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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. I need to see unobtainable content become available again. I'm talking about recruiting Nico Okarr as a companion, the HK-55 Bonus Chapter, and old cartel packs that don't show up on the CM anymore.


    The idea of limited-time rewards should be that those players gets it for free(or a reduced cost), and at least give others the option of buying it from the CM rather than making it totally unavailable. There's not much point in special snowflakes if no one plays the game to appreciate them.


    Keeping these kinds of important story-driven recruiting missions, story-relevant companions, and even a bonus chapter unobtainable just punishes new players and returning players because they weren't in a position to subscribe at a certain time. Especially the completionists who want to experience every bit of the game's content going for 100% completion.


    Seriously, if this kind of content was made available again, I'd stick around much longer and invest more into the game. But as it stands, I know I can't get certain companions, do certain missions, and obtain certain gear so it just feels...meh.


    Not picking on you specifically, just that I head seen this posted by several people and the same thought always hits me: you don't play MMO's much do you? If you don't subscribe (for ANY reason) or weren't here from the start, or didn't stick around (IE took a break) than you will miss things and be incapable of getting 100% completion. The game needs money to keep the lights on, thus there will always be things tucked away that are only for the loyal customers. That is the way MMOs have always been.


    Would you like an example that is actually somewhat extreme? EQ1 is STILL going, the servers are still on and people still play it in enough numbers that they can leave it running, I believe it is just a little over the 'break even' point and they figured they may as well let it stay up as enough people still play it. Most companies would shut it down but they keep it going and even patch it occassionally still. That game is FULL of things you can never get now as the mobs that drop them no longer exist (as expansions were released the world changed, the items those mobs dropped got updated for those who had them but no one new could get them) thus the 'BIS' weapons are no longer obtainable in the game!

    Aion has had this same problem routinely. When the game launched there was a title you could only get if you were in the top 5 PvP ranks for both factions. When the game had it's first expansion they made those titles un-obtainable. Now, in Aion titles have stats...and the stats in those titles added PvP specific damage reduction/boosting as well as giving you more time in flight. I no longer play yet my main character over there still has this title that they have been crying about for years. They have good reason to, as those titles conferred 10-20% damage resistance (depending on the title rank) and 5-15% damage boost (again depending on rank) and add in extra flight time and you have quite the massive advantage over others. Most of the people with those titles have stopped playing sure but there are still a few out there.

    WoW has more than a few things on the achievement list that only 1 person, 1 group, or 1 guild can ever get on the achievement list and other achievements you can only get during a set period of time before it gets locked forever.


    Basically, stop treating this game as if it was a single player game, achievements will not all be completable...ever...unless you start at day one of launch on any MMO and never let your subscription lapse. It is the nature of the game style to change over time and previous things to no longer be achievable/get-able.

  2. :) I too love playing Cathar and think there should be more customization choice for them. They do need more hair styles and maybe even skin patterns for the full body(currently it is just the face). :)


    Actually several pattern styles (the face markings you can add in addition to the patterns) put marks on your arms and legs too.

  3. Also, the reason you cannot wield a light saber if not trained is because while it technically has no weight, it DOES have weight while in motion. This was explained a long time ago in the tabletop RPG handbooks but it is also found on the Lucas Arts canon website (which still exists just now Disney updates it) but I'll summarize it as best I can.


    A light saber is actually super heated plasma, it is not actually light. It forms a blade by creating a magnetic sheath that holds the plasma in suspension. Now, if you have never played around with high powered magnets and magnetic fields before, it basically functions like this; hold it still and it feels weightless, try to move it quickly (like you would need to use a sword) and it feels like you are trying to move 100lbs. Now you can understand why you need training, as every time you stop moving the light saber in relation to yourself, it goes back to being mostly weightless, and small movements (even walking/running) as long as you keep it oriented the same will be negligible. However the moment you go to swing or block with it the movement is going to re-orient the blade and thus suddenly you are holding onto a war hammer in your hand. Force sense and using the force itself to help wield the weapon is how you fight with it effectively. Without the force you can wield it no better than a club.


    Basically, be it through actual sword form (which great explanation btw, from one sword user to another you explained it great) or from the scifi technology explanation...the warrior's method for holding the weapon is downright foolish. Personally I love it when people try and 'look cool' while squaring off against me IRL, sure bet they don't feel cool when I take them out in seconds because of how horrible the positioning is.

    Remember, you only look cool if you win.

  4. Ferrety, you fail to acknowledge...as so many do...where the truly hardest things actually are.

    Small man content is always harder than large group content. Frankly they need to add a NIM mode tot he flashpoints and that is where the best things should be. Ops/raids are childs play, it is too easy to hide an under performer in there...when there is only 4 of you...no one gets to be lax...and you actually have to use ALL of your abilities and actually be capable of handling stuff on your own (aka a healer kiting a mob while healing the group, any PvP healer could do it yet most raid healers get squashed like bugs because they and the DPS never utilize their CC's (long and short) nor do they utilize snares). We need to get back into that habit, of fully expecting the team to be capable in their own right.

    Raids/ops these days are little more than loot piniatas with gear checks rather than actually hard fights. I mean look at the number of people willing to hop into a HM op or even a NIM op who blanch and whine at HM Rishi or HM Blood Hunt.

  5. Well, it isn't hard to keep a guild going, not really. It is just time consuming.

    First, don't use an absolute troll name (even PvPers get sick of belonging to such guild names after a short while).

    Secondly, don't allow your membership to act like trolls...this is doubly true for how members treat one another.

    Third, don't spam your recruitment messege every bloody minute or so, you annoy the decent people you want in your guild that way. Far better to say it once when you load in, then just talk in gen chat for awhile...say it again as you leave half an hour later or so. Your name gets linked to a decent personality and your quality of recruits go up.


    Now, it helps you KEEP people when your guild actively helps members. This means that yes, you hate Rishi HM, everyone seems to, but if someone wants to do it...you step up and do it. If you have 20-30 people on and a member has to PuG for a HM, that member is going to start looking for a new guild. "I need HM Blood Hunt" should get an 'alright, lets go...' not silence. I've helped many PuG's get both of those "dreaded" HMs done and was simply amazed at how often everyone there was from large guilds full of people (who were online through the entire FP) who stopped talking the moment the call for help went out.

    Basically, if your guild allows people to ignore calls for help, and has a bunch of cliques in it, it is more or less destined to die. Doesn't matter if that person joined yesterday, or last year...you help out. Get your butt off your lowbie alt and help...stop PvPing for an hour, it won't kill you, and help.


    I couldn't tell you how many GOOD people I've poached from other guilds simply because their old guild's couldn't be bothered to help. If you are the GM or an officer, your general job is to drop everything and help others at the drop of a hat. Same goes for anyone with access to the guild vault. If you won't help, you don't deserve the rank. If you want to log on and do your own thing, you don't need a guild. Yes it means you sacrifice doing what you were going to do in order to help a guild mate out, who will in turn do the same for you.

    It also helps if you have a firm and strict no drama policy of which no one is exempt. Friend, family member, no one is untouchable. You allow a sacred cow to exist in your guild and you will drive people away.

  6. CXP would be nice and I'd like it, but apparently it's been confirmed they're gonna be converted to credits instead.

    I wonder if that also means mission rewards are going to be converted to credits (or credit lockboxes)? 'cause what we need more of in this game is inflation.


    Everything you buy with them you will be using credits for int he future...which means we will have more credit sinks, being able to buy the boxes to hand to our alliance specialists for fast rep gain or faster alliance crate aquisition to try and finish off those sets? People will spend millions to fast track that.

  7. Scourge should have been one of the first people we went looking for. If my character is a JK...I am well aware that Scourge is out there, and that Scourge KNOWS the Emperor...has spent 300 years with the Emperor thus has quite the insight on them. Why the heck would I not make it a priority to track him down?

    Even a pure lightside JK has earned Scourges undying respect as a warrior and as someone who doesn't waiver in their discipline and beliefs (if you wobble between dark and light Scourge actually even admits to losing respect for you, and if you go pure darkside he mentions you would make a good Sith but also has a hard time fully respecting you as you lack honor).


    Even if you are not a JK, Lana is aware of him being out there. His betrayal of the Emperor is well known by the time of SoR...so...why didn't she even bring him up? Scourge's hatred for the Emperor isn't a secret by any means and anyone connected to Imperial Intelligence (of which Lana was made the new head of a rebuilt one at the end of SoR) she'd of learned about him in some way or fashion.


    Why would such a resource not be a focus of at least a chapter?


    Of course, my belief is they put off giving us Theran and Holiday specifically because Holiday is going to replace Scorpio and maybe even tinker around with the code inside of the Gemini shell to get her own body...and Theran being an exotech specialist means the two of them make Scorpio look like a toaster oven.

    So I suspect we'll see Theran, Holiday, and Scourge in the expansion if they are even remotely aware of the companion stories and how they could play into all of this. Either this expansion or the next, as those three could have huge impacts on the tale. More so than any other right now anyway.

  8. Um, what happened to chapter 12 and the whole you need to be grey to win bit?


    It is not "you need to be neutral" it is "you need to wield both sides" which is NOT grey.


    So many people fail at the wording regarding the lore and terminology. A 'grey' Jedi is one that ignores the council (qui-gon jin) to do what is right and a 'grey' Sith is one that ignores the Darths to do something.


    Grey =/= neutral

    You can wield both sides of the force, responsibly, and still not be neutral or grey.

  9. "Heal me, my precious Temple for I am slowly losing HP," I said to the sweet Ensign Temple, fresh off Hoth, changed to heal specialization for the benefit of no death to me.


    "Be a man,"


    Temple proclaims to me in a disgusting, vile, drunkard, smoker voice... I stand there, shocked. Has the ugly, degenerate, swine named Kaliyo possessed my sweet, loving Temple?


    We need this fixed Bioware! It is breaking my immersion. :rak_01:


    Zenith's voice often can be heard on the healing lines for any basic speaking human man too. Kaliyo's voice can be heard on other female basic speakers in the game which is anoying. I've heard Akaavi say Kaliyo's lines with Kaliyo's voice.

  10. Laugh all you like, plenty of people laughed at those events... Remind me how much group content we've gotten in 2 years? Remind me how full the servers are?


    Each one of those has killed off another part of the player base and it hasn't been replaced fully each time, and much of what DID replace it was a bunch of F2P kids who don't add much to the game.


    So keep laughing and shrugging it off, live in fantasy land if you like. If the game was doing well, they wouldn't be making changes, the changes are here because the game ISN'T doing well, but that is because of all the other changes in the past. The game has been off the rails for some time, 5.0 is not going to put it back on.


    Group content? We got plenty actually, and revitalized plenty of it...OH you think only raids are group content, gotcha.


    Just remember, for every angry person on the forums, there are 10 happy people too busy playing to be bothered to praise them.


    As for myself...I just want everything deliniated on the damn website every patch, and for them to STOP putting so much critical information anywhere other than the main website. Twitter is not the place to post the details of anything regarding your product, your product's actual webpage is. Until we have the full bullet point list we are going off too much speculation and MANY here are letting emotion guide their thoughts rather than logic.

  11. Me personally? No. In general I don't like the idea of playing several MMO type games at one time. Besides that, I like Star Wars a lot. However, if there was a f2p game that seems interesting to me and doesn't have as harsh limitations as SWTOR has, then I may give it a try. Until then who knows.


    Harsh limitations? You REALLY know nothing about F2P models...TOR has the most open F2P model of any MMO. 8 fully voiced class stories that you can fully complete completely for free. Most F2P models limit your level (20 is a popular level I have noticed) which means you never even get to sniff at endgame. They also typically limit what you can equip (no purples) and many limit your wallet size. Also, quite typically they also limit you in number of dungeon runs you can go on, and PvP is often completely locked for the free accounts. NO F2P model allows endgame at all. Compared to all of that, TOR's model is extremely open and accessable.


    As an aside for people who may try and use examples, if you use in game credits to buy a month sub, no...you are not free to play, you just have someone else buying your sub for you...the game company is still getting their money for a sub...thus for all purposes you aren't free to play.


    No, they adopted the model because:


    1) Other games showed that doing a F2P model and having a store can keep the lights on and turn a great profit too (Turbine being one of the most prominent with LOTRO... I'm not sure if they were the first or not).


    2) Economic downturn meant less people able to afford a sub. Or if they could afford, they had too many other things worth more to them to spend the money on. MMOs need players to support them in numbers, not just in money, so it became common to get the majority of profit out of "whales" (e.g. big spenders), while the F2P, or "small spenders" made up the bulk of the playerbase in pure numbers.


    I don't know where you got the idea that people getting exposed to the game is the reason. Sub games have traditionally had free trials already, which accomplishes that very thing. The history indicates that F2P models becoming a thing was largely a mixture of the two points above... addressing the problems of economic downturn mixed with the knowledge of how much profit could be made.


    It costs 15 bucks a month. Step away from the alcohol and smokes and you could afford the sub and then some. Buying a beer at a club costs one month of subscription. Seeing a movie at the theater costs usually more than a month of sub. Compared tot he hours of entertainment....almost nothing gives you the same bang for your buck so if you honestly truly cannot sub, you have bigger problems to worry about than a game.

  12. No, the fastest way to gear will be heroic grinding. Do all the weekly teleports off the terminal, then start planet trains where you go and actually get the quests from the npc's. You can do the clustered heroics over and over again every single day and get your rank up. Do it as a full group and it'll blur by. Doesn't matter what the bonus is for ops when you can crank through heroics so fast...and they can't make heroics reward only a small sliver compared to ops or the cries of "you are tryign to force us to raid" begin and they will simply adjust it anyway to make the story content/solo/duo players happy as they are the ones that end up being the whales that spend 100+ on the CM every month.
  13. What should be discussed-the focus on cartel dress-up? The lack of choices mattering in their 'epic' story? Changes that would merit a ban because they haven't been released yet?


    As someone that flounced over RNG how can you say it's a good thing? Was the apparent ease of gearing in ops/warzones simply intolerable to EA and needed to be dramatically slowed with an xp cap- and RNG on top of that? Will tanks be ecstatic to earn ever more pieces of dps gear so they can 'off-dps' instead of their preferred role and keep logging in in the hope that 'maybe the level I earn from grinding this week will give me the piece I want'?


    Apparently no restrictions and shiny companions aren't enough of an incentive for subscribers for EA, so now the entire endgame structure is built around them.


    Ah, someone showing they didn't read how the crates will work. If you are specced as a tank, you only get tank gear drops. Same with DPS and Healers. The boxes are tied to your spec...thus if your spec has that little purple shield on it...only tank gear will drop for you...not a single piece of DPS gear. That is the intent behind it...so you only get relevant gear.

  14. Your standard F2P model doesn't even let people halfway through a game, and everyone is crying about the fact that finally TOR is falling more into line with it.

    Subs get endgame, everyone else falls short. That is how you run a game and get people to stop playing for free. Prefered never gave nearly as much as you all are trying to defend and claim. The largest CM sales come from Subs, the routine money comes from Subs, the entire point of being prefered is to spend less than the cost of a sub every month, thus you aren't worth the same AS a sub. Any prefered that is spending more than a sub every single month is a fool that should just be subbed anyway.

    To make money they need subs, to ensure you have subs you limit access to things (endgame especially) to ONLY subs. Find me a triple A MMO that allows free to play to participate fully in endgame; if you buy time using in game money, you are still subscribing and are not free to play as someone else still had to buy that time and sell it to you thus someone else is simply subbing for you. I won't hold my breath, they always make sure they get their money somehow. People talka bout TOR as if it is dying yet Aion, ArcheAge, and similar games have a small fraction of player base compared to TOR and are considered stable. The amusement is all encompasing in how people consider this game dying when I haven't struggled to find anything here and I am NOT on Harbringer.

  15. I have had the same concern in the back of my mind, but have been focused on other stuff, like the RNG. The way I see it, I haven't had a need for anything beyond base level 208 gear anyway, so as long as it's easy enough to get that first set, I won't necessarily hate this system, despite having 30+ characters.


    This sums everything regarding RNG perfectly. Everyone is losing their minds over RNG yet ignores a basic premise...if those first 10 levels are easy to get, and the base 208 gear is easily crafted, you'll be able to do anything/everything. A 208 can actually out damage a 216 or 224. Tanks can do just fine, as can healers. Those extra gearing points do not increase stats by all that much, skillful play can make do just fine.


    As for PvP, bolster isn't going anywhere so the change in gearing isn't going to have any huge effect here either.


    Seriously, you tell people they have to work a little harder for BIS and they lose their minds. Nevermind that even in Nim you never needed BIS to get through it.

  16. the catch is some of the masks have multiple ways to get it and not every version of the same model works under hoods, and the other catch of various hooded chest pieces having multiple versions and some of those hoods stay up for almost everything and others never stay up. It can be frustrating as all get out.
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