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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. More balanced GSF, expanded maps and modes, and cosmetic incentives would prob be better than making a entire new mode. Build on what you have, rather than building a entire new structure. I just hope GSF is strong enough to withstand being built upon.


    Honestly, it is dead int he water. I know people who would love to play it, but cannot stand not being able to tune their ship. Needing to earn anything to tune your ship is a huge slap int he face and gives far far far too much of an advantage to the vets. It is a PvP game mode...completely and utterly get rid of requisition entirely and just unlock every ship and every ship upgrade from the start so it is like proper PvP...aka everyone on an even footing and gear being meaningless. Make req or a req like thing about cosmetics...paint jobs and such. Or unlocking a ship that is EXACTLY...down to every last single thing...like the initial unlocks except for how it looks.

    In otherwords, winning in GSF should earn you some exp, some credits, and bragging points...and GSF coms for decorations, nothing else. Same as PvP.


    I know 10 people that would start quing immediately if they didn't have to grind just to get access to BASIC equipment.

  2. I can easily imagine retrofitting the ship to make it stronghold-compatible would be extremely messy.


    I don't actually mind not having this stuff in my ship tho. But I would like to be able to land my ship at my stronghold.


    Well you can buy decorations of the class ships for starship anchors.

  3. I have to agree with this in a big way. The JK for example routinely in cut scenes in the main game blocked lightning with their saber and even prevented themselves from being force pushed...yet suddenly they can't seem to do it? The Wrath has also blocking lightning and preventing themselves from being force pushed yet suddenly seem incompetant.


    Our characters are supposed to be a big deal, the single most powerful operator out there. It is time they show it. Let Valyn throw lightning at us and we just block it, let her throw things at us and we just cut it out of the air WHILE we advance on her. The crap in KotET cannot be repeated. It makes us look like padawan incompetants again.

  4. No. It may technically be a bit better for a healer to use Critical crystals, but the difference isn't really that great. So, don't over-obsess over it, but aim towards getting Crit crystals sometime, especially if you intend to do OPS or PvP.


    And, of course, Power crystals can still be of use to other classes (and companions, since the stat doesn't matter to them).


    If you are PvPing, you are short changing yourself not using expertise (assuming your weapon is also expertise which it should be)

  5. There are sets int he game that ARE traditional robes. Oh, they aren't the EXACT pattern you want? Boohoo. They DO exist in the game. You have to get your own dye packs for them typically and they'll have a minor addition or omission from the EXACT you want, but such are things.


    Also, your traditional robes are peace time robes. They only started wearing them when the Sith hadn't been seen for a thousand years. In a time of war they would be tossed into closets for better options that restrict movement less, add armor, or both. When it isn't any of those, it is more ornate to 'put on airs' as proper diplomats or is used only for special occassions. The 'temple guardian' armor set is a perfect example of armored yet understated and it is a lore look all the way up to the movie era according to Lucas.


    I mean, I'll support you wanting them, more options is always good, but at least lose a lot of the "it is iconic!" as it is actually NOT an iconic look for this time period at all.

  6. GSF will always have a super small population. It is a combat style that is not the style that attracts the typical MMOer. The fact it is completely cut off from the rest of the game (nothing you do int he game effects GSF, nothing you do in GSF effects the game) with the fact that your stats and gear, your character has no effect...kills it for most MMOers.


    You have to unlock basic equipment to tune your ship. I'm sorry but having to grind using crappy equipment using a play style I hate to finally get enough requisition to purchase the upgrades that FINALLY let me enjoy myself? Yeah...not happening. Most people see that and lose interest right away.


    Now the worse thing? You allow people to fly completely unlocked fighters against those just starting. That is the equivalent of sending a 108 rating armored person against a 208 in full expertise gear. Those that think it doesn't matter...should try it themselves. Many GSF current people cannot conceive of playing on a character that has nothing unlocked. They say "oh it isn't that bad" when customizing and tweaking a ship takes forever and seriously changes how a fighter can play. This wouldn't be a huge problem if they had PvE ways of earning requisition so people interested could earn it, tweak their ships, then enter the PvP with a proper playstyle that synergizes well for them.

  7. I think the highest I got was a level 14 sage. Made a togruta, even paid some creds for a dye to get her the right outfit. Later, I logged in and was like "ehhhhhhh."




    Similar thing happened with my first cathar, though the cathar didn't make it to level 2.


    For some reason, I have a hard time making togrutas or cathars that I like. I managed to make a male cathar that I kind of like... planning on having him be a complete dick trooper. Haven't played him much yet, but I'll probably keep him. I keep giving my level 20 something male togruta sorc side-eye though... I wanted to do male sorc at least once for ashara romance, but I don't like the sorc story and his voice annoys the heck out of me. I'm thinking maybe if I make him as a different species, I'll enjoy it more. So far, I think it's only a matter of time until that togruta sorc goes bye-bye.


    Thats funny to me because I am the opposite, the female sorc voice is just so...bored?... sounding to me. The male voice is great for being a ******** and his threatening tone is so much more believable.


    As for silly reasons...I rerolled a sent into a guard because of the never using the second saber in cutscenes thing.

    Re-rolled a 50 something trooper because the togruta came out and I wanted it to be a commando.

    Re-rolled a sniper because once I got onto a planet with proper daylight their complection looked horrible.

  8. Sp should I just create a level 60 then if all the back stuff is less important?


    It is partially important.

    If you just make a level 60 the game assumes you did pure LS choices as Rep and pure DS choices as an Imp regarding how the galaxy will see you.

  9. Corporate gag order? Marketing gag order?


    Probably something like that.


    This wouldn't be the first time I've seen a game drag announcements out piecemeal to keep people wanting more, waiting for the next reveal. They will probably start releasing blog posts in a couple of weeks, one week at a time or some crap. That or they'll wait another month, which wouldn't be a good sign IMO because it probably means they don't have a lot to talk about and don't want to give out all the information way before launch.


    You must be new to MMOs then. Every MMO drags out things...though most are quite more upfront about specifics. I mean exactly what the class changes will be should be ont he website already, breakign down what is what. Yet it isn't.

  10. {I forgot my anniversary last week and my partner isn't speaking to me now. Can I get a reset on my marriage back to before the anniversary to make things right?}


    If your the guy in the relationship...then they really just need to understand that men rarely pay attention to dates. If your the gal...well...then you have an overly emotional guy.


    Also...+1 internets for the tongue in cheek!

  11. In my mind I start out all "give me one good reason to kick someone!!!!" but then I never can be mean enough to actually try to kick people :o It's a weakness.


    I start out that way, but if the people are fun to chat with during the run or are at least half competant I can enjoy the ride without the EZmode companion.


    As to the OP...I've also carried groups of 50+ while on a level 20.


    If I am in a good mood and feeling like helping people, I que up on my 65 lightning sorc, I've solo'd every boss as that character without a companion and it is fun to just unleash electric hell on enemies when a group is jiving.

  12. So where is the light/dark struggle? Zakuul apparently found a third way that makes its knights better than jedi or sith (as seen by the failure of either to prevent a complete routing within months). Their way is so good that even killing off half of them doesn't deplete their strength.


    Good and evil are easily changed points of view? So from what point of view is annihilating all life on a planet good? Hell, If anything light and dark seem to change more frequently. I don't get some of the light/dark choices. Use medicine to save soldiers? Dark Side points- you were supposed to use it to save civilians instead if you want to be aligned with the light.


    By that logic Mass Effect is Star Wars as well- biotics could merely be an application of the Force (since I don't recall ever seeing that the Force was localized to one galaxy).


    Zykuul does things differently, but it isn't that the knights are better (they aren't) it is the fact the zykuulan military is just that STRONG that the jedi/sith are too spread out to make enough of a difference. You must have missed the trailer showing how the knights fight in war, which is a phalanx...and in melee fighting you aren't breaking a phallanx unless you hit it from the sides...but when those sides have shield droids protecting them and turrets...you are forced to go head on...right into the kill zone. I also said light and dark, not light and dark sides of the force. It is the light and dark sides of humanity. Fear, anger, hatred...all are dark aspects of humanity. Peace, serenity, wisdom...all are light aspects of humanity. Light are things that can improve us and society, dark is things that create discord. How is that not good and evil? Sometimes discord is needed for growth as a society, culture, and even species.


    Yes, good and evil are simply point's of view. If I cared more about the planet than humans, killing all humans is good, it saves the planet from the virus like behavior (and it is true, modern humans behave like a damn virus) they have upon the earth. From your point of view as someone who would be killed, they are evil. Same thing with businesses that exploit undeveloped countries. They are moving in and making money off of others who have no idea what they really have. They are good as far as capitalism is concerned, evil as far as those who believe in fair play. What about a father tracking down and killing the person who struck and killed his child with a car? By any real parent's standards that is totally a good thing to do, by society's standards for how justice works...that father is evil. Good and evil are a matter of perspective.


    Not quite. Biotics are clearly defined and clearly limited to the control of gravity at a localized level...EVERY biotic power uses gravity to do what it does. The force actually effects minds, creates lightning, creates light, can create fire (books), and is linked to life itself. In the Star Wars IP life cannot exist without the force (games and books have hand waved over this rule for a plot point they just HAD to have...but in the IP itself, for life to exist you must have the force there on some level...it does not mean it will be force sensitive though). In ME, biotics do not need to ever happen for life to exist (humanity itself is a good indication of this as biotics only existed in humans for 30 years-ish before the first game...and even then only in children).

  13. Been requested previously. Could have sworn it was turned down because it was stated that it would mess up companion reactions.


    You got it, it would destroy companions, and make little sense.


    OP, you start as a JK...when do you defect? end of act 1? You would not suddenly become Baras' acolyte. end of Act 2? You would most definately not become the Emperor's Wrath. See the problem is just switching sides and essentially becoming the other faction class? If you defected your current story would no longer work either. Your companions sure wouldn't follow you 9 times out of 10.

    Thus you would need a specific story, new companions, and a way to fit a story into the current dialogue. It would be an insane amount of work for little payoff honestly.

  14. The best solution in this matter, regarding where things go, ask them what decorations they donated and then you will put their decorations where they would like them. 9 times out of 10 when you asked them this they will shut up. Don't give them gold keys as that is the only ones that can decorate but as far as the silver/bronze it really doesn't matter as they can't move the decorations.


    I would let them use the strongholds because they are part of the guild but as far as the say in where things go remind them when they help they can suggest what decorations go where and where the FS goes until then just ignore.


    This is pretty standard in most guild's and is the best way to handle it.

  15. I played TOR because of the IP.


    I no longer play TOR because KotFE did not, for a second, feel like Star Wars.


    Heck, Wildstar feels more like Star Wars than KotFE did.


    All The Best



    Then why is the Zakuul story such cliched drivel? Shouldn't the writers be able to come up with something better than yet another 'chosen one'?


    Linked these because of something that amuses me to no end. NEITHER of you understand The core of Star Wars than. The core of Star Wars has ALWAYS been the 'chosen one' story. Every book, every movie, even the cartoon show...all focus upon a chosen one. The story points are always predictable and linear, extremely easily called out with every turn projected ahead of time (even Han's death was foreshadowed way too much).


    Star Wars is about the heroes journey, always has been. The core of Star Wars is NOT Republic and Empire (so those of you stuck on that aspect, time to look deeper into the meaning of the IP) it is about the fight between the light and dark, the organizations involved do not matter. Even when you remove force users from the equation...it is STILL about the light and dark aspects of human nature. You can remove the republic and empire entirely, no mention of them, no symbols of them, and you would STILL have star wars if you have the force, the setting, and the focus on human nature, light and dark. You'll note I am NOT saying good and evil...those are points of view, easily changed.


    If you mean to say...what Star Wars means TOO YOU...then say so. But do not use generalistics of this is not Star Wars. As the truth is, it couldn't BE more Star Wars...it hits every single IP focus point.

    Yes the story is weak, yes it could have used a lot more meat to it. What we got was a thin sandwich of a meal from the story so far...but it is most definately Star Wars.

  16. Nope, music was playing in outside of the VIP section. Medical droid location , basically entire middle section

    of the fleet was playing a music at background with a loop. I'm well aware I can change the music in VIP section


    its the performance patch they did months ago, messed up something in their end


    I'm aware it used to be there, but originally it wasn't supposed to be hearable outside the VIP lounge. That changed at one point, and in the performance patch they decided to go back to it. It only costs a mil, you earn more than that though just doing your class story if you don't stealth past everything.

  17. All must bow to game design.


    They've decided to hold the line at "each AC must be instantly identifiable from their weapons." I think it's a little weird myself, but that's why.


    It is a staple of PvP class design. If you don't force armor looks on people, then you force weapons on them.

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