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Everything posted by NRieh

  1. Let me guess - not in 1.2 patchnotes, same as hiding companion's headslot option, huh? Twileks are stuck with hiding their hats or wearing glasses\bands\eyepatches. Players at least have option to hide this...Poor Zenith and Vette lovers...
  2. That's a comon problem to all classes, I believe. Most of classes have "super" companions, which follow basic game mechanics. And some break common sence even harder then our Bowdar...I mean... Blizz...TANK?..Really?..
  3. Well, I hit 50 being only 7. Some pvp, almost all fps (at least once), no alts.
  4. So they changed thier mind from giving extra implant instead of single sloted one. Not bad. Georg even removed that part of text from initial crew-skills 1.2 blogpost, as if that idea never existed.
  5. Chanced to see this thread. I'm a scoundrel, but I've got pants from this set on my very personal ranged tank, and it's much better looking then any pvp(and pve also) heavy sets I've seen. What i'd love to know - is there same model, but white\light grey\light metal custom and non-class-bound heavys? I'd love to find something close to "classic" trooper outfit (need pants+boots).I'm more or less ok about pants from this set, but set boots are too dark for me. I sometimes see white heavy custom boots on GTN, but those are all different, and do not match at all. As pants are black and skinny - knee plating is a part of boots, and without one it looks pretty much like some kind of "special" outfit often found in "special" shops. Currently I've got same-model heavy boots with "rusted" coloring (com vendor from Voss, afair - can be seen here http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/717/bootsstand.jpg/), not perfect, but best for me of what I've seen so far. I'd love to find white\silver ones still...
  6. It actually sounds something like "you need to complete some missions before [doing this]", but yes - first time I got it I did NOT understand that it's just my log is full, and not some "secret story mission trigger needed".
  7. Sharing my hew happy finding, it's Primeval Ardent Warrior's Boots http://www.torhead.com/item/e7DE831/primeval-ardent-warriors-boots Initial stats give a hint those were supposed to be for str-based someone, but since it's medium type and looks stylish (and also fits my pants perfectly well, lol), I took them form GTN for something about 20k. Well, remoding into purple mods from my old boots costed some extra, yes. Here are shots: Sit: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/835/bootssit.jpg/ Stand: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/717/bootsstand.jpg/ Combat stand: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/685/bootszs.jpg/ I supose, that's a lv 50 random drop, so not sure about how and where one can get those. I also don't remember anything same-model (tell me if I missed somethig). Even if model is shared, colour was not white. And it's just another case where I feel like random drop gear looks much nicer than what "official" com vendors offer to most of the classes. ps: Somewhat offtopic, and, probably, I'd better go ask troopers. But I need white\light (metal) grey heavy pants+ high plated heay boots badly, pretty same as "classic" white trooper outfit. For, well, you-know-who, he's just staring at my..hmm...boots on a standing shot. "Rusted" boots are not really nice, and problem is that those pants look decent only with this type of feet. Which is often of so many colours, but not plain white\light metal \grey. Others I've seen fit my idea even worse. And 1.2 won't help, as I don't need to match pants\boots colour scheme to chest (which that checkbox does afair).
  8. Actually it's an ARMOR thread and there is another one for weapons. And even so - you did not name a single weapon\armor on your shots. I mean we now all know you look cool and have many guns, but there's hardly any use for others from those nice facts.
  9. Can't be. Probably, you mean derelict vessel(the very left of the map)? Or you had a lucky bug.. gz then. And as for its usefulness - it's a nice place for smuggling RP stuff, also it's something our-class only, that could keep bit of immersion while everyone around grind same daylies and coms. And I'm really hoping to get class daylies hub there one day. It's a perfectly made story-related location, imo.
  10. *sigh*..and on Hoth they tell you to get warm gear...and people run around in slavegirls' bikini... Unfortunately, all the "hostile" enviroments are pretty player-friendly. It's just a part of story, and why couldn't they really implemend something like "get this buff once in 30 mins or get debuff" - I got no idea. It would be hell nice, to need, lets say, use some "antifreez" on your weapons and gear on Hoth, require extra water on Tatooine and use some meds on Quesh..On the other hand - QQ about immersion-breaking non-hostile planets when those planets don't even have day\night and weather....Well, yes - it could be better. she's Akaavi, actually. And your problem seems to be is that your mission log is full (you got 25\25 unfuinished\not returned missions). If your log is not full - then you seem to have a bug and need to open a ticket for CS.
  11. Agemnon, why posting a lot of shots, some of which seem to be same armor without even writing which screen is for which kind? Sad that initiator of this thread seem to unsub (at least there were something about sub running out afair), without one it will become pretty messy soon Or may be just too much RL stuff happens... Was a nice and useful thread, anyway. Could be even nicer after more oranges come out in 1.2
  12. Yes, and also a bar, small kitchen, latest model of air-conditioning (NO alderanian nectars, EVER!!!!), and comfy kingsize bed with semi-liquid mattress... well...we're smugglers, not jedis right? We make creds and care for ourselves you know... At the Carrick's?..
  13. I really hope that they will NEVER get into my past. Even companions' past is somewhat undesired for me more then it was already revealed, as I always like filling those "time gaps" myself.
  14. Non of mentioned is a requirement to make kids. I tell you. So true jedi must be doing it calmly, with good share of knowledge, passionless, keeping things in order plus being alive.
  15. My sympathys, ladies.... Well...what can I say...You can reach the planet, at least... And I don't even have Dantooine on my galaxy map! And i update those regulary, I tell you! And aslo - I swear I did not break any single law in that sector...oh...well..never get caught, anyway. How am I supposed to see those sunsets? Via holonet? BW does not want us to have "happyeverafters", huh ?
  16. It was "scruffy-looking nerf herder"! Respect our classics! And it was the first part which upset Han, yes.
  17. *Sigh*...I just wonder - if any other class has story part so devided from in-game mechanics stuff?..No, really...
  18. Wrong?...wait...Did someone flag himself for LFG via /who tool?!! Thats 200% photoshop, it just never happens irl!
  19. Oh yes, lack of features like Tyrael Deathstar Recharger is definetely what kills this game... Or here's an idea - new title. Like, bring in 10 people in and become "the Ad Man".
  20. Counting my last week, not quiting, but freezing my acc until further class&story-content (which was told to be "this year"). Reason is simple - 1.2 does not seem to be a good reason for an extra month. It does not have much that could keep me logging on my main 50 sawbones - as I don't raid and not interested in pvp. And I'm heavy non-altoholic person (and all the legacy stuff are mostly for those). Currently rolled BH just to try out, but seems that my main is "dominating" anyway, and I just have very few fun from BH story (mechanics are not bad, though). And also it's not a direct reason for freezing sub - but changing ranged tank companion mechanics in an ugly way after 3 month of release did not act like "pro" factor, really. So, game is nice, story is good, random pre-cap pvp was somewhat fun - so thankee, BW, keep on doing things. But all the current "content" policy services altoholics only. And I don't need a reason for rolling a mirialan sith, I need a reason that keeps me logging to my main.
  21. Relax, kid. Eleanare Rieh was about your age when she started her...uhm...career, yes, that's the right word...I guess... And if you need a good advice - just stay away from spice, slavers and Hutts(especially).
  22. I'd just love to see a scoundrel which opens from stealth into the pack of, lets say, 2 normals + 2 strongs. Or 1 normal +1 strong +1 elite (and no droids, sorry). Opening from stealth has its burst reasons in pvp (obviously) and in single target solo moments. When it comes to mixed packs - CC and picking by 1 is more then welcome anyway. Oh, another one that considers ALL the gameplay xept for raid and PvP "a small facet"? Blizzard did its job perfectly well. Some people did believe them that there's no gameplay xept for "endgame". ps: For those who probably did not do that yet - here the PTS thread for this subject, which is supposed to be read by devs, so it's a good idea to leave your feedback there. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=363799&page=21
  23. Could you please point me out where do we find actual and "lore-wise" mentioning of half-mirialan? Also - which was non-mirialanian part? Only thing I found was that in "death star" there was a fem mirialan+human romance line, but it did not involve any kids, afair. I've never heared about him as about anything but Chiss, but such things can happen in EU, I guess. Existing "lore" is sometimes kinda "fixed" and initial versions are forgotten, for some purposes.
  24. It was "mirroring IA's Kalyio, from which harpoon thing was taken away even earlier", actually. As "we've heared they don't know how to turn it off autouse" looks even more supid from any point of view.
  25. They are very close (if not similiar) models, I think it's done so that light-side players who give it back could have their share of fun with a cool-looking "oldskool" gun. I didn't use one though, as nothing would ever take WESTAR off my hip.
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