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Everything posted by NRieh

  1. She could not wear it because she is NOT a trooper (yes, I know it's strange), not because of LS\DS or anything like that. Even more - if you loot companion's "class" token from boss in HM - you still can buy an item and give it to companion, even if you're a different class. E.g. I got offhand trooper-specific token once as no one needed it anyway, and my Corso now has his Columi shield generator. Not sure about how sets work though, afaik - they give stats but not set bonuses, and you can equip them to companions anyway.
  2. Yeah? Why not 15mins? You missed the date on a calendar. 01.04 was 3 days ago.
  3. Medium for a tank is a bad option, imo. If you want him to look less "troopa" - you may try out some jedi look non-class-specific heavys, or just change helmet into some heavy-type headband (orange one comes from nar shadaa coms). From my experience - last one helps a lot (unless they finaly give us an option to turn off headslots for companions). And I also remember some "skinny" looking heavy armors, those are usually low level, but if you get orange one - you may just mod it with good stats. Anyway - GTN seems to be the only real option for you, if you care for outfit look. As random drop oranges (many of them are quite nice in model, much nicer then reward\craft) are often found there. Just do NOT(!) use gear-quality (custom-prototype etc) filter. Probably, will be fixed in 1.2, but as it is now MANY oranges do not show up when you use this filter. Just search for heavy type from 1 to desired level.
  4. Ah, so now we all know who's to blame for switching from harpoon into jetpack stuff, huh?... It's very unlikely to be canceled. But its title ("illegal jetpack") is the only positive about the change. It hell fits the context, really. My playstyle is totally ruined and I'm still unsure about resubbing for 1.2, but my inner RPer has no objections, as it (surprisingly) does not break the story. Something like "You're dumb, ugly and...wa-a-ait, that thing over his back is still working? And makes you fly?Reeeeally?!":D My problem is that I'm a heavy "monogamer", I rarely do alts, I tried BH\Pt just because I love vanguards mechanics (try to guess why, lol) and I wanted to change side and see new missions. But after my smuglady, which got me right from first screens (and I didn't even know Corso Riggs exists back then) I can't feel and enjoy BH at all. Not to say I just hate imps - so far most of cgaracters are either megalomaniacs or psychos (or both). And they build huge towers and statues in a swampy jungle and call it "capital"...Probably, I'lll turn back to rep side and make a trooper\vanguard if I decide to stay any longer. No romance(Sorry. Aric. NO.) or [flirt] options, I suppose, but at least I'll start on Mantell...nostalgia...
  5. Absolutely yes, and it's the only real way of gearing them up (if you don't craft), as rewarded companion-only stuff is usually not that good in stats. And personaly I found most of it rather ugly. Custom companion-only weapons may serve you well, however, but there a few.
  6. It has nothing to do with random, it's the ONLY viable way of tracking UH\TA buff procs while in combat, as this sound can't be missed even among boom-bangs. 1 giggle=1UH. Problem is not that someone find that annoying and some - funny, problem is that there is NO other way to track your buff procs without pixelhunting tiny icons on your bar (or making your bar 1\2 of your screen, as icons don't have separate scaling options in 1.2). And healer usually has a lot of more interesting things to do, other then pixelhunting own nameplate (where UH is mixed with others buffs and often some debuffs also). Current sound on PTS is barely heared even in scilent room, when you try to listen to it. And even there it can be taken for a cast sound of SRMP(youtube video shows that both have very close sounding, actually). And no clear visualisation also.
  7. Oh yes. No matter what Zoeller told us - those are STILL not sold in some region where game is oficially released.
  8. you forgot to mention that all he does\sells also require credits. Crew mods. Repairs.
  9. Well, they had all chances do differ. Really differ. What was good for text-based won't do that good for story-based. Blowing up same console every day is not story-based, can never be story based, at least as it is now. Those who luv grindings and various Xyrael Rechargers already serviced by another game(s). How was it? "Be different or be dead"? Story+ sanbox=win. Story+grinding (especially based on killing same mob every day)=\=win. And it looks even worse, when you read PTS forums and understand reality first and then - sweet promo-releases about how Skywalker legacy looks like.
  10. Weapons...resizes...WHY does it show me my headslot, when I turned it off once and forever just never to see that cybercowboy thing again?!
  11. I don't have another smuggler, yet they say it was HUGELY nerfed. Also, as said above, it does not reset now. All class lines and bosses should be ok, as those usually were all single-target things. what really comes on my mind as a trouble - first elite boss fight for the ship at Coruscant's spaceport. There you initially COULD drag adds without disturbing evil guy (and that's what made my win back then). And then - deal with him (probably, with several tries). He also uses aoe, and you're still around 15, afair (so not much skills\gear\experinence - if doing it first time). Also (probably) two BHs at Darmas', but those were rather papery and I don't remember using harpoon in that fight. And I suppose we may say "farewell" to solo 2+. Even for a sawbones. There is some fun in overcoming troubles, true, but that would feel anyway...
  12. There are already many topics considering this part. Chain is stupid. It's not hard - it's just stupid. As it makes stealth-player to play non-stealth and clear zones. Same way as any commando would do. And it's not about skill of using tranq, sneak and stealth or something like that. It's not even about the gear, as it does not require too high one, actually. It's about strange (not to say bad) missions design.
  13. All was needed from UI is not moving your map around and making party frames 1\2 of your screen, but improving buff\debuff visualisation. It could be done by "unsticking" them from frames border and size. Small frames and clear icons, preferably - self filtred ( which means you see only what you put and what you can actually remove). And nothing extra, really. If for whatever reason icon scaling is restricted by engine - then non-UI stuff is needed to tell player things(animation, sound, combat text). I was pretty sure they made giggle for that same purpose. But now no giggle and nothing in return.
  14. Sounds almost same as when our "nanodroids" from SRMP fly away, but just a bit louder. Barely heared even when you sit and listen to it in a scilent place among own casts. Won't be heared at all while in noisy flashy combat with at least one lightsaber-user. Not even 1\10000 of same helpfulness as giggle was. Sad, really. I was hoping for something "dull", but at least useful. Probably, they'll change it before going live.
  15. It sais the video has limited access, doesn't seem to work for me.
  16. If I imagine things right....and if that's what goes live...then OUCH. I was really hoping for something nice from soundsupport combat mechanics point of view. And some clear animations would be also welcome too, actually... How lucky I am that I rolled scoundrel as a first and main. Those who buy game within a month won't even have a chance to know what fun it was....giggling was fun, harpoon was both fun and hell useful...*sigh*
  17. Scoundrels - yes. There are several "save the giggle" threads, but don't think those will help much. As for me - giggling was fun, but what really bothers me is how clear and recognizable new proc sounds. As with poor buff\debuff visualisation and idiotic icons bound to frames we really need something that does help tracking procs among shouts, shots, roars and booms. Giggle was very good from that point, as that was not just random zap sound you can mishear.
  18. Had almost everything orange-max modded (Corellia coms\GTN) on both me and Corso at that moment. Those are not impossible, yes. They are just designed to keep you (stealth-based class player) out of stealth and clear rooms. Sith lady herself was not that big problem - problem was that unkilled trash rushed cross the room from a distant corner to help her while fighting on platform. Lady went down after whole room was cleared. And evil bad guy with debuff just about interrupts and knowing some tacts - yes, plain and somewhat smart. Kiting is also may be fun. Worst parts are only her room and prison zone. Further chain and daylies themselves were not much different from routine missions in hardness and style. Belsavis 50 daylie HC 2+ is perfectly solo-able for a healer with Corso (untill we still have our harpoon, at least). But those Ilum parts are just out of stealth. For whatever reason. Somehow, I managed to tranq one of the cats on boss in HM several times. Though, sometimes was also spotted. I feel like you need to get to those from back only and in sneak only, but had no much statistics. Either there's a tacts for such cases or just rng luck. Also true that sometimes you stand with the group, you stealth where you stood, you get red circle and aggro.
  19. Actually, no. But if you did something with Flashy, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to get it again (in case it was not because of some evil bug - then, probably, CS droids could give you another one). Also, afair, orange unique reward gear won't be REd. I'm afraid that both Flashy and Torchy both are "unique rewards" (not to say one of them is supposed to be companion bound).
  20. You didn't say what's your spec, you didn't say what's your AC, you didn't say which companion you use...you, actually, did not say anything. So it's hard to help, really.
  21. Hey! Keep your dirty fantasies for someone else! Female smugglers have Corso Riggs for all sorts of trips, and those who prefered to dump him can still have their share of private fun anyway, as in any spaceport there are usually some hansome and single (or may be not;)) tech stuff and security guys. And fellow smugglers who really know what pirate lady may enjoy are not that rare around the Galaxy. So leave those "full service droids" for JCs (as those never get [flirt] options anyway, but one can't last long only with meditations, really).
  22. Welcome to Ilum. I had exactly same topic being sure that it's something wrong about me. Though, it was unlikely as prior to those missions I did 2+ content without much problems. Ilum missions are not for stealth. At least the initial planetary chain - daylies are more or less can be played in a usual way. Buth the chain does NOT allow you to play stealth-style. It turns you into soopa-troopa, that is forced to clear mobs out and do bruterforce. Why did they do it? Go ask Georg, he loves telling things. It's not about the build, it's just the way it was done. It's not even hard - it's just stupidly non-smart and "brutal". Sith Lady room and Prison were worst missions in game, ever, really. No stealth, almost no CC, pull all that pulls and heal Corso. And they detect your stealth even in sneak buff and - worst of it - on a greater distance as if you just go by unstealthed. Same happens in some FPs, by the way, reported several times, but never was explained neither as "bug" nor as "working as intended", is not on 1.2 list anyway. You don't have class missions on Ilum, don't trust your loading screen - it's a premanent hint that some happy day more chapters are to follow. Ilum is same for all, it has no class-specific content (and neither does any endgame). You're finished on Corellia, now you do exactly same stuff as all the others.
  23. Well, anyone who's optimistic and also has his share of imagination can expect anything from future updates. Including legacy missions, class random daylies, new companions and more current companion activities. Not much reasons for being optimistic, but why not? Hope springs eternal... It's just I wonder - if they did useless "short" 12h (instead of 18h) fleet pass CD for 600k - what actually will they require to get something really nice and interesting?
  24. Goharu alert? Google translate or promt-online? Never use it again, whatever it was. Or (at least) translate sentence by sentence, and try to use short ones. Do not translate text or word-by-word. As Yoda Master English spoke clear more then you said what. As for your question (if I could retranslate it back to Russian right..which was not easy, I tell you). Companions are currently not involved in legacy family. One can't add them as a husband\wife, one can't "make children" with those. All the romance lines do not depend on species anyhow, each class has fixed "romancables" for each gender. Same gender is not supported (as goharu should already know, lol, they really love this subject). If you make pureblood female jedi - she will have same romance as human, twilek or any other. If BW ever gives new romances as a "legacy rewards" that would be REALLY interesting. I'll roll JC that same day when they unlock Zenith for romance. Also family tree has no real purposes and does not do anything, it just lets you draw cool lines between chars. Initial idea of giving "kids" their "parents" skills turned out to be pure cosmetical feature, which just unlocks species, skills, stuff and buffs for each and every current (but you can't chage race) and future alt, no matter who was whos father. And you don't even need to place them in that tree (tell me if I'm wrong about it, but that's how I got it from PTS forums and reviews).
  25. Depends on context, you know. Sleeping (you know - eyes are shut, body is relaxed etc) is hardly a crime, not even from Corso's point. I'm pretty sure they shared a room in a canteen with a fem. smug. while running around Coruscant. Both moneysaving and security reasons involved, other reasons are still possible, but nothing..hmm...inappropriate...yet . I think Risha demanded a room of her own (at least with a female smug), and Akaavi could easily share her room with...Gus, as he gets aboard. Great person to keep an eye on this li'l cheater, really. And also hardly cares about gender differences and privacy. And if he tries...well..something - we'll have to fix his broken arms (and colto tank may also be helpful). They could even become kinda friends, if he survives. Bowdar must be using one of cargo holds, as any bed is too small for him anyway. And after all those cages it must feel like palace to him. And bathroom must be same place where Nok's legacy is stored. We keep them in bathroom, so that no one ever finds out where both of those are. Makes sence, yes.
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