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Everything posted by SOULCASTER

  1. So now that the devs have removed all of the other warzones from the queue, which one is your favorite warzone? Post here!
  2. This "Special Nexu" is trash. It looks WORSE than the original. In a strange twist of fate and perfect irony, it actually looks like the devs took a piss on it and handed it to us....
  3. This happened since the patch last Wednesday I believe? It's been over a week already. And since there is NO SHOT they get an answer tomorrow, this will likely just continue into Monday of next week.....
  4. The ONLY way this could work, is if the following creteria were implemented with it: The solo queues are cross-faction matches. The game would only start when each team had the same amount of healers and at least 1 tank. The game limited the number of healers and tanks to NOT exceed 2 of each per team. Allow other players to backfill in for those that DC (but only if they are the same class role) 2018 expertise gear requirement. Yeah then, this could be a lot of fun. Otherwise without the above, no this would be horrible. You would likely have to remove ELO though. And just make this a queue-up-and-get-comms kind of game play where season rewards would be purchased with said comms. So this would be a time-invested type of ranked play. I don't see how they could POSSIBLY keep any kind of ELO system when you don't control how the 7 other people on your team perform each and every match, yet they affect your rating.
  5. "Escape Baddies," as in: every pvper moved to shadowlands and they owned us so we are leaving now?
  6. So with the 90cc transfers, almost everyone agreed to go to the shadowlands. Transfers happened. Solo and team rateds were popping every night consistently. Lots of new players were on the server participating. ....fast forward a few weeks now, and I have only gotten 5 solo rated pops on Republic side in the last WEEK. And this is the final week of the season mind you. I queue for 4 hours a night while I fill time doing cruddy quests like yavin waiting for a queue, and nothing... Where did everyone go now and why? Or is this just poor timing with IRL summer vacations and what not?
  7. Now 5/5 through DF and 4/5 through DP! On to the council!
  8. Yeah pretty much this. I'm more bothered by the fact that they seem to promote ''themed'' rated seasons yet none of these look like they'd be ''gladiator weapons''.... Maybe mix it up. They should have maybe NOT done lightsabers for a change. Done a pike, a sword, maybe a bowcaster. I don't know. Yeah the weapons are unique, ill give them that. But they look like chit and they do look like festive Christmas ornaments.
  9. Just when I thought the devs couldn't produce worse rewards each season....they go ahead, and TOTALLY prove me wrong, yet again. How are these Gladitorial themed? They should have gone with Swords and weapons that were more ya know, gladiatorial like. Not a ghost busters P.K.E meter....
  10. Eh not really. I'd love to have an option to only do arenas tbh... And like it's been stated here, there is a large portion of the community (although I don't know why) that HATE arenas and leave everytime they are queued into one. Just seperate them.
  11. Updated my original post and roster. We have beaten Brontes now 5x with new people in group each time. I have added you guys to my friends list. Our next run is tomorrow (Monday, July 13th). Pretty sure the team is full for tomorrow's run but we may need someone Thursday I'll let you guys know. Please note that we have an attendance system going. So those who are there more have rolls on the good loot like Wings/Rancor (Armor shells and deco excluded from this rule). So if you're joining us for the first time, you will NOT have a chance to roll on the wings. The more you attend the more attendance points you get. Look for me in game on Kryptis or Cídx ( í = ALT+161).
  12. This is actually a really good thread, but it wont be seen by the toxic pvp community. Shadowlands is now a PvP server. May the devs have mercy on your soul.
  13. Right and people only play concealment or healer, and the healers don't usually get it. Which means when an op has the ball its concealment rolling and resisting.
  14. Its not them rolling with the ball that's the problem...it's the *resist* *resist* *resist* you get when you try to do something about them carrying the ball towards the endzone. Though i think huttball would be more fun if they prevented ALL classes from activating movement enhancing abilities while you have the ball.
  15. I sold all of my stock in this server. Sell now while the selling's good.
  16. Everyone leave this server. Let this server finally die and be turned offline.
  17. Cancelled tonights run due to lack of personnel. Will resume the run Thursday.
  18. I like how pot5, the east coast pvp server, was excluded from this poll. HaHaHAHa As it should be! That server is trash.
  19. Spectator Huttball + huttball league = 500k rewnewed subscriptions
  20. Downed Brontes again (3x now). On to Dread Palace again on Monday to beat Calphaeus. I will need two DPS on monday, but the positions may already be filled. Have to see when we form up Monday.
  21. I see this on the shadowlands a lot since i've been here. There are a group of 4 people that say they are getting pug/kickball rateds together and what they do is unguild themselves and group up so they look like pugs, and then assemble a random team to fight them and farm rating. And when asked to switch the teams up to balance it (which is what ur supposed to do in ''kickball'') they say no and log. So every saturday they farm one to 3 wins and stop. It's slowplaying the elo gains...but its win-trading (without them trading the losses of course), so I guess it's called win-farming. All these guys now have a 1500+ team rating and all have solo ratings of 900-1050 highest. It's a joke.
  22. Time to pack up and leave for you I guess, because server mergers aint happening.
  23. I'd consider forfeiting my monthly cartel coin grant if i could ONLY play huttball and arenas.
  24. If $15/mo for the past 3 years from hundreds of thousands of subs wasn't enough to fix pvp in this game, it's obvious they don't care. So there is no point in offering them ANOTHER $5/mo for empty promises. I'm all for coming up with ideas that can make bioware money AND help the player base a ton (like the idea before the outfit designer came out, where you can take any piece of gear in game and turn it into legacy gear)....but they don't care about pvp, never have, never will. If anything more people are going to go free to play soon, not pay more into the game.
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