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Everything posted by SOULCASTER

  1. When going to create a new character, and you get to the 'select species' screen, you can not double click Nautolan to advance. The screen just resets. You can double click any other species, and it will advance you to the next screen. But to select Nautolan you must click it once and then click 'NEXT' in the bottom right. Double clicking does not work.
  2. Well, I have quite a lot of all star titles from seasons 1-6, and I agree that solo ranked should never have been a thing in its format. Solo should be a practice place where you scrimmage and learn perhaps, and not get season ranked rewards, and true rewards should come from TEAM ranked. Kind of too late to change now though.
  3. Hey folks, If you are on Star Forge and have any interest in doing some fun 4v4 and 8v8 battles using the Guild Challenge feature, I will be trying to organize some. We did some 4v4 scrimmages this week and its a good place to practice for ranked and try team comps out. Tomorrow, Saturday (10/3) @5pm EST we will be organizing some 8v8s next. If youd like to get involved, DM me on discord: Cid#9069
  4. Hey Folks, Are there any guilds out there that would have fun setting up 8v8 guild scrimmages using the Guild Challenge feature? This isn't an IRL honor thing, just a fun on a Friday night or weekend kind of thing. Similarly, if you'd be interested in joining or participating in 4v4 arena scrimmages, let me know. I have not done 8v8 or 4v4 ranked in many years and thought this would be a fun way to rekindle that without the issues that actual ranked has (of which includes not having 8v8s anymore) while also trying out some fun team compositions. I'm trying to gauge if people have an interest in this or if maybe there are guilds/people already doing this. Feel free to message me on discord: Cid#9069.
  5. This is the single best PvP change in years. Push it to live. This will revitalize PvP in my opinion.
  6. The question is, why is the avatar pic flair not animated with, ya know, steam? Its just blank Super Mario pipes. It is lacking depth for sure.
  7. Well, the first 4 responses to this thread didnt even read the original post. I’m not talking about making 6 sages just because you can and it’s fast or easy, this is more talking about being able to play your main sage, and maybe feel like going back and re-doing the story through your main character just for the fun. The other downside to making infinite re-roll alts is of course things like character names, dye kits and outfits, etc. Plus maybe people want to re-do the story on their main character with new companions, and not just re-roll and do it with the original vanilla companions. But i post these for fun discussion really.

    Ranked Valor?

    Since Valor doesnt mean much, should it be changed or should a new form of Valor be added, to display time invested in Ranked Play only/specifically?
  9. I know many have discussed the varying use of tacticals in ranked before. Some being situational, some being OP, etc. Would it be more ideal for ranked play to remove tacticals entirely and allow for the ranked experience to be a more skilled and pure form? Discuss
  10. Just thinking out loud, instead of making new characters over and over to see the story again (which while fun mind you), maybe allow for whats considered a prestige, and allow the ability to redo the story arch from scratch, without losing your level or titles. Just for the sake of enjoying your original characters without having to shelve them to start an entirely new one. Just a fun idea to discuss.
  11. PROBLEM: As it stands, DPS being able to guard allies (absorbing damage) imbalances PvP. Especially in Solo Ranked Arenas, but also in reg warzones or even world pvp. Having DPS being able to guard also diminishes and negatively affects the tank’s role in the game, as well as the tank gear mods/enh. It is not uncommon to have DPS classes with a metric ton more protection than tanks, while also producing 10x more damage than a tank could provide. To the point at which there are few true tanks and true tank suits left in the game. I’ll also include the fact that DPS guards also negatively effect the other DPS classes that cannot guard, as there isnt much incentive for solo ranked play on non-guard classes if you can do same damage output but also protect your team infinitely better on a guard-DPS class. SOLUTION: Change guard on DPS specs to only reduce threat generation on guarded targets (and have it no longer absorbs/share damage with the guarded target). This still allows this ability to remain in the game without having to remove it entirely, and will still be very viable in PvE and raiding, without the negative PvP side effects. Changing this will also balance the guard-DPS classes with non-guard-DPS classes and even out the playing field.
  12. I do think that if these changes do go through, map selection should be implemented as to allow players that dont want be forced to stay in WZs they dislike (or fear deserter debuffs). The WZ map selector should probably be broken down into: 1. Huttballs + Odessen Proving Grounds 2. Arena 4v4s 3. The rest of the objective warzones. **however, using this type of selection would likely require the removal of the fair balancing with the tank and healer per team etc. As you may be the only healer queued for option 2 (arenas) and never get a queue. Which in that instance i think it better to get an unbalance team queue than no queue at all. **or just have options 1&3 and you only get arenas when the queues arent large enough to form 8v8s and then you can still try and keep the tank, healer, dps balance there.
  13. I think what the devs are going for (with the reg warzone deserter lockout) is for people to stay committed to the queues they choose. So it will force people to stay in the match or risk not being able to do pvp for another 15min. Which yes, will have the side effect of making people upset if they cant leave the warzones they hate. I would probably have to propose that the simple compromise is: - Allow people to leave a warzone up until it starts (i think 1-2min window). After the match started and you leave, you get the 15min deserter lockout. I think that is a more than fair compromise. As for backfills, you could allow them to leave without penalty, because they are a replacement in the first place. But i could also see giving them a penalty because you cant have people backfilling non stop, as it does make the game unplayable for that team.
  14. As a Season 1-6 rated PvPer, I would like to point out the very unfortunate situation of that you are re-releasing old season 1-6 rated pvp rewards, but not retroactively allowing me any icon flair or other deco trophies for my season 1-6 accomplishments. Meaning your allowing new pvpers to get my old accomplishments and items, but I cannot get their later flair/deco. And sure I could queue up starting in season 13 and get character flair, but it will say season 13. Meanwhile the season 10 or so people are running around with the season 1 rancor with no way for anyone else to tell it isnt the legit season 1 rancor. I just would like to see some character flair retroactively added to the game for the prior seasons 1-6 (or whenever they started the flair).
  15. If the group votes to kick you, you won't get the penalty lock out. It's best to ask them to do that so you can requeue. Or you can be a clown and throw, and they'll vote kick you. Either way works.
  16. Playing solo will leave you having to deal with such things. My advise would be to make friends and/or join a guild and just 4 man what you like.
  17. Hey sounds good. Did you also just join our Discord? I saw a ‘spooky’ join.
  18. Joined your discord. I'll try and be there with some of my guildies from <Death by Design>
  19. As the title says, you are not getting proper credit for the Alderaan achievements: "Devastating House Organa" "Devastating House Ulgo" "Devastating House Thul" "Broken Rist" It seems only the silver elites across the planet give credit for the achievement. The other hundreds of NPCs around them won't count. Not sure if this is intentional or not. Seems wrong.
  20. Haha oh ok. Is since December 2011 long enough?
  21. Ok I can check that out thanks. That sounds like it may take a long time though lol
  22. Looking to complete my Taun Fawn legacy achievement. I am finding out these were only given out as special codes from the devs or streamers. Does anyone have a code or no where I can find a valid code to complete this Legacy Achievement this late in the game in 2020?
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