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Everything posted by Ghostius

  1. They did acknowledge the problems and are working on it. Just be patient if you can.
  2. Yes, I enjoy the game after returning for 7.0. It has its bugs and things missing from game, but Im also quite patient and I know they will get things in order.
  3. Probably they want to avoid player burnout from playing too much and loosing player for longer time. Also, players would gear up too fast and loose interest, pretty much all mmos use some kind of slowdowns for players.
  4. Yes, I agree, expansion is ok, small one, but still fine. All this talk about UI is really minor thing, at least to me.
  5. Wondering, is it faster to farm UCs with rank 300 character or with alt with lower cxp rank, by doing planet failies, maybe odd MM fp if it pops?
  6. Well, seems like all people here using credits for cosmetics, not gear upgrades. Guess it is my problem not caring about cosmetics, mounts and strongholds....
  7. Im earning credits thru doing dailies on multiple characters, so I have earned quite a lot in short amount of time. Problem is I dont have anything to spend credits, since im not interested in cosmetics or packs. I would like to spend it on BoE gear or mods, but there is no such thing in game atm. So, what do you spend credits on?
  8. How do you know what playerbase wants? You think playerbase is one hive-mind with same thoughts? Borg or smth? Does that linked thread show what playerbase wants? Those 15-16 posters said smth and that is suddenly whole playerbase oppinion? Well, Im happy with 5.10, with gear gring and RNG, bugs aside. Typical mmorpg... or Im not part of playerbase, so my oppinion is invalid just it is different?
  9. I like convinience a lot, so real dual or triple spec with saved talents and hotbars. Second, needing to be in group for simple quest to get credit for mob kill? Faction mob tap please And lastly, this is far-fetched, I would really like ToR addon support. This would double my enjoyment.
  10. What does that message even mean? Im also annoyed with it, but never knew what does it mean? How can guild control Black Hole? And what does guild get by that? Control against whom?
  11. Care about the game? I care about my family, my friends and myself. Game? I like it or I dont, play or dont play. Simple as that. Also, dont you think with 30 free days, BW can hook new players to the game who otherwise wouldnt? And maybe they start “caring”?
  12. How exactly are they forcing anyone? People can play for free..or can just quit and dont play at all
  13. A bit late to the thread, but still relevant. Oh, how was I wrong when leveled Lana to 50 influence to be my dps wingman in planetary heroics. So slow when changing targets with multiple golds and slivers, took eternity to clear a pack. Not to mention delay to start attacking.. Then I discovered Vette at 50 influence ... Boy, she is a beast, mob packs are just melting when she starts killing around. No downtime, very strong when under fire, nice healing also. Only tank skills arent good, but dont need tank anyway with that firepower of hers. I guess any ranged companion is good, dual wilder ofc. I imagine only melee classes might want melee companion as dps. My vote to Vette if you play ranged dps.
  14. They are not in serious financial trouble in general, but unprofitable product (game) is holding their resources which could be spent elsewhere (some other project, game). Government business (like electricity production) can afford losses, they have unlimited resources (taxes) which can be raised at government will. Losses in that industry are tolerated for social reasons. Private companies like EA/BW depend on their limited resources and TASTE of their customers, which fluctuate quite a lot. Put yourself in EA shoes - wouldnt you do exactly like they did by shutting down unprofitable server? Ofc, you need to use cold hard reasons, not fan emotions.
  15. Or you just find new entertainment since they took their service from you? Technically, they didnt even took the service from you, service is available to you all the time, its only your connection to the service thats failing.
  16. Nice attitude - “my cow died, so I hope my neighbour cow dies as well” And even if swtor dies, BW wont take it personally like you did, they will just forget of swtor like it newer existed, move to new project and continue earning money. Thats what they exist for.
  17. In the end, it doesnt matter is it single or multiplayer game. You pay subscription for your entertainment, so its up to you is it worth it. Its worth it to me so far, doesnt mean it will stay that way. Wow isnt worth it, so I unsubbed. Just like that. Easy peasy. If Angry birds is sub, I would probably sub. Vote with your wallet, forum whine just makes you bitter more and more.
  18. I didnt start HM FPs yet, so can anyone inform what gear level drops there? 208 or 216?
  19. You need separate server only because you cant finish ONE H2+ mission? Plenty planetary ones available... I would also like pre nerf companions, but your proposal is just too much.
  20. Ok, but is there anything else beside pure principle reason?
  21. So all this forum rage is only about one H2+? And all other planetary H2+ are ok? I didnt do any of them, still leveling, but Im really missing the point here.... Why is that one heroic so significant? Does it drop some great gear or mount? If there is about 30 H2+s which can be soloed, it shouldnt be too hard to group for this one if you really need to do it
  22. You would be surprised how many people dont care about sub cost and money in general. They will pay for the sub and for that token to sell for credits. These people have money and they value their time much more than money. That way they avoid boring credit grind. Some spend few hundred dollars a month on cosmetic items alone.
  23. Im interested, how did you figure out you dont need Hail of bolts and explosive rounds? Im just leveled my commando to 50 using only mortal and hail of bolts for aoe - dont see any reason to remove them from bars. Game didnt teach me that by now, doubt it will by 60. Ability bloat is much bigger concern. Having 6 aoe abilities by lvl 40 is really too much. How do you decide which to use not having any dmg meter?
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