining that you are a glass cannon, you are foolish. The entire spec is designed to make you a cannon (and any lightning spec that is allowed to free cast WILL destroy a team) but your durability is near zero for that purpose. The problem is you aren't smart in your positioning nore in your moving fromt hat position after a few shots so people don't SEE you just standing still and free casting.


    Yes, a sorc can "heal to full" using the freebie self heal, smart bubbles, and smart use of cycling skills. No, you cannot "heal to full" while under direct attack. Guess what? Neither can any heal spec out there. Any class I play, if I lock down a healer their health will inevitably shrink, it is all about smart use of interpts and knowing to ignore the fast cast weak heal a single damage skill can undo but to save it for the bigger cast heals they will be forced to rely on. I've seen backstab spec ops regularly break line of sight, use a few HoTs, wait a few seconds keeping LoS broken before getting back into a fight...it is called smart fighting. They heal to full while regnerating energy ontop of it all without breaking combat. You all just got butthurt over assuming "heal to full" means while under direct attack.


    You ARE capable of healing to full assuming you break LoS, I do it all the time while my DoTs eat away at the enemy. Really, the problem is with your tactics for the class choice. If you want to stand still and unload...sniper/merc is your choice with a far stronger lean on sniper. Oh...but then you couldn't respec to heal on raids huh? Boo hoo...use different characters for different things.


    I've said it before, I'll say it again...do not ask for class balance from the general population, none of them are honestly interested in balance, they want more than balance when the balance exists, it just doesn't fit with their chosen playstyle which may not fit the class they choose to play.

  3. Unlimited switching, with the level 10 reset! I support this in full. People get to keep toys and knicknacks and titles.


    One more adiadem, you do not get a chance to gain alternate class titles. What you have you are stuck with.


    Also, you DO lose your valor and valor based titles. You earned those as a specific class, you don't get to keep them as a new class.

  4. I always felt like the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter should be "independent" from the factions seeing as its plausible that these classes were more privateer than gung ho true believers in the Republic/Imperial ideals. Then again it would totally make the game unbalanced if you allowed players to pick and choose their class's faction or created a new faction all together. Alas Bioware has stated there won't be any new factions or classes. Bummer.


    But this is the suggestion area so yeah I think the adverse to your "racer" class could be "pilot". Perhaps these could be the first all roles available class allowing players to either tank, dps or heal. I believe if the Devs made a class like this it would alleviate a lot of the complaining people do about having to rerolling as well as help with the FP queues.


    I think another new class could be "failed jedi" or "failed sith". The story could revolve around their distaste for the order that shunned them. Again this could be an all in one roles available class. But to balance it out, they'd be more of a support class focused more on buffs and dots and hots. Anyway those are my ideas.


    Here is the problem with the independant smugler/bh idea.


    The republic has never had a problem with smuglers, individual planets have but not the greater republic. The republic allows smuglers to operate so-long as they don't seriously break major laws. The empire however hunts down and kills smuglers, has laws so stringent and controlling with every single imperial port controlled by the military that smuglers cannot operate. Why side with tyranny that would prevent you from doing things the way you want? The smugler just wants the freedomt o fly and go about their own business, the imps will never allow it. ALL pilots in imperial space register with imperial military and can be immediatly called to fight int he military or have their liscense revoked and a shoot on sight order given at eevry spaceport. Really...who would the smugler side with?


    Contrast this with the bh. The republic puts HUGE restrictions upon bounty hunters, limiting weapons, payloads, the fact that the republic also demands bounties have every attempt made to be brought in alive (the bounty event is run by the hutt cartel NOT the repubic so rep siders are working for the hutts not the republic). While the imps have no such restrictions, only that the hunters work for the empire on contractual basis. Hunters can use any weapon they want unless a specific contract states otherwise (no desintegrations) and can handle any bounty as they see fit also unless a contract specifically states alive or not. Why would you choose to work for the republic that binds your hands when the imps are giving you free reign solong as you take imp contracts?

  5. If I heard rap, country, or pop in a cantina I'd go on a killing spree...and leave the music playing amungst the gory mess as a warning for every other fool.


    Now a serious look. When music has to appeal to all races, all sexes, all demographics...routinely it is jazz that is the most agreeable to everyone. Expand races to mean species and it would hold even more true.


    This experiment has been done with cats, dogs, various lizards, birds....etc; gets a large round room, put stereos in it to play the various styles of music (for this experiment rock and heavy metal are two seperate genre given the huge difference in sound) release the animals int he middle of the room and wait. The longer this mudical barrage lasts (you don't playe the music so loud it drowns over any other) and routinely animals of all types end up congregating closer to the jazz.


    That cantina scene in the movies may have picked jazz randomly, but I find it interesting that jazz is also the music that is chosen by most animals and people as the least offensive and most universally liked. When you are in a world that has hundreds of species out there, you play music that has the highest chance to be liked by the most people. That's just good business.


    This coming from someone that only listens to rock music if an option exists.

  6. They have noticed that most of the endgame players rip th emods out and put it in other stuff. It's been going on for so long that they choose to not make the armor's look as much of a priority anymore. Why put alot of resources into armor that players regularly discard? Players have been, and always will be, more interested in not looking like carbon copies of one another. End game gear homogenizes looks in every game. All players of a given class look the same.


    PvP and PvE used to look different. All they got was headaches from PvErs wanting the PvP look without having to get valor rank 60. This was back when valor came far slower than it does now.

  7. Crafting has been a huge oversight for them and it shows.


    Artificer's still can't make all the color crystals for example.

    The mission crew skills are the most usefull to the general player, and the actual crafting is nigh pointless. You cannot keep your crafting up to par with how fast you level making the leveling of any craft pointless and worthless (crafters would have to be making mod son par with com mods for cheap as can be for it to be worthwhile, cheap as in the amount of ingrediants).


    Armor crafters still lack dye slots on custom armor they make (and not making EVERYTHING they craft custom at this point makes them even more pointless) and all armor under level 15 still lacks dye slots, and many people want to use the Jedi vest and don't because the custom version has no dye slot.

  8. They have put in armor fromt he movies. There are modable regular robes from several levels and even 2 adaptive versions for CHEAP on the GTN. Oh, trooper armor? Yup, standard issues clone armor is there as well.


    What else do you want? The pilot armor? It's there, social armor, and 2 versions of adaptable in the cartel market.


    There is no other armor from the movies, some basic clothing that is shown (han's jacket is in the game, Lando's cape look is as well, Leia changed her look pretty consistently so she has no iconic look but her white outfit has no analogue due to all the flowy fabric they can't put in the game).


    Comics? Really? The Slave outfit covers more skin than half the female characters in the comics (Darth Talon for example, who was created for only one purpose...fan service). The trooper armors actually do mirror the comic trooper armors.


    Everything you have complained about not being in the game, is IN the game. People just don't wear it, or get rid of it once they can. The problem is not that it is not available, it is that people don't want it.

  9. In the case of Sages and Sorcs, where both DPS and survivability are lower than other ranged DPS classes? Yes. Both.


    You don't know how to play them than. My sorc hits 500k damage regularly AND 200k heals by th end of the bigger warzones.


    Being able to heal others is a huge benefit (if you have heals and don't heal a ball carrier or help save someone in a rough 1 on 1 you really are laxing on utilizing ALL of your available skills) over those who can't.


    Can you heal yourself and save yourself from a beatdown? No. Can you stun someone that is beating on an ally and then heal THEM? Why, yes, yes you can. Doing so will regularly save them actually.


    Really it sounds like those who don't understand hybrid gameplay seriously need to rethink their chosen class. If you have access to heals, you always have them, therefore it is assumed you will actually put them to use in saving a teamate.


    So many focus on the fact those heals don't help themselves all that much and then get butthurt over the tax. Guess what? They don't help you, they help your team. If you choose to not make proper use of them in tandem with other skills to rescue allies...what good are you? Sure you can cause 4k damage in timely hits or 4-6k in heals while the person you are helping does damage.


    A team win is > your personal stats

  10. Id like to see baseball style Caps, that be neat


    Only if they have hair under them. There are imperial caps out, and trooper hats out, that make you bald while wearing the hat which is rather rediculous. They could have just forced a hair change while wearign it (like a ponytail for women and a buzz cut for the guys) just so that there was hair under the hat and where it doesn't cover.

  11. I've actually been yelled at on my sniper for getting MVP votes.


    Yes, I regularly post 300k damage. I also 3 shot people on turrets, regularly break out of my perfect sniper nest to run in and melee stun as needed, plant myself in HORRIBLE locations simply to purposefully get shot up and or act as a literal wal for the enemy team. I will do what no sniper should ever do, break my cover to run in and stun/stab/capture nodes/plant bombs using my cover to prevent leaps and bunker to prevent stuns (which is what most people do, so few people just shoot you that I've had 3 people running at me firing off stuns wondering why I was still able to plant a bomb...).


    I get MVP votes all the time from pugs, and people who pvp regularly see my sniper's name enough that I have recognition working in my favor. When I call incoming I always give numbers and even warn of stealthers, I'll call incomings for nods I am not even defending due to spotting it prior to the node defenders from across the battlefield.


    It really boils down to how you talk and how you interact with your team. Come in and act like you are people's boss, and you won't be recieving many MVP votes even if you do post big numbers. Be friendly and people toss votes at you even on an 'off' game. I very rarely see active healers not recieve atleast one vote a game unless said healer was also a *****. There are many times I see the highest damage count individual fail to get votes however.


    MVP is given very often to guildmats first, I am ok with that. It is also very frequently given to healers and those people actually SEE doing things. Someone calling out that they will take defense duty usually will net 1-2 votes just for that. That same person tells the 2nd person with them to go ahead and hunt for a kill or two nearby and you'll call if you see incoming...you just earned 3-4 votes typically. Or...in my case...take up a sniper position too far to get defender points yet people are seeing enemies drop from sniper fire infront of them? Yup...I get 2-3 votes a game if I'm on one of the maps that offer such a position for me to take advantage of.


    Any game I do a job that people don't see, such as a sniper nest defense position that isn't being hit too hard, I'll get nothing. Or if I am on a stealth character planting bombs (people don't see this so they rarely see who did it)...you won't get votes unless you also lay claim to your deed in ops chat. It really is that simple, are you friendly and visible, or are you quiet and invisible?


    If you really want to be mad, be mad at the tanks who do admirable jobs and rarely get noticed! One night had me paired with a tank all 10 games one after another. Rather than guarding the healer that would be with us, he regularly guarded my sniper as I was the target most often chosen by the enemy team (people target you over healers when you are 3-4 shotting them regularly, it's beautiful when you get crit streaks going as a sniper) and the tank only ever recieved one vote despite having over 100k guard damage taken every game, the vote I gave them every game for saving my arse.


    It is what it is, no, it is not fair or calculable, it is human nature. I rather like it as it's shown me a few people I wouldn't have noticed otherwise, such as a very quiet operative healer that doesn't top charts but sneaks turrets and bombs like no other and knows how to lurk in stealth while a battle rages around them to allow enemies to get target locked before hopping out to heal. Good guy, and smart, but it costs him o the heal meter and so gets out healed by the more traditional healers and thus overlooked alot.


    If you view the vote for your own personal epeen waving, that is your problem. I rather like it, even when I get no votes as it's a way of recognizing whatever you saw happen in the warzone.


    If you really want to be truly mad, make it so if people don't vote they can't re-que for 10 minutes. These are the self-righteous types that can't be bothered recognizing any contribution to the team but their own.

  12. Are the xenotech /exotech or whatever armors that drop in the 50HM FPs not shell copies of the tionese / columi /Rakata pieces?


    They are not. The old gear has seemingly vanished.


    There are also mounts that have been in the game since beta stages that seemingly vanished in live and still haven't found their way back to the game.

    In alpha and early beta stages...ALL armor was modable gear (not adaptive, just modable), this one change would open up so much if they brought it back given how there are green armors out there with no modable versions available.

    There is also armor designs that haven't made it back into the game from the beta. Others made it back into the game as green quality drop only loot.


    If you've been around from the alpha stage days, there is alot more to be told. Even those from open beta can point out more than what I listed right here, this is just a list to get you started.

  13. Seriously, nothing is wrong with this. Go out and earn it.


    0 for 9? Big deal. This grind is NOTHING. I was the top ranked player in Aion prior to 2.1 (when I stopped playing due to college). How about grinding 2k coins for a weapons ometime, and for ONE coin you had to kill 50 specific mobs, that are mixed inw ith other types forcing you to kill roughly 250 enemies per coin. Oh, and if you don't have that weapon? You are effectively 10% less powerful than those who do have them in a game where you are always flagged for pvp. ...and that is just the weapon, the armor is actually a longer grind, with some peices being in dungeouns and others being pvp only, others yet are crafted (and Aion's crafting was horrible givent he failure rate), and others are grinded out int he open world like the weapons.


    Compared to THAT, tha tauntaun is a walk in the park. Seriously, it is not going anywhere and no one can jump you while you do it so there is no harm in it taking some time. 500 a pop, you need 20 if you aren't a subscriber so...10,000 if it had a 100% rate. compared to the 2mil if you buy it outright. If the rate is only 10% you still only pay 100k for a mount that costs 2mil outright assuming you get your last mark at the absolute outside stretch of the pecentage point. Just in what you pay...you taking a month to do it is fair....and MANY pay far less and get it in a few nights.


    Seriously, stop whinning and just work for it.

  14. Create 6 different Huttball maps and allow people to que ONLY for the huttbal maps.


    Create a series of premade team names, allow people to flag themselves as available for a small number of the teams, thus giving a semblence of team pride. For example, say there are 10 teams (such as the rotworms and frogdogs that are already teams) and a player can flag as being active for any 3. Creat sets of armor that are adaptable yet look like heavy, medium, and light (we already have a full heavy set and light practice jerseys for example) for each team. Each team has reputation you earn vie winning matches while representing that team for the armor sets and weapons that fit the theme of the team (colors and even design choices, lets have the teams actually not look the same eh?).


    The purpose for choosing premade teams to rep is so you don't run into the problem of forming a player made team and not being able to play because everyone is not on. This also allows the team names to be said by the announcers and for special armor to be created for the logo's and such.


    For every PvPer I hear that hates huttball, I hear 3 say they love it.

  15. I'll totally add my support for this, as there is one trooper quest that was epic every time I played through it...The act 2 closer where every companion you have joins you on the mission and you actually SEE them, and team up with 2 seperate members during it. Being able to replay that whenever I wanted would be rather enjoyable.
  16. The best PvP, is PvP for the sake of PvP. If you need the carrot on a stick then you aren't a lover of PvP.


    That said, I've often loved open world objectives that have no "protection" thus in your down time they can be captured...case in point...GW2 mists...which unfortunately is the best optionf or this we have...I say unfortunately as it isn't open world and the capturables aren't anywhere that matter.


    Also, if you want open world PvP objectives you need forced removal of companions and no repair bill attached to being flagged for pvp.

  17. Then I am very glad you are not going to be in charge of this game any time soon. Negative experience, I like, but I prefer it as a "increased time to level" experience debt. You start undoing the time I've spent in this game, you'd have to PAY me to play this game.


    I also like experience debt+lowered combat stats as oposed to de-leveling. Thus th emore you die the weaker you become till you rest for a period of tiime or complete a kill of something worthwhile (such as a gold/champion).

    Something more than a little repair bill...which just feels like a slap on the wrist. I prefer death being a decent sign of "you just aren't prepared yet, go back and re-evaluate your strategy rather than rush right back in again".

  18. Jar Jar Bings was quite annoying, still I like the species and think it should not be judged on one individual that Lucas made the comic relief and that almost nobody liked. In my opinion are the Ewoks the far worse species in Star Wars, and we got one of them in SWTOR already, so I still hope to see one day Naboo in SWTOR and really hope BioWare can show us the Gungans in a better light and not try to have just Jar Jars then.


    Finally someone agrees with me! Eoks are a terrible species...they are short little teddybears waiting to be bombed from orbit...

  19. Destilon, if they take up the companion slot, and don't actually act as a "pet" of any other game, there is zero point for them in game as we all have companions already.


    The reasonf or not havign them Jedi/Sith is simple...there isn't enough focus on non-force users...Despite the increase in number durign this era, they are still RARE. Any new stories for the game should focus on non-force users more than the force users.


    I get it, you love pet classes, problem is you aren't making a pet class, you are making a class that leans on your companion more than we already do (play the game with your companions stashed away sometime, it should open up your eyes).


    If your class doesn't add somethign new (which if all it does is alter how you use your companion, ergo it isn't really offering new here) it has less of a chance than people wanting an imp smugler story and a rep BH story. If you litterally summoned a pet, ontop of your current companion, and was apreciably powered. ex:your pet dies you are litterally at half strength, half the hp pool a normal person has, half the attacks, etc...all due to the pet you now have also having it's own hp and attacks independent of you...


    A change of the companion roster is rather pointless here, it is nothign new, just a shift in game style that...in a PvP environment would also net you dead fast due to not having a companion, ergo not having your pet in your design of the class you envision, which means most of your talents would not work, meanign the class is incapable of standing up on it's own. If it was, you just created an OP class for PvE grinding and soloing while simultaneaously creating the weakest class for OPs, Hardmodes, 4man content, and PvP.


    If a class cannot function perfectly on it's own without a companion slot, it will never be seen in this game as it must be viable in all playstyles on the same level of power scaling.

  20. Companions randomly charging in and attacking enemies, extreemly annoying when your trying to sneak bye something


    -Have better control of your companion. Your companion is not "randomly" charging in, you got aggro and the enemy used a skill (such as increasing their own accuracy) which triggers yoru companion to protect you. The reality is you aren't as good at sneaking as you think you are.


    NPCs not loading up, especially on fleet or in common areas like daily quest areas or even opp bosses.


    -This is a cache issue with your computer, the better your computer, the faster everything loads and they will not appear invisible. Essentially, use a program to safely overclock your machine to prevent heatign issues, work on the coding of your computer's buffer, or just alla round upgrade your machine. The NPC's that don't load are never enemies so the problem is rather mute though.


    Lag/invisible walls / black screen when loading into zones.


    -This is an online game and as such lag is inevitable....it would be like expecting to not run into people trolling for women to cyber with randomly in a chat room..., invisible walls are used to keep you out of places you don't belong as well. Black screens are for conversation transition and usually are all of 1-3 seconds...if they are logner I point you to the previous suggestion (upgrade your machine/internet connection).


    Insanely long load screens, beyond aggravating For example.. your doing a HM opp, got the boss nearly dead but your group wiped, now you have to sit on loading screens for 2-3 or more minutes to get back in and try again....


    -1-2 minute is "insanely long"? You obviously haven't done Hoth...ever...as your first run through requires manual speeder trips of 3-5 minutes between speeder points before you have the taxi points unlocked. Which is better, a death penalty, or a load screen? If I had it my way dying would result in negative experience, even in OPs, including de-leveling. Compared to my harsh prefrence, a 1-2 minute load screen is a pittance of a death penalty. Use that minute to get something to drink, sit back and relax.

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