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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. If they remove the base classes at worse it will corrupt the character but at best it will force the player to choose a advanced class before logging in.


    This is what I expect. That there is a chance the character file could become corrupt and for it to become an unplayable mess needing to be deleted, or random other lovely bugs.

  2. These weapons are visually very UN-appealing for one simple fact, our characters still use the same animations.

    A hilt as long as the single blade variant would necessitate a wider grip and more 'hawk' fighting style (it is an overhand dual grip like what european knights used when squaring off against another knight when you lacked your shield) as the longer hilt would let you use a stronger swing. It also would be horribly balanced for a single hand so really sent/maras shouldn't be able to use it.

    As for the pike they did give us? It is utter crap! Yes, people have been haranging them for a saber pike for years, even before the zakuul knights were shown using them. However, we also wanted ANIMATIONS to go with them that made sense! The shadow/sin animations look clunky as hell with a saber pike, like you obviously don't know how to use the weapon and never even bothered training with it at all. Just look at how they HOLD the thing, you would not hold a spear like that for any reason as you are failing to leverage the whole point of the bloody thing, that it has a usable length of grip for leverage purposes and reach! That and smacking people with the staff end itself more often than the saber end of it makes you look horribly ineffectual as well.

  3. Does anyone remember the time past, when a dev had commented that Sins were meant to be a hit and run class? Like they said that you'd do your rotation, and whether or not your target was dead, you stealth out and leave that fight...


    This reminds me of now, except there won't be any 'run' to the 'hit and run'...


    Proof positive they don't even know what to do with the class. It was originally supposed to be a class that hybrid between melee and range, also known as a mid-range class, that was meant to be able to fight at every range but long range. It mad the shadow/sin tanks monsters in PvP because you just could never get away from them. While infiltrators were very much hit and run and serenity were the dps version of the tanks...squishier but with healing from the force in balance to offset it. Was a lot of fun before they started taking away the ranged options one by one.

  4. Oh one huge problem has been that planet specific drops only actually drop if you are at-level for the planet. There are amazing sets of armor you can only get on Voss and Corellia but if you aren't at-level then you will NEVER see them.


    There is even a worse problem with level sync. If you are not 54-55 when you do the Depths of Manaan FP then you will not recieve any Manaan Research to buy the stuff off the vendor like the submarine speeder or the swords.

  5. Except even that's not good enough when there are 6 achievements that no one has ever been able to get :p




    Doesn't WoW have some Feats of Strength thing? (although I don't know exactly how it works) And this game doesn't have to do what WoW or any other MMO does...


    Not saying it has to, I am saying that when the most successful MMO doesn't even allow you to go back and get achievements for old things, don't expect the lesser cousins to do it.

    MMOs are living changing worlds (yes even the themeparks) and when you miss something, you have missed it. No do-over. You missed your chance and the achievement isn't going to go away just to mollify someone's OCD.

  6. Some of their ideas for class identity armor has been really really REALLY bad...look at past raid/PvP armor sets. Most of them are hideous and were class specific for identity purposes.

    Example, every trooper armor with the giant fridge backpack on them is horrible looking.


    As for the generic coloring being your problem, you can dye the armor. You can also find armor that fits what you want if you mix and match green/blue drop gear.

    Decked my female cathar sniper in dark metallic catsuit armor with imperial officer chest piece that when I turned it purple it is this super dark near black metallic purple on the whole armor. All kinds of unique looks to be made out there that fit the classes well if you are willing to go beyond the fact that they aren't named the same thing.

  7. I have many friends, most of whom have five strongholds. We like to visit each other's strongholds to steal decorating ideas, socialize, and so forth. Unfortunately, the limit on the number of keys a person can accept is very small. Please increase the limit.


    Utilize your alts for this purpose more than your main. I believe the average is close to 8-10 alts per account, should be plenty of key space across that.

  8. That is the point, if you want to play the market you have to do all the work manually yourself. Games that do this for you make it far too easy to play the market. If you want to know what people are buying, then keep your nose on the GTN. To play the market you have to act like a broker, which means the GTN IS your game...you don't get to spend every night out there running dungeons if you want to play the market. Just how it is, and frankly how it should be. If a game does it all for you, then it takes a lot of the skill and effort/reward out of it.
  9. I understand about the uniqueness of items for subscribers.


    BUT, if players cannot get a certain companion because they were not subscribed by a certain date then all achievements for said companion should be removed. As it is a constant reminder that it is something they (and me) will never be able to complete and will never hit 100%


    All bonuses should be cosmetic only and not affect any story or game play enjoyment.


    Anything story related should be an option on the cartel market at least so ALL SWTOR players can enjoy!


    I'm Sure this has come up before, but it's stupid this isn't a thing.


    Cosmetic can affect game play enjoyment for some so you're argument is rather moot there. Achievement opportunities also reward long term players. This is an MMO, there will always be things the vets have that newcomers will never have access too. Any MMO with a subscription should reward the subscribers. You want to 100% on an MMO? You better adopt that MMO when it is released and never let your sub lapse.

    Achievements in MMOs have been around before WoW but they were typically just badges on a character sheet only a single group could ever earn. WoW...the father of the current achievement system infecting everything, has a TONNE of achievements you can't get if you weren't around, and even stories that you can't ever see due to an expansion changing everything (cataclysm). Aion has achievements you can only get if you can get ranked int he top 5 players of PvP on your faction.


    Nature of the game, this is not a single player offline achievement game like Deus Ex you play on steam and work on getting every achievement. You work on the ones you can work on, and accept that you don't have access to some as they were before your time, or you chose to not sub and thus chose to not have access to that content.

  10. Thank you for posting this! I am also a solo player (outside of the random heroic), and it was with great trepidation that I que'd for the tactical FP's I needed for DvL. So far I've done 5/8, with only one wipe and a few deaths, and most of the people I was grouped with seemed pretty good-natured. Thanks to the wonderful folks on Harbinger I grouped with! If you meet a clueless bowcaster-wielding Op healer in Czerka Core, Red Reaper, or KDY this weekend, it may just be me. :D


    To my fellow players that are nervous about grouping but want to make it to Eternal level, just give it a try; it probably won't be as bad as you think it will. :)


    I do wonder how some of these tacticals are supposed to be smoothly completed by a group of 4 DPS though. In a couple of the groups I had to do a lot of spam healing.


    The 4 DPS route, one of them has to be a kolto watcher (or two) and people have to be willign to cycle defensives and drop threat only after taking some hits specifically to spread the damage taken out and so the kolto can be used to hit everyone not just to save the same person over and over again. Basically everyone has to tank turns playing tank while others are rotating through being the kolto healer, albiet ranged make better kolto-ers. Sorc/Sage bubbles and anyone with HoTs should be using them, DPS Guard/Juggs can guardian leap to whoever is taking hits as well. Rotating stuns/dazes also helps as do the spamable specific cc's like the slice droid snipers have.

    It is do-able, just need to play without focusing on a single role as much. When you find a group that can do it, it is actually a LOT of fun.

  11. Here is a paradox that perhaps someone can answer for me. I often notice that the same people begging for harder content (solo content at that) are almost always the same people who have several level 50 companions. If you want it to be harder, NEVER give your companions gifts, and use the lowest influence companion you have.


    I mean, want a challenge? No heroic moment, no unity, level 1 companion, group mode star fortress...but solo it without using any crates or the buffs.

    People say they want a challenge but when they have the option to do it, they take the easiest way out. I mean the first thing people do when a challenge shows up is see if there is a way around it.

  12. It honestly doesn't bother me. I actually noticed that I do have comms on some characters. I've never hoarded them. If you never intended to use them, what's the big deal? Ah but you did, didn't you? You intended to use them to buy a whole set upon reaching 70. They've stopped you from doing that and that's why people are upset. They've lost a secret advantage. I don't hoard...I am not pleased about crystals aND companion gifts but I was prepared. I've been lvling companions in preparation. I will continue to do that. But let's be real...people thought they could get an edge and now they aren't happy that they can't. It's nothung to do with a 2M limit.




    The PvPers crying about all of this are, honestly, just crying because they can't have an instant set of top tier shiny lvl 70 armor the same way they did when 55 became 60 became 65. I'm a part of the PvP community, and this has always been a thing. When it gets close-ish to a level increase to hoard like crazy in order to have an instant new set of gear. As for credits, they are mostly useless for us as PvPers yet it has been a hugely known thing that we converted our coms to decorations that others bought because they either didn't enjoy PvP or never knew those decos were from PvP vendors. Made a good chunk of money this way that is sadly going to end as now those decos will cost credits like everything else.

  13. Agreed, as much as I'd like them to change the vanilla to that option, it's not likely to happen.

    So the solution would be allowing people to swap once they've finished the vanilla companion stories. It's not like it really matters because you lose companions and also romance new ones. Just about any companion story becomes obsolete once you start 3.0.


    Surprisingly, MANY people stay loyal to their vanilla LI. They released the statistics not that long ago in regards to that. So no, it still matters, especially given that if you cheat on your LI and start up another one there is an expected confrontation.


    I've never been a fan of making characters all be bi just to make people happy. These characters are actually characters with their own story and their own motivations, having them be straight, bi, or gay is part of them. While I never flirted with him, I LIKED seeing the Sith on Makeb that was only gay as that showed a choice to hold to the character rather than cop out and pat everyone on the head and just make him bi. It is far better to make a choice of straight or gay when making a character than just patting everyone on the head and making every LI bi.


    Also, would it kill them to give the players romancable male force user companions? It has been years now and all we have is Xalek, Gus, and Scourge. 2 aliens outside of the acceptable "humanoid" range for how they judge if a companion can be an LI and Scourge who literally cannot feel any emotion but hate (he explains this if anyone forgot, he also does not feel warmth, touch, smell, taste...honestly his form of immortality sucks compared to Nico's).

  14. I have yet to see a significant option for a companion death throughout this new story, & we have a lot more companions left to acquire. I hope the rest show up, it would be tragic to wait ANOTHER year after this. If/when these options come up, I concur that I'd like to see Shae get got.


    The Aric/Kaliyo deaths were...blah. Killing Aric felt like you were wasting your best ground military asset (as 4x and Pierce aren't story related and by that point you don't have any other soldiers), killing kaliyo while satisfying (honestly should have killed her in hutta) also the way it lead into it was horrible. You had to jump through hoops in order to kill one of them.

  15. Secret World is story driven...to a point. It is a classless system that still requires all 3 roles in group content but if you go into solo content as anything other than a non-squishy dps you WILL get rekt by any boss encounter. It is very reliant on the premise of every myth and legend being real, but we only got it partially right in our stories. It is basically an extremely depressing and horror filled walk through the original tales of the brothers grimm.

    great premis for a game but the complete depression cast over everything ruins it more than a little for most people, and the people that aren't off put by that get off put by the classless system.

  16. That's interesting. Bet they forgot that even existed, much less to test how Expertise and Level Sync in PvP zones interacted with OWPvP. Hah.


    Did you happen to notice this in the PvP area of the Western Ice Shelf on Ilum?


    No, the gree event was like a month out or so after the level sync and by then it was all fixed.

  17. Never understood why the designers made it so all Bounty Hunters use pistols only. Every BH seen in the movies with the exception of Jango used a rifle. Remember the Executor?


    Actually, you are wrong. Remember the weapon used by Boba? Take a GOOD look at it sometime. It is a hand gun with a stock attached to it and an extended barrel attachment that isn't very long. Most of his weapon is actually just the stock! So yes, he was actually just using a pistol all this time camoflauged to look like a rifle. His disintigrater was a rifle, but we only ever see him hold that thing in the famous bridge shot (in which they used the Boba clip instead of one of the others, that whole scene on every take he pointed to a different bounty hunter).

    Thematically the BH story line is all about Mandalorians which means it had to be all about Jango and Boba styles, Jango is the Merc, Boba is the PT. For the purpose of how they were modeled and thematically chosen, the BH style only cares about the Fetts, all other bounty hunters get ignored.


    Just how the Trooper is based entirely after the clone troopers who are seen in the movies wielding rifles and assault cannons. Smugler is Han and Lando. Agent is more something new, but it also lets you see what being a mid ranking officer is like (the agent is midway up the chain of command, you aren't a 'grunt').


    Now, of course there is also the 'feel' of the classes and how they want classes to be identifiable for PvP purposes. See a blaster imp? It is a BH, always. Originally you could also use armor to tell them a part but that has since been tossed out but we still have the weapons for identification.


    Personally, I wish I could use a simple techblade/techstaff on my PT tank. Not like you actually USE the gun so lemme at least hold a melee weapon anyway.

  18. IanArgent, level sync only went wonky (that I am aware of) in the outlaw's den. When level sync was first put in place the outlaw's den had...odd...effects on you.

    I had to go through it on my trooper for that Aric mission cause I was too lazy to take the 'safe' route. Entering it I got boosted up to 65 inside of there and expertise was given to me, it acted as though I walked into a warzone. It doesn't do this any longer that I am aware of, or at least hasn't for me.

  19. HeatRacer, you are forgetting something, you used non-canon references yourself. We only have 2 examples of non-force users wielding light sabers (and the one might actually BE force sensitive) Han and Finn. Han used it to do only one thing, cut open a tauntaun...which frankly required no finesse and no combat situation so there was nothing to actually struggle with. Finn had training to use the riot stick and there has been little hints that he may have some small force sensitivity anyway, yet we see him struggle with the light saber in combat.

    Grevious is in a robot body, he was trained to use light sabers but he also has the raw mechanical muscle to brute force them however he needs them.


    You are right, I was going for inertia but most people respond tot he idea better when I simply say effective weight, which is all inertia really is...artificial weight when trying to change direction of a moving object. A magnetic field can still be a problem in weightlessness and in space, it is still being acted upon by the nearby planets (who have their own magnetic field) and the larger ships such as star destroyers are big enough to have their own gravitational pull through sheer mass when put into space (our own carriers if put into space would actually have small gravitational pulls on things FYI and the capital ships make our modern day carriers look like tinker toys). As was said in regards to your children using them, they are shotos for one (smaller blade, smaller field, less plasma, less inertia) and they are force wielding children who train to wield the things as soon as they can walk more or less (which is why it irks me that in TOR we have adults/near adults still using scifi budoken instead of proper sabers as that is not lore!).


    It is not propaganda, we simply have had authors over the years want to create a character that would "prove them wrong" so many times that it is practically a trope in the EU now that any non force sensitive main character can use one if they wanted to. Blame unimaginative authors for not following lore and being incapable of thinking about the many saber resistant materials out there that can be put into a real blade for use against a force user. ANY bounty hunter worth their salt would have a retractable blade on them long enough and laced with a saber resistant substance in order to fight against potential force users (especially in the old rep era when fighting against such enemies wasn't such an unknown variable as it is after the galactic empire is formed). Armies would train their troops (at least their special ops/task forces) in how to use a vibrosword properly to defend against saber attacks.


    That inertia however has it's uses, a spun blade would strike with force greater than the individual could exert themself thanks to the inertial increase of such a weapon. Juyo and Ataru are BASED entirely around this very princible! That is 2 of the 7 forms based entirely around the fact that the saber generates an increasd inertial mass in order to strike that much harder. Shien uses the princible a little but in a far less obvious way and does so with wrist spins to generate the extra force. Soresu uses it in the reverse, keeping the saber close to the body and making small movements in order to have to fight against the inertia a lot less than your opponent thus they will tire faster than you. I'm up to 4 out of 7 forms based around the inertia now. The others aren't quite so focused on the inertia and are based more around how to simply wield the weapon, schii-cho for example is basic sword fighting you or I learn just with some force manuevers thrown in as an example.


    The lore set down has essentially been ignored by hack authors trying to one up each other with their own 'pet' characters is why you see so many instances of non force users using sabers in the (thankfully) non-canon EU.

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